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*'''Robe (12):'''  Bodily Defense, Diamond Bubble, Defensive Shield, Special Effects Teleport, Relmopator’s Secure Shelter, Relmopator’s Resplendent Refreshments, Mind Touch, Sleep (Quell), Relmopator’s Loaded Laboratory I, Spirit Split, Unweaving, Grease
*'''Robe (12):'''  Bodily Defense, Diamond Bubble, Defensive Shield, Special Effects Teleport, Relmopator’s Secure Shelter, Relmopator’s Resplendent Refreshments, Mind Touch, Sleep (Quell), Relmopator’s Loaded Laboratory I, Spirit Split, Unweaving, Grease

*'''Staff (12):'''  Empowered Monster Champion (Bugbear War Lord), Empowered Monster Group (Bugbear War Chiefs), Empowered Monster Hoard (Bugbear Warriors), Mass Empowerment I, Mass Empowerment II, Elemental Fireball, Confusion Storm, Pressurized Lava, Deep Freeze, Evict Invading Entity, Cardiac Arrest, Giant’s Slap
*'''Staff (12):'''  Empowered Monster Champion (Bugbear War Lord), Empowered Monster Group (Bugbear War Chiefs), Empowered Monster Hoard (Bugbear Warriors), Mass Empowerment I & II, Elemental Fireball, Confusion Storm, Pressurized Lava, Deep Freeze, Evict Invading Entity, Cardiac Arrest, Giant’s Slap

*'''Blue NP Dagger (12):''' Ice Storm x3, Bodily Deep Freeze x3, AoE Deep Freeze x3, Icy Path x2, Limitless Deep Freeze x1
*'''Blue NP Dagger (12):''' Ice Storm x3, Bodily Deep Freeze x3, AoE Deep Freeze x3, Icy Path x2, Limitless Deep Freeze x1

Revision as of 07:03, 6 September 2021

Relmopator Barimen; aka ‘Realmer’

  • GRANDFATHER: Dworkin of Amber aka The Mad Mage of Montagar
  • GRANDMOTHER: Verna, The Primal Adask
  • FATHER: Hagalta, Gray Adask son of Dworkin and Verna
  • MOTHER: Satura, Pale Adask Fey daughter of Dworkin and Verna
  • SIBLINGS: Dwynwen; younger sister, Drixtra; younger half-sister(Hagalta)/ half-niece(Dwynwen), Xorax; younger half-brother (Hagalta/ Uxtrasa)

  • Apparent Age: 27 yrs old
  • Actual Age: 220 yrs old
  • Height: 5’11” Weight: 150
  • Build: Thin but Healthy
  • Complexion: Pale not Pasty
  • Face: Clean Shaven and Smooth
  • Hair: Long Silky White; pulled back into a Single Braid
  • Eyes: Reddish Pink Iris, Light Blue Sclera
  • Race: Amberite/ Pale Adask Fey
  • Personal Colors: Dark Gray, Dark Red & Dark Purple


  • (Former) Vampire of the Dungeons
  • (Former) Ambassador of Amber to the Primal Realm of Adagalasck
  • Lord of Amber
  • Knight of Amber - Graduate of Rasak aka Nasty Place
  • Odaraxta War Chief of Clan Kalota; Adagalasck
  • Lord of the South Wind & Master of Fire; Adagalasck


Total: 309 Pips = 200 Base +10 Contribution: Player's Game Log +99 Advancement

  • 75 Stats
  • 175 Powers
  • 14 Skills
  • 7 Shadows
  • 0 13 Allies/13 Enemies
  • 9 Creature
  • 6 Items
  • 2 Stuff

Total 309


First: 10 Pips-Advancement Pips: Spent

  • 5 Bonus (GM Assistance)
  • 4 Mission with Aries; Received Satura's Ring from Hagalta, Received Ice Orc Marbles from Xorit, Recovered Tome, Learned that Satura still lives
  • 1 Quiz

Second: 10 Pips-The Opening of Adagalasck: Spent

  • 3 From the Courtyard to the Arch. Reunion or Severance.
  • 3 The plains of the Wild Grass Clan to the meeting with the Horse Lord.
  • 3 Water Crossing and Family business.
  • 1 Ambassador Plenipotentiary

  • 2 pips towards WARFARE-Conversations With Gangdis, Julian and Caine

Experience with general Sleight of hand / Card work. Tasa spends a lot of time in camp and on the trail working card passes and practicing sleight of hand tricks. She often works with others.

Third: 30 pips-Campaign 1st Advancement: Spent

    • Raised Strength and Warfare to Amber Rank. Enhanced Kevin; pet poodle. Invested in Tasa Resa (Shape Shift and Magic) and Sir Carston (Magic). Claimed a Personal Shadow within the Adagalasck Sway; part of the North Stair most likely. Basic Imprint of the Spiral of the Winds (granted by Julian)


Fourth: 30 pips-2nd Campaign Advancement; Rasak and Adledross: Spent

    • 5 pips Paragon
    • 3 Pips Warfare
    • 1 Pip Strength
    • 1 Pip Endurance
    • 5 pips Psyche
    • 1 Pip Skill-Dufirosim (assisted by experience with ritualism)
    • 4 Pips 2 Artifacts add 2 pips each for N/#'d Spells
    • 10 Pips Fey Basic

Rasak Advancement - granted: Benedict (16) - Below is a list of Bonuses that all graduates receive upon Graduation. It is a base after which Pips can be spent according to the character's interests.

  • 5 Pips Warfare-Graduates reaches at Least Amber Rank in Warfare
  • 3 Pips Endurance-graduates gains at least Chaos Rank in Endurance with 5 pip toward Amber rank
  • 2 Pip Strength-Graduates gains at least Amber Strength

Skills are a base and if the individual has them this advances them to a maximum of 2 pips.

  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Technology
  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Command and Communications.
  • 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanship
  • 1 Pip Skill-Gymnastics
  • 1 Pip Skill-Medical Training
  • 1 Pips Skill-Cooking-Butchering general for cooking. Some gardening training for growing herbs and vegetables. Presentation.
  • (10) Pips Jewel of Judgment (Dworkin)

Fifth: 11 Pips (Still Ongoing...)

  • 10 pips Contribution: Player's Game Log (ongoing) <SPENT>
    • 2 Good Stuff
    • 5 Psyche
    • 3 Skill: Linguistics
  • 1 pip Kabuki Theatre (Granted-GM; Whimsical)


(30) Advanced Spiral Imprint, (?)Troll Stone, (1) New Power Word: Spiral Negation, (30) New Artifact: Sorcerer's Shuriken, (10) Advanced Fey Powers


  • PSYCHE: 60 - [210 - (5) Mandalay Stones = Psyche x3.5]
    • [Extraordinary Psychic Sense; Bob the Beholder & Hex the Scrimshawed Staff]
    • [Danger Sense; Satura's Ring, Sorcerer's Robe and Kalota Clan Blade]
    • [Endless Stamina; Satura's Ring]
    • [Regeneration; Satura's Ring & Kalota Clan Blade]
  • WARFARE: 8




  • SHARED DOOM: The Death Curse of Hiroaki, Son of Borlak, Grandson of Oberon.


