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The Top: A classic staple of the christmas stocking really should be part of a holiday stable of Toy based villains. His ability to spin at tornado like speeds is a total bonus!
Blow Up Doll: Oh sure you laugh at her now, but you'll find the surprised look will be on your face when she uses her ability to EXPLODE AT WILL in a crowded school.
Death Cycle: The steel Skull is pretty intimidating, the spikes on the tires allowing him to tread walls are terrifying. The little bell? That's just confusing.
Player 2: Kids love video games, so don't neglect this Crooks! stable character.
Action Figure: When George Irvine Joseph was accidentally coated in military "smart plastic" he gained invulnerability at the mere cost of a couple of points of articulation. Oh and his marbles he completely lost those.
Speaking of which:
Ms. Marble I love alliterative names, but alliterative names that speak of little marbles capable of causing slippery floors, or that are actually tiny EMP bombs? Why that just SCREAMS Christmas.
Holiday Villains:
There's something special about THE TURKEY BASTER as a supervillain really.
Yet in a more serious mold and continuing American holidays the pyrotechnical badguys Firewerkz would make an awesome group of villains to fight on the fourth of July.
What about fighting The Last Templar on Friday the 13th, this medievel themed villain usually attacks religious institutions due to the destruction of the Templars by the French King and the Catholic Church. Is he just a distraction formed by the modern day Illuminatus so they can uncover some terrible secret in a cathedral?
New Years Eve might bring about a time based villain named: Replay, this delusional fan of the heroes sends them bouncing through the highlight battles of the year.
Easter brings everyones most feared villain Egg Man-Chu, hiding his egg-shaped bombs throughout the city makes it the most fearful easter ever. If that wasn't bad enough the ever-killable Extra-Life is on a rampage. Can the heroes stop these two villanous villains before someone gets hurt? Or will they be left with yolk all over their faces?
But the Ultimate Holiday would have to be Christmas, and what would Christmas be without RANDOLPH the ATOMIC REINDEER, shooting terrifying radioactive energies from his olfactory organs of DEATH!
Of course twisting the Holiday theme a little, when the heroes get an all expenses paid trip to tropical Wuji it should be fun in the sun right? Not if Solar Ray and the Tidal Waves have anything to do with it!
Missle-toe: just have fun with the pun
Tannen-bomb: same
Jack Frostbite: burr... its cold outside
Power Squit: either a superstrong little person or a bad guy who uses those powered waterguns filled with a variety of liquid chemicals
BB Gunner: "you'll put your eye out"
Trainwreck: superstrong bruiser who crashes into things ala juggernaut
Tinsel: light based dazzle
Jingle Belle: somehow I imagine her as a super-strong babe
Snow Globe: yer typical cold controller, maybe combine that with an area forcefield for a concentrated effect Razz
Silent Knight: a silent killer
The Snow Men: holiday themed mooks
Santa Claws: a demon/monster-of-nightmare disguised as santa who targets those naughty children who stay up waiting for santa
The Slay Rider: psyhopatic serial killer who shows up once a year.
Coal. This soot-black creature is able to contort itself and crawls down chimneys, ignoring the heat of roaring fires, to sneak into people's homes and attack children. (or just steal their presents, leaving behind a trademark lump of coal, depending on how dark / light the campaign is)
Caribou. A Canadian hero who has a long-suffering acceptance of the mocking she receives because of her powers. She's got a fine coat, the strength of a reindeer, can run fast and has an enormous rack. On her head. No, she doesn't have an udder. I don't know why you people think this way. She can't fly and does not have a red nose, unless she's been drinking again...
Tobogan. This hero has powers over friction, and can make any surface, or even a person, zero-coefficient. He points, and you go flying. He's got Trip (area) and Trip (duration (sustained)) allowing him to send people zooming off and making them unable to get up or stay up. He can 'skate' along any surface at incredible speeds, and attacks seem to 'slide off' of him.
Holly. This teenaged plant controller had the misfortune to awaken into her powers working for minimum wage watching a lot full of Christmas trees. One minute she's rubbing her hands together complaining that nobody is going to steal a freaking Christmas tree, the next her mind and soul are savaged by the pitiful cries of a hundred dying trees, all confused and unable to understand what is killing them. She's now come to take revenge on the 'meat-world' for sadistically torturing her leafy kin!
Bethlehem. Your standard Will-O-the-Wisp, a floating glowing 'star' of light that lures people into dangerous situations, for the perverse pleasure of watching them die. Unlike most Wisps, 'Bethy' only comes out around Christmas-time, and likes to lure people out of their snug homes to wander around lost in the snow until they die of exposure. 'She' doesn't have any significant hypnotic presence, mostly affecting the curious and incautious (children, the elderly, good samaritans concerned that someone else might be lost out there and rush out to help them get to safety...), and entirely too many people forget their coats and wander outside to see what that light is, and continue doggedly pursuing it, until they have gotten lost, or into trouble ('her' favorite tactic is to lure people out onto frozen ponds or lakes, onto literal 'thin ice,' and then dance around merrily out of reach as they drown in the freezing water).
Mindstorm, the Legomaniac! This Comic Store Guy-looking person has Create Object, but his objects are entirely made out of Legos. He's under a court-order to never use that name, and indeed, to never use his powers, due to violation of copyright, but he's a super-villain, so he really doesn't play well with others. His specialty is creating walls and fortresses out of Lego bricks, to block people off while he robs banks. When he's arrested, it's discovered that he's spent every penny on shipments of rare Lego bricks, and his house is overflowing with Lego constructs, which are shipped off to the Lego museum to pay his legal bills... (His own creations are only Sustained, so he has to steal / buy real Legos to satisfy his obsession.)
Malibu Stacy. Also using her name without permission, Malibu Stacy has a criminal gang that consists of two other girls (there is a Barbie, but Stacy is the one in charge) and a man (named Ken, obviously). All of them wear too much makeup, have orange-y store-bought tans, fake looking blonde wigs and bright clothes. Together, they rob ritzy upscale jewelry stores and auction houses and museum openings. Presumably all of them are already attractive under their layers of makeup, but it's proven surprisingly hard to get a composite of their actual appearances, and they are both shockingly competent (like, James Bond / Kim Possible level competent!) and presumably well-connected, given their extremely expensive tastes.
Playtime. Playtime has a Damage attack that is Ranged (with an AP that is Penetrating), as well as a Protection effect and a Speed / Flight AP array. All are Limited to only function when he has an appropriate toy in hand. He has a neon-green plastic ray-gun that has a sparker in it and goes 'whee-ooo' when he pulls the trigger, and in his hands, it shoots a powerful blast of lightning. He has a plastic lightsaber that can cut through a bank vault in his hands. He has a plastic breastplate and roman legionnaire helmet that protects him from gunfire. He has a Batman cape that allows him to glide through the air. He has a toy helicopter and an RC care that he can throw to the ground and turn into full-scale vehicles for quick getaways! And for the people who *really* piss him off, he's got a couple Bionicles that he throws to the ground, and promply expand to 12' tall war-robots! (Summon, with a similar Limit)
Tantrum. Always a small asthmatic child, bullied by those larger and stronger and healthier than himself, Bobby has developed the amazing mutant power to Shrink others to the size of action figures, and he can affect an entire roomfull of people in a single use of this power! At reduced size, they lose Strength, Toughness, Movement abilities, etc. and he's quite adept at snatching now-Diminutive targets, seizing them up in his hands and flinging them away, stomping through his now miniaturized tormentors roaring like Godzilla. After his last encounter with the Freedom League, Captain Thunder was heard to mutter, 'For a kid who'se no good at sports, he sure scored a field goal with you, Daedalus.' 'Shut up, at least he didn't 'spike' me in the end zone like he did you...'
the "terrifying" Contractors!
The Electrician!
The Plumber!
The Carpenter!
and Landscaper!
A group of hard-luck retired contractors come by an old house cheaply, and decide to work on it as a project, to remodel it and then resell it.
Little do they know, below the house was once the hideout of (insert a mystical or alien villain here)! It has an (insert a mystical or alien power source here) powering it, its energy running through the entire structure and the grounds (because of security systems, etc)... after all this time the mystical aura of it has infused the surrounding area/the alien power device was leaking... causing the mutation of our poor old contractors into young, vibrant, super-powered men who still don't have a whole lot of money and probably aren't too bright.
While working on the property, they began to take on powers related to the tasks on which they focused their attention.
One was working on the electrical system in the old house above, and gained electrical powers. Another gained powers over water when the mutation took effect while he was cleaning up the old cistern well. The landscaper gained powers over the plants and soil while tending the grounds, becoming the, well, the Landscaper. The carpenter has the strangest powers of them all, able to create and shape dastardly contraptions, weapons, barriers and so forth of wood (of varying hardness (link provided to show that there is some give and take here on hardness.) Or if that's too silly, maybe a nail gun fused to his hand and now fires high-velocity nails produced by his genetically altered body. Maybe the plumber can make pipes of mystical energy that he can put in various configurations, trapping people, using them to slide down, as weapons.... It's all good.
Could these hardworking, down on their luck individuals with powers beyond mortal men use their powers to protect humanity? Well, maybe... but the answer is NO! They go for the quick and easy grab, the uncomplicated robbery (uncomplicated, if it wasn't for those meddling kids!) They are... the Contractors! Fear them... or just ask them to fix up the joint after you lock them away.
a group pf long shoremen imbued with powers from some anicent evil of the sea:
Killer Whale - Great White or Mako - Squid - Stingray - Baraccuda - or Eel
Or maybe a group of guys who dump toxic waste ilegally and on one last run find themselves "dumped" as well - the green glowly goo transforms them in hulking mutant monsters:
Bio-hazzard - Toxic - Megadeath - Slayer - Anthrax
Based of hauling vehicles. The HAULERS!
A bit of Running, Con, Super-STR, and Extra lift. Twisted Evil
Mac get his powers first hauling illeagle waste and crashes off a cliff. He gets great strength and commits crimes and is locked up. While in prison he contacts trucker buddies he can trust, they go to the crash sight, and bath in the waste. Returning to the prison they break Mac out and the team is complete.
A group of laborers, employed by an archeological dig, break into a long-sealed chamber, where they are instantly possesed by the malevolent spirits who had been imprisoned there. Unfortunately for the spirits, the centuries of entombment had weakened their powers, and the possessions are incomplete. The spirits have some influence on their hosts, enough to imbue them with some powers, and to influence their actions somewhat, but the original personalities are still in charge, if confused. (Particularly by the voices in their head speaking ancient Mayan/Minoan/some other dead language)
We have:
Excavator : Earth-controlling powers.
Brace : Force field generator.
Nitro : Explosive abilities. creates and throws bombs, etc.
Workhorse : Strong. Very strong.
Feynman's Five, a group of hardcore science nerds that got quantum powers -- Shape Matter, Transmutation, Shapeshift, Alternate Form and Super-Speed, specifically.
I did have a villain known as Heisenberg. He had Super Speed with Invisibility as an AP.
He was teamed with Doctor Schrodinger, a man that, when not observed directly, existed in a vague and undetermined state (Insubstantial with one heck of a flaw).
How about a character called Plank's Constant. He'd be immovable, and incredibly resistant to forced shape-shifting, drains, etc. You just can't change him. 
the sometime team villain duo:
the Well-Read Baron
(dressed in a red WWI pilot's outfit, with monocle and big mustache)
Based on his love of literature, he often quotes from novels, goes after crimes relating to literature connections and his daughter is named "Page Turner".
His minions-of-the-day true to his literary theme, using Minions dressed up like Morlocks and a robot Frankenstein's Monster.
the Broadway Bomber
He got his start small, stealing 76 trombones. Then he made seven brides marry seven brothers -- at gunpoint, kidnapped a Chorus Line, and stole a government formula that allowed him to transform the cast of Cats into, well, cats. This was when he started working with the Baron, but when the heat got close, the pair split up again. This guy was finally caught ... in Oklahoma.
DOGSTAR and the Mastif Men
Benjamin Star once wide-eyed astronaut, now the villainous heist-master. Star was thrown off trajectory on a mis-fire of his rocket pod boosters, his ship flew end over end for months somehow being drawn to the planet furthest from our sun - Pluto. There mysterious aliens disected him and returned him to life, a year later he made a triumphant return to Earth - but changed... Dogstar has the ability to control animals but has found an affinity with canines. He has an insatiable curiousity and need to collect things valuable to mankind.
Taking the name Dogstar, secretly stealing NASA designed rocket and sensor equipment he has the means to satisfy his neverending cleptomania. Begining with packs of dogs as his minions, he began testing a serum derived from his blood to created half man - half dog beasts to serve as his more intelligent henchmen.
Formerly a struggling painter while teaching digital and traditional painting at his local Art School of Design, Professor Renoir DeBois aquired a magical paint that when applied to his skin allows him to make paintings spring to life. Using these summoned minions he began sending them on quests to retrieve some of the world's most famous pieces, literally creating an army of his archive. Although his thefts has aided his ability to forge the finest paintings, his first love of painting has not improved enough to sell his original works.
or  Captain Canepe
Lined with pinks, whites, purples and the colors of candy the Confectionary has the ability to form sugary delights from gumballs to cotton-candy for which he uses as his gadgets for sinister effect.
and this one from Batman the Animated Series.
Primed with all brands and flavors, the Condiment King uses his arsenal of toppings as his gadgets for sinister effect.
Mr. Grinder, an organ grinder with hypnotic tunes and a vicious attack monkey!
The Fender Bender!
He maliciously bends the fenders of innocent motorists with complete disregard, with his sidekick Tire Iron! Fender Bender could be female with headlights on the costume!!!
Major Pain
Corpral Punishment
Doggerel is a mutant dog whose not very smart, but understands that a good villain has a motif and embraces his fully. Doggerel has henchmen who wear dog masks, is fond of dog-related crimes .... and Doggerel always, ALWAYS speaks in horrendous rhyming couplets. (Doggerel) He's a good comedy villain -- he seems himself as a crime lord, but most respectable supervillains just see him as a source of cheap muscle.
Future Shock is a precognitive who, when he was young, saw the coming end of the world. Not precisely. What he saw was a clock and calendar that showed the precise date and time of the world's end, even though he can't remember what the exact date and time was, he's deathly afraid that the world will end soon. As he battles to forestall the end of the world, his crimes range from the bizarre to the incomprehensible. For the sake of the future, he will freely intervene in the plans of heroes or of villains, always protesting that he's doing the best for the world. But his particular dementia manifests in an obsession with clocks of all sorts. Future Shock is convinced that if he can stop all of the world's clocks, then his vision can't come to pass ... and the world cannot end.
Killer Serve, a former table-tennis pro who was bounced from tournaments for using performance-enhancing drugs. Powerwise, he has Super-Dexterity, Deflection (projectiles only) and gimmicked Ping-Pong balls. Caperwise, I could see him stealing a load of money to provide the purse for an underground table-tennis tournament. The tournament's competitors would be seeded from among the world's best, "invited" to participate ... and if the winner among the pros can beat him, that winner will take home the stolen prize money.
Fubar - a luck controlling screw up who was unlucky BEFORE he got his powers, and has managed to Jinx himself permanetly unlucky. Nothing goes right for this guy, not even putting his pants on in the morning...
Black steelie- an ambitious wheelman, the crook who would be steelie was bequathed by his dying boss a most wondrous favour- an IOU from a certain evil genius (personally, i'm thinking dr. simian. every good story needs a talking ape). realizing this was his big ticket (and that he'd better do it quick lest this famous foe say no), Steelie comissioned the ultimate vehicle, a superfast and unstoppable juggernaut
unfortunately, the archfeind had quite the sense of humor, and thus the vehicle turned out to be a 15 foot round black not-quite-impervium spheroid. but, the favor was cashed, and so black Steelie was born, striking out at Brick City
"for ALL the marbles!"
Queen Condor
An heiress with a bird fixation, especially endangered birds or bird represented in art. She uses homing pigeons to deliver messages/demands/threats and has a trained condor as her sidekick, as well as an ample supply of mooks who, while dressed in the traditional black turtlenecks, bear nicknames like Eagle, Falcon, Jay, and Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (the new guy).
Miss Manners
An ettiquette instructor driven insane by fumes from the secret drug lab set up next to her home, Hyacinth Cultures is a grandmotherly matron with a driving urge for revenge. Her original targets were several of her former students who were now disreputable figures in the city's celebrity scene. Since then, she's broadened her horizons and typically stages robberies and hostage situations at any gathering of people who SHOULD now how to behave themselves in public, but don't. She especially likes targetting celebrities who "compose themselves like drunken street whores." She has no specific powers, but has honed her ability to shred people's self-esteem through years of practice, and she's deadly with a wooden ruler.
a group of nightclub bouncers that all gained their powers in the same accident (that part I haven't figured out yet) The are known as...  maybe someone slipped them all some mutating designer drug at a club or rave event.
The Enforcers
King Hit: Leader of this band of thugs, King Hit rules by right of might alone. Strong, tough, and thick as two planks.
Sucker Punch: Sly and untrustworthy, this bruiser likes nothing better than to get in the surprise punch and laying down the patsy once and for all. He's not afriad to use dirty tricks and street fighting to get his way.
Knuckle Duster: Another big bruiser of a bouncer, Knuckle Duster has a pair of thick brass knuckles that turns his punches into lethal attacks.
Bullrush: A bull of a man, Bullrush is the dumbest of the Enforcers, but potentually one of the most powerful. Super-Strength, Protection, and low level Super-Speed makes this villian one to truely watch out for. His favourite tactic is to ram opponants who are flatfooted, or not aware of him.
Lucky John- You'd think John Black got his nickname from the way he's always flipping a coin. You'd be wrong though. Joe was kinda small to be a bouncer, but amazing couinsidences always happened around him, opponents were always hurting themselves or other lucky breaks protected John. Joe has the luck power with they jinx only flaw.
One Punch- Phil was always been a guy you never wanted to get into a fight with. He always nocked the other guy out with a single punch. He's rude and crude with people, always trying to start another fight so he can show off. One Punch has the strike power with penatrating attack super-feat.
How about office Clerks:
Manager (The ringleader mastermind)
Assistant (His annoying sidekick, kinda like Toady from gummy bears)
Temp (Can create temporary copies of himself)
Accountant (Can affect quantum space with his complex calculations, effectively the luck power)
File Monkey (A monkey, with super speed, acts as a message boy, file clerk and generally anything so simple a monkey could do it).

