The World Tree/Act 1: Difference between revisions
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'''Known Locations''' | '''Known Locations''' | ||
#''Here is a map centralizing around where we believe the location of the World Tree centers at. All that we know is that it seems the paths we have mapped all lead to the [[The World Tree/Danarus Pass|Danarus Pass]], but never further. Either this means that this is the location of the tree and they do not return, or this is where they meet their demise by something more foul. As you approach, be careful. There is no telling what may lie there.'' | #''Here is a map centralizing around where we believe the location of the World Tree centers at. All that we know is that it seems the paths we have mapped all lead to the [[The World Tree/Danarus Pass|Danarus Pass]], but never further. Either this means that this is the location of the tree and they do not return, or this is where they meet their demise by something more foul. As you approach, be careful. There is no telling what may lie there.'' | ||
#'''''[[The World Tree/ | #'''''[[The World Tree/Goldcrest|Goldcrest]]''' is a large city closer than '''[[The World Tree/Daerum|Daerum]]'''. Although it may be tempting to travel there, be warned. The rise of attacks have people on edge, and those within the criminal organizations are investigative of wayfaring travelers. They may hinder your approach and waste what valuable time we have before its too late.'' | ||
#'''''[[The World Tree/Daerum|Daerum]]''' is one of the southern cities under onslaught. Traveling further east piles you into desert land and cannibal forces. Unless you plan to destroy them, it might be best to avoid them.'' | #'''''[[The World Tree/Daerum|Daerum]]''' is one of the southern cities under onslaught. Traveling further east piles you into desert land and cannibal forces. Unless you plan to destroy them, it might be best to avoid them.'' | ||
#''The boundaries between '''[[The World Tree/Kusha|Kusha]]''' and '''[[The World Tree/Ethir|Ethir]]''' are vague but policed. Your task is too important for other countries to meddle in. Choose wisely.'' | #''The boundaries between '''[[The World Tree/Kusha|Kusha]]''' and '''[[The World Tree/Ethir|Ethir]]''' are vague but policed. Your task is too important for other countries to meddle in. Choose wisely.'' |
Latest revision as of 04:20, 17 April 2016

The party is summoned by the Thal Council in a matter of serious business, requesting the aid of the party on their task of saving the World Tree from impending evil. Orland, leader of the Thal Council, is to meet the party under the bell tower and lead them to the council room. The council is not sure of all the players within this plot, but they are sure that Magnus, an ancient necromancer, plays a key role in the plot. The council gives the party a compass that always points to the Ra-Orn and a token of the council's trust to allow their aid to be given to them. The players are told of the Tsar Outpost, controlled by agents of the council where they can receive aid and shelter for the night, but upon arriving, find the outpost to be ransacked by gargoyles. To make matters worse, the party is met by Magnus and are asked to join his forces, showing his true power and potential.
Adventure Hooks[edit]
Use the following quests to hook the PCs into the adventure. Take careful consideration of character's common goals for being at The Salty Dog before selecting a hook.
Hook: The Winds of Destiny[edit]
It appears the Thal Council has requested your assistance in protecting The World Tree. They have expressed to you how important the situation is and is counting on you as their last hope to save the world. Not to mention a vow to allow you access to their treasury and its contents should you be successful.
PCs who are primarily interested in gold, fame, or heroism will respond best to this adventure hook. Be sure to explain the Thal Council and the weight of its authority in the area, Ra-Orn, and the role of The World Tree.
Quest XP: XXXXxp (major quest) protect The World Tree from Magnus.
Hook: Tooth for Tooth[edit]
The Thal Council mentions concern of the cannibals rising from the south. They seem to be militarily making tactics and threaten the capitol. These are the signs that began the Time of Chaos, a dark time in Ethirian history. It is unclear of their plan, their location, or their purpose, but they should be avoided to prevent slowing your journey to The World Tree.
This hook works best with PCs who have good alignments and military backgrounds. Be sure to explain the Time of Chaos and the Ashen Warrior.
Quest XP: XXXXxp (major quest) stop the cannibals from attacking Ethir.
The players know the following information about the Thal Council with a successful check.