  • To help offset the effects of his Doom.


185 (294) Pips in Powers

  • 25 (75) ADVANCED PATTERN IMPRINT (50 Granted-Random)
  • (10) ATTUNEMENT to the Amber Jewel of Judgment-(Granted-Dworkin)
    • UPDATE: New Assisted Attunement given by Benedict; equals Master Level
  • 3 ATTUNEMENT to the Ambir Shade Jewel of Judgement
  • 25 (35) SHAPE SHIFTING (10 Granted-Racial)
    • (Chaos Form: Winged Vampire Corpse; appears undead, not rotting)
    • (Avatar/Animal Form: Extra Large Vulture)
  • (30) SPIRAL OF THE FOUR WINDS - Basic Imprint x3
    • (North Wind; Granted - Nina) (West Wind; Granted - Julian) (South Wind - Claimed as Master)
    • Ability to enter Stairs and lead others on them
    • Ability to create holographic Trump Images with a small glass sphere and a ritual
      • Contact & Transport within Realm, Contact only out of Realm
    • Basic Concord: Up to 20th lvl Magery Low Order Magic
    • Ability to use Tomes of the Stairs
    • Ability to Call a three Winds of Force: Cold Wind of the North, Warm Wind of the West and Hot Wind of the South.
  • 5 SIGIL OF PARAGON; Sawall Shard - Basic Imprint
  • 16 POWER WORDS {11 Power Gestures}
    • (Pattern Negation, Chaos Negation, Trump Disrupt, Magic Negation, Resume True Form, Psychic Disrupt, Neural Disrupt, Pain Attack, Lifeforce, Process Surge, Process Snuff)
  • 10 FEY POWERS - Basic Fey Powers (unlocked by Finndo)
    • 3 Wizardry: (AD&D System; Level 24 approx.)
      • Spell/Lvl: 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,4
    • 3 Magery: (Warlock System; Level 30 Approx.)[[1]]
      • Spell/Lvl: 16,10,8,7,5,5,3,2,1
    • (3) Cantrips (granted for knowledge in multiple Magics)
    • (3) Ritualism (granted for knowledge in multiple Magics) Note skill in Dufirosim
    • (3) Continualism (granted for knowledge in multiple Magics)
  • (?) TROLL STONE; Two Color - Lightning, Acid (Both Protection & Attacks)



  • 3 Linguistics: Realmer was a 'linguist' of sorts even before Amber
    • Knows Multiple Racial and Regional Languages from a multitude of Shadows as well as several dialects of Thari
  • Literacy: Reading and Writing; multiple languages
  • 1 Military Command and Communications (includes Hand Battle Sign Language)
  • 1 Military Technology (Weapons, Defenses, Vehicles, etc.)
  • 1 Military Horsemanship (mounted combat, group mounted combat, warhorse usage)
  • 1 Medical Training (Triage, First Aid, Field Surgery)
  • Anatomy (Human, Demi-Human, Humanoid)
  • Embalming
  • Chemistry
  • Alchemy
  • 1 Herbalism (Plants, Roots, Fungi, Etc.)
  • Apothecary (Remedies, Medicines, Etc.)
  • 1 Brewing (Potions, Ales, Tonics, Etc.)
  • Distilling (Alcohols, and to increase potency of Potions and Tonics)
  • Mixology (Spent lots of time in Taverns, Pubs & Bars)
  • 1 Cooking: Presentation, general Butchering for cooking, basic gardening for growing herbs and vegetables
  • 1 Gymnastics (mostly Combat Movement related)
  • 1 Sleight of Hand (Basic Palming, Card Tricks, Basic Picking and Placing techniques)
  • Artistry: Ink: Tattooing
  • Artistry: Ink; Pen & Stylus
  • Artistry: Ink; Brush
  • Artistry: Writing Styles; Calligraphy, Runes, etc.
  • Cartography: Basic; mostly dungeons and catacombs
  • 1 Knowledge: Dufirosim (assisted by experience with Ritualism)
  • 1 Kabuki Theatre (GM Granted-Whimsical Skill)



[5] SHADOW: "Adagaar"; Relmopator’s NEW Personal Shadow (and possible Construct) (NEW)

  • [1] Shadow Type: Personal Shadow
  • [2] Control over Shadow: Control of Contents & Time Flow
  • [2] Shadow Barriers: Restricted Communication & Access
  • Description: High Fantasy World
  • Typical Denizens: Various Adask, Human, Demi-Human and Humanoid races, wide variety of Flora, Fauna and Magical Creatures
  • Time Flow relative to Adagalasck: 1 to 1 (but can vary at Realmer's control)
  • Functional Technology:
    • High Order & Low Order Magic: Available
    • Steam Powered Level Technology: Available but Very Rare
    • Steam-Tech Magic: Available but Extremely Rare
  • Power Availability & Strength in Shadow:
    • Pattern: Malleable
    • Logrus: Restricted
    • Spiral of the Four Winds: Unrestricted
    • Trump: Unrestricted
    • Magic: Easy to use
  • Communication Barriers:
    • Pattern: Blocked; In and Out
    • Logrus: Blocked; In and Out
    • Spiral of the Four Winds: Unrestricted; In and Out
    • Trump: Blocked; In, Unrestricted; Out
    • Magic: Blocked; In and Out
      • EXCEPTION: Concord of the Spiral ONLY; Unrestricted
  • Restricted Access Points (6)
    • Main Entrance & Exit: Two-way travel; Unrestricted.
    • Back Door: Two-way travel; Unrestricted.
    • Secret Back Door: One-way travel, Out Only. Restricted Access; Secret 'stone', Secret Walk.
    • Secret Escape: One-way; Out Only. Restricted Access; Secret 'stone', Secret Gesture, Secret Walk.
    • Secret Way In: One-way; In Only. Restricted Access; Secret Tree Branch, Secret Herb, Secret Phrase, Secret Gesture
    • Secret Tunnel: Two-way travel. Realmer ONLY (many many Secret things to use this way)

[2] SHADOW: Relmopator’s Personal Shadow, “Oerth”

  • Shadow Type: [1] Personal Shadow
  • Control over Shadow: [1] Control of Contents
  • Description: High Fantasy World
  • Typical Denizens: Various Human, Demi-Human and Humanoid races, wide variety of Flora, Fauna and Magical Creatures
  • Time Flow relative to Amber: 364 to 1 (fast time); 1 Shadow Year equals 1 Amber Day
  • Functional Technology:
    • High Order & Low Order Magic: Available
    • High Computer Level Technology: Available but Very Rare
    • Techno-Magic: Available but Extremely Rare
  • Power Availability/Strength in Shadow:
    • Pattern: Malleable
    • Logrus: Malleable
    • Trump: Unrestricted
    • Magic: Easy to use

