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[[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]] sits reading a script in a chair.

[[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]]: So they want me to be lando...then who do we get to play Lobot?

Stupid walks over with his mouth duct taped shut.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]]: okay that works.  Good luck being Vader and fighting [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]], Captain.  Captain?
Emperor Admiral Jarlot: Where'd that wipper snapper go?
Grand Moff [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Um...Jubiliex's Jabba palace?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]]: Later, I'm off for Chilli City.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]: Wait, does anyone know whose playing Bobba Fet?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Why in the flame are you in my cell?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]: That's a very good question, Admiral Jarlot casted me as the interrogation droid.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: You wouldn't.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Michael|Michael]]: Ugh! *collapses*
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: (wielding a blaster set for stun) Damn right, you wouldn't.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Isn't Luke supposed to save Leia?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Yeah, but this parody isn't exactly sticking to the script.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: C'mon, you two! We gotta go!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: So I assume [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]'s off deactivating the tractor beam?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: That, and he's going for Darth Jarlot.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: You two get back to the Falcon, I'm going for Emperor Admiral Jarlot Sr.
Silver and Crow are sitting in a movie theater with "Dumb Wars: Return of the Comedy" playing on the screen.  13 comes in and sits down beside them.
Silver: Popcorn?
13: So are we done with all this?
Silver: I thought you were off helping Darth Jarlot.
13: That was only when I thought we were going to have East-Asian style Jedi.  I've got no problem with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]].
Silver: There's nothing more we can do.  Everyone's in character, they're already on the Death Star.  We're probably going to cut out Chilli City and Jubilex's palace.
Crow: Jubilex is dead.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]] killed him.
Mr. T: Good, cause I don't want to be no rancor.
13: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] would have to be frozen in—
Silver: We found out that nothing could freeze [[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]]'s chilli.  Scrapping that line.
Crow: We did manage to get the Squirrel Civilization to be Ewoks.
13: Aren't you worried about scarring some young kid's mind?
Crow: So basically we're sticking to inside the Death Star.
Silver: The Millenium Falcon scenes didn't go so well I'd say.
Crow: But so far they've managed to rescue the princess.  Now [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] just needs to charge a bunch of stormtroopers while [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] kisses [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]].
Silver: :doh: We never cast stormtroopers!
13: Meh, just use Crystals.  The stormtroopers were clones back in II and III, it works out.
Crystal  Trooper 5: Like, Oh my god, these white armor suites are soooo cute!
Crystal Trooper 326: I know!  Oh, but it covers my hair.
Crystal Trooper 72: Like, don't worry, it totally works.
P/Y/R is running away from Titus. When another Portal opens up and Orcus walks through
P/Y/R: Hey Uncle Orcus, I brought you a gift.
Titus: Heya [Much like pokemon Titus can only say Heya]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Orcus: [/COLOR] Mmm-boy he sure be pwetty, I’sza going make him squeal like a pig!
Titus: Hey…ya?
[COLOR=DarkRed]Orcus:[/COLOR] Com’mre boy! *paws at Titus * you sure do smell like mash taters; I like taters uh-ha!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Damn that’s evil, I’m so proud of you.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Juiblex:[/COLOR] Spliddle spoooch [He might be the most annoy person every but I don’t think any need to be Orcus’ piggy]
P/Y/R: Aren’t you supposed to be dead?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Don’t be silly he is a demon, we are immune to fire.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]], [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]], [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] are running through the halls of the death star in an attempt to escape back to the millenium falcon.  Along the way [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] vaporizes several battalions of crystal troopers without breaking stride.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: You'd think they would realize the troopers weren't working after I took down the third regiment in as many minutes.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Never complain about the incompetence of your opponent.  Movie clique states that if you do they're probaly going to reveal they weren't as stupid as you thought they were.
Three figures appear in the shadows in front of the group, Darth Jarlot, Jarlot, and Emperor Admiral Jarlot Senior.
Darth Jarlot: Your observation would be correct.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]: Ok, now who is supposed to fight who here.  I'm Obi-Wan so I'm supposed to fight Darth, but you're Luke so you're supposed to fight him too...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: Screw the parody.  [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]], you take senior, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] the captain is all yours, I want a piece of Darth.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] approaches Emperor Admiral Jarlot Senior with his lightsaber drawn.
Emperor Admiral Jarlot Senior: Just a moment there whipper snapper.  Stunt Double!  (Erandis drops from the ceiling) There we go, I'm going to go find myself some of the wenches my son hasn't been able to keep satisfied.  I told him you have to take care of them or they start causing trouble like this.
Erandis and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] engage in a lightsaber battle so epic and amazing that it surpasses any seen before in any star wars film.  It doesn't really defy words but it's still not going to be described here, because I'm lazy.
Meanwhile Jarlot is being savagely beaten with blunt objects by [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] after being disarmed within moments of the start of combat.
While all this happens around them [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] and Darth Jarlot square off.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: I never liked you alternate Jarlot and now I'm going to take you apart like I took apart all your predecessors.
Darth Jarlot: Who said I was an alternate.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: If you aren't an alternate, what are you?
Darth Jarlot: Oh you'll see...
Both draw lightsabers and meet in a flash of force powers.  The battle continues for several minutes with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] being force back by Darth Jarlot's greater skill with the lightsaber.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: Alright, I'm sick of this. (tosses her lightsaber aside) UBER-ZORCH!!!!!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] punches Darth Jarlot in the kidney, driving a fist sized hole completely through him so light comes through from the other side.  Darth Jarlot crumples to the floor and Jarlot breaks free from [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] to rush to his side.
Jarlot: FATHER!
Darth Jarlot: (wheeze) Son, before I die, I want you to see my true face.
Jarlot: No you can’t die father!
Darth Jarlot: Please, remove my helmet.
Jarlot does as he is asked revealing a shriveled and wrinkled face similar to his own.
Darth Jarlot: Now son I must tell you something before I pass away, lean in closer (Jarlot holds his ear next to Darth Jarlot’s face) YOU BEEN PUNK’D B****!
Jarlot: (falling over) What the ****!
Darth Jarlot’s face blurs and changes to reveal Kanatash’s visage staring forth from the suit.  Kanatash steps out of the suit.
Kanatash: Nothing.  Darth Jarlot was never you father because there never was a Darth Jarlot.  It was me in that suit from the beginning.  Your father is that, as you put it, “senile old son of a *****,” that just went off looking for wenches.  I even had [[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]] run paternity tests to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. (hands  him some sheets of paper)
Jarlot: But you…  we…  I…
