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Power Level: (8 x new rating) per dot
Power Level: (8 x new rating) per dot

Rank 1 Superpower: (3 x new rating) per dot
Alpha Rank Superpower: (3 x new rating) per dot

Rank 2 Superpower: (5 x new rating) per dot
Beta Rank Superpower: (5 x new rating) per dot

Rank 3 Superpower: (7 x new rating) per dot
Gamma Rank Superpower: (7 x new rating) per dot

Rank 4 Superpower: Special - Rank 4 powers cannot be taken without alteration.  Every Rank 4 power must be given a weakness in order to be purchased, thus turning it into a rank 3 power for the purposes of experience point costs.
Omega Rank Superpower: Special - Omega Rank powers cannot be taken without alteration.  Every Omega Rank power must be given a weakness in order to be purchased, thus turning it into a Gamma Rank power for the purposes of experience point costs.


Revision as of 02:53, 12 July 2012



Because of the great variety in superhuman types—some have exotic powers, others are simply incredibly strong or tough, and others still are nothing but ordinary people with access to vast resources and unique technology—applying the superhuman template works somewhat differently than applying other supernatural templates.

All superhumans automatically receive one dot in Power Level; superhuman characters also receive a number of starting experience determined by the Storyteller (usually 150, but possibly more or less depending on the desired power level of the chronicle). This starting experience may be used to purchase traits in the normal manner during step 5 of character creation ("apply supernatural template"); costs for traits not listed in the core World of Darkness rulebook are given below. A superhuman character may use this starting experience to raise Attributes and Skills above 5 dots.


1. Record header information (Codename, Real Name, Concept etc.)

2. Assign Attributes (5/4/3). Purchasing the fifth dot in any Attribute costs two dots, and no Attribute may be increased above 5 at this point.

3. Assign Skills (11/7/4). Purchasing the fifth dot in any Skill costs two dots, and no Skill may be increased above 5 at this point.

4. Assign Skill Specialties.

5. Apply Superhuman template. Record starting Power Level (1) and spend starting experience. Note that the experience spent at this point can be used to increase Attributes and Skills above 5 dots.

6. Record Advantages. Morality dots may be exchanged for additional experience on a 1:5 basis, down to a minimum of Morality 5.

7. Assign Merits (7). Purchasing the fifth dot in any Merit costs two dots. Merit dots may be exchanged for Power Level dots on a 3:1 basis.

8. Spend or record any remaining experience. Record starting Verve (equal to maximum Verve).

9. The More Than Human character may now add free dots to two attributes until those two attributes equal five. (This is optional, consult the DM for permission)


Power Level: (8 x new rating) per dot

Alpha Rank Superpower: (3 x new rating) per dot

Beta Rank Superpower: (5 x new rating) per dot

Gamma Rank Superpower: (7 x new rating) per dot

Omega Rank Superpower: Special - Omega Rank powers cannot be taken without alteration. Every Omega Rank power must be given a weakness in order to be purchased, thus turning it into a Gamma Rank power for the purposes of experience point costs.


Power Level is basically just that—a superhuman’s relative power level in comparison to the other superhumans of the world. Sidekicks and mass-produced metahuman soldiers would have Power Levels of 1-3, while demigods like Superman or Goku would have Power Levels of 9-10. A character’s Power Level determines the maximum number of dots she can have in any given power, the maximum number of Verve she can possess at any time, and the number of Verve recovered at the start of each scene or from acting in accordance with a Virtue or Vice. However, as the character’s Power Level increases, so does her ego, and she risks becoming isolated from her fellows and losing herself in her own delusions; a superhuman suffers a penalty to all degeneration rolls based on her Power Level.

Power LevelSuperpower MaximumMax Verve / Per RecoveryDegeneration Penalty


Verve represents a superhuman’s ability to use his powers and to exert himself before tiring. Much like Willpower, Verve represents a superhuman’s inner reserves and his ability to persevere through adversity. Verve is measured strictly in points, which the superhuman spends to activate superpowers and to enhance his performance.

  • Many superpowers require the expenditure of at least one and sometimes more Verve to activate them. A character may spend any number of Verve per turn to activate superpowers.
  • In any situation where a character would spend or lose a point of Willpower, he may elect to spend or lose a point of Verve instead. However, this still counts as the character’s sole Willpower expenditure allowed for the turn; in other words, a character could not elect to spend both a Willpower and a Verve on, say, an attack roll for a +6 bonus.
  • A character receives a certain number of Verve at the beginning of each scene, based on his Power Level as given in the table above. A character may also recover Verve once per scene for acting in accordance with his Virtue, and once per scene for acting in accordance with his Vice; in each case, the character recovers the same amount of Verve as he does at the start of the scene.


A Superpowered character may change their entire outfit, reflexively, once an action.


Superheroes and Supervillians are larger than life characters, and when they play to their larger than life personae, it can aid their actions and revitalize their reserves. When a superhuman character enhances the description of a rolled action or a dodge by adding a snappy one-liner or similar quip, they add a die to that action, or add one to their defense after doubling it for the dodge.

Creative uses of powers, the environment or other creative actions may allow the player to add two dice to a roll or add two to a defense rating after doubling for a dodge. The character can also gain a point of willpower back when they gain this bonus.

Particularly impressive and creative descriptions can be awarded three dice, or add three to a dodge, and take one additional exp point.

The Storyteller awards these bonuses.

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