Allies & Enemies


  • 4 Amber Ally Florimel
  • 2 CHAD Ally-Fortunadus
  • 1 Amber Ally Gangdis of Gallowsill
  • 1 Chaos Ally Jurt


  • 6 Unknown Enemy #1 (possibly Emilisa)
  • 4 House Bayle
  • 2 Unknown Enemy #2
  • 1 Bleys (was Arloxedra but he withdrew his pip)
  • 1 Droppa Mapants




  • 8 Tesa Resa aka Lady Tesara Trrs
    • Originally Hired as a Padfoot/Assassin, recommended by Sir Gangdis. Later discovered to be part of the Amber Royal Family.
    • 5 pips to Partial Shape Shift
    • 3 pips to Adv. Concord


  • 3 CHAD Merc; Sir Carston Brak, Knight of Wall. CHAD Bodyguard.
    • 3 pips to Adv. Concord


Known Associates




  • [9](11) PET: “Kevin”; White Teacup Poodle
    • 9 pips [Realmer] 2 pips (?someone else?)
      • 2 Armor Vs Gun
      • 2 Double Damage
      • 2 Rapid-Healing
      • 2 Double Speed
      • 1 Able to Speak
      • 1 Double Stamina
      • 1 Combat Training
  • FAMILIAR [Signature Creature - 50 Granted] (“Bob”; Miniature Beholder)
    • See notes below
  • MOUNT Ranyhyn: "Graso"; resembles a gray horse w/ multicolored mane & tail (gifted by Lord Trualta)
    • Need notes from GM

Artifacts & Items



Kalota Clan Blade.

  • 4 Vitality
  • 2 Double Speed – 5 Transfer
  • 2 Amber Stamina
  • 4 Combat Mastery
  • 4 Invulnerable
  • 4 Deadly Damage-sears.
  • 4 Tonuges-IQ/EGO Blade-Memory
  • 2 Danger sense-Self Preservation-Jealous
  • 2 Psychic Neutral-Petulant
  • 4 Seek in shadow-Refuses to be left behind-Will follow
  • 4 Regeneration -10 Transfer
  • 4-Ability-Refuses Shapechange-Will not reside in a holding space
  • 4 Ability- Consume powers
  • 1-Ability-Lawful Evil
  • 1-Ability-Telepathy-Will not communicate with others unless in great need
  • 1-Ability-Diplomacy
  • 1-Ability-Cause fear
  • 1-Ability-Hatred of Shaxta
  • 1-Ability-Freefall
  • 1-Ability-call to hand
  • 1 Ability-Dance in self-defense
  • 1 Ability-Binds Loyalty
    • 68 Pips
    • Might be more trouble then its worth.

Defender Blade

  • 2 Double Speed.
  • 2 Vs Guns-Hard to destroy
  • 2 Combat Reflexes-Attack or Defend-Each round it can attack on its own or parry a blow.
  • 2 Shadow Beacon-Shadow Trail.

X3 Horde (Jurt)

Blade of Colossal Excavation

  • 2 Chaos Vitality-Feels eager to be used
  • 4 Engine Speed-Moves swiftly and exacting.
  • 4 Combat Mastery( Light an easy to use)
  • 8 Extraordinary damage-
  • 4 Tongues- Sense of Purpose. No actual intellect. Summons Jeremy if a serious attempt to destroy it is made.
  • Cannot be shapechanged.

X3 horde-(Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand) Acquired from Jurt

Nasty Place Graduate Blade (Personal)

Those who complete the training forge a blade made there during their training and have permission to wear the blade on all military attire. The blade is forged mithril with a blade 5" long and a handle 4" long. Ceremonial and honorary in intent, the blades have their own history as deadly weapons.

  • Deadly Damage, Return to Hand
  • Red stone embedded in pommel (put there by Benedict; later absorbed into the weapon)
    • Effective vs Reardon armor, Summon Benedict once
  • Blue Mandalay Stone (Cold) embedded in the pommel
    • Cold Based magics, weapon chill. Placed in cold liquid up to 50 gallons will freeze; stone/dagger floats to the surface of the ice
  • [2] Rack N/N Spells: (12) Ice Storm x3, Bodily Deep Freeze x3, AoE Deep Freeze x3, Icy Path x2, Limitless Deep Freeze x1

Nasty Place Graduate Dagger (made by & gift from Vulcan)

  • Deadly Damage, Return to Hand, Contact Vulcan
  • Red Mandalay Stone (Fire/Heat) embedded in pommel
    • Fire Effects, Fire Ripple on Weapons-Double Damage. Dropped in up to 50 gallons of liquid will cause the liquid to boil. When urged by psyche can create an area of 100sq feet to rise or fall in ambient temperature to a temperature comfortable to the stone holder.(This does not mean immunity to fire)
  • [2] Rack N/N Spells: (12) Heat Metal x3, Fire Fountain x3, Mini-Fireball x3, Fireball x2, Elemental Fireball x1

"Hex" Scrimshawed Bone Staff

[1 Pip] (45 Point Blood Conjured & Empowered Artifact)

  • Green Mandalay Stone is Set in Artifact
    • Healing, earth magic. Heal plants. Left in contact to a plant will cause it to grow 3 times as fast and will grow in a healthy manner along the genetic ideal of their type. Buried in the ground will cause up to a plot of 16 acres of plants to grow at double speed and in a health fruitful manner.
  • 4 Extraordinary Psychic Sense; Danger Sense and Link to Realmer
  • 2 Psychic Neutral; Hide its Pysche and Amber Defense
  • 2 Speak & Sing; non-verbal equivalent intelligence
  • 2 Double Vitality; Chaos Strength, brings inanimate objects to life.
  • 4 Engine Speed; 60mph+
  • 4 Tireless Stamina
  • 4 Combat Reflexes; Amber Warfare
  • 4 Deadly Damage
  • 4 Limited Shape Shift (most Shapes are of bone and living vines)
  • 4 Regeneration
  • 4 Mold Shadow Reality
  • [1] Contains Trump Image (Relmopator)
  • 2 Contains Power Words: N/N (11 currently); used for self defense mostly.
    • Pattern Negation, Chaos Negation, Trump Disrupt, Magic Negation, Resume True Form, Psychic Disrupt, Neural Disrupt, Pain Attack, Lifeforce, Process Surge, Process Snuff
  • 4 Rack & Use Spells: N/N (12)
    • Racked Spells: Empowered Monster Champion, Empowered Monster Group, Empowered Monster Hoard, Mass Empowerment I, Mass Empowerment II, Elemental Fireball, Confusion Storm, Pressurized Lava, Deep Freeze, Evict Invading Entity, Cardiac Arrest, Giant’s Slap


Sorcerer’s Robe of Flight & Many Pockets

[1 Pip] (43 Point Blood Conjured & Empowered Artifact)