Revision as of 11:24, 17 September 2007

Character Build Links

The Great Super Villain Contest

issue #1

M&M presents: "tGSVC, part I" , September 12, 2007. GM: KEVIN
RECAP:  ???
Issue ROSTER:  ???
GM ONLY Notes:
For several months, the anti-social activities of many of the world's most powerful villains have been on the decline. This has been seen in many quarters as evidence that the constant vigilance of the world's costumed champions of justice has been more successful of late; however, some fear that this observed decline is merely an indication that some greater evil is marshalling its forces for a grand assaunt on humankind.
Those fears are correct.
Hidden deep beneath the semi-toxic waters of one of Brick City's chemical factories lies the secret citadel of  ??? , the mysterious villain whose very existence is still unknown. From this sub-terra stronghold, the mastermind has sent forth his emissaries of evil to make contact with the most powerful villains of all. He has offered them an opportunity to prove once and for all which among them is the deadliest threat to the forces of law and order. Their immediate objective will be to embarrass, defeat, and ultimately to destroy the superheroes of Earth. Their final goal will be Power Absolute.
To the final victor in the struggle for supremacy the mastermind has promised  ??? ...
PHASE 1 - the qualifying round
  • Mastermind begins contacting villains, thugs, crooks and other seedy elements, telling them of the contest and its prize, instructing them to begin assailing superheroes and passing the good word to their villainous allies. To participate they must simply respond with accknowledgement. He doesn't mention that every villain on Earth is a contestant - even villain totally ignorant of the contest will be evaluated so long as word of their deeds reach the mastermind.
  • GOAL: Gain points by battling, defeating, and humiliating heroes. The more formidable the hero the more points are awarded for his defeat. Conversely, the more villainsthere are attacking a hero, the fewer points there are to go around. This is to weed out would-be competitors who are unfit to be a supervillain and to evaluate the supervillains abilites and powers. Villains who consistently lose to heroes, or who are too stupid to take advantage of their opportunities, or who are too psychopathic to control themselves under stress, will likely not do well enough to reach the second phase of the competition. The purpose of the contest is to determine the most powerful supervillains (and heroes) on Earth.

issue #2

M&M presents: "tGSVC, part I" , September 19, 2007. GM: KEVIN
RECAP:  ???
Issue ROSTER:  ???
GM ONLY Notes:

issue #3

M&M presents: "tGSVC, part I" , September 19, 2007. GM: KEVIN
RECAP:  ???
Issue ROSTER:  ???
GM ONLY Notes:


C.H.O.R.E. & C.H.E.A.P.

C.H.O.R.E. "phase-out" Add them both to the campaign for even more fun, maybe the chore stuff is the original that gets phased out and replaced with the cheap system, which is deamed more efficient by city hall(and can be run from another country at a fracton of the cost) make i a premium rate line aswell to add to the highjinx

  • C.H.O.R.E. - the Commission for Heroic Operations Reward Endevor system: In order to increase the safety and welfare of its citizens the city government is instituting this super-rewards program.
    "Do the chores get the rewards Brick City heroes!"
standing in line to cash in the coupons for dumb gifts
save the coupons up to get the good stuff like with the fairground tickets.
special offers of just about any sort that you receive with your credit card statement
exchange some of their points/reward dollars for tickets to theme parks, airline upgrades, magazine subscriptions, sunglasses, free superhero business cards and return address labels (just pay for shipping)
discounts at local second rate clothing stores (for all those suits they'll be leaving in phone booths)
discounts on large framed eye glasses (same reason)
discounts for drycleaning (for their super suits).
a free home make over for their hideouts (On the popular "Secret HQ for You" TV show for d-listers, like trading spaces or spouces but for team HQ's and/ or team leaders)!
  • "Super Welfare": snide super (one with hefty endorsements) refer to the checks that the B-list heroes wait in line for as "welfare" checks...
The heroes get into a really tough knock-down drag-out fight with a known super-villain and eventually are victorious. They are giddy and high-fiving each other all the way to the CHORE offices where they fill out the paperwork for their claim.
  • Reviewer: "Hmm it says here that you battled against Eviscerator at 5th and Main near Central Bank."
  • Hero 1: "Yeah! We kicked his butt!"
  • Reviewer: "Well Eviscerator is currently rated as a class C felon of minimal threat level..."
  • Hero 2: "Class C!?!? Minimal threat level!?!? His power is to make peoples guts explode!"
  • Reviewer: "True, but that is only one person at a time, which hardly classifies him as a Person of Mass Destruction."
  • Hero 3: "He exploded my guts!"
  • Reviewer: "You look okay..."
  • Hero 3: "I regenerate."
  • Reviewer: "Oh, I see. Regeneration negates the injury claims that you cited on the back of your claim form."
  • Hero 3: "He EXPLODED my GUTS!!!"
  • Reviewer: "Which brings me to the post-battle hazard clause. According to the police you did not remain for the entire clean-up after the battle."
  • Hero 2: "Yes, that's true. Because we were carrying our teammate to the hospital after his guts exploded."
  • Reviewer: "Unfortunately without an injury claim, you won't be able to file a hospital exemption clause for missing the post-battle cleanup; And apparently there was an exceptional mess near the bus stop..."
  • Hero 1: "Bus stop?"
  • Hero 3: "Sorry boss. That was me... it was where I was standing when my GUTS EXPLODED!!!"

  • C.H.E.A.P. - the Commission for Heroic Enterprise Award Program: The heroes earn points similar to frequent flier miles, with outrageous restrictions on their earning and use. The system could feature a Byzantine telephone application system which (after suffering through a series of confusing choices and inscrutable instructions) inevitably requires the heroes to “stay on the line to talk to a customer service representative.” For a nice touch, track down some cheesy music on hold, and play it for your group while you go hit the bathroom, make yourself a sandwich, etc…
    adding them both to the compaign for even more fun, maybe the chore stuff is the original that gets phased out and replaced with the cheap system, which is deamed more efficient by city hall(and can be run from another country at a fracton of the cost) make i a premium rate line aswell to add to the highjinx


Troublemakers, Inc.


The Underground Grocer's of America

  • The Grocer: The leader, wears red longjohns, a hotel towel for a cape and a paper bag over his head. He's a former chain grocery janitor who's mutant powers to control produce (fling them as projectiles, form them into barriers and crate produce golems... trust me, no one laughs at the 8 foot corn golem when it hits you through a wall) caused his mind to snap when the exhibited themselves. He's dedicated to taking down all the chain grocery stores.
  • The Bag Boy: A teenager who wears a dress shirt and kakhis. Carries an oversized gun that fires paper or plastic bags (Snares, one with Obscure attached, one with a Suffocate attached).
  • The Butcher: A humongous guy wearing a dress shirt and kahkis. Also wears a vest of frozen meat as armor and carries a meat cleaver and sharpened T-bone. Over it all, he, of course, has an ill-fitting apron.
  • the Night Stocker!!!:  ??

The Raiders

The Raiders are a bank robbery gang. Violent, but not terribly powerful. Think deNiro's crew from Heat and you've got the right notion. Their members are:

  • Six Gun: He wears a suit of low-powered high-tech body armor and wields (you guessed it) six SMGs (mounted on 4 robotic limbs [i]a la[/]i Doc Ock), along with a helmet that gives him 360 degree vision. He's the brains of the group and hell on normal police and agents, but his weaponry isn't very high-powered.
  • Bombshell: Beauty school dropout with the power to explode like a grenade and reintegrate herself. Think a low-powered Nitro and you're on the right track. She's nasty, cruel and not terribly bright.
  • The Amazing Gecko: he has the ability to transform himself entirely ordinary gecko, with human intelligence. Gecko is the Raiders' inside man.
  • Respin: Respin is a speedster with the ability to spin ast high speeds. He carries buzzsaw blades around and spins them in his fingers for intimidation. Think bargain-basement Whirlwind.