Kanatash: Yes, all of this was an elaborate prank to built up all your hopes, ruling the world, finding out senior isn’t your father, becoming a legendary, before suddenly and brutally crushing them as I’m doing right now.
Jarlot: I’m going to-
Kanatash  : Yes, we can get to the horrific punishments later, I need to gloat a little longer first.  (knocks Jarlot unconscious with a psionic blast)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: You kidnapped [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]!
Kanatash: Actually that was all Jarlot.  I actually did very little in this little scheme, I just gave the fool enough rope to hang himself with, which he did handily.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What about planning to blow up Thrane then?
Kanatash:  Oh, I didn’t plan to let him go through with that.  Sure, maybe Aurundir, but not Thrane.  I wouldn’t want to ruin the wedding. 
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Humph.  You ruined our day at the spa too.
Kanatash: Well if that’s what you’re mad about here. (produces three small slips of paper)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: (taking the slips and gasping) These are passes to the most exclusive spa in Khorvair!  The waiting list is over five years to get these! 
Kanatash: Yes, well the proprietor also happens to be the head of one of my cults. 
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: (raising an eyebrow)
Kanatash: Don’t worry, the business side of things is completely legit, he just has some “interesting” hobbies in the off hours.  Also as a plus, as friends to his god you can expect treatment above and beyond a normal guest.  He could also probably help with the catering for the wedding if you wish.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Well then, I suppose no harm no foul.  Let’s go girls.
Later after everyone else has left, Jarlot finally comes around.
Jarlot: (darkly) There will be Kyber to pay for this.
Erandis - Can we stop now?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - No I'm enjoying this.
Erandis - No fair you have 6 lightsabers, I thought we weren't doing grievous.
Admiral Nalfien: What do ya want to do now?
Grand Moff [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: We could help the emperor's stunt double against [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]], or we could go check out the slaves in Jabba's Palace.  :drool:
Admiral Nalfien: Do you really have to ask?
*Both take off for the Palace*
Melvin - ITS A TRAP!
Micheal - Its over you numbskull.
Jarlot: Space…the…final frontier.…These…are…the voyages…of the spelljammer…Forgotten Freedom.…Her continuing mission…to explore strange…new worlds…to seek out…new forms…of life…and new…civilizations…to boldly go…where no sane person…would ever think of going.
(Cut scenes: )
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]: These pointed ears are highly illogical.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Andrea|Andrea]]: Dammit, Jim, I’m a necromancer not a doctor!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]]: I canna do it, cap’n.  I’m just not Scottish enough.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Captain, the Valenar have us in their tractor beam.
13: Captain, we’re receiving a distress call from an obvious plot device.
Slip: So can I go warp 10 or not?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Marish|Marish]]: Why am I covered in green?
Random Redshirt: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!  I’m wearing red—(pause) oh, right.
Warforged: We are the warforged.  Your information shall be assimilated into our collective.  Resistance is futile.
Oocat: Classic theme here.
Warforged: Sorry.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] stands on the deck of the FF I as two birds land nearby.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I was wondering when you'd get here.
The birds morph into a female elf and gnome.
Gnome: You're so impatient.
Elf: I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Lilly: *gives [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] a big hug, pulls back and looks her over* Oh, look at you! The little troublemaker is all grown up!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *smiling* It's wonderful to see you again. *turns to Feralyn* How've you been?
Feralyn: Not too bad. I've had my hands full lately. Some upstarts from Aundair are clamoring to retake the Reaches and are making raids.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *rolls her eyes* Again?
Lilly: Yes. But lets not talk about that now. Where's your fiancee? I'm so eager to meet her.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: She'll be here in a moment.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: *arriving on deck* You called?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I have a few people I'd like you to meet. Lilly and Feralyn.
Lilly: *smiling softly* So, you're the young lady who stole her heart?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]:  :blush: W-well...I guess you could put it that way.
Lilly: *taking her hand* Such a beautiful young lady. And a warm spirit to match.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *teasing* Come on, now. You're embarassing her.
Lilly: I'm just telling it like it is.
Feralyn: Bluntly as always. But it is nice to meet you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: You too. I'd love to stay and talk some more, but [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]'s fine tuning my dress. Can we talk more at dinner?
Lilly: Go on, dear. Don't let us keep you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] smiles and heads back down as Lilly turns to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]].
Lilly: My, my, my. I never thought I'd live to see it again.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: What?
Lilly: That sparkle in your eye. You became so cold after what happened to your mother.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]:  :blush: I...just can't help but feel happy around her.
Feralyn: Well that's an understatement if I ever heard one! You're practically beaming!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Is it that obvious?
Lilly: Probably only to us. The difference from when we last saw you is so striking.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]:  :D I'll take that as a compliment. Follow me. I'll show you around before we catch up.
A goblin appears in [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]'s room. The goblin looks very young and is wearing deep red robes. Decorating the robes are various myhtos symbols. They almost seem to move independently from the cloak itself.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Gland you could make it. After your years of service, even to the point of death, you earned the right to be here. Your seat will be in the third row second from the left.
goblin: It has always been an honor and a pleasure to serve. Should any of you ever desire to return, you will find the legions battle-ready and awaiting your commands.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Go on deck I'm sure Muradin and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] will be gland to see you.
(at dinner, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], Lilly, and Feralyn sit eating)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I see you still have the amulet.
Feralyn: Oh, yeah. It's been a great help.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What's it do?
Feralyn: I gives me the ability to Wild Shape like a Druid. Lord Oalian gave it to me during the Last War.
At this time, the red robed goblin walks in and heads over to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]].
Goblin: Good to see you again, miss.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: By the- Red Cloak! I haven't seen you long is it now?
Red Cloak: It's been twenty years, ma'am. Master [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] summoned me back for your wedding.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Who's this?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: This is Red Cloak. He was the leader of our troops when I was travelling with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]].
Lilly: Troops?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Yeah. This was when we were just starting out, before my network was set up. In fact, I owe him much in getting where I am today.
Red Cloak: I served all of you out of my own free will. You treated me and my brethren as fellows instead of cannon fodder, so it was the least I could do.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Still, I'm happy to see you. Muradin should be around here somewhere. Just be careful.
Red Cloak: The Hug of Death? Yeah, I'll be careful.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Hey Guys who are the noobies?
