Empire Ascendant: Difference between revisions
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===R2-42=== | ===R2-42=== | ||
a.k.a. "Fortoo" | |||
'''Model:''' Industrial Automation R2 Astromech Droid | '''Model:''' Industrial Automation R2 Astromech Droid | ||
Revision as of 21:50, 11 March 2013
This is the wiki for Empire Ascendant, a Star Wars the Roleplaying Game 1st Edition (West End Games) campaign set in the very beginnings of the Galactic Civil War era, between Episodes 3 and 4.
It is the individual player's responsibility to maintain their own wiki entries. If it is not listed on the wiki the character does not have it.
Gaming Threads:
Player Characters and Plot Hooks
Blank Character Sheet Template for Star Wars d6 1st Edition
Alcran Festalis
Male Human Failed Jedi
Carilla West
Female Miralukan Minor Jedi
- Jedi Master Jesseel never brought Carilla to the Jedi Temple Coruscant, and was murdered by his Clone Troopers on Kashyyk before finishing her training.
Fenya Gallant
Female Arkanian Offshoot Smuggler
- Owes 25,000 credits to a mysterious backer, who occasionally gets her legit work, but also has her transport passengers...no questions asked.
- Alerted by an underworld contact that the original owner of the Rim Dancer - a Wookiee named Monlambac - has recently been released from prison, probably due to overcrowding thanks to the fall of the Separatists.
- Recognized Vyrim's pursuers, but hasn't let on to that fact.
- Friendly Spacer --
- Klaus "Doc" Vandangante (Empire Ascendant - Fringe Characters) - Male Human outlaw starship technician, operating in the Corporate Sector.
- Pirate Officer --
Kel Jorwal
Male Human Rebel Noblemen
- Grew up on Coruscant and spent some time in the military, attaining the rank of Captain in a ground speeder recon unit.
- Becoming quickly disgruntled by Palpatine's blatant -- and perhaps willful -- ignorance of political etiquette since obtaining emergency powers throughout the Clone Wars.
Sarasto Tharion III
Male Human Young Rebel Senator
- Homeworld of Yir Tangee (L8) is a target of the new Empire, as they want to cleanse its noble houses of any Separatist allegiances.
- Son of the jealous, ineffectual Sarasto II and his wife compassionate wife Daemorra, wealthy business owners.
- Nephew of Delza Tharion, the patriarch of House Tharion, whose son Dreks is the black sheep of the family.
Vyrim Jade
Male Human Tongue-Tied Engineer
- Family was murdered by mysterious thugs (as far as he knows).
Xilaren Myndraav
Female Human Bounty Hunter
- Hired by a mysterious representative of House Tharion's Delza Tharion requesting that Sarasto be brought to Tharion Estates on Yir Tangee.
The Deceased and Departed
- Space for Player Character 1 -- Gender / Species / Template
- Space for Player Character 2 -- Gender / Species / Template
- Space for Player Character 3 -- Gender / Species / Template
- Space for Player Character 4 -- Gender / Species / Template
Recurring Non-Player Characters
- Empire Ascendant - Imperial Characters
- Empire Ascendant - Rebellion Characters
- Empire Ascendant - Fringe Characters
- Empire Ascendant - Other Characters
The Galaxy and Travel Times
Armchair Astrogation
The best -- though certainly not the most accurate! -- way to figure out relative positions and travel times are to use the following resources:
- The Galaxy - This is the Essential Atlas version of the map of the Star Wars Galaxy.
- Star Wars Essential Atlas Online Companion contains an updated PDF index of all of the Star Wars planets and their position on the above map.
- Hyperspace Travel Times gives you a general idea of the travel times involved with going from one section of the galaxy to another. Unfortunately, it's a generalization; certain features of the galaxy make it such that any planets not along well-traveled Hyperspace routes could have travel times that vary widely from what is presented.
Combine all these with several listings in the various Star Wars sourcebooks, and then multiply all that by your ship's Hyperdrive Multiplier. See why it requires an Astrogation roll?