Murder, LLC

A pair of down and out Iron Age villains that formerly ran a murder for hire scheme. They may've been bad, mad and dangerous to know back in the day, but now? A bit pathetic.

  • Assaulto: Militiaman extraordinaire. Assaulto has an assault rifle that fires bullets, fire and grenades. He wears ordinary body armor. Sputs a lot of right-wing rhetoric.
  • Kill-Stab: Assaulto's partner and close-combat expert. Ex Special Forces with a thing for swords and knives. Much with the psychotic stabby.

The Crime Circus

Well, they're trying to form the Crime Circus, but so far the two founding members haven't had a lot of luck...

  • The Hurler: A circus strongman that throws cannonballs at people. That's his entire schtick. The hurls stuff, and has a terrible name.
  • Anklebiter: a 2' tall psychotic Canadian with too much body hair, claws and a serious case of poor impulse control. Often thrown at people by the Hurler.


  • Yeoman: Iron Age Green Arrow. Yeah, he's got trick arrows, but they're snares, explosives and poison gas.
  • Mocker: Shapeshifting psychotic alien. Think a mean-ass Martian Manhunter.
  • Bluestreak: Foul-mouthed speedster.
  • Thunderfist: Massive cyborg brute with electrical powers.
  • The 'Hood: City elemental and personification of urban blight.
  • Lady Justice: Another personification, this time of unwavering, harsh justice.\\
  • Super-Life: The PCs are all put together by a reality-TV producer who wants to do a show on [# of PCs] superhumans, all strangers, all fitting 'just the right made for TV dynamic' are put in an apartment for six months and filmed 24/7. The film crew would consist of some kind of gadgeteer able to made cameras that can follow them on their adventures, battles, and even 'trips to dimension X'.

Coop De'Evil!

They all drew their powers and likenesses from chickens. There was...

  • Mother Hen: The leader and financer. She was a mysterious, James Bond style villian who ran the group behind the scenes. To my recollection, none of the heroes ever actually encountered her, but she was frequently mentioned by the members of Coop De'Evil. She was the mother of ...
  • The Phantom Bantam: Wore a rooster-like battlesuit with a titanium beak, razor-tipped wings, and laser guns. "Feel the wrath of my titanium beak!" was his battle cry.
  • Cockfighter: A kickboxer who wore metal spurs on his feet.
  • Rhode Island Red: The brick of the team. He fought with a big club he called the Drumstick.
  • The Chick: A svelte, attractive woman with the power to control mens' minds.
  • The Pullet: A gadgeteer, who carried a variety of trick eggs. Explosive egg, rotten egg (which released tear gas), fire egg, etc.