History DC 5: The Thal Council is the remnants of the government system after the capital moving to Daerum. Due to its proximity to major ports in the area, the Council has been tasked with handling affairs of the coastal cities.
History DC 10: The Thal Council has been established as local government of the coastal cities of Ethir, mandating port regulations, market values, boat inspections, fines, and judiciary duties. The Thal Council has been known as a fair and just council, creating a reputable trade market and ideal living condition for families and elderly tradesman.
History DC 15: Very few cities in the world can lay claim to a council like the Thal. Comprised of three anonymous elves, the Thal delegate decrees and laws for the surrounding territory and coastal ports. This council is handpicked in secret by the current mayor and serve a lifetime in this position. For the last century, the Thal have created and mandated these laws for the betterment of the people and have done so successfully, however some speculate and ridicule the secrecy of the organization, claiming it has created a “hidden hand” approach to the law.
Scene I (200)[edit]
When the players are ready to begin, read the following:
The Thal, a city where dwarven architecture and masonry meet elven customs and government. As you enter the city, you notice the marble and basalt walls are topped with hammered bronze as the sunlight is reflected across their weather worn tops. The city is bustling, with merchants and artisans lining the streets, pulling anyone into their work space to sample or view their products. Many stout men, elves, and dwarves are carrying crates full of produce and equipment, loading them onto the backs of horse carts to be taken to ports all over the western border. Many citizens are passing through the streets, giving hearty welcomes and greetings to those they meet as children weave between the crowd playing some sort of game. The one thing that rakes across your mind as you witness the scene is how happy these people are.

All except one, that is. As you follow the directions on your letter, you find Orland standing under the bell tower, pacing endlessly. Occasionally, he stops to look at the bell tower every few minutes and, with a sigh, continues to pace. As you approach him, his eyebrows furrow. "Your late," he exclaims. "We need to hurry, we can't risk us being seen out here."
Orland will dismiss any excuse or any who do not wish to enter as a traveling guard, and taking willing players to the top, where the council is meeting.
As Orland walks up the spiral wooden stairs, you notice the stone work of this tower is of crude masonry with a marble shell. It seems as if this tower was rebuilt by dwarves, making this bell tower incredibly sturdy. The smell of must fills your nose as the old wood creaks beneath your feet. Hopefully the wood does not break beneath you!
After several moments, you are led to a platform of the same wood material with a single cringing door. You can hear clicking and grinding of the clock gears behind the door as he places a key within. His hand traces the outline of a star and the door clicks open to a large room. Warm sunlight streams in (regardless of the time of day) and the smell of lavender fills the air. Upon passing through the doorway, the sound of metal and gears fade into the the sound of wind through trees. There are two elves murmuring to one another at the round oak table in the center and do not look up as you enter. Orland closes the door and motions you to chairs opposite them, exactly enough to each member who passed through the doors. Orland sheds his cloak to reveal formal clothes as he sets his cloak next to a small display stand next to the windows and takes a seat between these two elves and mutters to them as well. After a second, Orland stands and addresses you with an authoritative air.
Within this room are several slitted windows that lead to what appears to be a forest or meadow. Should a player look outside, they would see that miles and miles of trees, rivers, grasslands, and lakes lay before them, with the outside shell of the tower being nestled in the crook of a giant tree. A successful arcana check (DC 10) would find that this is a demiplane fitted to serve as a meeting room. The room itself has a round table and chairs equal to the party members and council. Should a character come through the doors and request admittance, a chair fades into an empty space at the table. A successful sleight of hand check (DC 15) can lift the key from Orland, however he will need it to close the door behind them. The display holds the compass for their adventure, appearing to be gold with a dragons head forged into the needle.
Orland will welcome the party, with Larenlothrin A'maelamin explaining the World Tree, importance, and patrons, Aeraland Elearo describing the cannibals, quest specifics, and known locations, and Orland explaining who Magnus is, the compass, and the time of chaos. The order the information is given is not important and can be given through dialogue between characters. Below are their individual responses or information they give.
- It is time to bring this meeting into session. I am Orland Earcoro, head of the Thal Council. We have sent for your appearance on a matter of urgency, so with respect, I will skip the courtesies of formal introductions.