Lily & Feralyn -  :confused:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - They aren't crew their just some family here for the wedding. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] this is Lily and Feralyn of the Wardens. Lily, Feralyn this is [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]... how do I put this? You remember all that chaos and shaking and gods screaming bloody murder recently?
Lily - Yeesssss... :confused:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Its pretty much her fault.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] -  :D
Feralyn -  :eek:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: *looking down* Who's the pipsqueak?
Red Cloak:  :mad: The name's Red Cloak, not pipsqueak...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: He's an old friend from my early adventuring days. If you're ever in Droaam, you might come across a rather large Goblin town near the sea on the southern border.
Red Cloak: That's my home. Well...was my home, until I died.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]:  :confused: ...[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] has something to do with this doesn't he?
Red Cloak: Yes. Master [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] has arranged for me to return in this body for a while.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Red Cloak was our most gifted Commander. It was a shame to let him go, but he wanted to give the Goblins a place to go as an escape from the oppression of the other races in the area.
Red Cloak: We fought off many attackers in the early days, but they have since come to live in relative peace. I hear they've begun trading with other towns.
A woman in her thirties, with dead pale skin and pick eyes, enters the room. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] gets to greet her. He hugs her and softly kisses her on the cheek. She then walks over to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]].
woman (whispering) : Congratulations.
She then takes a seat one of the room's shadowy corners.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Whos was that?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]'s sister.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: She didn't look that old in your memories.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: That was almost fifty years ago. Unlike [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] she's already lost almost everything that ties her to this plane. They age as they become more and more detached from reality.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: But wasn't she in the most heavily guarded asylum in Eberron? How did she get out?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: I sent her a pencil.  :D
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - She used a pencil? I thought you used ribs for that kind of escape.  :confused: Someone explain how that works without opening a chest cavity.
Feralyn - (backs away slowly)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: You can't very well use ribs if only constructs are willing to guard you. While something sharper would have been ideal, I didn't want the guards to catch on.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Gaurds  :confused: , When I said open a chest cavity I meant open yourself up and remove the modified Frostfell army rib. Oh wait you guys probably never heard of those.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] -  :uh-huh:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - This is hardly the appropriate place to discuss your modified anatomy.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] - Tell me more.
Lily - (whispering to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]) Is it safe to let her wander around the ship like this?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] - (whispering back) Not at all, but no one is willing to argue with her... She nearly sunk this whole realm into the crapper just to get rid of a rogue time-traveller. She beats down deific beings for entertainment. Angels and demons fear her presecence above all things. I've seen her shatter cities with a single strike. Her skill and control will rip asunder the energy networks of those few who can muster more brute power. To top it off she is just being polite when she doesn't mention this exchange, because I know from experience she can hear us just fine.
Lily -  :eek:  :eek:  :eek:  :eek:  :eek:  :eek:  :eek:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: What if your body does not contain ribs?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: She doesn't have ribs? :uh-huh:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Oh she has them. I was just asking what if?  :D
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] continue their conversation on the finer points of rib extraction as the other four of them return to the conversation.
Lilly: One thing that's been bothering me. Why are your eyes yellow instead of green?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: That's a long story. You probably wouldn't believe me anyway.
Feralyn: Try us.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: (telepathically) Ok. :devil:
Lilly & Feralyn:  :eek:  :eek:  :eek:
Feralyn: When did you become Psionic?!
Lilly: (shaking her head) Ugh. Too many surprises in a half an hour. I think my brain just froze.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Maybe this should wait until tomorrow. It is rather involved, and you two look like you could use some rest.
(later, after they have set Lilly and Feralyn up in guest rooms)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Why has it been so long since you saw them? You seem to get along great...
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Well, I'm a bit of a black sheep as far as the Wardens are concerned.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: How so?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: For one, I associate with Abberations. Even my companion animal is one. Big no-no under normal conditions. I work inside the biggest hub of civilization in Khorvaire, nearly unheard of. I use my powers in ways deemed inappropriate by most of the sect. That's just naming a few.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: So you distanced yourself to avoid causing them problems?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Something like that. I also felt that we were too constrained just sitting in the Reaches, unable to effect events elsewhere - like poaching. Feralyn works to stem the flow, I cut off its source.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: And they disagreed with this?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Not really. There are times when I wonder if they might have come with me if they could have. But they had their paths to follow, and I had mine. It just happened that they would take us in different directions.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: *sigh* There you go again, brooding on the past. *grabs her arm* Come on. I have something I want to try with you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: *being dragged along* What?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: You'll see. ;)
On the way to the guest rooms.
Lily - Well?
Feralyn - She really seems happy for the first time in a long while, and I have no reservations about [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], but her friend...
Lily - I didn't think you had a problem with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]?
Feralyn - No, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]], what did you think of her, what did your magic say?
Lily - My spells told me she wasn't there.
Feralyn - An Illusion?
Lily - No, she just didn't register under any of my detection spells. I'm willing to bet even my best divinations simply wont show her. She seems completely out of sync with the normal flow of energy in Eberron.
Feralyn - I couldn't detect any ill intent, whether she is simply as adept a deciever as [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] claims she is a magus, or simply uninterested in harming us i cannot say.
Lily - I would like to talk to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] about her, she scares me, but according to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] her senses are very acute so I couldn't say anything at the time.
Feralyn - Do you believe her claims of this woman's power then?
Lily - I think that [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] speaks the truth. You have felt the world shuddering as well.
Feralyn - Its been doing that since the Forgotten Freedom began its rain of madness.
Lily - True, but still... I can't shake this feeling of impending doom.
Inside their private pocket dimension, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] sits on a throne holding a chain. On the end of it is [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]], dressed in the slave girl outfit from Jedi.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: I think I like this idea. :devil:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: You are not to speak unless spoken to, slave! ;)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Yes, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress. :bow: *begins dancing*