Single Villains

  • Dr. TNT: minons, which are actually identical robots (that look exactly like the evil doctor) and EXPLODE when triggered. A Triggered damage effect with the Explosion extra. Killing the user seems to be accepted as a -3 flaw around these parts.
  • Do-Over: The Character is a thief. He stole a time-stopping device and is using it to steal $$, Jewels, and Priceless Art. He is remeniscent of the Clock King from Batman, but his only initial motivation is money. He is extremely thorough, and timely in all that he does, and is rather anti-social.
    The Power is built as an area affect. If you look in Ultimate Power, it says that Time Stop affects a bubble of Rank x 5 ft. I contemplated making it happen everywhere, but this really makes the power a bit too ridiculous, and minimizes its effectiveness as a plot device. He has "all the time in the world" have him be ocd, and re-arrange funiture, dust peoples coats, and clean the surroundings in the area of his time stop. State subtlely how things are cleaner, or more well ordered than normal, and casually state that the vault wheel spokes are parallel to the floor, and that lady's hair is redone.... Very Happy. He turns on the faucet, there's a blink, then suddenly the faucet is overflowing and the song on the radio has changed. He opens the freezer door, there's a blink, and suddenly there's frost over everthing.
Personally, I wouln't give him the No Saving Throw Extra. For the first couple of times, every time he uses his power around the PCs, give them a Hero Point for being automaticaly affected by the power. Then, once they figure out that someone is using a time manipulating power on them, start allowing them their saving throws. Or, for even better stealth, figure out how many times you think he's gonna use the power, and give them the HP's at the beginning of the adventure.
Time Stopper villain needs to smash a watch or clock in order to achieve the effect. In this way, he'd leave physical evidence behind to alert the PCs that he'd been there and used his power. They could also anticipate when he was about to do it again. The idea came from the XTC song 25 O'Clock, specifically the lines:
"My spell of hours will make you fall
Each timer that I break
Will halt the flowing sands
Each timer that I break
Will put you in my hands"
  • Cat-Lady: strange lady with dozens of cats
  • Hell-Cow:
  • Mr. See Through: a hero whose hero form is made of solid flat plained glass, his abilities focus on "invisibility" however in times of need he can break and fire bits of his body in glass shards at foes. His major flaw is his massive "glass jaw".
  • Frat-Lad: continual college student who has the ability to eat/drink anything, can do great feats of daring, etc... but only if dared to do so and beer is usually involved.
  • The Impersonator - a villain I am using in a current game. PL 6 villain using the Master of Disguise Archetype, who has an unusual limitation that he can only imitate celebrities and public figures. So the hero (my GF's PL6 character) was quite surprised when she witnessed Wayne Gretzky doing a B&E job.
  • Terry Hardini: a probability controlling/escape artist/magician.
  • Broadcast: Not the funniest name, but this guy was goofy. He was a little nerdy dork who could use his psychic power to animate television images. In one session, the PCs had to cure the city of a plague of indians from a really bad western, a T-Rex, and a squad of mexican wrestlers. I'm think the PCs were more upset about his bad taste in TV shows than his villainous plot to take the city hostage.
  • The Villain: Again, not a spectacular name, but this guy was just cool. The PCs hated him though. He had the emotion control power and the whole city loved him. He also had a psychic-powered ESP recorder. He had the #1 reality TV show in America, and always edited for scenes that made him look really cool and everyone else (heroes and villains alike) really goofy. I used him to provide the "recap" after the session, writing up a web page with a review of the latest episode of Villain Mayhem.
  • Devour: One of the Eternals (ala Sandman). He came to Earth to swallow it hole, but fell in love with a human. When she died, he took her away to spread her amongst the stars. His child has grown in the core of the Earth since then.
  • Mr Wonderful: A former costumed adventurer for over 20 years, who broke his arm while tied to the space shuttle in one of The Villain's Inescapable Traps. Since he was such a popular player, The Villain untied him from the space shuttle when he agreed to retire from the superhero life.
  • Ultimate Man: My archetypical superhero for the campaign. He's kind of a superman knockoff. He was captured by a mad scientist who sought the secret to his superpowers and found the only part of his body that was not invincible, and thus removed Ultimate Man's eyes. Now Ultimate Man is old, blind, and retired, while a new generation of superheroes (my PCs) have sworn to get his eyes back one day.
  • Captain Russia: Now that Ultimate Man is out of the picture, Captain Russia is very dominant in world affairs. He is the archenemy of Patriot.
  • Fallout Boy: So far, this villain has just been mentioned and the PCs know nothing about him other than groaning out loud when they heard his name. I don't know anything about him either. But I will be tormenting my players with this one for awhile.
  • Mr Manhatten: This guy blows up whenever he's exposed to meteor rocks. That's it. Big explosion. He can't help it.
  • Death: The PCs haven't encountered him yet, but he's waiting. He was kind of inspired by the goofy villains and godlings from Charmed. He's an ordinary guy whose been given the Ring of Death and thus became Death and he guides people's souls to the afterlife. He has weird powers that can be used to affect others as well as himself. For example, he can nullify someone's healing powers and stop them from healing. He can astrally project himself to others. Once astrally projected, he can dimension travel via a portal of shimmering light. That's his goal. If anything goes wrong, you have one way out. You can challenge him to a game of chess. He has enough Create Object to make a giant life-sized chess board. His powers only work on people who are dying or rendered unconscious (not asleep). It's a weird writeup, but I can't wait for one of my players to meet death. I've even got a decent line setup in response to the "You're Death?" question. "Well, not THE death. More like A death. Well, YOU'RE death, more specifically. We better get moving along, then." I imagine him looking life a kindly old grandfather with a bad fashion sense.
  • The Roofer: attacked at a charity golf game. Yelling things like "Feel the pain of my razor sharp shingles", "I have shingles for all of you" and "Feel the shingle".
  • Run Nut: master of joggers everywhere. Run Nut became a great villian he had superspeed and mind control with area effect (only works when hes running and only makes others run away) that had the players run all over. The speedster on the team was like "What, do you know how far I can run as a sprint". It was great because the villian got away, players where running or helping people that started running.
  • Dr. Nova-Cane: A dentist who got struck by the radioactive flaming lighting of the super hero captain november. It unlocked his latent ability to conrol sugar and various sugar derived sweeteners. It also gave him one hell of a sugar craving and fused him to his surgical equipment. Powers: Animate objects (sugar based substances only, alt powers of blast and force fieldlinked to obscure (made up or jelly beans usually), Boost on speed and strength (requires sugar consumption), Strike (dentist equipment)
  • PJ – My homage to (rip-off of) Ambush Bug and The Spot. This was when I was playing Champions, so I’m not sure how he’d translate to MM… a Speed 12 teleporter with insanely high combat values, dressed in polka-dot pajamas and a “have a nice day” smiley mask. Since he had no other powers, he was always rigging obnoxious traps and playing pranks on the PCs. Or, he would just pop up at a random moment, slap the brick upside the head, and vanish again. He was also mute, but my exaggerated pantomimes while playing him aggravated the players more than any verbal taunting.
  • The Flying Skull – Take the Hobgoblin, replace his creepy costume with a dippy Halloween outfit, make his gadgets prone to malfunction, and give him all the evil charisma of Eugene Levy. His henchmen were called “The Skullions.”
  • Gordon Flute – a nuclear engineer who was exposed to radiation in a power plant accident. He developed X-level, continuous Mind Control that occurred whenever he spoke – essentially, he’s a nonstop Jedi Mind Trick ®.
  • Luman Air: funny is that his battle suit was made from junk parts. He had fans all over his car bumper shoulders along with headlights, turn signals, flashlights, and one of those scrolling lights that said "I am Luman Air, put the money in the bag or be blown away by my power." They got him because he had to stop and turn sideways to get through doors. and everything was chromed with spiners on some of the lights.
  • Double Check: A villain with hover-skates and a helmet that may or may not look like a hockey helmet. He has duplication and specializes in bull rushing (or maybe just move-by attacks).
  • Chimpanzerfaust: maniacal Nazi gorilla and his squadron of "Chimpanzerfaust" troopers.
  • Instant Ninja: duplicate into numerous copies, but only if he came into contact with water (kinda like the Martian dispensor from that old Bugs Bunny vs. Marvin cartoon). He wasn't a particularly effective ninja (since he was actually just a Pizza Delivery Guy who happened to teach Tae Kwon Do on the side), but when he was doused in or with water, things started to get a little wacky. Whenever the PCs had to deal with him, I'd figure out some way for him to make splashdown, whether it was falling into an indoor pool or getting the fire sprinklers in the building to activate. Hilarity would ensue as the PCs would try to: 1.) Avoid the horde of multiples attacking them en masse with bad martial arts maneuvers, and 2.) Locate the original, who was usually trying to run off with whatever loot he was after during the chaos.
  • Black Steelie: can assume an organic metal body ala colossus, but the added mass gives him a spheroid body not unlike the famed marble
  • Defoliator: a former janitor a for the new york city Conservitory, whose mutant powers awakened during a catastrophic fire caused by a fight between ???. the Stress activated his genetic potential, giving him the power to sense the thoughts of plants, all plants, everywhere in the world, and he can't turn it off. Do you have any idea what plants think about? Needless to say he's quite nuts, and employs various flamethrowers, acidbobms and dangerous chemical defoliants.
  • Tommy Gun - A roaring 20's mobster themed guy with a hi-tech machine guy in a violin case.
  • Freaky Bones - A freak accident turned everything but his skeleton invisible and made him super strechy too
  • Belladonna - The "deadly nightshade" a poison ivy type with plant and poison powers
  • King of Hearts - Either play him as a playboy thief with a card moffit or maybe make him some serial killer who collects the "hearts" of his lovelies
  • Trouble-maker - A mutant with the ability to cause violent emotions to surface in persons in his/her area of effect if mutant does work for ya give them a experimental device (helmet) that produces same effect.
  • Black Aria -A former opera singer who was injured in a freak accident she used the wealth from her former husbands (she marries and then somethign accidental seems to happen to them) to pay for a series of operations and bio-tech vocal cords that grant a wide range of sonic abilities
  • Dr Diablo - A genetics expert driven to create the perfect "being" - to bad most of his experiments all involved up-lifting animals and mix matching any DNA he could come across (animal human mutant alien etc)