  • Originally named 'Jeff' by Realmer, the Robe prefers to be called 'The Arch Robe Godfried the First' or just 'Robe'.
  • Yellow Mandalay Stone is set in this Artifact
    • Concentration spells, research spells, mental magics. The stone when held in a hand will cure confusions, inebriations, and other focus issues. When urged by psyche the stone will emit ambient light, suitable for reading.
    • The 'setting' is usually a mithril amulet on a heavy mithril chain; the amulet/chain are actually part of the Robe and cannot be removed.
  • 9 (4) Engine Speed + (5) Transfer Quality
  • 9 (4) Invulnerable + (5) Transfer Quality
  • 2 Sensitivity to Danger
  • 2 Psychic Neutral; hide Psyche, Amber Defense
  • 2 Speak & Sing; non-verbal; equivalent intelligence
  • 4 Limited Shape Shift; clothing/armor + accessories (attached/part of the Robe)
  • 4 Regeneration
  • 4 Mold Shadow Reality
  • 1 Contains a Trump Image (Relmopator)
  • 2 Contains Power Words: N/N (11 currently)
    • Pattern Negation, Chaos Negation, Trump Disrupt, Magic Negation, Resume True Form, Psychic Disrupt, Neural Disrupt, Pain Attack, Lifeforce, Process Surge, Process Snuff
  • 4 Rack & Use N/N Spells (12)
    • Racked Spells (12): Bodily Defense, Diamond Bubble, Defensive Shield, Special Effects Teleport, R’s Secure Shelter, R’s Resplendent Refreshments, Mind Touch, Quell, R’s Loaded Laboratory, Spirit Split, Unweaving, Grease

Ring Of Trollish Fortitude aka “Satura's Ring”

[Signature Item] (60 Point Artifact)

  • Purple Mandalay Stone is set in this Artifact
  • A mysterious stone, lending its powers to diverse efforts. Healing magics. The touch of the stone will expel malicious possession. Certain classes of spirit based creatures shy away from the stone. Mounted in items that have bound spirits or Dufiro the item will be extra robust and encourage the most powers from it.
  • 9 (4) Immense Vitality + (5) Transfer Quality (Amber Strength; can be turned off)
  • 9 (4) Combat Mastery + (5) Transfer Quality (Amber Warfare; can be turned off)
  • 9 (4) Tireless Stamina + (5) Transfer Quality (can be turned off)
  • 14 (4) Regeneration + (10) Transfer Power
  • 4 Mold Shadow Reality
  • 2 Sensitivity to Danger
  • 2 Psychic Neutral; hide Psyche and Amber Defense
  • 2 Speak & Sing; non-verbal equivalent intelligence
  • 1 Contains a Trump Image (Relmopator)
  • 2 Contains Power Words: N/N (11 currently)
    • Pattern Negation, Chaos Negation, Trump Disrupt, Magic Negation, Resume True Form, Psychic Disrupt, Neural Disrupt, Pain Attack, Lifeforce, Process Surge, Process Snuff
  • 4 Rack & Use N/N Spells (12)
    • Magical Drain, Magic Missile, Mind Touch, Haste, Elemental Fireball, Paralysis, Web, Fire Fountain, Self Teleport, Empowered Monster Champion, Bodily Defense, Invisibility.
  • 2 Shape Shift: N/N Forms (12)
    • Simple Gold Ring w/ a Purple Stone <> Jeweled Platinum Ring w/ a Purple Stone & 2 Sm. Black Opals <> Large Mithril Signet Ring w/ Stylized ‘R’ surrounded by a Stone Archway, a Purple Stone is barely visible under the design <> Flattened Heavy Link Silver Wrist Chain w/ Dragon’s Head Clasp and a Purple Stone embedded in the Dragon's head <> Hammered Copper Wrist Band w/ a Purple Stone <> Red Gold Circlet w/ a Purple Stone embedded in the front <> Platinum Chain Necklace of many small-link chains twisted together w/ a Purple Stone held within the twisted chains <> Aztec Style Gold Plates Necklace w/ a Purple Stone embedded in the center-piece <> Nordic Dragon Torc w/ a Purple Stone in the Dragon's mouth <> Mechanical Wolf Spider of black metal w/ a Purple Stone abdomen <> Small Mechanical Octopus w/ a Purple Stone body <> Very Large Gold Hornet w/ a Purple Stone and gold striped abdomen

Ambir Shade Jewel of Judgment

Dark Green in color (on Loan from Dworkin) [currently on Loan to Finndo]

Mandalay Stones

(5): Full set; one of each Color. A Gift from Ninaaratres.

  • The Stones are fully attuned to Realmer.
  • Each is currently Set in the following Items.
    • Red; Vulcan's NP Dagger
    • Yellow; Sorcerer's Robe
    • Green; Bone & Vine Staff
    • Blue; Personal NP Dagger
    • Purple; Satura's Ring

Bag of Ice Orc Marbles (19)

(gifted by Xorit of Clan Trixta; Bannerlord of the Odaraxta)

  • possibly Earthpower Magic
  • made by Clan Trixta Sorcerers
  • creates an Orc made of Living Ice when thrown to the ground
  • Follows commands/orders until destroyed or completes orders then melts away

Bottle of Red Tequila

  • 1 Ability-Self-refilling bottle (gift from Jurt)

High Order Magic Dinnerware; Set for One Person

  • Contains a dinner plate, salad plate, dessert plate, and a cup& saucer. Three times a day each one can fill. One never knows what will be on them except its food. As I understand it the longer a person owns them the closer they get to providing food to their racial preference.

The Key of the "South Stair" of Adagalasck

  • Allows access to The South Stair and its Realms


Trump Deck

    • King Random Edition (x2)

Personal Trumps

    • Private Quarters in Castle of Gateway Island on Oerth; Personal Shadow
    • Bob the Beholder, Jeff the Sorcerer's Robe, Hex the Bone Staff, Satura's Ring
    • Sir Gangdis of Cogswell, Sir Carston Brak of Wall, Tesa Resa
    • Carved Trump Bust of Percy Shelley - made by Realmer

Dragonskin Trumps

    • Fortunadas of Wall, Alexandir kos Korag, (plus a few others from Adledross)

Trumps given by Julian

    • Ninaartes and Emiliesa

Spiral of the Four Winds Trump Artifact

A Specially Prepared Small Glass Sphere

Trump give by Random

Random's Private Line

  • 'Picking up the envelop he (Realmer) finds inside a paper and a trump. The Trump has Random playing cards at Neal's Diner. The title is "Random's Private Line". Opening the paper it says, "By my order and for the good of the state, the bearer has done what has been done. King Random of Amber, First of His Name. "


Miniature Beholder - "Bob" [Altered]

Relmopator’s Familiar (50 Pips - Signature Creature)