- You have been chosen due to your innate talents and skills to defend Ethir from a terrible force that seeks to destroy it (if asked how they were chose, Ra-Orn visited them in a dream with a list of names).
- We seek to stop this terrible force before it has the ability to do so, but we are left with little choices. Our list of those we can trust has grown thin, with characters and organizations shifting allegiances daily, we are left no choice but to bring in neutral players of our own to fight back (if directly questioned, the Thal Council believes Magnus has infiltrated many cities, including Thal. Please note that this is not true, only used to set the characters on edge).
- With your help, we will finally be able to have a foothold in this hidden war. You will be the sword that slays this evil, as we are merely the scabbard to your endeavor. We will assist you in anyway necessary for you to succeed in your cause (if questioned about other adventurers, several have tried to find the tree, with none surviving the Danarus Pass. They are not sure why.)
- Before you decide, you should know what is at stake and what our plan is. (This can serve as a transition to another member.)
- Little is known of the true history of Magnus. According to legend, Magnus is a powerful necromancer who sold his conscience and being to Gagaur in exchange for the power to bring death to those around him.
- Magnus had an incredible amount of resources, enough to arm and forge an army of countless number.
- He has but one purpose, to destroy the World Tree to end life in the name of Gagaur. If he has returned, it can only mean Gagaur has returned him for his dark purpose.
- Magnus is dangerous. It is said that he was able to sweep through the ranks of the Ethirian armies and, with a word, slay over a hundred men. There are also first hand accounts that claim his power caused the sun to eclipse indefinitely until the Ashen Warrior casting a blessing and prayers to it for four days(All of this is not true, but merely a myth planted to shy players away from attacking him outright).
- Magnus had several lieutenants, all of which were granted wondrous power. There exact number and names are unknown, but not all were destroyed in the Time of Chaos.
- Over 500 years ago, the world was in a dark place. Cannibal tribes from the south waged war from the south and necromancers used the fallen as members of their army.
- Magnus, the figurehead of this onslaught, searched tirelessly for the World Tree, laying waste to cities and innocent lives as he passed. The future looked grim for Ethir.
- Then, the Ashen Warrior met Magnus on the battlefield and slayed him, ending the darkness and allowing light to shine into this world (if asked about what happened to the Ashen Warrior, he will tell them that she died a few days after in battle).
- This time almost brought the destruction of Ethir. The signs of the Time of Chaos are approaching again, forcing our hand into action. We must prevent this from happening again at all costs.
- This compass is truly the most amazing twist of fate we have ever uncovered. This compass was taken after Magnus' destruction.
- For centuries, we have attempted to find Ra-Orn. Scholars have seeked answers, worshipers have seeked assurance, and, yes, even highway men in hopes of making a profit. All of which have never found the tree, leaving us to try again (If questioned, Orland will explain that the compass returns on the death of the previous owner, returning to the pedastal).
- There is a scholar, named Naomi King, at the Tsar Outpost who has just unraveled a secret about the compass, finding a way to change its function. Perhaps it will answer more questions than myself. The outpost is a day's journey from here
- We are not sure of their location, but it appears they are amassing in droves from Old Axas, attacking the southern cities of the country. We fear their strongholds will not be able to last, for it seems that they are multiplying by the hundreds.
- They have no mercy and will attempt to destroy all that lay before them in the name of survival. It is how they have not taken to eating one another. We fear there may be another reasoning (If questioned further, this could be due to dark magic or a disease).
Loot Specifics
- Should you choose to accept our request, we can reward you for the risk you take. We are running out of options and money should not be an object of hindrance. (Loot total here)
- We, as a council, will also commission a work of your heroic deeds to be placed at any city of your choosing, depicting your bravery and honor. Your families will be taken care of, should some of you fail, and you will receive the Ethirian Blessing.
- To show our commitment to this matter, we have arranged for part of your reward be paid to you before you leave, to further expenses that may be required. Had we the superior blacksmiths like Daerum, I would recommend Thal's very best, but they do not compare to Daerum steel. Should your journey take you there, I recommend acquiring some.
Known Locations
- Here is a map centralizing around where we believe the location of the World Tree centers at. All that we know is that it seems the paths we have mapped all lead to the Danarus Pass, but never further. Either this means that this is the location of the tree and they do not return, or this is where they meet their demise by something more foul. As you approach, be careful. There is no telling what may lie there.