Locales and Maps
Deck Plans and Player Handouts
Sabaac Rules for Star Wars D6
Smuggling and Piracy for Star Wars D6
The Rim Dancer

- Crew/Passenger Lounge
- Captain's Stateroom
- Crew Stateroom
- Passenger Stateroom
- Passenger Stateroom converted to cargo
- Drive Room
- Cockpit
- Main Turret (ion cannons)
- Docking Collar
- Boarding Ramp
- An X denotes a cargo area.
- All staterooms except the captain's are double-occupancy.
- The hidden smuggling compartment is in the forward bulkhead of the lounge, behind a bench.
Game Stats
YG-4210 Transport
Craft: Corellian YG-4210 Transport
Era: Old Republic
Type: Exploration freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 24 meters
Crew: 1, gunners: 2
Passengers: 8
Cargo Capacity: 64 metric tons
- hidden compartment, 5 tons capacity
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: 40,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
- Backup Hyperdrive: Yes
- Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Sublight Speed: 1D+2
Hull: 4D
- 2 Blaster Cannons (fire-linked)
- Fire Arc: Partial turret (front, right, left)
- Fire Control: 1D
- Damage: 4D
- 2 Light Ion Cannons (fire linked)
- Fire Arc: Turret
- Fire Control: 2D
- Damage: 4D
Modifications (reflected in the stats above):
- Cargo Conversion, -4 passengers, +40 tons cargo: no cost
- Increasing Maneuver to 2D: 1200 credits, 0 tons
- Hidden Compartment, 5 tons capacity: 2000 credits, 1 ton
Capsule: The YG-4210 light freighter, built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, was a very old ship model, predating the famous YT series by several decades. Designed specifically for space exploration rather than combat, the freighter was originally unarmed. However, after centuries of serving, most likely none of them matched the original specifications.
Captain Gallant bought the Rim Dancer at a government auction, after it was impounded for smuggling. The modifications were already present at the time. She's heard rumors that the previous owner has escaped from prison and wants his ship back.
Kel's OP-5 Landspeeder
Not finalized.
OP-5 Landspeeder
- Craft: SoroSuub OP-5
- Type: Civilian Landspeeder
- Scale: Speeder
- Crew: 1
- Passengers: 4
- Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms; 25 cubic centimeters
- Cover: 1/2
- Altitude Range: Ground level-1 meter
- Cost: 12,000 credits (new), 4,000 (used)
- Maneuverability: 2D
- Speed: xxx
- Body Strength: 2D
- Source: The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (page 206), Dark Force Rising Sourcebook (page 115)
a.k.a. "Fortoo"
Model: Industrial Automation R2 Astromech Droid
Height: 1m
Basic Speed: 3 meters
Attributes and Skills:
- Cultures 4D
- Technology 3D
- Lifting 2D (using heavy grasper arm)
- Astrogation 5D
- Starship Pilot 3D
- Computer Programming & Repair 4D
- Droid Programming/Repair 3D
- Repulsorlift Repair 3D
- Starship Repair 5D (may be performed in-flight if R2-42 is not currently acting as the pilot)
Static Defenses:
- Brawling Parry: 3
- Dodge: 3
- Melee Parry: 3
Equipped with:
- (3) Wheeled legs (one is retractable)
- (2) Retractable arms
- Heavy grasper (lifting 2D)
- Fine manipulator
- Extendable video sensor
- Electric arc welder (2D damage, melee difficulty 5, counts as always being Set to Stun)
- Circular saw (4D damage, melee difficulty 10)
- Video display screen
- Holographic projector/recorder
- Fire extinguisher
- Small (20cm x 8cm) internal cargo area
- Simple starship repair equipment
House Rules
D6 Simple Rules Overview for Empire Ascendant
- Declaration Phase: Determine your actions, including multiple actions, or declaring Full Dodge.