  • Frostbyte - Hi tech suit/armor ice themed guy - he loves to steal "cold" cash
  • The Big Bad Wolf - What do you do when a fairy tale character comes to life? Well a misplace spell (some college kids having fun) and the cursed tomb (Grimm's fairy tales) summons this intelligent Beast and with no lil Red to catch his eye he is going to feed on the city itself. A twist on the mindless werewolf archtype. HAHA! I did one with this name and gave him Superbreath; it was hilarious. I had him small, looking like a toonish humanoid wolf who would change when his Rage kicked in.
  • Card Shark - Think Gambit but with trick cards he throws.
  • Dorothy and the OZ Gang - First off Dorothy is a super model turned criminal mastermind - her lackys are trained attack dog Toto - Scarecrow escape artist/thief - Tin man a computer hacker - Lion the strong guy of the group (think Wolverine without claws or mutant abilities)
  • Beatnik: A 'beat generation' style poet who stages crimes as publicity stunts for his latest piece of doggerel. Has henchmen that follow him around clicking their fingers a lot, and fights foes with his 'beat stick.'
  • Folie a Trois: Three mentally ill patients who were placed in the same ward at a psychiatric hospital, and had extremely negative effects on each other. They sparked off and exacerbated each other's disorders, trapping all three of them in a vicious cycle of increasingly violent shared delusions and paranoia. This group madness motivated them to escape, and is driving them through a series of escalating crimes. If separated, they can be made to calm down and restored to relative sanity.
  • Anaconda: A pro wrestler (a grapple-freak mechanically) turned criminal with an affinity for snakes.
  • Baby Boomer: A midget demolitions expert.
  • Captain Collateral: A walking weapons locker around whom bad luck tends to crop up. If he were a character he would definitely have the Accident complication.
  • One-Man Mob: An ambitious criminal who uses a mind-control drug to turn innocents into his unknowing lackeys.
  • Password: Someone with extensive knowledge of computers as well as the human psyche.
  • Ford Tennessee: Once a mild-mannered clerk at the Bureau of Weights and Measures, Melvin Brunhicky suffered a break down and assaulted several of his co-workers for not appreciating precision as much as he did. In prison, he lifted a lot of weights and began abusing steroids, changing from a skinny weakling to a muscle-drenched bodybuilder. His fixation with absolute precision in measurements grew into a true obsessive compulsive disorder. On his release, he contacted a criminal scientist he'd heard about on the inside, and was able to acquire a pair of gauntlets (one fist of iron, the other of steel) that gave him superhuman strength – the ability to lift sixteen tons exactly. He now plots crimes that have to do with weights, lengths, and other statistical and dimensional quanta.
  • Urban Myss: An assassin who kills victims by recreating urban myths -- the hook on the door-handle, the removal of kidneys, etc. She only kills her targets -- no innocent bystanders, no heroes, nobody else -- and she justifies her actions by blaming society for creating a world of fear and ignorance that requires her murders to infuse logic into it.
  • Penny Wise: A play on the saying "Penny-wise, pound foolish." She's a con artist, master of disguise and thief who has an incredible IQ and few scruples. She believes that fools and their money deserve to be parted, and most of her cons and heists target events or interests stereotyped as being for the non-educated set -- the diamond-studded belt-buckle at a high-stakes rodeo, the solid-gold folding chair at a major wrestling event, or the car auctioned off to coincide with the opening of a big dumb action movie (in which the car is a major feature).
  • Prism: A villain with a hue-and-color theme. She uses high-tech illusions (usually to fool people, occasionally to blind with high-intensity light), and her attacks always follow the color spectrum -- if the Red Diamond is stolen on Monday, then on Tuesday, you'd better guard all the banks that have "Orange" in their name, and on Wednesday, put a few guards on Yellowstone Museum.
  • Cold Shoulder: Once a promising, if self-centered researcher in the field of cryonics, Susan Sleat was caught in a lab explosion that left her right arm twisted and mangled. When a corporate probe blamed her for the accident, she was sacked in short ordered and black-listed from the technology sector. Enraged by the insult, Sleat kidnapped a former associate and, with their combined technological genius, constructed the Cold Shoulder harness, an exo-frame for her chest and right arm that granted her incredible strength and the ability to drop objects to sub-zero temperatures with a touch. With he weapon, she struck back at her former employers, stealing money and technology to sell to the highest bidder. Cold Shoulder is cunning and intelligent, but dispite her name she is fairly hot-headed and egotistical. Her few captures can be chalked up to overconfidence moreso than any lack of ability.
  • The Haberdasher: a retail dealer in men's furnishings, as shirts, ties, gloves, socks, and hats. Chiefly British. a dealer in small wares and notions.
    Dashing Marcus Wattson II is a true Renaissance man, having studied history, literature, science, tactics and pugilism; a shame he wastes his talent and vast family fortune on crime. Watterson realized long ago that neither business nor hunting would satisfy him, and realized that only the cat-and-mouse games of matching wits with superheroes really interested him. His capers are always well thought-out and follow a theme (though often a confusing one related to classic literature, poetry, or famous battles). The Haberdasher is a classic gentleman, always well-spoken and calm, and would never imagine taking advantage of a disadvantaged foe; he has even come to the aid of citizens in distress in the past, though it's not a habit. He earned his name by wearing a different, stylish cap to each crime, each chapeau concealling a different gimmick. The Haberdasher is never found without a cadre of minions and at least three escape plans.
    • March Harriet: The Haberdashers mad assistant and Wuxia master, March Harriet is the perfectly-toned muscle to his well-dressed brains.
  • Doubletalk: When Mindy Twain's twin sister Mandy was shot by police, her mind snapped. Never a shining beacon of morality to begin with, Twain jumped from petty criminal to costumed maniac in short order. She still believes Mandy to be alive, unaware that their personalities inhabit the same body, and the seperation between the two personalities is so strong that she regularly has conversations and even arguments with herself. Her clothing is almost always patchwork sewn together from two different outfits, highlighting Mindy's 'spicey' personality and Mandy's 'sweet'. Doubletalk has a psychotic hatred of law officers, though she can't remember why, and her crimes usually build up to some grand scheme against a major police official or location. While both personalities are distinct (Mindy is more emotional and 'cheap', while Mandy is refined and intellectual), both are thoroughly insane and dangerous to anyone who gets in their way. Doublespeak seems to be inhumanly perceptive and has uncanning reflexes, possibly a side-effect of her insanity (she is thinking for two these days).
  • Bodycount - a murder obsessed psychopath bent only on increasing the number of people he's killed.
  • Penny Dreadful: female thief specializing in manuscripts, books, baseball cards... anything printed. Usually dresses in a pin-striped zoot-suit, but will sometimes dress as a literary character. Will have goons in appropriately-themed costumes (for example, if she goes as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, the goons will have a playing card motif).
  • Janus: Has a two-faced mask that allows him to see 360 degrees. Master lock-picker (maybe as a power?). Other than that, he's a fairly straight-forward crime boss, a-la Two Face. Note: he's actually twins, but only one is ever seen outside the mask at a time. Think Christian Bale's character from The Prestige.
  • Firebug: professional arsonist. Midget. (Inspired by the Firefly episode Objects in Space, where Jubal Early talks about a midget arsonist. "Little man loooved fires."
  • Charade: Gaston was a third-rate theater actor struggling to make ends meet. His life was almost in the dumps when he was given the chance to audition for a cutting edge new play by a revered playwright. But on his way to the audition, he was accidentally pushed in front of a moving car by a superhero. Gaston suffered many broken bones, but the worst injury was that the right side of his face was scarred horribly. From then on, Gaston was unable to get a part in anything because of his disfigurement. He slowly went insane, and broke into an abandoned theater and set up his home there, as well as his killing ground. His new gimmick, as Charade, is to kidnap influential people in the city and bring them to his play house, forcing them at gunpoint to act out the parts in his own twisted plays, all of which end with the death of every character. This is all in an attempt to catch the hero's attention and exact his revenge.
  • PIMPHAND aka Emerson Oakley - Emerson grew up in the low income side of Chicago in the 1970's during the time when the major "Players" around town were the Pimp types. There was an Urban legend circulating that one Pimp who was known to mess around with "Voodoo" moved his soul into his items upon passing like the ancient Egyptian belief. His cane, sunglasses and false teeth were all imbued with magical powers to hypnotize, lower your rep and even blind people, his ring could summon this previous owner's driver or bodyguard a brick type man called Mr. G. and his martial arts entourage of Foxy Ho's would help him pull off elaborate heists and robberies. So now Emerson has become the new Pimphand and his desire to gain a "Rep" has made him small time on the bad guy scene and his main obsession is stealing new "Bling"
  • SHAMROCK - aka Sean McEvery -Irish Boxer Sean McEvery was never that good a fighter and always down on his luck and down for the count. His short fuse and wild temper made him hard for manager's to promote and his lack of focus in the ring made him the target for a quick knockout when fighting a skilled opponent. This all changed the day that Sean inherited his Grandfather's personal belongings, one such item a small pendant with an emerald shamrocks around a mysterious stone. This strange trinket granted the wearer the ability to change the luck of others from good to bad or to change the luck of the wearer from bad to good with supernatural effects. Selfish by nature Sean soon realized that he could use this pendant to pull off petty heists and he disregarded his failed career as a boxer for a life of crime.
  • STAR SPANGLED SLAMMER - aka Chet Morrison - A former "bad guy" on the wrestling circuit. I am not sure how he came to become a real bad guy or how. Still working on those aspects.
  • CORPPRAL PUNISHMENT - aka Rick Timmins. A former solider in the US Army, Rick was a superior officer with strong fighting and reasoning skills. His superiors labeled him a perfect test subject for an experimental process to imbue a regular solider with the abilites of others simply by touch. This drug was tampered with by the original designer to ensure that an antidote could later be extorted from the military at a later time. Rick's own physiology and the unstable drug created a rift between his reasoning and his physical combat abilities so sever that he would soon develop a third and new section to his brain based on the skill absorbing effects. His inner aggression going off the charts turned him into a jeckle and hyde type. He took his one man crusade to punish those who he thought beneath him to the streets becoming a reverse Punisher type character.