- Goldcrest is a large city closer than Daerum. Although it may be tempting to travel there, be warned. The rise of attacks have people on edge, and those within the criminal organizations are investigative of wayfaring travelers. They may hinder your approach and waste what valuable time we have before its too late.
- Daerum is one of the southern cities under onslaught. Traveling further east piles you into desert land and cannibal forces. Unless you plan to destroy them, it might be best to avoid them.
- The boundaries between Kusha and Ethir are vague but policed. Your task is too important for other countries to meddle in. Choose wisely.
- I tell you these things not to dissuade you, but to warn you. Should we lose our spot on this path, we may fall into darkness that cannot be stopped.
- Before this world was created, Vareus, god of the moon, and Katasis, goddess of light, fought over ownership of the skies. Upon their destruction, it is said the heart of Katasis formed Ra-Orn, the spirit of nature and bringer of life to this world.
- Ra-Orn created all things natural to this world, including all living beings, breathing into them life while Gagaur, spirit of Vareus, created mortality and fear to counter them.
- Ra-Orn, after being created, took the physical form of a giant tree, with its roots giving the gift of life to the world. Because of Ra-Orns gift, Ra-Orn also made himself vulnerable to physical attack, meaning he can be destroyed through physical means. It is uncertain how this can be done, but there is a way, and we believe Magnus knows the answer.
- Hundreds of scholars, druids, and worshipers have all sought its location in the past, but none have been able to find it. Some speculate that the World Tree exists in this plane of existence, while some believe it is a common idea or belief. We have reason to believe it is on another plane, with a portal to its location existing somewhere in this world (if asked specifically, they will believe it is somewhere beyond the Khim Mountains).
- It appears that we have an inside source. As we have attempted to contact Ra-Orn for guidance, Ra-Orn spoke to us, saying those that are chosen will be contacted by a representative. The representative is known as Nefaria, a fairy who tends to the tree.
- We have an outpost located a few miles from here. Present this token of trust to our agents at the Tsar Outpost and they can supply you with rest for the night, horses, and extra rations for your journey.
Remember, these conversations can happen in any order, all being said at the table. A few numbers and headings may have some interesting things happen (such as grabbing the compass, unrolling of a map, etc.) so make sure you have decided how you would like to enter this information. A sample conversation is listed below following this format: Person:Category:Number (If something is different).
- Orland:Welcome:1
- Orland:Welcome:2
- Orland:Welcome:3
- Orland:Welcome:4 (Aeraland comments on the risks of deciding, to be interrupted by Orland:Welcome:5)
- Orland:Welcome:5
- Larenlothrin:The World Tree:1
- Larenlothrin:The World Tree:2
- Larenlothrin:The World Tree:3
- Orland:Magnus:1
- Orland:Magnus:2
- Orland:Magnus:3
- Orland:Time of Chaos:1
- Orland:Time of Chaos:2
- Orland:Time of Chaos:3
- Orland:Magnus:5
- Orland:Magnus:4
- Orland:Time of Chaos:4
- Aeraland:Cannibals:1
- Aeraland:Cannibals:2
- Larenlothrin:The World Tree:4 (Orland goes to compass pedastal during this text)
- Orland:Compass:1 (Sets it at center of table)
- Orland:Compass:2
- Orland:Compass:3
- Larenlothrin:Patrons:1 (she adds this as other sources of help)
- Larenlothrin:Patrons:2
- Aeraland:Known Locations:1-3
- Aeraland:Loot Specifics:3
- Aeraland:Known Locations:4-5
- Aeraland:Loot Specifics:2, 1
A note from the editor:This text is sample only. These should be held as a conversation with the players, stopping to address questions when possible. Follow vague directions (Ex: Oldest to newest event, interupting NPCs, etc).
No matter the order of conversation, the following will be read:
Aeraland stands to rub his eyes, he seems to be tired of talking and walks to one of the windows. "When I was a boy, I thought the monsters were in the wilds and unknown. I felt safe in my city, with the tales of Magnus being nothing but a ghost story. Now I am not so sure."