There is a knock on Lily and Feralyn's guest door.
Lily: Yes?
13: Mail.
Lily and Feralyn:  :confused:
13 enters.  He plops a bunch of envelopes and one small package on the table.
13: You've got mail.  Mostly bills and soul-charging adds, but one or two letters from family.
Lily: How?  I mean we just got here.…I don't even have a permanent address.
Feralyn: :eek: This letter is from during the Last War!  This guy was killed when Aundairian soldiers took the town.
13: Yeah.  Do to the chaos inherant in this ship and my own time-traveling powers we get all the dead mail—dead as in it got destroyed.
Feralyn: Well, this letter does look a bit burnt.
Lily: So you're the rogue time-traveler?  You don't look all that dangerous.
13: Don't let the fox form fool you.  I'm really a progenitor dragon.  Nowadays I time-travel just to play pranks on people.  Well, I've got to go, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]] needs me to deliver some special-order thread.
13 hands over the package of thread to a tiny grey feline.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] are examining [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]'s work on the wedding clothes.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Kind of surprises me that someone who wears such pachwork as yours, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]], knows so much about sewing.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]: When you work for ath many mathterth ath I have, you quickly learn that they rarely know how to fixth their own clotheth.  That, pluth the varying body thructure, how often they get wounded from their own exthperimentth, and patching minionth back together giveth one a marvelouth educathion in the fine art of cloth-craft.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]] designed all my more splendid outfits for appearances as a crime lord.
Greyfeline:  :D  (hands over the package)
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Who's this?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]: Hith nameth greyfeline, mith.  He advertitheth in the paperth ath thomething called a "thpecthialitht", with particular thkill in creathion.
Greyfeline goes over to a pile of fabric, and in no time has created a security tux complete with maching sunglasses, all sized and cut for one of the half-dragons
Greyfeline: :mage:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: :blink:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Well, I'd better go see how the furnishings are coming along.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: I'll go and check on Erk's progress.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: You just want to sample some more of those minicakes.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: :embarrass
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] walks in to Roosevelt's workshop to find him and Allen pouring over the altar designs.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: How are things coming?
Roosevelt: Well, after we tied up [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] so he couldn't design a Jaela trap, we had to go out and find some of that darkwood you wanted……
As Roosevelt is giving her the status report [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] can't help but notice the grey feline tail sticking out from under one of the ornately carved pews.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] (pointing): Who's that?
Roosevelt: Eh?  Oh, that's Greyfeline.  Since we needed someone extra after [[Forgotten_Freedom:Ketler|Ketler]] proved to be a moron I hired him out of the paper.  Says he's a "specialist" and in particular is good at creation.  He's done all the carving you see on everything.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] looks around at the intricate scenes on everything.  Many of them are of her and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]], and the detail is to die for.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: But…he's with [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]… :confused:
Allen: Was there anything else?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Ah……well yes……we need some place for animals……
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] stops in at Tony's kitchen (Tony the Tiger is the bar's cook) and stares at the large cloud of flour swirling around the big cake.
Erk: Oh, you're here.  Just stay out of Greyfeline's way, and no more sampling.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Wow, he's fast.
Erk: I'll say.  I just hired him recently, and already he's managed to interpret [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]'s plans into a menu.  But I guess a specialist in creation is good at that.
Tony the Tiger: It's GRRRRRRRRREAT work!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: No, I meant I just saw him in [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]]'s workshop…
P/Y/R: Wow that was a hell of a party!
[COLOR=DarkRed]Demogorgon [Head 1]:[/COLOR] Surely My dear you mean it was an Abyss of a party.  * Take a sip of his martini *
[COLOR=DarkRed]Demogorgon [Head 2]:[/COLOR] * takes his head out of the Keg and gives loud bleach. * I case your wondering that’s high brow humor.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Demogorgon [Head 1]: [/COLOR] Well Excuse me for a having a more refined since of humor, then Fart and Stoner jokes! 
* * *
[COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] Well this was a gas! We will have to do it again some time.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Sure, may be next time I’ll invite the Demon lords from This plane too… or may be even the Lords of the nine, we could challenge them to some party games. Next Time a Roast a couple of dragons.
[COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] Speaking of Invites, I’m shocked Graz'zt and Lloth didn’t show up nor didn’t you invite them?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]: Oh I invited them, I just up the wrong address on there invites… because I don’t like them.
* * *
Meanwheile in the 7th Heaven
[COLOR=DarkRed]Lloth:[/COLOR] I think we have been had!
[COLOR=DarkRed]Graz'zt: [/COLOR] * give a sad blow on a party favor as he takes off a jester hat. *
Random Archon: What [COLOR=Yellow]ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE! [/COLOR]
OoChrys: Oh I'm think of make the othe Demon lords 'red shirts' [Insted of the Chibis ]  anyone have a problem with that?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] is trying to stave off depression by looking through the forbidden techniques list:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Designed it, Ungraded it, survived it, seen it, used it, designed it, what do have here? :schemes:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] have just finished their explaination of what has happened since she left. Lilly and Feralyn look dazed.
Lilly: That's quite a lot to take in...
Feralyn: Demon Lords, Quori, C''s more than a little overwhelming.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Tell me about it. I lived it, and even I have trouble believing I'm still alive.
Lilly: Still, news of your heritage confirms my suspicions about you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: What do you mean?
Lilly: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] was never easy to read, even as a child. She was unpredictable, extremely gifted, kind, and possessed an ambition rarely seen in elves. But, I could also see a darkness in her aura. A black cloud hovering about her, threatening to consume her should it truly manifest.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Really? Why didn't you tell me?
Lilly: What could I tell you? I had no idea what it meant, or what you could do about it.
Feralyn: Your reaction to the creatures from the deep woods always gave me pause. Things that would make most children recoil in fear, and many adults for that matter, you were facinated with.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: Could it have been because Theronas altered her genetic structure?
Lilly: That's how I see it. Unnatural things are more familiar from a latent genetic memory. She doesn't have true Demonic heratige, but she has gained the effects of such.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: And have embraced them. I'm not about to let such power go to waste, regardless of where it came from.
Feralyn: That part of you hasn't changed either. Always looking for a potential advantage.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]]: But without sacrificing who you are. One of the things I love about you so much.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]:  :blush:  :D