The Top: A classic staple of the christmas stocking really should be part of a holiday stable of Toy based villains. His ability to spin at tornado like speeds is a total bonus!

Blow Up Doll: Oh sure you laugh at her now, but you'll find the surprised look will be on your face when she uses her ability to EXPLODE AT WILL in a crowded school.

Death Cycle: The steel Skull is pretty intimidating, the spikes on the tires allowing him to tread walls are terrifying. The little bell? That's just confusing.

Player 2: Kids love video games, so don't neglect this Crooks! stable character.

Action Figure: When George Irvine Joseph was accidentally coated in military "smart plastic" he gained invulnerability at the mere cost of a couple of points of articulation. Oh and his marbles he completely lost those.

Speaking of which:

Ms. Marble I love alliterative names, but alliterative names that speak of little marbles capable of causing slippery floors, or that are actually tiny EMP bombs? Why that just SCREAMS Christmas.

Holiday Villains:

There's something special about THE TURKEY BASTER as a supervillain really.

Yet in a more serious mold and continuing American holidays the pyrotechnical badguys Firewerkz would make an awesome group of villains to fight on the fourth of July.

What about fighting The Last Templar on Friday the 13th, this medievel themed villain usually attacks religious institutions due to the destruction of the Templars by the French King and the Catholic Church. Is he just a distraction formed by the modern day Illuminatus so they can uncover some terrible secret in a cathedral?

New Years Eve might bring about a time based villain named: Replay, this delusional fan of the heroes sends them bouncing through the highlight battles of the year.

Easter brings everyones most feared villain Egg Man-Chu, hiding his egg-shaped bombs throughout the city makes it the most fearful easter ever. If that wasn't bad enough the ever-killable Extra-Life is on a rampage. Can the heroes stop these two villanous villains before someone gets hurt? Or will they be left with yolk all over their faces?

But the Ultimate Holiday would have to be Christmas, and what would Christmas be without RANDOLPH the ATOMIC REINDEER, shooting terrifying radioactive energies from his olfactory organs of DEATH!

Of course twisting the Holiday theme a little, when the heroes get an all expenses paid trip to tropical Wuji it should be fun in the sun right? Not if Solar Ray and the Tidal Waves have anything to do with it!