He turns to the group and says, "If you have any more questions, we are free to answer them, though we may not know much of what you seek. You are our last option, and we have lots to discuss should you decide not to. But know this. Magnus' power knows no limit. When that day becomes apparent, can you truly say you did what you could to stop it?"
Aeraland walks to the door and leaves, muttering something about a drink. The room is tense. What do you do?
The party may choose to pursue Aeraland, and he will declare all the talk of doom was getting to his head and he needed to clear it, returning in a couple of hours.
Orland and Larenlothrin will answer any questions as truthfully as they can but will not budge on the amount of payment they require. Should the party insist, Orland will mention how tragic it is that the world and the life it holds is determined by gold in pockets.
When the party has no more questions, Larenlothrin tells them there is a room at the local inn (called the Belltower Bed and Breakfast) where they can rest for the evening. The party is not required to stay, but strongly encourage them to weigh the risks should they leave while tired and injured, due to the outpost taking a day to arrive. Another support to this is traveling by day is much safer than by night on the roads.
The evening has no major plots or characters roaming around the city, and shops will be closed at this time. They will reopen at Mid-Morning, long after the sun has risen, where simple melee weapons and rations can be purchased at this time.
During Scene 2, Orland, Aeraland, and Larenlothrin will send word to Daerum of the party's decision, and then travel to the Isle of Life at the trinity island to deal with the raising bandit hordes in the Isle of Dread. Should they hear word of the players refusal, they will travel to Daerum to warn the king of the coming apocalypse.
Scene II (1800 xp)[edit]
When the party departs from the Thal, Scene II begins. During this time, be sure to remind the party that not all enemies need to be defeated to win the encounter. Avoiding death or outsmarting them is another way to gain experience (this is crucial for Scene III).
Scene II[edit]

After leaving the Thal, the countryside begins to increase in foliage. Thick trees cover the sides of the road as the brass roofs of Thal fall behind the wildlife. In the morning hours, thick clouds of gnats fly in small circles, unaware of your passing as the dew begins to lift from the grass and trees. As the dew lifts, the small insects dissipates, leaving a thick humidity in the clear skies. The sweet smell of honeysuckle fills your nostrils as the heat begins to make you sweat. At high-noon, your horses and your bellies need to rest, as you approach the side road to the outpost, but what say you?
Imaginably, the party will stop. Allow the players to further introduce one another or choose some downtime activities. Groups that are accounting for rations and water will subtract half of the daily amount at this point. Ask the players to role-play their character's hometown, should they need some encouragement or topic conversation.
There is no penalty if they do not, except for if they decide to escape the outpost upon arriving.
Once they prepare to leave, read the following if they chose to rest:
With A Little Help From the Thal[edit]
Night begins to fall after hours of traveling. According to Aeraland's map, the outpost should be located around the bend, but there is no sign of it. There exists a tiny shred of doubt about the actual existence of this outpost. And then you see it. It appears to look like a small mansion, complete with iron gates and walls, fountain, and gardens. If you choose to inspect the gate, you will notice it is unlocked and there are no guards or people around. No light shines from the windows, but this to be expected in order to keep secrecy.
If they chose to not rest, repeat the same information above without the last sentence.
The players will have a moment to inspect the grounds (Scene Levels), finding information that the outside is poorly kept and dying grass the size of footsteps can be seen next to the entrances and fountains). Ultimately, however, they will have to enter the outpost to find out more information. Should the players choose to leave the outpost, they will gain no experience and will continue to Scene III.
Upon entering (Scene Levels) take careful note to pay close attention to movement of the gargoyles per relative distance of the party. This is due to a set number of actions and reactions to the players movements. Initiative is not necessary, but certain parties might find this to add to the suspense. Should you choose to roll initiative, make sure they realize that there is no time limit to their searching and is only used to keep track of where all the players on the board are located.
The gargoyles are attempting to clear out the bodies, having almost finished except for Naomi King, who is being dragged into the woods. If the party finds her before the gargoyles reach the trees, her inventory is available to them. Otherwise, she is taken by a gargoyle.
If the party decided not to take a rest for lunch, the party will witness her death as they find her. Naomi will have broken free of her restraints moments before the party arrives, only to have her chest driven through by a stone gargoyle. The gargoyle will attempt to take her satchel and run, with it only containing the gold she was carrying.
