Magica Mima Umbra Puella: Difference between revisions

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MMUP is a PbP game on, inspired by a Particular Anime Show , and using the Magical Burst system (3rd draft) by Ewen Cluney.

Alice Sara is the GM


Combat Table

Name Initiative Attack Defense Support Resolve Power Points
Amaterasu 9 9(M)(0) 7(H)(0) 3(F)(0) 13
Chise 9 7(M)(1) 10(F)(2) 3(H) 17
Chizuru 0 0 0 Human
Hotaru 10 8(F) 7(M) 5(H) 5/22
Miyuki 8(M) 3(F) 8(H) 18
Tomoe 6 4(F) (0) 9(M) (4) 7(H) (0) 10
Akasuki 9(H) 4(F) 5(M) 14
Kirika 5 5(M) 6(H) 7(F) 11
Mitsuko 8 8(H) 5(F) 9(M) 22
Souka 9 9(M) 8(H) 5(F) 22
Suzume 9 9(H) 5(F) 4(M) 18
Asura Zero 15 13F 11M 9H ??? 8/33
Asura One 10 8F 6M 4H ???-23 0/0

House Rules


  • Moves vs PCs and important NPCs are almost always Opposed, rather than vs a static number, the degree of success determines the result based on the static version.
  • See Fallout changes below.
  • Dead or abandoned Magical Girls can be replaced. You keep all your XP, but lose 1d6 of your accumulated Oblivion Seeds.
  • If a target is hit by a Debilitating Attack, it only adds +2 for passive Defense, instead of +4.
  • The Cover move takes an action, but you can Cover as many people during the round as you want to. If you have a Relationship with the target, you can Cover them without spending your action, or even after you've acted.
  • You can use reckless attack after Initiative has been decided, but you can't use it to act faster than someone who has already gone. You can't reduce your Defense below zero.


  • Overcharge. There are several changes to how Overcharge is handled.
    • Gaining Overcharge
      • Before rolling for a Magical Challenge, declare if you're risking Overcharge. If you do, rolls of a '6' will lead to additional rolls, and accumulate Overcharge. If you don't want to risk Overcharge, then roll as normal, but do not roll extra dice if you roll a '6'. You can decide to risk Overcharge after you see your initial roll.
      • If you accumulate Overcharge from using an ability, or to gain a bonus, you automatically risk further Overcharge. This means, for example, that any use of a Finisher risks Overcharge
      • Any attempt to Use Magic for Non-Magic Tasks is automatically risky.
    • Removing Overcharge
      • You can cleanse yourself of Overcharge on one Attribute completely by shattering an Oblivion Seed in your possession.
      • If you're in Battle with a Youma, you may voluntarily roll only a single d6 for a Challenge against the Youma. This roll can't risk Overcharge. If you succeed at your Challenge, reduce your Overcharge on the related Attribute by one.
      • If you're in Battle with a Youma, you may expel Overcharge at any time. You can only expel Overcharge equal to the amount that the Youma is currently under its maximum Power Points. For each point of Overcharge that's expelled, the Youma regains 1 Power Point and 1d6 Resolve.