Missle-toe: just have fun with the pun

Tannen-bomb: same

Jack Frostbite: burr... its cold outside

Power Squit: either a superstrong little person or a bad guy who uses those powered waterguns filled with a variety of liquid chemicals

BB Gunner: "you'll put your eye out"

Trainwreck: superstrong bruiser who crashes into things ala juggernaut

Tinsel: light based dazzle

Jingle Belle: somehow I imagine her as a super-strong babe

Snow Globe: yer typical cold controller, maybe combine that with an area forcefield for a concentrated effect Razz

Silent Knight: a silent killer

The Snow Men: holiday themed mooks

Santa Claws: a demon/monster-of-nightmare disguised as santa who targets those naughty children who stay up waiting for santa

The Slay Rider: psyhopatic serial killer who shows up once a year.

Coal. This soot-black creature is able to contort itself and crawls down chimneys, ignoring the heat of roaring fires, to sneak into people's homes and attack children. (or just steal their presents, leaving behind a trademark lump of coal, depending on how dark / light the campaign is)

Caribou. A Canadian hero who has a long-suffering acceptance of the mocking she receives because of her powers. She's got a fine coat, the strength of a reindeer, can run fast and has an enormous rack. On her head. No, she doesn't have an udder. I don't know why you people think this way. She can't fly and does not have a red nose, unless she's been drinking again...

Tobogan. This hero has powers over friction, and can make any surface, or even a person, zero-coefficient. He points, and you go flying. He's got Trip (area) and Trip (duration (sustained)) allowing him to send people zooming off and making them unable to get up or stay up. He can 'skate' along any surface at incredible speeds, and attacks seem to 'slide off' of him.

Holly. This teenaged plant controller had the misfortune to awaken into her powers working for minimum wage watching a lot full of Christmas trees. One minute she's rubbing her hands together complaining that nobody is going to steal a freaking Christmas tree, the next her mind and soul are savaged by the pitiful cries of a hundred dying trees, all confused and unable to understand what is killing them. She's now come to take revenge on the 'meat-world' for sadistically torturing her leafy kin!

Bethlehem. Your standard Will-O-the-Wisp, a floating glowing 'star' of light that lures people into dangerous situations, for the perverse pleasure of watching them die. Unlike most Wisps, 'Bethy' only comes out around Christmas-time, and likes to lure people out of their snug homes to wander around lost in the snow until they die of exposure. 'She' doesn't have any significant hypnotic presence, mostly affecting the curious and incautious (children, the elderly, good samaritans concerned that someone else might be lost out there and rush out to help them get to safety...), and entirely too many people forget their coats and wander outside to see what that light is, and continue doggedly pursuing it, until they have gotten lost, or into trouble ('her' favorite tactic is to lure people out onto frozen ponds or lakes, onto literal 'thin ice,' and then dance around merrily out of reach as they drown in the freezing water).

Mindstorm, the Legomaniac! This Comic Store Guy-looking person has Create Object, but his objects are entirely made out of Legos. He's under a court-order to never use that name, and indeed, to never use his powers, due to violation of copyright, but he's a super-villain, so he really doesn't play well with others. His specialty is creating walls and fortresses out of Lego bricks, to block people off while he robs banks. When he's arrested, it's discovered that he's spent every penny on shipments of rare Lego bricks, and his house is overflowing with Lego constructs, which are shipped off to the Lego museum to pay his legal bills... (His own creations are only Sustained, so he has to steal / buy real Legos to satisfy his obsession.)

Malibu Stacy. Also using her name without permission, Malibu Stacy has a criminal gang that consists of two other girls (there is a Barbie, but Stacy is the one in charge) and a man (named Ken, obviously). All of them wear too much makeup, have orange-y store-bought tans, fake looking blonde wigs and bright clothes. Together, they rob ritzy upscale jewelry stores and auction houses and museum openings. Presumably all of them are already attractive under their layers of makeup, but it's proven surprisingly hard to get a composite of their actual appearances, and they are both shockingly competent (like, James Bond / Kim Possible level competent!) and presumably well-connected, given their extremely expensive tastes.

Playtime. Playtime has a Damage attack that is Ranged (with an AP that is Penetrating), as well as a Protection effect and a Speed / Flight AP array. All are Limited to only function when he has an appropriate toy in hand. He has a neon-green plastic ray-gun that has a sparker in it and goes 'whee-ooo' when he pulls the trigger, and in his hands, it shoots a powerful blast of lightning. He has a plastic lightsaber that can cut through a bank vault in his hands. He has a plastic breastplate and roman legionnaire helmet that protects him from gunfire. He has a Batman cape that allows him to glide through the air. He has a toy helicopter and an RC care that he can throw to the ground and turn into full-scale vehicles for quick getaways! And for the people who *really* piss him off, he's got a couple Bionicles that he throws to the ground, and promply expand to 12' tall war-robots! (Summon, with a similar Limit)

Tantrum. Always a small asthmatic child, bullied by those larger and stronger and healthier than himself, Bobby has developed the amazing mutant power to Shrink others to the size of action figures, and he can affect an entire roomfull of people in a single use of this power! At reduced size, they lose Strength, Toughness, Movement abilities, etc. and he's quite adept at snatching now-Diminutive targets, seizing them up in his hands and flinging them away, stomping through his now miniaturized tormentors roaring like Godzilla. After his last encounter with the Freedom League, Captain Thunder was heard to mutter, 'For a kid who'se no good at sports, he sure scored a field goal with you, Daedalus.' 'Shut up, at least he didn't 'spike' me in the end zone like he did you...'

the "terrifying" Contractors!

The Electrician! The Plumber! The Carpenter! and Landscaper!

A group of hard-luck retired contractors come by an old house cheaply, and decide to work on it as a project, to remodel it and then resell it.

Little do they know, below the house was once the hideout of (insert a mystical or alien villain here)! It has an (insert a mystical or alien power source here) powering it, its energy running through the entire structure and the grounds (because of security systems, etc)... after all this time the mystical aura of it has infused the surrounding area/the alien power device was leaking... causing the mutation of our poor old contractors into young, vibrant, super-powered men who still don't have a whole lot of money and probably aren't too bright.

While working on the property, they began to take on powers related to the tasks on which they focused their attention.

One was working on the electrical system in the old house above, and gained electrical powers. Another gained powers over water when the mutation took effect while he was cleaning up the old cistern well. The landscaper gained powers over the plants and soil while tending the grounds, becoming the, well, the Landscaper. The carpenter has the strangest powers of them all, able to create and shape dastardly contraptions, weapons, barriers and so forth of wood (of varying hardness (link provided to show that there is some give and take here on hardness.) Or if that's too silly, maybe a nail gun fused to his hand and now fires high-velocity nails produced by his genetically altered body. Maybe the plumber can make pipes of mystical energy that he can put in various configurations, trapping people, using them to slide down, as weapons.... It's all good.

Could these hardworking, down on their luck individuals with powers beyond mortal men use their powers to protect humanity? Well, maybe... but the answer is NO! They go for the quick and easy grab, the uncomplicated robbery (uncomplicated, if it wasn't for those meddling kids!) They are... the Contractors! Fear them... or just ask them to fix up the joint after you lock them away.

a group pf long shoremen imbued with powers from some anicent evil of the sea:

Killer Whale - Great White or Mako - Squid - Stingray - Baraccuda - or Eel

Or maybe a group of guys who dump toxic waste ilegally and on one last run find themselves "dumped" as well - the green glowly goo transforms them in hulking mutant monsters:

Bio-hazzard - Toxic - Megadeath - Slayer - Anthrax

Based of hauling vehicles. The HAULERS!

Mac Long-haul Semi Duck

A bit of Running, Con, Super-STR, and Extra lift. Twisted Evil

Mac get his powers first hauling illeagle waste and crashes off a cliff. He gets great strength and commits crimes and is locked up. While in prison he contacts trucker buddies he can trust, they go to the crash sight, and bath in the waste. Returning to the prison they break Mac out and the team is complete.

A group of laborers, employed by an archeological dig, break into a long-sealed chamber, where they are instantly possesed by the malevolent spirits who had been imprisoned there. Unfortunately for the spirits, the centuries of entombment had weakened their powers, and the possessions are incomplete. The spirits have some influence on their hosts, enough to imbue them with some powers, and to influence their actions somewhat, but the original personalities are still in charge, if confused. (Particularly by the voices in their head speaking ancient Mayan/Minoan/some other dead language) We have:

Excavator : Earth-controlling powers. Brace : Force field generator. Nitro : Explosive abilities. creates and throws bombs, etc. Workhorse : Strong. Very strong.

Feynman's Five, a group of hardcore science nerds that got quantum powers -- Shape Matter, Transmutation, Shapeshift, Alternate Form and Super-Speed, specifically. I did have a villain known as Heisenberg. He had Super Speed with Invisibility as an AP.

He was teamed with Doctor Schrodinger, a man that, when not observed directly, existed in a vague and undetermined state (Insubstantial with one heck of a flaw).