Should the party trigger an encounter, the gargoyles have sigils on their back that alert the location of one who has taken damage. Only summon the other gargoyles if the party damages a gargoyle without killing it.
Once combat has begun, the gargoyles will only attack those who have caused damage to them, completely ignoring those who have, even if that means they will be in danger. The gargoyles will attempt to inflict as much damage as possible to the visibly weakest target, only reacting if a character causes them more damage than the target.
Features of the Area:[edit]
Illumination: Dim light
Terrain features: Any overturned furniture will become difficult terrain. The terrain differs from room to room with their own unique features. (see Scene Levels)
Treasure: The gargoyles possess no gold, but the outpost holds 5d4 gold in addition to gold found on the map (Scene Levels)
Naomi King carries 10 gp if she is found before the gargoyles finish their plan.
Scene 2 Conclusion:[edit]
After the encounter, refer to Scene Levels for descriptions of the rooms and notable items. Upon inspection of Naomi's body, the characters will find a single word in an unknown language written on a crumpled paper in her left hand. With a successful check (DC 20 medicine or investigation) the players will find another piece of crumpled paper in her throat that holds a piece of her letter to the council, asking about the strange shipment from "The Scarlet Eye".
Do not overly emphasize the safety of the outpost, let the characters figure this out for themselves. Too much implication of this safety will have them running from this outpost as quickly as possible. Should they choose to not stay, however, have an extra wilderness encounter ready to throw on them for sleeping outside.
If they stay, no added dangers will inhibit their rest, save for one. The arrival of Magnus.
Scene III (500 xp)[edit]
An Unexpected Visitor[edit]

Regardless of whether the the party sleeps within the outpost or outside, Magnus will visit the party at their most vulnerable moment. Should the party keep watch, Magnus will arrive on the lowest roll, regardless of score. He will attempt to persuade the party into joining his side, to find the World Tree and destroy it. Should they refuse, he will attack them.
Allow players to make any kind of checks or readied actions.
- That is when you feel it. The ground rumbles and a heavy feeling fills your heart as you sense a faint smell of sulfur in the air. And that is when you see him.
If characters draw swords and attack at this juncture, he will sheathe his sword, teleport behind a single attacker, or surround himself in an aura that is impenetrable, causing 2d6 necrotic damage to those who attempt. Magnus is not wanting to fight but merely have them join him. He will continue with his actions to the best of his ability, stopping if the players seem to attack.
- What you notice first about him is the sheer size of him. He stands to almost eight feet, with black armor forming horns and points over the entirety. Red glowing eyes shine from under his helm and his mere footfalls seem to cause the earth to tremble. He carries a jagged sword at his side and when he stops before you, he places it in front of him like a cane. He pauses for a moment and releases a wicked laugh before addressing you.
- "It appears we have the same enemy, you and I. Do you know who I am? (Magnus won't respond to their answer at this point) I am not very much different from you. We are merely pawns that seek to stay on the board, hoping to survive another day in this twisted world. We spend everyday looking for ways to make us stronger to fight enemies we can not overcome and we seek answers to questions that have not been addressed. Within all of this, we are tossed into a war of the deities, awaiting an outcome that will crush us or save us. We may be on opposing sides of this war, but this is a war we can stop."
- "With our alliance, we will rival the power of the sun, surviving the oncoming destruction of the ages. Things have been set into motion that cannot be stopped, which will allow me reign of this world. But my reign does not leave all to waste. I will spare those who aid me (this is a lie, with a DC 5 Insight check). Should you join me, we will find this World Tree together and bring power to mortals (a DC 15 insight check will show that this is for an ulterior motive and only a half truth). The gods will be left to themselves and we will be left to our selves and the world shall be cleansed under my rule, the world will NEVER be the same."
- Magnus laughs again before turning his back to them (with an attack at this juncture provoking the encounter) and says to them:
- "The world is beyond saving, its vile filth overpowering the just. It is up to us to create the world as it should be." He turns back to the party. "Shall you join me?"
From this point, characters are left to decide their next course of action.