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[[Forgotten_Freedom:68|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:70|Next Plot]]

Latest revision as of 20:18, 6 August 2006

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Norbaz sits reading a script in a chair.

Norbaz: So they want me to be lando...then who do we get to play Lobot?

Stupid walks over with his mouth duct taped shut.

Norbaz: okay that works. Good luck being Vader and fighting Satnak, Captain. Captain?

Emperor Admiral Jarlot: Where'd that wipper snapper go?

Grand Moff Volrath: Um...Jubiliex's Jabba palace?

Norbaz: Later, I'm off for Chilli City.


Michael: Wait, does anyone know whose playing Bobba Fet?

Lisa: Why in the flame are you in my cell?

Michael: That's a very good question, Admiral Jarlot casted me as the interrogation droid.

Lisa: You wouldn't.


Michael: Ugh! *collapses*

Terra: (wielding a blaster set for stun) Damn right, you wouldn't.

Lisa: Isn't Luke supposed to save Leia?

Terra: Yeah, but this parody isn't exactly sticking to the script.

Satnak: C'mon, you two! We gotta go!


Lisa: So I assume Kithle's off deactivating the tractor beam?

Terra: That, and he's going for Darth Jarlot.

Satnak: You two get back to the Falcon, I'm going for Emperor Admiral Jarlot Sr.

Silver and Crow are sitting in a movie theater with "Dumb Wars: Return of the Comedy" playing on the screen. 13 comes in and sits down beside them.

Silver: Popcorn?

13: So are we done with all this?

Silver: I thought you were off helping Darth Jarlot.

13: That was only when I thought we were going to have East-Asian style Jedi. I've got no problem with Kithle.

Silver: There's nothing more we can do. Everyone's in character, they're already on the Death Star. We're probably going to cut out Chilli City and Jubilex's palace.