How about a character called Plank's Constant. He'd be immovable, and incredibly resistant to forced shape-shifting, drains, etc. You just can't change him.

the sometime team villain duo:

the Well-Read Baron (dressed in a red WWI pilot's outfit, with monocle and big mustache) Based on his love of literature, he often quotes from novels, goes after crimes relating to literature connections and his daughter is named "Page Turner". His minions-of-the-day true to his literary theme, using Minions dressed up like Morlocks and a robot Frankenstein's Monster.

the Broadway Bomber He got his start small, stealing 76 trombones. Then he made seven brides marry seven brothers -- at gunpoint, kidnapped a Chorus Line, and stole a government formula that allowed him to transform the cast of Cats into, well, cats. This was when he started working with the Baron, but when the heat got close, the pair split up again. This guy was finally caught ... in Oklahoma.

DOGSTAR and the Mastif Men Benjamin Star once wide-eyed astronaut, now the villainous heist-master. Star was thrown off trajectory on a mis-fire of his rocket pod boosters, his ship flew end over end for months somehow being drawn to the planet furthest from our sun - Pluto. There mysterious aliens disected him and returned him to life, a year later he made a triumphant return to Earth - but changed... Dogstar has the ability to control animals but has found an affinity with canines. He has an insatiable curiousity and need to collect things valuable to mankind. Taking the name Dogstar, secretly stealing NASA designed rocket and sensor equipment he has the means to satisfy his neverending cleptomania. Begining with packs of dogs as his minions, he began testing a serum derived from his blood to created half man - half dog beasts to serve as his more intelligent henchmen.

ARTHAUS Formerly a struggling painter while teaching digital and traditional painting at his local Art School of Design, Professor Renoir DeBois aquired a magical paint that when applied to his skin allows him to make paintings spring to life. Using these summoned minions he began sending them on quests to retrieve some of the world's most famous pieces, literally creating an army of his archive. Although his thefts has aided his ability to forge the finest paintings, his first love of painting has not improved enough to sell his original works.

the CONFECTIONERY or Captain Canepe Lined with pinks, whites, purples and the colors of candy the Confectionary has the ability to form sugary delights from gumballs to cotton-candy for which he uses as his gadgets for sinister effect.

and this one from Batman the Animated Series.

the CONDIMENT KING Primed with all brands and flavors, the Condiment King uses his arsenal of toppings as his gadgets for sinister effect.

Mr. Grinder, an organ grinder with hypnotic tunes and a vicious attack monkey!

The Fender Bender! He maliciously bends the fenders of innocent motorists with complete disregard, with his sidekick Tire Iron! Fender Bender could be female with headlights on the costume!!!

Major Pain Corpral Punishment

Doggerel is a mutant dog whose not very smart, but understands that a good villain has a motif and embraces his fully. Doggerel has henchmen who wear dog masks, is fond of dog-related crimes .... and Doggerel always, ALWAYS speaks in horrendous rhyming couplets. (Doggerel) He's a good comedy villain -- he seems himself as a crime lord, but most respectable supervillains just see him as a source of cheap muscle.

Future Shock is a precognitive who, when he was young, saw the coming end of the world. Not precisely. What he saw was a clock and calendar that showed the precise date and time of the world's end, even though he can't remember what the exact date and time was, he's deathly afraid that the world will end soon. As he battles to forestall the end of the world, his crimes range from the bizarre to the incomprehensible. For the sake of the future, he will freely intervene in the plans of heroes or of villains, always protesting that he's doing the best for the world. But his particular dementia manifests in an obsession with clocks of all sorts. Future Shock is convinced that if he can stop all of the world's clocks, then his vision can't come to pass ... and the world cannot end.

Killer Serve, a former table-tennis pro who was bounced from tournaments for using performance-enhancing drugs. Powerwise, he has Super-Dexterity, Deflection (projectiles only) and gimmicked Ping-Pong balls. Caperwise, I could see him stealing a load of money to provide the purse for an underground table-tennis tournament. The tournament's competitors would be seeded from among the world's best, "invited" to participate ... and if the winner among the pros can beat him, that winner will take home the stolen prize money.

Fubar - a luck controlling screw up who was unlucky BEFORE he got his powers, and has managed to Jinx himself permanetly unlucky. Nothing goes right for this guy, not even putting his pants on in the morning...

Black steelie- an ambitious wheelman, the crook who would be steelie was bequathed by his dying boss a most wondrous favour- an IOU from a certain evil genius (personally, i'm thinking dr. simian. every good story needs a talking ape). realizing this was his big ticket (and that he'd better do it quick lest this famous foe say no), Steelie comissioned the ultimate vehicle, a superfast and unstoppable juggernaut unfortunately, the archfeind had quite the sense of humor, and thus the vehicle turned out to be a 15 foot round black not-quite-impervium spheroid. but, the favor was cashed, and so black Steelie was born, striking out at Brick City "for ALL the marbles!"

Queen Condor An heiress with a bird fixation, especially endangered birds or bird represented in art. She uses homing pigeons to deliver messages/demands/threats and has a trained condor as her sidekick, as well as an ample supply of mooks who, while dressed in the traditional black turtlenecks, bear nicknames like Eagle, Falcon, Jay, and Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (the new guy).

Miss Manners An ettiquette instructor driven insane by fumes from the secret drug lab set up next to her home, Hyacinth Cultures is a grandmotherly matron with a driving urge for revenge. Her original targets were several of her former students who were now disreputable figures in the city's celebrity scene. Since then, she's broadened her horizons and typically stages robberies and hostage situations at any gathering of people who SHOULD now how to behave themselves in public, but don't. She especially likes targetting celebrities who "compose themselves like drunken street whores." She has no specific powers, but has honed her ability to shred people's self-esteem through years of practice, and she's deadly with a wooden ruler.

a group of nightclub bouncers that all gained their powers in the same accident (that part I haven't figured out yet) The are known as... maybe someone slipped them all some mutating designer drug at a club or rave event.

The Enforcers

King Hit: Leader of this band of thugs, King Hit rules by right of might alone. Strong, tough, and thick as two planks.

Sucker Punch: Sly and untrustworthy, this bruiser likes nothing better than to get in the surprise punch and laying down the patsy once and for all. He's not afriad to use dirty tricks and street fighting to get his way.

Knuckle Duster: Another big bruiser of a bouncer, Knuckle Duster has a pair of thick brass knuckles that turns his punches into lethal attacks.

Bullrush: A bull of a man, Bullrush is the dumbest of the Enforcers, but potentually one of the most powerful. Super-Strength, Protection, and low level Super-Speed makes this villian one to truely watch out for. His favourite tactic is to ram opponants who are flatfooted, or not aware of him.

Lucky John- You'd think John Black got his nickname from the way he's always flipping a coin. You'd be wrong though. Joe was kinda small to be a bouncer, but amazing couinsidences always happened around him, opponents were always hurting themselves or other lucky breaks protected John. Joe has the luck power with they jinx only flaw.

One Punch- Phil was always been a guy you never wanted to get into a fight with. He always nocked the other guy out with a single punch. He's rude and crude with people, always trying to start another fight so he can show off. One Punch has the strike power with penatrating attack super-feat.

How about office Clerks: Manager (The ringleader mastermind) Assistant (His annoying sidekick, kinda like Toady from gummy bears) Temp (Can create temporary copies of himself) Accountant (Can affect quantum space with his complex calculations, effectively the luck power) File Monkey (A monkey, with super speed, acts as a message boy, file clerk and generally anything so simple a monkey could do it).


METRO CITY is a shining jewel in the crown of truth, justice and the American way, a thriving metropolis that is home to some of the greatest heroes this world has ever known.

BRICK CITY is about 30 minutes to the west, one of METRO CITY's neighbors. A town formerly known for its high-quality building materials - now known for its low-to-medium-quality superheroes.

Those heroes who are really good at it may someday receive the coveted golden envelope that means an interview with the Exemplars in Metro City. For those who aren't, or at least aren't yet ... well, that's why most superheroes in Brick City have day jobs.

These ain't your classic superheroes. They're not the favorites. These're the other guys. The guys nobody ever bets on. ... They strike down evil with the mighty sword of mediocrity and the hammer of sheer luck.

There's no shame in that those, HEY... we can all be heroes, some of us look better in spandex than others...

Heck, we all know the major difficulty in superheroing is you are reactive. The villain gets all the time to plot and plan, and manipulate, and when they pull the curtain on their big show, you've got to trash it in 59 seconds.

Sigh... If Count Killcrazy wants revenge on Brick City, he will have his chance.

And someone will be waiting. These dudes are not famous, not super-cool.

They don't have their own Saturday morning cartoon, or breakfast cereal.

No high-profile sponsorship deals, or endorsements.

They're barely acceptable.

They suck.


Brick City