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Because of this, the Thorn of Loneliness is perhaps the least outright Evil of the Thorns, at least in regards to its effect on the world. Those under the Thorn's influence can become paralyzed with loneliness, and crave companionship and physical contact almost as much as, if not moreso than, food.
Because of this, the Thorn of Loneliness is perhaps the least outright Evil of the Thorns, at least in regards to its effect on the world. Those under the Thorn's influence can become paralyzed with loneliness, and crave companionship and physical contact almost as much as, if not moreso than, food.

It seems Usagi may be regaining its sanity, but the road is bound to be long. It's only heirs currently alive are a pair of Rabbit shifters, Maya and Marie, and a Vampire clone of Marie's named Muffin whos connection is tenuous at best.
It seems Usagi may be regaining its sanity, but the road is bound to be long. It's only heirs currently alive are a pair of Rabbit shifters, Maya and Marie, and a Vampire clone of Marie's named Muffin whose connection is tenuous at best.

== '''The Stag Lord''': Herne, the Hunter ==
== '''The Stag Lord''': Herne, the Hunter ==

Revision as of 06:13, 23 March 2008

Alignment: TN

Symbol: Eberron (the Dragon Between)


In the days before Siberys' demise, Eberron saw fit to create the Animal Lords to watch over her realm. Each embodied a piece of the then forming creation, whether good or evil, lawful or chaotic. They were charged with guiding the mortal Children of the Dragon Between in order to maintain the balance between her warring brother and sister.

The unforseen swaying of a great many of her children to Khyber through fear of death ultimately led to the God of Good meeting his end at the claws of the Goddess of Evil before the Goddess Between gave up herself to seal away her sister. The Age of Demons saw the ultimate twisting of Eberron's beloved guardians into the beasts they are today by Nyarlathotep, the Rajah of Chaos. Some believe him to be the Traveler, the only Sovereign not born of Siberys or Khyber, though none can be certain.

It was from Nyarlathotep's experiments that they were given true forms. Their original personalities warped to fit his strange desires, they became forces of destruction and death without purpose till the day the Dragons and Couatl sealed them away. Their release at the end of the Age of the Giants brought them out of their slumber, and they were again reborn, this time as the Curse of Lycanthropy. Nyarlathotep's corruption still holds sway over them, but as they reassert their true selves, their original personalities have begun to show through.


While all Full Moons will cause a Lycanthrope to react to some degree, specific moons have a greater effect on each type. The Thorns grow stronger, and for the three days the appropriate moon is full every month the transformations are almost impossible to resist.

Many legends abound about the moon's effect on Lycanthrope creation. Some say a True Lycan born when the associated moon is Full or at its Zenith will be closer to their patron animal, and legends of Werecreature Lord's being born at higher rates during such times remain unconfirmed.

The Lords

The Wolf Lord: Fenric, the Protector

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (shifts between CG and CE)

Associated Moon: Aryth

Fenric was born as the foremost defender of the Children of Eberron. Its very existence was to ensure no harm would befall them, even at the cost of its own life. This noble beast is what ensured the sleeping seeds of what would become Giants, Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and all other mortal races went uncorrupted by the tremendous evil of the Rajahs for so long.

It is ironic, then, that Nyarlathotep took this singleminded devotion and twisted it to a terrible Bloodlust. From this, the Thorn of Rage was born, and has been the bane of mankind ever since.

The old Fenric, the defender of his mistress' children, can still be seen in the unyielding devotion a Werewolf shows to those it considers one of its own. The Silver Flame was not wrong in killing many of the Werewolves. A large number of them were, indeed, in the thrall of the Thorn of Rage. It was the failure to consider the softer side of the patron animal that brought down the hate they now suffer.

The Fox Lord: Nogitsune, the Tactician

Alignment: Neutral Evil (often tends towards True or Chaotic Neutral)

Associated Moon: Rhaan

Nogitsune was created to be the brains behind the Animal Lords. Managing the battle between the Demons of Khyber and the Angels of Siberys required a cunning mind and a willingness to do what one must. The Fox Lord, by directing the energies of its brethren, held the balance for countless aeons, but even Eberron knew such an effort was ultimately futile.