Crow: Jubilex is dead. Aerith killed him.

Mr. T: Good, cause I don't want to be no rancor.

13: Terra would have to be frozen in—

Silver: We found out that nothing could freeze Norbaz's chilli. Scrapping that line.

Crow: We did manage to get the Squirrel Civilization to be Ewoks.

13: Aren't you worried about scarring some young kid's mind?

Crow: So basically we're sticking to inside the Death Star.

Silver: The Millenium Falcon scenes didn't go so well I'd say.

Crow: But so far they've managed to rescue the princess. Now Satnak just needs to charge a bunch of stormtroopers while Lisa kisses Terra.

Silver: :doh: We never cast stormtroopers!

13: Meh, just use Crystals. The stormtroopers were clones back in II and III, it works out.

Crystal Trooper 5: Like, Oh my god, these white armor suites are soooo cute!

Crystal Trooper 326: I know! Oh, but it covers my hair.

Crystal Trooper 72: Like, don't worry, it totally works.

P/Y/R is running away from Titus. When another Portal opens up and Orcus walks through

P/Y/R: Hey Uncle Orcus, I brought you a gift.

Titus: Heya [Much like pokemon Titus can only say Heya]

[COLOR=DarkRed]Orcus: [/COLOR] Mmm-boy he sure be pwetty, I’sza going make him squeal like a pig!

Titus: Hey…ya?

[COLOR=DarkRed]Orcus:[/COLOR] Com’mre boy! *paws at Titus * you sure do smell like mash taters; I like taters uh-ha!

Beryl: Damn that’s evil, I’m so proud of you.

[COLOR=DarkRed]Juiblex:[/COLOR] Spliddle spoooch [He might be the most annoy person every but I don’t think any need to be Orcus’ piggy]

P/Y/R: Aren’t you supposed to be dead?

Beryl: Don’t be silly he is a demon, we are immune to fire.

Kithle, Satnak, Terra, and Lisa are running through the halls of the death star in an attempt to escape back to the millenium falcon. Along the way Satnak vaporizes several battalions of crystal troopers without breaking stride.

Satnak: You'd think they would realize the troopers weren't working after I took down the third regiment in as many minutes.

Terra: Never complain about the incompetence of your opponent. Movie clique states that if you do they're probaly going to reveal they weren't as stupid as you thought they were.

Three figures appear in the shadows in front of the group, Darth Jarlot, Jarlot, and Emperor Admiral Jarlot Senior.

Darth Jarlot: Your observation would be correct.

Kithle: Ok, now who is supposed to fight who here. I'm Obi-Wan so I'm supposed to fight Darth, but you're Luke so you're supposed to fight him too...

Satnak: Screw the parody. Kithle, you take senior, Terra and Lisa the captain is all yours, I want a piece of Darth.

Kithle approaches Emperor Admiral Jarlot Senior with his lightsaber drawn.

Emperor Admiral Jarlot Senior: Just a moment there whipper snapper. Stunt Double! (Erandis drops from the ceiling) There we go, I'm going to go find myself some of the wenches my son hasn't been able to keep satisfied. I told him you have to take care of them or they start causing trouble like this.


Erandis and Kithle engage in a lightsaber battle so epic and amazing that it surpasses any seen before in any star wars film. It doesn't really defy words but it's still not going to be described here, because I'm lazy.

Meanwhile Jarlot is being savagely beaten with blunt objects by Terra and Lisa after being disarmed within moments of the start of combat.

While all this happens around them Satnak and Darth Jarlot square off.

Satnak: I never liked you alternate Jarlot and now I'm going to take you apart like I took apart all your predecessors.

Darth Jarlot: Who said I was an alternate.

Satnak: If you aren't an alternate, what are you?

Darth Jarlot: Oh you'll see...

Both draw lightsabers and meet in a flash of force powers. The battle continues for several minutes with Satnak being force back by Darth Jarlot's greater skill with the lightsaber.

Satnak: Alright, I'm sick of this. (tosses her lightsaber aside) UBER-ZORCH!!!!!

Satnak punches Darth Jarlot in the kidney, driving a fist sized hole completely through him so light comes through from the other side. Darth Jarlot crumples to the floor and Jarlot breaks free from Terra and Lisa to rush to his side.

Jarlot: FATHER!

Darth Jarlot: (wheeze) Son, before I die, I want you to see my true face.

Jarlot: No you can’t die father!

Darth Jarlot: Please, remove my helmet.

Jarlot does as he is asked revealing a shriveled and wrinkled face similar to his own.

Darth Jarlot: Now son I must tell you something before I pass away, lean in closer (Jarlot holds his ear next to Darth Jarlot’s face) YOU BEEN PUNK’D B****!

Jarlot: (falling over) What the ****!

Darth Jarlot’s face blurs and changes to reveal Kanatash’s visage staring forth from the suit. Kanatash steps out of the suit.


Kanatash: Nothing. Darth Jarlot was never you father because there never was a Darth Jarlot. It was me in that suit from the beginning. Your father is that, as you put it, “senile old son of a *****,” that just went off looking for wenches. I even had Caralot run paternity tests to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. (hands him some sheets of paper)

Jarlot: But you… we… I…

Kanatash: Yes, all of this was an elaborate prank to built up all your hopes, ruling the world, finding out senior isn’t your father, becoming a legendary, before suddenly and brutally crushing them as I’m doing right now.