  • Fallout. There are several changes to Fallout.
    • Fallout up to level 3 is as per the rules.
    • At level 4-5, roll on the Flare table as per normal, but replace results 4-5 and 6 with the following
      • 4-5 Lock: The Overcharged Attribute becomes locked. While the Lock is in effect, the affected Attribute must be allocated in combat as follows:
          • Heart: Defense
          • Fury: Attack
          • Magic: Support
        • Furthermore, the Locked Attribute informs all of the characters actions. How they act, react, and deal with people should be colored by the Attribute. If they have a choice as to which Attribute they can use for a Challenge, they must use the Locked Attribute, if possible. If multiple Attributes are locked, they can choose among them. The Lock persists for one scene.
        • Alternately, instead of suffering a Lock, you may take a Temporary Change (self), as normal. You can just invent your own Change, roll, or use the table for inspiration.
      • 6 Hypercharge: The Overcharged Attribute becomes Hypercharged. All Challenges made with it automatically risk Overcharge. You also can't voluntarily roll a single die in Battle to reduce the Overcharge on a Hypercharged Attribute. If you use the Attribute to Use Magic for Non-Magic Tasks, you automatically transform. If you actually spend Overcharge for bonus dice on challenges using the Hypercharged Attribute, you roll additional dice, and gain additional Overcharge, on a 5-6 instead of a 6. The Hypercharge persists for one scene. In addition, their energy leaks into the environment around them, causing a Distortion, as per level 2, except that the Distortions effect Normal People around you, rather than yourself. If you're carrying 3 or more Overcharge on an already Hypercharged attribute, the Distortions are level 3. A person with multiple Hypercharged Attributes will behave as a mix of those, as best they can.
        • Instead of Hypercharge, you may take a Temporary Change (Other), as normal. You can just invent your own Change, roll, or use the table for inspiration.
      • You may spend 1 Oblivion Seed to immediately remove the effect of a Lock, Hypercharge, or Temporary Change, either on yourself, or another.
      • If an attribute is already Locked, it becomes Hypercharged, and vice versa. If it's already Locked and Hypercharged, or if you have any two Temporary Conditions (i.e. a Change and a Lock, etc.) on the Attribute, treat it as level 6-7.
    • At Level 6-7, roll 1d6. On a 1-3, the Attribute becomes permanently Locked; on a 4-6 It becomes permanently Hypercharged.
      • Alternately, you can take a Permanent Change as per the rules. You can just invent your own Change, roll, or use the table for inspiration.
      • If your Attribute is already Locked, it becomes Hypercharged as well, and vice versa. If your Attribute is already Locked and Hypercharged, or if you have any two Permanent Conditions (i.e. a Change and a Lock, etc.) on that Attribute, use the rules for level 8+ (Burst).
      • You may spend 3 Oblivion Seeds to remove a permanent Lock, Hypercharge, or Change, either on yourself, or another.
    • For levels 8 and above, follow the normal rules.

Oblivion Seeds

  • If an Oblivion Seed is left unattended, it will eventually hatch into a PL2 Youma.
  • If an Oblivion Seed is used to purge Overcharge, it creates 1 PL1 Youma per point of Overcharge.
  • If Oblivion Seeds are used to reverse a temporary or permanent condition, they create 3 PL1 Youma per Seed used.

Player Characters

Cast Picture (c) Maleski



The Contract

  • You agree to a Contract between Yourself and the World, as represented by Aikireikinu.
  • As part of this Contact:
    • You agree that you are part of the World, and are bound by the Nature of the World.
    • You agree to accept Magical Power.
    • You agree to use your Power in whatever way you find fun.
  • As an incentive to fight Youma, you can earn Wishes by collecting Oblivion Seeds.
    • Wishes can only be granted by Myself, Aikireikinu, acting as the agent of the World.
  • There are several Disclaimers. Please listen to them carefully.
    • There are Youma, terrible monsters, in the World, born of the World, and part of the World. They prey on humans.
    • Youma can't be perceived by normal people, only by Magical Girls, and those that have the potential to become Magical Girls.
    • Only Magical Girls can harm Youma.
    • It's unknown why some people can or can't become Magical Girls.
    • Only girls can become Magical Girls. They age normally after their transformation.
    • Defeated Youma sometimes drop Oblivion Seeds. If you collect 13, you'll have the power to make a single Wish. Some wishes require more than 13 Oblivion Seeds. If you don't have enough Oblivion Seeds, the ones you do have will shatter and be wasted.
    • Being a Magical Girl is dangerous. Beyond fighting Youma, using magic taps into the same place that Youma come from. If you overuse magic, it can cause permanent changes in you, or cause wide spread destruction, or even turn you into a Youma. Magic can also have unpleasant environmental effects, so you should try not to use too much around normal people.
    • Once you become a Magical Girl, it's not necessary for you to fight. You can just use your magic for yourself if you want. But you will be a little more likely to attract the attention of Youma, so a completely quiet life probably isn't possible. Of course, if you want a Wish, then you have to fight.
    • While its not very nice, you can kill Magical Girls and extract some of the Oblivion Seeds they've collected.
    • Magical Girls can willingly give away Oblivion Seeds.

Corrupted Seeds

Certain Witches can use their Curse power to corrupt Oblivion Seeds. Corrupted Seeds have the following effects:

  • Each Corrupted Seed in a Nightmare increases the Youma's PL by 1.
  • If there are Corrupted Seeds in a Nightmare when a Youma is defeated, it leaves behind Corrupted Seeds.
  • If Corrupted Seeds are used to purge Overcharge or reverse a condition caused by Fallout, the resulting Youma are PL2.
  • Corrupted Seeds can only be used to make Curses. If there is even 1 Corrupted Seed used to make a Wish, it becomes a Curse.
  • A Corrupted Seed left unattended will eventually hatch into a PL4 Youma.



The Language of the World