  • 4 points} Psychic Quality: Extraordinary Psychic Sense
  • 2 points} Psychic Defense: Psychic Neutral
  • 2 points} Item Vitality: Double Vitality
    • 2 (Added) Amber Vitality
  • 4 points} Movement: Engine Speed; Flight
  • 4 points} Stamina: Tireless Stamina
  • 4 points} Resistance to Damage: Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons
  • 4 points} Intelligence & Communication: Speak in Tongues & Voices; prefers Telepathy
  • 8 points} Item Shape Shifting: Extended Shape Shift
    • 4 (Added) Shapechange to Smoke,
    • 4 (Added) Shadowjack
  • 4 points} Item Healing: Regeneration
  • 4 points} Item Control over Shadow: Mold Shadow Reality
  • 4 points} Trump Powers: Powered by Trump(Observation, Communication and Limited Transport)
  • 4 points} Spell Storage: Rack & Use Named/#’d Spells (12) 40 hours
  • 2 points} Contains Power Words: Named/Numbered 20 hours

Compellings: (12)

  • “I feel safe with Relmopator but less safe when away from Relmopator”,
  • “Always obey Relmopator’s commands and wishes first and foremost”,
  • “Protect Relmopator and always warn him of danger”
  • “Relmopator is the ONLY Being that can use my Powers, Magics and Spells”
  • “Hide my Psyche and Powers from all but Relmopator”,
  • “If I am lost, I must help Relmopator find me and/or I must find a way to Relmopator; through others if needed, but only if this can be done secretly”
  • “Use any Powers and Magics necessary to ‘protect’ Relmopator and ‘return to’ Relmopator”
  • “Always be hyper-observant of all details of everything in my area; places, people, things, events, conversations, etc.”
  • “Keep a well organized memory of all observed details for later recall”.
  • (Added)"Warn the Other if Relmopator or Tesara is at death's door."
  • (Added)"Summon the Other if Relmopator or Tesara are in the presence of Av Reet"
  • (Added)"Warn Dworkin if Relmopator or Tesara are in the presence of specific artifacts"
  • Racked Spells (12): Magical Drain, Paralysis, Confusion Storm, Magic Missile, Invisibility, Strength Drain, Bodily Defense, Defensive Psyche Ward, Lightning Bolt, Deep Freeze, Fire Fountain, Empowered Monster Group.
  • Beholder Eye Powers (11): Central Eye = Anti-Magic Ray/Field, Ten Eye Stalks = Charm Ray, Paralyzing Ray, Fear Ray, Slowing Ray, Enervation Ray, Telekinetic Ray, Sleep Ray, Petrification Ray, Disintegration Ray, Death Ray.
  • Power Words (11): Pattern Negation, Chaos Negation, Trump Disrupt, Magic Negation, Resume True Form, Psychic Disrupt, Neural Disrupt, Pain Attack, Lifeforce, Process Surge, Process Snuff

“Bob” was Realmer’s first Creation and his longest lasting Familiar. Bob was Created soon after Realmer gained most of his Powers during the time he was training in Shadow with Dworkin after his time in Ambir; a Shade of Amber.

The ‘body’ of the Miniature Beholder is a little bigger than a human head, about eight inches in diameter. Through the use of his Extraordinary Shape Shifting, Bob can decrease its size to a little smaller than a golf ball and increase its size to a littler bigger than a beach ball. Bob can Shape Shift into any Creature or Animal Form it or Realmer desires; some relative size restrictions apply.

Bob can also Shape Shift into inanimate objects; very useful for hiding and/or spying. Also, through the use of Shape Shifting, Bob has an incredible Camouflage Ability allowing it to easily change the texture, color and translucency of its skin to blend in with any environment or background; nearly invisible if holding still, and completely invisible in dark and shadowy areas, if holding still. Bob also has the amazing ability to create Remote Eyes by way of its Shape Shifting Powers; Bob can create one or more eyes, with or without an eye stalk, and leave the eye behind for remote viewing via Extraordinary Psychic Sense and Trump Powers. The Remote Eye can move as if in an eye socket, but can also hover/fly to follow if so directed if it has a stalk. The Remote Eyes can be recalled via Trump Power and reabsorbed via Shape Shifting at any time Bob or Realmer desire it. Anything Bob can see or experience, personally or via Remote Eyes, Realmer can also ‘see’ and ‘experience’ via Bob’s Telepathy/Extraordinary Psychic Sense and/or its Trump Powers; the ‘Link’ between Realmer and his Familiar, Bob, is nearly constant and it is very possible that Bob can and does ‘spy/eavesdrop’ on Realmer’s Trump conversations…

[UPDATE] Bob's ADDED Powers & Compellings/Directives are the result of Conf of Shadows tampering with Bob to keep an eye on Tesa, his daughter. Realmer was aware of tampering with Bob's Main Compellings/Directives, which Conf admitted to and removed. Though Realmer checked the powers and compellings for tampering and found none... oddly missing the upgrade in Vitality, and completely forgetting to look for 'additions' in either case.

Ring of Trollish Fortitude - "Satura's Ring"

  • (Signature Item) {Permanently Empowered Blood Item}

[Signature Item] (60 Point Item) Time Spent Permanently Empowering Item: Total time spent Creating Original Item: 28 days; assuming no more than 20 hours of Conjuring per day; this time accounts for 334 hours and 30 minutes of Empowering and Compelling; spending at least one full hour on each Compelling Geas.

  • 9 points- Vitality: Immense Vitality (4) + Transfer Quality (5) Amber Ranked Strength
  • 9 points- Stamina: Supernatural Stamina (4) + Transfer Quality (5) -Beyond Amber Endurance
  • 9 points- Aggression: Combat Mastery (4) + Transfer Quality (5)-Amber Ranked Warfare
  • 14 points- Item Healing: Regeneration (4) + Transfer Power (10)
  • 2 points- Item Shape Shift: Named/#’d Forms (12)
  • 4 points- Spell Storage: Rack & Use Named/#’d Spells (12)-
  • 4 points- Item Control over Shadow: Mold Shadow Reality
  • 2 points- Psychic Quality: Sensitivity to Danger
  • 2 points- Psychic Defense: Psychic Neutral
  • 2 points- Intelligence & Communication: Speak & Sing; non-verbal
  • 1 point- Trump Powers: Contains a Trump Image (Relmopator)
  • 2 points- Contains Power Words: Named/Numbered
  • Compellings (7):
    • “I feel safe with Relmopator but uncomfortable when away from Relmopator”, “Relmopator is the ONLY Being that can use my Powers, Magics and Spells”, “Hide my Psyche and Powers from all but Relmopator”, “If I am lost, I must help Relmopator find me and/or I must find a way to Relmopator; through others if needed, but only if this can be done secretly”, Protect Relmopator and always warn him of danger”, “Use any Powers and Magics necessary to ‘protect’ Relmopator and ‘return to’ Relmopator”, “Always obey Relmopator’s commands and wishes first and foremost”
  • Racked Spells (12):
    • Magical Drain, Magic Missile, Mind Touch, Haste, Elemental Fireball, Paralysis, Web, Fire Fountain, Self Teleport, Empowered Monster Champion, Bodily Defense, Invisibility.
  • Shape Shift: N/N Forms (12):
    • Gold Ring w/ Purple Stone; Platinum Ring, Jeweled w/ Purple Stone & Sm. Black Opals; Large Mithril Signet Ring, Stylized ‘R’ surrounded by a Stone Archway (Purple Stone barely visible under the design); Silver Wrist Chain, Flattened Heavy Links w/ Dragon’s Head Clasp, Purple Stone embedded in the head; Copper Wrist Band, Hammered w/ Purple Stone; Red Gold Circlet w/ Purple embedded in front; Necklace, Platinum Chains, many small-link chains twisted together, Purple Stone held in twisted chains; Necklace, Gold Plates, Aztec Style w/ Purple Stone; Torc, Nordic Dragon w/ Purple Stone in mouth; Wolf Spider, Medium sized, Purple Stone body/abdomen; Octopus, Very Small sized, Purple Stone body; Hornet, Large sized, Purple Stone abdomen/body
  • Purple Mandalay Stone is set in this Artifact
    • A mysterious stone, lending its powers to diverse efforts. Healing magics. The touch of the stone will expel malicious possession. Certain classes of spirit based creatures shy away from the stone. Mounted in items that have bound spirits or Dufiro the item will be extra robust and encourage the most powers from it.