- Initiative Roll: Roll 1D per character, actions proceed in ascending order (1s go first, 2s go second, etc.).
- First Action Segment: Resolve first action for each character in initiative order.
- Subsequent Action Segements: Repeat for subsequent actions, until all declared actions are resolved.
- End of combat round.
Defenses are a static number. Normally, the Target Number (TN) of any ranged attack is simply based on the range, and any melee attack is based on the weapon employed. Characters have two choices during the Declaration phase of initiative in terms of defense:
- No defense/not declared: The TN is modified by the character's appropriate static Defense score.
- Full Dodge: The character declares that they will do nothing except defend themselves. The TN is modified by the character's static Dodge + 10.
Static Defense are calculated as such, and should be noted on your character sheet:
- Brawling Parry = (Brawling Parry skill dice x3) + pips
- Dodge = (Dodge skill dice x3) + pips
- Melee Parry = (Melee Parry skill dice x3) + pips
Example: A character with a Dodge skill of 5D+1 would have a static Dodge score of [(5x3)+1] = 16.
When you are hit, simply subtract the Soak roll (Strength + Armor) from the Damage roll.
Damage Roll > Soak Roll by // Effect
- 0-3 . . . Stunned
- 4-8 . . . Wounded
- 9-12 . . . Incapacitated
- 13+ . . . Mortally Wounded
The effects of each level of damage is:
- Stunned: You suffer -1D to all rolls (except Damage and Soak) for the rest of the round and for the next round.
- Wounded: You fall prone and cannot act for the rest of the round. You suffer -1D to all rolls (except Damage and Soak) until healed. If you are wounded twice, you become Severely Wounded.
- Severely Wounded: Same as Wounded, but you suffer a -2D penalty instead of -1D. If you are wounded again, you become Incapacitated.
- Incapacitated: You fall prone and are knocked unconscious.
- Mortally Wounded: You fall prone and are knocked unconscious. Roll 2D every round; if you roll a number less than the number of rounds you've been mortally wounded, you die. A First Aid roll of Moderate difficulty with a Medpac can stabilize a Mortally Wounded character, negating the need to roll 2D every round.
When fighting in the same scale, no modifiers are factored in.
When fighting out of scale, the following modifiers come into play. When dealing damage to a smaller target or resisting damage inflicted by it, the larger adds the difference in modifiers to their die rolls (or the noted static defense bonus). Smaller scaled targets attempting to dodge attacks from -- or attempt to attack -- a larger opponent add the different to their defense and attack rolls.
Scale // Modifier
- Character . . . None
- Speeder . . . +2D / +6 to Dodge
- Walker . . . +4D / +12 to Dodge
- Starfighter . . . +6D / +18 to Dodge
- Capital Ship . . . +12D / +36 to Dodge
- Planetary . . . +24D / +72 to Dodge
Certain enemies may be classed as Minions or Henchmen:
- Minions are defeated on any successful hit.
- Henchmen are defeated whenever they would normally be Wounded.
Force Points
Due to the nature of Play-by-Post games, expending Force Points to double the dice rolled on a specific roll would likely pose too many timing/editing issues. Instead, Force Points will have a different function:
Spending a Force Point allows a character's dice to "explode" whenever they roll a natural "6", and this effect lasts for an entire Scene or Encounter. Exploding dice mean that any dice that come up as a "6" can be rolled again, and the new roll added to the total in addition to the "6." Each additional time the die comes up as a "6" it continues to explode, leading to the possibility of dramatically high rolls.
Otherwise, Force Points operate the same in terms of regaining them, or gaining new ones for particularly dramatically appropriate heroic actions.
The Force
We will be using the full roster of Force Powers from the sourcebook Tales of the Jedi Companion.
As we will be using Force Powers as defined in the Tales of the Jedi Companion sourcebook, note that Lightsabers no longer automatically add a Force user's Control dice to the damage rating, nor can blaster bolts be parried/deflected. Use of the Lightsaber Combat power is necessary to do either/both of these things.
