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[[Sergeant Lot]] - Soldier that serves as a Man at Arms to the group while adventuring. A secret servant of the King, who has recently revealed himself and been admonished by Friar Ventas for his unwillingness to be forthright from the beginning.<br />
[[Sergeant Lot]] - Soldier that serves as a Man at Arms to the group while adventuring. A secret servant of the King, who has recently revealed himself and been admonished by Friar Ventas for his unwillingness to be forthright from the beginning.<br />
[[Jaser's Penitent Auxiliary]] - The three bandits that Friar Ventas recruited to the Farkeep cause by force of will. They function as an auxiliary force and rearguard to the group during major excursions. The unit currently consists of John Barrowman, Felix the Elder, and Felix the Younger. <br />
[[Jaser's Penitent Auxiliary]] - The three bandits that Friar Ventas recruited to the Farkeep cause by force of will. They function as an auxiliary force and rearguard to the group during major excursions. The unit currently consists of John Barrowman, Felix the Elder, and Felix the Younger. <br />
Denton - Chief Steward of Farkeep's staff. Friar Ventas' first act as Castellan was to promote Denton to Majordomo. <br />

<br />
<br />
'''Miscellaneous NPC's at Far Keep'''<br />
'''Miscellaneous NPC's at Far Keep'''<br />
advisors: Appointed Witch, Chaplain (our PCs)<br />
advisors: Appointed Witch, Chaplain (our PCs)<br />
important assistants: steward (Denton), wizard (Glixi) <br />
competent servants: butler, head cook, housekeeper, stable keeper, physic, (3, a legacy of the Baron!) minstrels<br />
competent servants: butler, head cook, housekeeper, stable keeper, physic, (3, a legacy of the Baron!) minstrels<br />
About 20 other lesser servants<br />
About 20 other lesser servants<br />

Revision as of 03:13, 8 March 2014

This is a place holder for the Time of the Green Star D&D campaign.

Player Characters

Sir Thomas Strongheart - Human Paladin of Jaser Level 3 (played by OMG)
Friar Kel Ventas - Human Fighter 1 /Cleric 2 (played by Navaren)

Non-Player Characters

Duke Sean Anasazi - Lord of Far Keep. Currently incapacitated so the party is trying to take care of matters on his behalf.
Glixi the Lorekeeper - Playful pixie wizard who travelled with the party for a short time, she now acts as Wizard of Far Keep
Corporal Nerirosa - Soldier that formerly accompanied the group. Now serves as Lot's Second and de facto commander of the Keep forces when both Castellean and Sergeant are away.
Sergeant Lot - Soldier that serves as a Man at Arms to the group while adventuring. A secret servant of the King, who has recently revealed himself and been admonished by Friar Ventas for his unwillingness to be forthright from the beginning.
Jaser's Penitent Auxiliary - The three bandits that Friar Ventas recruited to the Farkeep cause by force of will. They function as an auxiliary force and rearguard to the group during major excursions. The unit currently consists of John Barrowman, Felix the Elder, and Felix the Younger.
Denton - Chief Steward of Farkeep's staff. Friar Ventas' first act as Castellan was to promote Denton to Majordomo.

Miscellaneous NPC's at Far Keep
advisors: Appointed Witch, Chaplain (our PCs)

competent servants: butler, head cook, housekeeper, stable keeper, physic, (3, a legacy of the Baron!) minstrels
About 20 other lesser servants
soldiery: 20 men-at -arms including sergeant of the guard, two corporals, 20 village militia (some decent archers, but mostly yokels including men and women with axes, etc) , 2 militia corporals
village powers: reeve, Best Wife (woman's guild matriarch), goblin liaison (a rather mysterious appointment that might come up later)
other important folk: midwife, smith, brewer (and local barkeep), weaver, village idiot
And... the miller, with his windmill , who as usual is about as popular as the vampire


Magic Equipment:

  • Forester's Cloak (A Cloak of Elvenkind) (Oglu)
  • +2 Returning Dagger (Oglu)
  • +2 Leather Armour (Oglu)
  • Ring of Protection +1 (Friar Ventas)
  • Potion of Cure Medium Wounds (Friar Ventas)
  • Potion of Water Breathing
  • Potion of Bull's Strength
  • Crusader's Sword (Longsword +1) (Sir Thomas Strongheart)
  • Golden and silver cup chased with platinum (800gps). It radiates evil faintly, but could be 'cleansed'?
  • +1 Knife of Evil Sacrifice (+3 versus good targets, can use true strike once/day)
  • 3 Scroll cases (brass with bloodstone settings, silver, ivory). Each contains a scroll: magic missile, scorching ray, fireball
  • Trident of Fiery Darts (Blown Glass Wand; One to three prongs can be activated at a time. Each fires 3 magic missiles when activated, then withers.)

Masterwork Equipment:

  • 2 masterwork bows (Issued to Jaser's Penitent Auxiliary)
  • 30 masterwork arrows (Issued to Jaser's Penitent Auxiliary)


  • Guildtown Haul:
    • 3 Bowls (bronze, bronze with garnets, silver with sunstones)
    • 5 Goblets (stone, copper, silver with blue quartz settings, ivory, ebony)
    • 5 Dishes 5 (2 stone ,2 silver, 1 gold)
    • 7 Cloak pins (copper, bronze, silver, 3 silver with obsidian setting, platinum with topaz setting)
    • 2 Jeweled Daggers
    • 4 Lacquered boxes
    • Various ornaments and statuettes made of dark stone, mahogany, two of ivory, one of jade.
    • A chess set of amber and coral pieces
    • 5 rings (1 brass, 1 copper with a jet setting, 1 jade, 1 ivory, 1 gold)
    • 2 Tiger Eye Agate
    • 10 Moonstones
    • Onyx
    • Smoky Quartz
    • 10 Pearls (7 freshwater, 3 white seawater)
    • 3 bottles, vials, and decanters containing various fluids. (Non-Magical perfumes and ungents)
    • 3,000 Assorted Coins mostly copper, but with plenty of silver and fewer gold and platinum pieces.
    • The Above is worth 1500 Gold minus 225 GP aprisal fee for a total of 1275
  • [donated to the cathedral] Silver statue of Jaser (300gps)
  • [donated to the cathedral] The Archangel's Psalter (Unknown Early Edition)
  • Collection of small gemstones: turquoises, fine quartz, small emeralds, a even a pair of small sapphires (1500gps)

Setting/Plot Information

The Chronicles of Far Keep - A record of the events of the campaign, as recorded by Glixi the Lorekeeper.

The Archangel Jaser, the World's Keeper - Contains what is known of the Archangel Jaser and his followers.

Area Surrounding Farkeep - Contains a map of where we are and all the interesting items of note.

The Keep - Contains a map of the Keep building itself.

Baron Keiza the Vampire - What we've learned about the vampire so far.