Sorcerer's Robe of Flight - "The Archrobe Godfried the First" aka "Godfried" aka "Robe"

  • (Sorcerer's Flying Robe of Many Deep Pockets) {Permanently Empowered Blood Item}

[1 Pip] (43 Point Item)(0 Points in Empowerment Pool)

  • 2 points- Psychic Quality: Sensitivity to Danger
  • 2 points- Psychic Defense: Psychic Neutral
  • 9 points- Movement/Flight: Engine Speed (4) + Transfer Quality (5)
  • 9 points- Resistance to Damage: Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons (4) + Transfer Quality (5)
  • 2 points- Intelligence & Communication: Speak & Sing; non-verbal but can 'speak in words' telepathically when desired
  • 4 points- Item Shape Shifting: Limited Shape Shift
  • 4 points- Item Healing: Regeneration
  • 4 points- Item Control over Shadow: Mold Shadow Reality
  • 4 points- Spell Storage: Rack & Use Named/#’d Spells (12)
  • [1 point]- Trump Powers: Contains a Trump Image (Relmopator)
  • 2 points- Contains Power Words: Named/Numbered (equal to Realmer's)
  • Compellings (7):
    • “I feel safe with Relmopator but uncomfortable when away from Relmopator”, “Always obey Relmopator’s commands and wishes first and foremost”, “Defend Relmopator and always warn him of danger”, “Use any Powers and Magics necessary to ‘defend’ Relmopator and ‘return to’ Relmopator”, “Relmopator is the ONLY Being that can use my Powers, Magics and Spells”, “Hide my Psyche and Powers from all but Relmopator”, “If I am lost, I must help Relmopator find me and/or I must find a way to Relmopator; through others if needed, but only if this can be done secretly”.
  • Racked Spells (12):
    • Bodily Defense, Diamond Bubble, Defensive Shield, Special Effects Teleport, Relmopator’s Secure Shelter, Relmopator’s Resplendent Refreshments, Mind Touch, Quell, Relmopator’s Loaded Laboratory, Spirit Split, Unweaving, Grease
  • Yellow Mandalay Stone is set in this Artifact
    • Concentration spells, research spells, mental magics. The stone when held in a hand will cure confusions, inebriations, and other focus issues. When urged by psyche the stone will emit ambient light, suitable for reading.
    • The 'setting' is usually a mithril amulet on a heavy mithril chain; the amulet & chain are actually part of the Robe and cannot be removed.
  • Description: (similar to the Cloak of Levitation from Doctor Strange)
    • Originally named 'Jeff' by Realmer, the Robe prefers to be called 'The Arch Robe Godfried the First', 'Godfried' or just 'Robe'.
    • The Robe was created to serve several purposes; clothing, armor, speedy travel, and storage (mundane and magical), but Robe's main purpose is to defend and carry Relmopator and his belongings. To that end, Realmer designed Robe to have many pockets, both visible and hidden, throughout the robe's exterior and interior. ALL of the pockets are 'Extra-Dimensional Spaces' of varying internal size and all are ‘connected’ to each other through a main 'Space', thus allowing Realmer to reach into any pocket and retrieve anything within Robe’s many pockets and spaces; Realmer’s desire is transferred to Robe and it helps by bringing the desired object to Realmer’s hand, even though he is not reaching into the same pocket the object is actually in. The 'Extra-Dimensional Spaces' are actually one Shadow Pocket, created through the use of Realmer's Advanced Pattern Imprint Powers, that is located between the inner and outer layer of the Robe and is able to change its shape (section off pockets, create new inner space pockets, etc.) via use of the Shape Shifting Powers of the Robe itself. The Robe's Shape Shifting Powers allow it to assume the Form of any type of clothing or armor Realmer desires, but can also change into other objects as well, like a shield, a blanket or a rug, or even a small piece of furniture or wall hanging; but never a living creature. The Robe not only has normal Movement capabilities, but also possesses Flight capabilities as well, and both are quite fast and both can be transferred to Realmer.

Scrimshawed Bone & Living Vine Staff - "Hex"

  • [Staff of Necro-Botany Beasts] {Permanently Empowered Blood Item}

[1 Pip] (45 Point Item) Time Spent Permanently Empowering Item: Total time spent Creating Original Item: 18 days; assuming no more than 20 hours of Conjuring per day; this time accounts for 240 hours and 50 minutes of Empowering and Compelling; spending at least one full hour on each Compelling Geas.