Jarlot: I’m going to-

Kanatash  : Yes, we can get to the horrific punishments later, I need to gloat a little longer first. (knocks Jarlot unconscious with a psionic blast)

Terra: You kidnapped Lisa!

Kanatash: Actually that was all Jarlot. I actually did very little in this little scheme, I just gave the fool enough rope to hang himself with, which he did handily.

Lisa: What about planning to blow up Thrane then?

Kanatash: Oh, I didn’t plan to let him go through with that. Sure, maybe Aurundir, but not Thrane. I wouldn’t want to ruin the wedding.

Terra: Humph. You ruined our day at the spa too.

Kanatash: Well if that’s what you’re mad about here. (produces three small slips of paper)

Terra: (taking the slips and gasping) These are passes to the most exclusive spa in Khorvair! The waiting list is over five years to get these!

Kanatash: Yes, well the proprietor also happens to be the head of one of my cults.

Terra: (raising an eyebrow)

Kanatash: Don’t worry, the business side of things is completely legit, he just has some “interesting” hobbies in the off hours. Also as a plus, as friends to his god you can expect treatment above and beyond a normal guest. He could also probably help with the catering for the wedding if you wish.

Terra: Well then, I suppose no harm no foul. Let’s go girls.


Later after everyone else has left, Jarlot finally comes around.

Jarlot: (darkly) There will be Kyber to pay for this.

Erandis - Can we stop now?

Kithle - No I'm enjoying this.

Erandis - No fair you have 6 lightsabers, I thought we weren't doing grievous.

Admiral Nalfien: What do ya want to do now? Grand Moff Volrath: We could help the emperor's stunt double against Kithle, or we could go check out the slaves in Jabba's Palace. :drool: Admiral Nalfien: Do you really have to ask?

  • Both take off for the Palace*

Melvin - ITS A TRAP!

Micheal - Its over you numbskull.

Jarlot: Space…the…final frontier.…These…are…the voyages…of the spelljammer…Forgotten Freedom.…Her continuing mission…to explore strange…new worlds…to seek out…new forms…of life…and new…civilizations…to boldly go…where no sane person…would ever think of going.

(Cut scenes: )

Kithle: These pointed ears are highly illogical.

Andrea: Dammit, Jim, I’m a necromancer not a doctor!

Ketler: I canna do it, cap’n. I’m just not Scottish enough.

Terra: Captain, the Valenar have us in their tractor beam.

13: Captain, we’re receiving a distress call from an obvious plot device.

Slip: So can I go warp 10 or not?

Marish: Why am I covered in green?

Random Redshirt: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! I’m wearing red—(pause) oh, right.

Warforged: We are the warforged. Your information shall be assimilated into our collective. Resistance is futile.

Oocat: Classic theme here.

Warforged: Sorry.

Terra stands on the deck of the FF I as two birds land nearby.

Terra: I was wondering when you'd get here.

The birds morph into a female elf and gnome.

Gnome: You're so impatient.

Elf: I wouldn't miss this for the world.

Lilly: *gives Terra a big hug, pulls back and looks her over* Oh, look at you! The little troublemaker is all grown up!

Terra: *smiling* It's wonderful to see you again. *turns to Feralyn* How've you been?

Feralyn: Not too bad. I've had my hands full lately. Some upstarts from Aundair are clamoring to retake the Reaches and are making raids.

Terra: *rolls her eyes* Again?

Lilly: Yes. But lets not talk about that now. Where's your fiancee? I'm so eager to meet her.

Terra: She'll be here in a moment.

Lisa: *arriving on deck* You called?

Terra: I have a few people I'd like you to meet. Lilly and Feralyn.

Lilly: *smiling softly* So, you're the young lady who stole her heart?

Lisa: :blush: W-well...I guess you could put it that way.

Lilly: *taking her hand* Such a beautiful young lady. And a warm spirit to match.

Terra: *teasing* Come on, now. You're embarassing her.

Lilly: I'm just telling it like it is.

Feralyn: Bluntly as always. But it is nice to meet you.

Lisa: You too. I'd love to stay and talk some more, but Igor's fine tuning my dress. Can we talk more at dinner?

Lilly: Go on, dear. Don't let us keep you.

Lisa smiles and heads back down as Lilly turns to Terra.

Lilly: My, my, my. I never thought I'd live to see it again.

Terra: What?

Lilly: That sparkle in your eye. You became so cold after what happened to your mother.

Terra: :blush: I...just can't help but feel happy around her.

Feralyn: Well that's an understatement if I ever heard one! You're practically beaming!

Terra: Is it that obvious?

Lilly: Probably only to us. The difference from when we last saw you is so striking.

Terra: :D I'll take that as a compliment. Follow me. I'll show you around before we catch up.

A goblin appears in Volrath's room. The goblin looks very young and is wearing deep red robes. Decorating the robes are various myhtos symbols. They almost seem to move independently from the cloak itself. Volrath: Gland you could make it. After your years of service, even to the point of death, you earned the right to be here. Your seat will be in the third row second from the left. goblin: It has always been an honor and a pleasure to serve. Should any of you ever desire to return, you will find the legions battle-ready and awaiting your commands. Volrath: Go on deck I'm sure Muradin and Terra will be gland to see you.

(at dinner, Terra, Lisa, Lilly, and Feralyn sit eating)

Terra: I see you still have the amulet.