Nyarlathotep took the Tactician and twisted its brilliance into an endless Vanity. The Thorn of Pride is exceptionally potent among the heirs of the Animal Lords, driving those at its mercy to untold heights to avenge a wrong, real or perceived. Nogitsune's pride brought it to commit atrocities that stood out even in the carnage and madness of the Demon Age, slaughtering Dragons and Couatl alike in an effort to quench the burning desire for revenge after every loss. It is thought that this is the reason for the Werefox Curse's minimal spread, even among Shifters. Too many members brought ruination upon them.

The old Nogitsune is beginning to reemerge, and is finding it harder and harder to completely disregard considerations other than "how does this benefit me and mine". He has only one living heir in Thelia, a Fox Shifter. His consciousness has also been partially boud within a magical body known as Karin by the Fallen Angel Pyriel. This extraordinarily limited ability to maeuver has led him to be frustrated at most every one of his plans so far, though this may be changing.

The Rabbit Lord: God Usagi, the Healer

Alignment: CG (shifts to LG when facing Evil)

Associated Moon: Therendor

The God Usagi is Innocence and Purity personified, created to balance against the pragmatic or even cynical nature of so many of the Animal Lords. As the battle between Khyber and Siberys raged, it was Usagi's role to spread health and healing to the Children of Eberron caught in the middle.

Usagi is unique among the Animal Lords in that part of its essence came from an Angel of Siberys, Gayliel. Bonded soon after the God of Good's demise, the Healer alone has never succumbed to true corruption, even under Nyarlathotep's influence. Instead, Nyarlathotep drove it insane, causing it to become highly unstable. It was this insanity and sweetness Nyarlathotep turned towards his enemies to devastating effect.

Because of this, the Thorn of Loneliness is perhaps the least outright Evil of the Thorns, at least in regards to its effect on the world. Those under the Thorn's influence can become paralyzed with loneliness, and crave companionship and physical contact almost as much as, if not moreso than, food.

It seems Usagi may be regaining its sanity, but the road is bound to be long. It's only heirs currently alive are a pair of Rabbit shifters, Maya and Marie, and a Vampire clone of Marie's named Muffin whose connection is tenuous at best.

The Stag Lord: Herne, the Hunter

Alignment: Neutral Evil (was originally True Neutral)

Associated Moon: The Lost Moon

Herne was guardian of the forests and nature, a magestic creature born to inspire awe and respect in Eberron's children for the bounty the Dragon Between had given them. Like the Druids that would later take up the mantle, it obeyed the laws Nature itself lay down. Sometimes forgiving, sometimes cruel, Herne kept all to the same standard.

Nyarlathotep took this love of nature and twisted it into a deep seated hate of all who disfigured it. The Thorn of Defilement was the result. Particularly devastating when a Druid Werestag or Stag Shifter fell to its effects, it more often than not resulted in the wholesale destruction of the very land they had hoped to defend. In fact, the first known Blighters were actually Werestags.

Whether or not Herne could have redeemed itself will forever be unknown, as its entire line was completely wiped out by the Silver Claw. The resulting wrenching separation from the Material Plane (and thus its creator) caused it to go completely mad, and was only stopped by Melissa, Karin, and Jaina's efforts against it (plus some luck). The heart and body have been separated, the heart in Melissa's possession and the body (in spirit form) is in Lord Shadowspawn's.

The Ursine Lord: Hashmalim, the Judge

Alignment: Lawful Neutral (was once Lawful Good)

Associated Moon: Vult

Hashmalim was the Overseer, the Enforcer, and, in the end, the Dispenser of Eberron's will. While Usagi healed, Hashmalim's task was to redeem all who could be and destroy those who could not. The Judge is believed to be the first true Paladin not born of Siberys.

He was, alas, also the first Fallen Paladin. At first, he was a scourge to all Demonkind, taking up the mantle of Siberys on Eberron in a doomed attempt to stem the tides of Khyber's dominion. The constant death and sensless destruction, devoid of a light at the end of the tunnel, caused him to fall further and further away from his duty to uphold Good, and forcing him to obey only the word of the law Eberron had given to him. It was through this that Nyarlathotep ensnared him, creating the Thorn of Oppression in the process.

This thorn leads Werebears and Bear Shifters to believe their heavy handedness towards others to be "for their own good", despite the often detrimental effects of their efforts. While true heirs to the Judge are often bastions of hope and light for the weak, those caught in the Thorn's snare often call the enslavement of Free Will the same thing as Justice.