  • 4 points} Psychic Quality: Extraordinary Psychic Sense 400 min (6 hrs 40 min)
  • 2 points} Psychic Defense: Psychic Neutral 200 min (3 hrs 20 min)
  • 2 points} Item Vitality: Double Vitality 200 min (3 hrs 20 min)
  • 4 points} Movement: Engine Speed 400 min (6 hrs 40 min)
  • 4 points} Stamina: Tireless Stamina 400 min (6 hrs 40 min)
  • 4 points} Aggression: Combat Reflexes 400 min (6 hrs 40 min)
  • 4 points} Weapon Damage: Deadly Damage 400 min (6 hrs 40 min)
  • 2 points} Intelligence & Communication: Speak & Sing; non-verbal 200 minutes (3 hrs 20 min)
  • 4 points} Item Shape Shifting: Limited Shape Shift 40 hours
  • 4 points} Item Healing: Regeneration 40 hours
  • 4 points} Item Control over Shadow: Mold Shadow Reality 40 hours
  • 4 points} Spell Storage: Rack & Use Named/#’d Spells (12) 40 hours
  • 1 point} Trump Powers: Contains a Trump Image (Relmopator) 10 hours
  • 2 points} Contains Power Words: Named/Numbered 20 hours
  • Compellings: (7) “I feel safe with Relmopator but uncomfortable when away from Relmopator”, “Always obey Relmopator’s commands and wishes first and foremost”, “Protect Relmopator and always warn him of danger”, “Use any Powers and Magics necessary to ‘protect’ Relmopator and ‘return to’ Relmopator”, “Relmopator is the ONLY Being that can use my Powers, Magics and Spells”, “Hide my Psyche and Powers from all but Relmopator”, “If I am lost, I must help Relmopator find me and/or I must find a way to Relmopator; through others if needed, but only if this can be done secretly”.
  • Racked Spells (12): Empowered Monster Champion, Empowered Monster Group, Empowered Monster Hoard, Mass Empowerment I, Mass Empowerment II, Elemental Fireball, Confusion Storm, Pressurized Lava, Deep Freeze, Evict Invading Entity, Cardiac Arrest, Giant’s Slap
  • Green Mandalay Stone is Set in Artifact
    • Healing, earth magic. Heal plants. Left in contact to a plant will cause it to grow 3 times as fast and will grow in a healthy manner along the genetic ideal of their type. Buried in the ground will cause up to a plot of 16 acres of plants to grow at double speed and in a health fruitful manner.

Description/Explanation: ‘Hex’, the Staff of Necro-Beasts was Conjured from Relmopator’s blood into the initial Form of a Scrimshaw Bone Staff. After 'setting' the Green Mandalay Stone into the eye socket of on of the skulls on the Staff, it now has vines twisting around the staff and growing from the skulls' eye sockets. The Staff's most used alternate Forms are that of a Carved Bone Wand with tiny vines wrapping around it and a large green gemstone in the 'pommel', and a Displacer Beast looking to be made solely of Bone and Vine. The Staff of Necro-Beasts can also Shape Shift into any Form it likes or is commanded to take, but will usually look to be made of living Bone and Vine or Rotting Flesh and Vegetation of some sort. It will take the Form of a variety of creatures to fight for and protect Relmopator as the situation demands.

The Stones of Mandalay

The stones of Mandalay are major artifacts of power, linked directly to the Hub of Mandalay itself.

In the creation of the Mark, Adrian had taken half of 5 First-Shadows of the Jewel of Judgment; Emerald, Ruby, Citrine, Sapphire, and Amethyst, and cut them in half. One half of each he put away, one half of each he carefully crushed, leaving tiny chips of each half. He then meticulously embedded each one into the root of Ygg. He used the Primal Jewel of Judgment to inscribe the Mark of Mandalay, each chip became a marble the size of a shooter stone.

The stones have powers based on their attunement but also have social importance. To become a Lord of Mandalay one must present to King Adrian of Mandalay one of each of the stones and 50 coins of service.

Each stone has specific powers and powers in common. They work especially well in conjunction with sorcery based magics but can also forcefully boost Wizardry, Magery, Listry and other wide-spread low order magics. They have effects in controlling trumps and may help boost them into protected realms.

  • Common Powers
    • Psyche Boost x1.5. This can be used in psyche battles and to push magics as a focus. One of each type of stone can be used at a time, their powers additive, not multiplicative. One stone is Psyche x 1.5. Two stones is Psyche x 2, 3 is P x 2.5, 4 is P x 3, 5 is P x 3.5. This is a general rule and the stones may work in different ways in different shadows. They are a dangerous and temperamental items that may cause more trouble then they are worth sometimes.
    • A stone placed in a body of water u to 50 gallons will purify it to pure water.
    • A stone placed in any liquid will purify it of poison to the person drinking it.
    • Stones tend to react to each other magnetically.
    • A tiny effort of concentration, a reaching to psyche, can cause the stones to glow and emit light.
  • Specific Powers
    • Red: Fire Effects, Fire Ripple on Weapons-Double Damage. Dropped in up to 50 gallons of liquid will cause the liquid to boil. When urged by psyche can create an area of 100sq feet to rise or fall in ambient temperature to a temperature comfortable to the stone holder.(This does not mean immunity to fire)
    • Green: Healing, earth magic. Heal plants. Left in contact to a plant will cause it to grow 3 times as fast and to grow in a healthy manner along the genetic ideal of their type. Buried in the ground will cause up to a plot of 16 acres of plants to grow at double speed and in a health fruitful manner.
    • Blue: Cold Based magics, weapon chill. In cold liquid up to 50 gallons will freeze, the stone ring to float on the surface of the ice.
    • Yellow: Concentration spells, research spells, mental magics. The stone when held in a hand will cure confusions, inebriations, and other focus issues. When urged by psyche the stone will emit ambient light, suitable for reading.
    • Purple: a mysterious stone, lending its powers to diverse efforts. Healing magics. The touch of the stone will expel malicious possession. Certain classes of spirits based creatures shy away from the stones. Mounted in items that have bound spirits or Dufiro the item will be extra robust and encourage the most powers from it.


Chaos/Demon Form: Winged Nosferateau

Avatar Form: Very Large Vulture



  • ADVANCED PATTERN FRAMEWORK: (18 - All Major Spells)
    • Paralyze (Opasen Vrag), Paralyze (Emilisa Codwallow), Dispel Magic (Emilisa Codwallow), Stone Binding (Emilisa Codwallow), Fear Compellings, Amnesia Compellings, Elemental Fireball, Wound Transferal, Dispelling Screen, Time Stop, Mind Touch (x2), Disintegrate (x6).
    • (4) Major Spells Cardiac Arrest, Magic Drain, Strength Drain, Magical Energy Infusion
      • (8) Minor Spells: Audio Blast (Music), Sound Capture, Trump Image Enhancement, R's Secure Shelter, R's Resplendent Refreshments, R's Loaded Laboratory I & II, Control Weather
    • (8) Major Spells: Hallucinogenic Injection, Empowered Undead Horde, Empowered Undead Group, Lifeforce Transfer, Polymorph Anything, Electric Arcs of Disruption, Banishment, Steal/Transfer Enchantment
      • (12) Minor Spells: Privacy Spell, Displacement, Recall Death(x2), Legend Lore(x2), Illusion Spell, Neutralize Gas, Stone to Flesh(R), Stone to Mud(R), Passwall, Blink