Force Powers
Initial Force Powers
Whenever a character gains their first 1D in any of the three Force Skills -- Control, Sense, and Alter -- they receive any three Force Powers of their choice covered by that particular skill. If a character beings with 1D in multiple Force Skills, and chooses a Power that utilizes multiple Skills, note that this counts as a choice for BOTH Skills.
Learning Force Powers
Rather than have a laundry list of prerequisites, as 2nd Edition has for various Force Powers, I will run things a bit looser. Any Force Powers can be learned in-game (so long as you have dice in the governing Force Skill), but they require a teacher, or significant training time to unlock, and have a Learning Difficulty. The Force-user must make an appropriate roll with a TN of 5, modified by +5 for each listed prerequisite (i.e., a Power with no prereqs would be TN 5, one with 2 listed prereqs would be TN 15).
The actual roll varies based on the situation, though it will usually default to the governing Force Skill. Other appropriate rolls might be Perception (for mind-affecting powers), Strength/Stamina (for physically-enhancing or telekinetic powers) or Knowledge (for altering others).
The time it takes to learn a power is variable as well, though down-time can often be assumed to include some amount of training. Powers with generally lower difficulties to successfully activate tend to only take a few weeks of study with a teacher, or a month or two without. Comparatively harder powers take proportionally more time. No amount of time, teacher training, or dice rolls allow a character to avoid spending the requisite Character Points to learn new/higher level Force Skills or Powers.
Extended Example of Force Powers
For example, Roark Garnet starts the game with Control 1D. He may choose any three Control Force Powers, say Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Concentration, and Control Pain. As soon as he gains 1D in Sense, he could choose three new powers immediately, but they have to be Sense Force Powers. If he wanted to learn Lightsaber Combat (a Control and Sense Force Power), he'd have to do so in-game using the Learning Difficulty rules and possibly rolling his Lightsaber skill to learn it, as well as either having a teacher or spending weeks or even months practicing.
But, if Roark started the game with 1D in both Control and Sense, he has 6 Power choices: 3 in Control and 3 Sense. If he were to choose Lightsaber Combat (again, both a Control and Sense Force Power), that would count as 1 of his Control choices AND 1 of his Sense choices, leaving him only 4 Powers left (2 in Control, 2 in Sense).
Force Powers: Full List
- Absorb / Dissipate Energy
- Accelerate Healing
- Concentration
- Contort / Escape
- Control Disease
- Control Pain
- Detoxify Poison
- Emptiness
- Enhance Attribute
- Force of Will
- Hibernation Trance
- Instinctive Astrogation (Control)
- Rage
- Reduce Injury
- Remain Conscious
- Remove Fatigue
- Resist Stun
- Short-Term Memory Enhancement
- Beast Languages
- Combat Sense
- Danger Sense
- Instinctive Astrogation (Sense)
- Life Detection
- Life Sense
- Life Web
- Magnify Senses
- Postcognition
- Predict Natural Disaster
- Receptive Telepathy
- Sense Force
- Sense Force Potential
- Sense Path
- Shift Sense
- Translation
- Weather Sense
- Injure / Kill
- Telekinesis
Control and Sense
- Farseeing
- Life Bond
- Lightsaber Combat
- Projective Telepathy
Control and Alter
- Accelerate Another's Healing
- Control Another's Disease
- Control Another's Pain
- Control Breathing
- Detoxify Poison in Another
- Feed on Dark Side
- Force Lightning
- Inflict Pain
- Place Another in Hibernation Trance
- Remove Another's Fatigue
- Return Another to Consciousness
- Transfer Force
Control, Sense and Alter
- Affect Mind
- Battle Meditation
- Control Mind
- Create Force Storm
- Doppleganger
- Drain Life Essence
- Enhanced Coordination
- Force Harmony
- Projected Fighting
- Telekinetic Kill
- Transfer Life
Sense and Alter
- Dim Other's Senses
- Lesser Force Shield