The Raven Lord: Shemhazi; the Loremaster

Alignment: Lawful Evil (used to be Lawful Neutral)

Associated Moon: Nymm

Shemhazi was the bringer of knowledge, the first herald of civilization to the newly created world. Despite what the Children of Winter believe, civilization is but one stage of the world's evolution. It was Shemhazi that first brought the power of speech, writing, and storytelling to the inhabitants of Eberron, and tales are still told of the first true Bard.

But words can be used to harm as much as help. It was through words that Nyarlathotep brought Shemhazi to his clutches, and it was through her that the Thorn of Deception was born. Lies, rumors, gossip, slander, and all manner of falsehoods stem from the lips of one caught in its snare. The true danger of it is the believablitiy of these very lies. Wereravens and Raven Shifters not in its clutches are fountains of wisdom or insight, often employed as advisors or information brokers. Those not so fortunate can and have brought calamity to any who will listen to their tainted words.

The Silver Flame was not the first church to pursue these charlatans, and they will not be the last. Many a good mind was lost in the recent frenzy, but many true conartists were forever silenced as well, undoubtably sparing many untold grief.

The Cat Lord: Tigyra, the Scout

Alignment: True Neutral (shifts between Lawful Evil and Chaotic Good, was originally only CG)

Associated Moon: Lharvion

Tigyra is often given credit for being the first Ranger, her ability to track and to focus on her designated target unparalleled even now. Often at the forefront of Eberron's forces, she was the Animal Lords eyes and ears, leading forces to a target and warning of attacks, earning her a place of honor among those unable to fight.

It was when Nyarlathotep took hold of her that the darker side of the Cat Lord came into being. With the birth of the Thorn of Obsession, the Cat Lord became selfish and narccisistic, believing, in effect, "what's mine is mine, and what's YOURS is mine". The moment something caught her eye, she would pursue it with a passion, doing what it took to ensure it came into her possession. Consequences be damned.

Those in the Thorn's embrace see the world as theirs to peruse. They don't just have the opportunity to possess something, they have the RIGHT to it. Werecats and Cat Shifters that fall to this Thorn are commonly Rouges, Beguilers, or Bards, making use of their great agility, senses, and/or wiles to steal what they want, when they want (people not excluded).

As for those fortunate enough to avoid this pitfall, they are often devoted companions and very protective of those they have chosen as "theirs", though not in as obvious a manner as Fenric's heirs.

The Boar Lord: Yumiko; the Berzerker

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (was originally Chaotic Neutral)

Associated Moon: Olarune

Yumiko is Passion given life. Whatever her goal, she devoted her entire being to it, inspiring those around her to give their all as well. More fearsome on the battlefield than Hashmalim or Fenric at their most formidable, her rampages have passed into myth, and Barbarians often believe it is her spirit they are channeling as they wield the passion of nature's fury against their enemies.

It was from this passion that Nyarlathotep brought forth the Thorn of Disruption. Yumiko became wild and completely uncontrollable, even by Nyarlathotep. Nogitsune was forced to imprison the Boar Lord within a time bubble when she was not needed, unleashing her upon the Rajah's enemies to such unfathomable slaughter that, upon the Animal Lords release after the Age of Giants, the Dragons have gone to great lengths to keep Yumiko's line in check. In fact, the only reason they have not destroyed them entirely is due to the damage such a thing would cause to the fabric of creation.

Wereboars and Boar Shifters subject to it are uncompromizing in their rejection of all attempts to regulate their behavior (law, social norms,, and as such are rarely found within society's bounds. They are not welcome even among the criminal underworld due to their refusal to obey, even to their own detriment. Mostly found as loners or in small packs in less settled areas (especially Xendric and far eastern Khorvaire), coming across one is almost never a pleasant experience.

Those free of the Thorn are often mercenaries, taking jobs that will get them as much battle as they can. Spread throughout the same areas as their evil counterparts, these Wereboars and Boar Shifters often form village communities based around collective defense (as well as it makes it easier to receive supplies as organizing and planning for things like farming aren't really their strong suit). House Deneith often called upon their services during the Last War, though their antsy nature made them difficult to handle outside of a fight.