  • Beholder (12): Magical Drain, Paralysis, Confusion Storm, Magic Missiles, Invisibility, Strength Drain, Bodily Defense, Defensive Psyche Ward, Lightning Bolt, Deep Freeze, Fire Fountain, Empowered Monster Group (4-armed Trolls)
  • Ring (12): Magical Drain, Magic Missiles, Haste, Mind Touch, Elemental Fireball, Paralysis, Web, Fire Fountain, Bodily Defense, Invisibility, Self Teleport, Empowered Monster Champion (Umber Hulk)
  • Robe (12): Bodily Defense, Diamond Bubble, Defensive Shield, Special Effects Teleport, Relmopator’s Secure Shelter, Relmopator’s Resplendent Refreshments, Mind Touch, Sleep (Quell), Relmopator’s Loaded Laboratory I, Spirit Split, Unweaving, Grease
  • Staff (12): Empowered Monster Champion (Bugbear War Lord), Empowered Monster Group (Bugbear War Chiefs), Empowered Monster Hoard (Bugbear Warriors), Mass Empowerment I & II, Elemental Fireball, Confusion Storm, Pressurized Lava, Deep Freeze, Evict Invading Entity, Cardiac Arrest, Giant’s Slap
  • Blue NP Dagger (12): Ice Storm x3, Bodily Deep Freeze x3, AoE Deep Freeze x3, Icy Path x2, Limitless Deep Freeze x1
  • Red NP Dagger (12): Heat Metal x3, Fire Fountain x3, Mini-Fireball x3, Fireball x2, Elemental Fireball x1


  • LOW ORDER - MAGERY (Warlock) SPELLS: (30th Level)
    • (1st) Telescope, Sound Amplification, Sleep, Silence 1” radius, Read Magic, Read Languages, Protection, Light, Individual Silence, Hold Portal, Detect Complex (x2), Detect Simple (x2), Charm Person, Charm Animal Class.
    • (2nd) Awaken, Continual Light, Darkness 3” radius, Deodorant, Detect Concealed, Extinguish Fire, Knock, Locate Object, Wizard Lock, See Invisible.
    • (3rd) Ball Lightning, Dispel Magic, Magic Analyze, Whirlwind, Mirror Image, Mental Static, Clariaudience, Clairvoyance.
    • (4th) Animal Control, Protection from Missiles, Remove Curse, X-ray Vision, Plant Control (x2), Halluncinatory Terrain.
    • (5th) Cloudkill, Dragon Control, Giant Control, Feeblemind, Polymorph Others.
    • (6th) Bomb, Control Weather, Move Earth, Homing Ball Lightning, Lower Water.
    • (7th) Area Weakness, Picket Ball Lightning, Returning.
    • (8th) Magic Dampening Field, Reflector Wall.
    • (9th) 1(?)
  • LOW ORDER - WIZARDRY (AD&D) SPELLS: (24th Level)
    • (1st) Ray of Fatigue, Exterminate, Corpse Link, Chill Touch, Detect Undead
    • (2nd) Spectral Hand, Choke, Ghoul Touch, Vocalize, Skeletal Hands
    • (3rd) Vampiric Touch (x2), Feign Death, Delay Death, Skull Trap
    • (4th) Enervation (x2), Mask of Death, Brainkill, Empathic Wound Transfer
    • (5th) Animate Dead, Magic Jar, Throbbing Bones, Bind Undead, Graft Flesh
    • (6th) Blackmantle, Deadman's Eyes, Transmute Bone to Steel(R), Reincarnation, Death Spell
    • (7th) Control Undead, Suffocate, Wound Conferral, Banishment, Vision
    • (8th) Death Shroud, Shadow Form, Defoliate, Heart of Stone, Mass Charm
    • (9th) Elemental Aura, Energy Drain, Meteor Swarm, Crystalbrittle

Relmopator's Running Journal

Relmapator Running Journal

Time Line

  • Amber Year 5230:
    • Realmer brought to Amber by Dworkin; meets with King Random, Fiona and Benedict
    • Sent to Academy at Fantalin immediately; meets Aries Colbriesi, Dean of Fantalin Academy
    • Meets Arloxedra at Fantalin serving as an Instructor... Realmer gets the feeling Arlo does not like him.
  • Amber Year 5231:
    • Realmer graduates the Academy, so to speak, when Aries calls him into his private office for a meeting
    • He accompanies Aries into Shadow on a mission of great importance to Amber and Realmer personally
    • Meets Hagalta, Xorit and Krelet; learns his mother lives and is the wife of Hagalta
    • Acquires Satura's Ring from Hagalta and a Tome of great importance to Amber
    • Returns to Amber with Aries, meets with Random, walks the Pattern in the dungeons of Castle Amber
    • Assigned rooms in the Castle and a Laboratory on the Pattern level of the dungeons
    • Meets Gerard and then Flora, each on Pattern Guard Duty, while visiting Pattern for research
  • Amber Year 5271-5272
    • Eavesdrops on Random and others discussing a great valley filled with dead bodies and a powerfully magical sword.
      • Invited in to contribute to the conversation, meets Vander. Recognized the Swords of Power for what they are, knows their legend
  • Amber Year 5281
    • Has a conversation with Arlo in the Library about Adagalasck, his mother Satura and Vox.
      • Arlo shows new cards soon to arrive in the Deck; gives the new ones to Realmer
      • Arlo gives Realmer a stone from Adagalasck and tells him to walk the Pattern with it and that will allow access to the sealed Realm
      • Realmer walks the Pattern with the Stone from Adagaalasck as Arlo suggested.
    • Realmer has a conversation with Julian and Gangdis in his rooms/lab, shares his background with Julian, he offers help and Trumps of Nina & Emilie.
    • Realmer gathers a small team; Sir Gangdis of Casowill, Sir Carston of Wall and Tasa, an assassin from Sanctuary.
      • Defeats Azcalan attack while traveling the Jeweled Road towards Adagalasck; meets Aztalios, Azcalan War Cheif
    • Arrives at the Great Arch just prior to a Battle Drill where Xorit and Hagalta are both present
      • Meets with Xorit, sits in his Clan Box for Battle Drill, meets Xorit's brother; Zarxit
        • During Battle Drill Hagalta sees Realmer and rides over, orders him to leave the field and go to his camp where Satura awaits; Realmer refuses to leave until Battle Drill is complete
        • Gangdis breaks Clan Shaxta's Battle Signs and Zarxit wants this info, will pay for it
      • Clan Trixta defeats Clan Shaxta in the Battle Drill
        • Realmer meets with Xorit afterwards and tells him of what transpired during the drill; pulled into Campaign Tent for privacy
        • Xorit says Hagalta is lying about Satura being present, suggests we go thru Arch immediately
        • Realmer shows Xorit the Stone Arlo gave him; Xorit calls it a Stair Key; belongs to the Arch Mage of the North Wind
        • Gangdis suggests using it to contact her, she is Nina of Amber; makes Contact instantly
      • Nina comes to Realmer, she 'awakens', knows Gangdis, says Hagalta is coming, opens portal to Adagalasck, takes Realmer's crew and Xorit and crew
        • Hagalta rushes Portal, Nina puts up barrier, Hagalta rages then draws Farslayer and holds it high... but does not use it
    • Traveling through Adagalasck with Ninaartres, the Arch Mage of the North Wind