Should they choose to accept his offer, Magnus will wave his hand over each of the players eyes, causing them to see the world in a tint. This causes their alignment to change negatively (good to neutral, neutral to evil) with no effect on evil players. Magnus will say the following:
"It is good that you have seen reason. My power can not be stopped. Your purpose is to find the tree. I will have my agents find you (if asked, he has written a magic "beacon" on the backs of their eyes that is only removed by changing the text) and begin the initiation (if questioned, Magnus will send his followers to have them sell their souls in return for their servitude).
He will dissipate into the darkness, leaving the party to themselves. (NOTE: The World Tree is not meant to be an evil campaign. This is mentioned for those who wish to feign loyalty. Nefaria can restore the alignment change and words, but will need to be persuaded that they can be trusted).
Should they refuse his offer, Magnus will stand in silence for a moment before forming a fist in his hand.
"You have chosen unwisely, fools. Let me show you your folly!"
He draws his sword and begins the encounter.
Magnus' goal is not to kill the players, but to show them his power. He will attack players and try to humiliate them, not kill them (example: throwing a strong character, outrunning a fast character, spotting hidden characters, etc). Magnus still believes they will join them. When he reaches his bloodied amount, Magnus will begin to cast his powerful spells. Pay close attention to the extended tactics in Scene Levels for more information of how this fight is to be finished.
Magnus will also allow any character to flee without consequence, accepting this as the most humiliating defeat. Should the party be defeated, proceed to Act 2 Scene 1.
Features of the Area:[edit]
Illumination: Dim at the outpost and outside. Bright lighting depends on added illumination by the players.
Terrain Features: See Scene Levels.
Treasure: 0 gp
Play out what the characters would like to do from here (unless they were defeated). Allow them a rest to regain their bearings. It is not important of how far they run or where they end up, but it is important that they are well rested before continuing with the next act.
Magnus is no longer at their previous location, having teleported away after the encounter. The Thal Council is also not at the Thal, should the characters decide that route, due to their traveling to Daerum. The belltower's meeting room is merely a room with cogs, no table and chairs like before (unless the party came to this scene non-linearly). Proceed to the next act when the characters are ready.
Experience Total[edit]
With a Little Help from the Thal (2000 xp)
- The Thal Council (200 xp)
- The Tsar Outpost (1800 xp)
The Unexpected Visitors (500 xp)
- Magnus Encounter (300 xp)
- Surviving Magnus' Will (200 xp)
Previous XP amount: 101,250 xp
Act I XP total: 2,500 xp
Total XP Progression: 103,750 xp
Current Level: 12
Act Loot: 5d4 + 10 gp total. 50 xp for good role-play.
NPCs and Organizations[edit]
Orland Earcoro: Oldest member of the Thal Council, Orland holds the greater good as his ideal, no matter what it may take. He tends to overlook social rules and edicate, with Intelligence being his high score and Strength being his low score. During the Thal Council Meeting, he holds the majority of information about history, Magnus, the Time of Chaos. Regardless of how the PCs are towards them, he believes they are able to complete the mission. (Orland Earcoro Stat Block)
Larenlothrin: Expert of Ra-Orn knowledge and history. She is attuned to the ways of nature and the surrounding life force, speaking slowly and kindly. She responds best to those who approach conversation with a "bigger picture" mind set. (Larenlothrin A'maelamin Stat Block)
Aeraland: Tactician and realist of the Thal Council. Aeraland believes that the cannibals are as much of a pressing threat as the World Tree, and tends to get annoyed when the conversation travels elsewhere. He speaks brashly and gruffly due to his military background and hold honor and duty above all other ideals. (Aeraland Elearo Stat Block)
Magnus: Magnus is the primary antagonist to the campaign, sent from an unknown plane to destroy Ra-Orn and effectively ending life of all things within the world. Magnus is eloquent and terrifying. (Magnus Statblock)
Scarlet Eye: At this juncture, the Scarlet Eye is a mercenary group that is usually hired by patrons to assassinate, smuggle, or blackmail. Their symbol is a red inked iris and eyelashes.
The Thal Council: Refered to as the Thal, governmental structure for Thal and the surrounding port communities.
Tsar Outpost: An elven outpost outside of Thal. Only those who bear the mark of the Thal Council can enter the premises of the mansion made fortress.
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