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=Game Meta-Page: Game-Specific Information=
Hey, that post leaves me feeling folosih. Kudos to you!
This is where GMs and players can put information on the specific games they're playing, either on the PBP forum, or on a chat room on (Games played elsewhere may be included, but ask first.)
How to use this page:
# Start by making a main page:
#* Think up a unique name for your game's pages
#* Create a new Wiki page with the name <game name>:Main_Page
# Create a link to the main page on this page, followed by a quick description of the game--including whether new players are being accepted.
# Link to the other pages of your game from the main page.
#* Be sure the other pages' titles are of the form <game name>:<new page title> to avoid page clashes.
==Notes on This Page==
This page is for information specific to ''one'' game, or possibly a small group of games that share information. Settings you are explicitly asking other people to add to or play in go in the 'Generic Backgrounds' section (off the main page); House rules that you want other GMs to try out and comment on go in the 'System Supplements' section.
==The Games==
Freedom City Duo: For Phantom Stranger's Shoot for the Stars & Son of Kirk's Teen Freedom, two games coexisting in setting. [[Freedomcityduo:Main_page]]
The City of Last Things: For comrade pointdexter's Unknown Armies game.[[The_City_of_Last_Things]]
The Chicago Chronicles: A play-by-post game using The World of Darkness supplements, Mage: The Awakening, Vampire: The Requiem, and Werewolf: The Forsaken, all tied together around the city of Chicago.[[TheChicagoChronicles:Main_Page]]
Shadow of a Doubt - An Amber Diceless RPG campaign, started in June 2006 in the Bay Area. GM Madeline Ferwerda.  [[AmberShadowOfADoubt:Main_Page]]
In a Wicked Toronto - A place to put the info for a hopefully recurring  [ In a Wicked Age] game held in Toronto by the [ Toronto Indie RPG group].  [[InAWickedToronto:Main_Page|In a Wicked Toronto]]
[[Chancel Amyra]] - A Nobilis campaign, run by Random Nerd, played over IRC.
[[Emberverse]] - A group of friends playing a table top campaign that uses [ Hârnmaster] rules to play out "the Change" outlined in S.M Stirling's [ Dies the Fire].

Revision as of 14:56, 14 May 2011

Hey, that post leaves me feeling folosih. Kudos to you!