The Crocodile Lord: Saturos; The Devourer

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (was originally Chaotic Neutral)

Associated Moon: Zarantyr

Death and decay are a constant part of any mortal realm. As new things are created, the old fades away. Saturos was tasked with sweeping away this refuse, protecting the land from becoming saturated by the destruction wrought by the war between Khyber and Siberys.

Nayrlathotep took Saturos and turned him into a ravenous beast, its hunger never sated unless it consumes living flesh. Saturos shirked his duty, turning on the new life as the old piled up, setting the stage for much of the evil that permeates the land. The Thorn of Gluttony arose from this hunger, driving those in its grasp to kill the best of the world, instead of weeding out those who's time has come.

Werecrocs and Crocodile Shifters are unpredictable, nasty, and violent. Those possessing the Thorn of Gluttony kill for no reason and are often cannibalistic. A clear sign that one such beastie is in the area is a spike in the murders of humanoids in the prime of life, instead of weak or vulnerable members of the community.

Those free of it tend to be vigilanties, seeking out the refuse of society. Whether they hunt criminals and despense their own brand of justice, or seek out the homeless, the drunks, the invalids and "disposes of the dead weight" depends upon individual personalities.

Saturos' Title has actually resulted in some confusion among worshippers of the Dark Six Devourer, and many consider them one and the same. While not true, this confusion has only served to build a faith-link between the two, magnifying the destructive impulses in his heirs.

The Ape Lord: Kothan; The Builder

Alignment: Lawful Evil (was originally Lawful Neutral)

Associated Moon: Eyre

Lore tells of the First Artificer and how he brought the knowledge of tool making to the world. Shelters to protect from the elements, Fire to cook with and defend against the Night, Weapons to hunt food and kill threats, Armor to save the body, and Enchantments to prepare for the unknown. It is said that his hands were guided by Onatar himself, and that it was he who first reforged the five Swords of Eberron after the true blade was broken.

Kothan recognized and wrestled with the competing goals of his work, part of it preserved life, part of it took life. Nyarlathotep siezed upon his doubts, using his desire to find an answer to twist his mind until the Thorn of Hubris was born. He could do no wrong, and everything else was simply beneath him. Questions brought to bear against his arguments and reasonings were not answered, but merely dismissed as the failings of an inferior mind.

Those in its grasp are supremely arrogant. While they often have the potential to be great in whatever they do, their own refusal to accept even the idea that they might get something wrong always leads to ruin. Of course, it's never their fault.

Wereapes and Ape Shifters free of it are often renown creators. Whether it be Artifce, Blacksmithing, Construction, etc, their natural born talents and dexterity helps them integrate into society far more readily than their counterparts.

The Horse Lord: Rin; The Noble

Alignment: Lawful Evil (was originally Lawful Neutral)

Associated Moon: Dravago

Honor. Loyalty. Devotion to an idea rather than a thing. These are what Rin represented. Her presence was one of inspiration, bringing others to think beyond the Here and Now and look towards the Future, for good or ill. To earn her favor was seen as a sign that you were destined for great things. Of all the Animal Lords, she and Hashmalim were closest.

Nyarlathotep's corruption of her was particularly cruel. By creating the Thorn of Control, he twisted what should have been a creature tasked with bringing the mortal races to aspire to remake the world and break from the inevitable stagnation comfort and complacency breeds into a force for ensuring the breaking of spirits and stifling of free thought. While Nogitsune directed the other Animal Lords, Rin was the one who would drive Khyber's forces against the Children of Siberys. Any prisoners that were taken were ultimately her responsibility, and a great many Fallen Angels, corrupted dragons, and twisted Couatl resulted from her mental and spiritual torments.

Werehorses and Horse Shifters (Centaurs) caught in the grasp of Rin's Thorn emulate their patron, ensuring that the status quo as they see it is not questioned. Ironically, it can lead to vicious internal battles between competing viewpoints, a potentially drastic change resulting from a new Thorn bearer coming to power in a group. The primary driving force of these unfortunate individuals, though, is still the opposition of Change.

Those free of it are much like their patron's true nature, free spirits that enjoy challenging the assumptions of others, though many of them will do it just for kicks and to cause chaos rather than some attempt to better anyone.

The Rat Lord: Corcus; The Skulker

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (was originally True Neutral)

Associated Moon: Sypheros

The Shark Lord: Illiden; The Seeker

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (was originally Chaotic Neutral)

Associated Moon: Barrakas

Shadows over Cyre