Feralyn: Oh, yeah. It's been a great help.

Lisa: What's it do?

Feralyn: I gives me the ability to Wild Shape like a Druid. Lord Oalian gave it to me during the Last War.

At this time, the red robed goblin walks in and heads over to Terra.

Goblin: Good to see you again, miss.

Terra: By the- Red Cloak! I haven't seen you long is it now?

Red Cloak: It's been twenty years, ma'am. Master Volrath summoned me back for your wedding.

Lisa: Who's this?

Terra: This is Red Cloak. He was the leader of our troops when I was travelling with Volrath.

Lilly: Troops?

Terra: Yeah. This was when we were just starting out, before my network was set up. In fact, I owe him much in getting where I am today.

Red Cloak: I served all of you out of my own free will. You treated me and my brethren as fellows instead of cannon fodder, so it was the least I could do.

Terra: Still, I'm happy to see you. Muradin should be around here somewhere. Just be careful.

Red Cloak: The Hug of Death? Yeah, I'll be careful.

Satnak - Hey Guys who are the noobies?

Lily & Feralyn - :confused:

Terra - They aren't crew their just some family here for the wedding. Satnak this is Lily and Feralyn of the Wardens. Lily, Feralyn this is Satnak... how do I put this? You remember all that chaos and shaking and gods screaming bloody murder recently?

Lily - Yeesssss... :confused:

Lisa - Its pretty much her fault.

Satnak - :D

Feralyn - :eek:

Satnak: *looking down* Who's the pipsqueak?

Red Cloak: :mad: The name's Red Cloak, not pipsqueak...

Terra: He's an old friend from my early adventuring days. If you're ever in Droaam, you might come across a rather large Goblin town near the sea on the southern border.

Red Cloak: That's my home. Well...was my home, until I died.

Satnak: :confused: ...Volrath has something to do with this doesn't he?

Red Cloak: Yes. Master Volrath has arranged for me to return in this body for a while.

Terra: Red Cloak was our most gifted Commander. It was a shame to let him go, but he wanted to give the Goblins a place to go as an escape from the oppression of the other races in the area.

Red Cloak: We fought off many attackers in the early days, but they have since come to live in relative peace. I hear they've begun trading with other towns.

A woman in her thirties, with dead pale skin and pick eyes, enters the room. Volrath gets to greet her. He hugs her and softly kisses her on the cheek. She then walks over to Terra. woman (whispering) : Congratulations. She then takes a seat one of the room's shadowy corners. Lisa: Whos was that? Terra: Volrath's sister. Lisa: She didn't look that old in your memories. Terra: That was almost fifty years ago. Unlike Volrath she's already lost almost everything that ties her to this plane. They age as they become more and more detached from reality. Lisa: But wasn't she in the most heavily guarded asylum in Eberron? How did she get out? Volrath: I sent her a pencil. :D

Satnak - She used a pencil? I thought you used ribs for that kind of escape. :confused: Someone explain how that works without opening a chest cavity.

Feralyn - (backs away slowly)

Volrath: You can't very well use ribs if only constructs are willing to guard you. While something sharper would have been ideal, I didn't want the guards to catch on.

Satnak - Gaurds :confused: , When I said open a chest cavity I meant open yourself up and remove the modified Frostfell army rib. Oh wait you guys probably never heard of those.

Lisa - :uh-huh:

Terra - This is hardly the appropriate place to discuss your modified anatomy.

Volrath - Tell me more.

Lily - (whispering to Terra) Is it safe to let her wander around the ship like this?

Terra - (whispering back) Not at all, but no one is willing to argue with her... She nearly sunk this whole realm into the crapper just to get rid of a rogue time-traveller. She beats down deific beings for entertainment. Angels and demons fear her presecence above all things. I've seen her shatter cities with a single strike. Her skill and control will rip asunder the energy networks of those few who can muster more brute power. To top it off she is just being polite when she doesn't mention this exchange, because I know from experience she can hear us just fine.

Lily - :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Volrath: What if your body does not contain ribs?

Satnak: She doesn't have ribs? :uh-huh:

Volrath: Oh she has them. I was just asking what if? :D

Satnak and Volrath continue their conversation on the finer points of rib extraction as the other four of them return to the conversation.

Lilly: One thing that's been bothering me. Why are your eyes yellow instead of green?

Terra: That's a long story. You probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

Feralyn: Try us.

Terra: (telepathically) Ok. :devil:

Lilly & Feralyn: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Feralyn: When did you become Psionic?!

Lilly: (shaking her head) Ugh. Too many surprises in a half an hour. I think my brain just froze.

Lisa: Maybe this should wait until tomorrow. It is rather involved, and you two look like you could use some rest.

(later, after they have set Lilly and Feralyn up in guest rooms)

Lisa: Why has it been so long since you saw them? You seem to get along great...

Terra: Well, I'm a bit of a black sheep as far as the Wardens are concerned.

Lisa: How so?

Terra: For one, I associate with Abberations. Even my companion animal is one. Big no-no under normal conditions. I work inside the biggest hub of civilization in Khorvaire, nearly unheard of. I use my powers in ways deemed inappropriate by most of the sect. That's just naming a few.

Lisa: So you distanced yourself to avoid causing them problems?

Terra: Something like that. I also felt that we were too constrained just sitting in the Reaches, unable to effect events elsewhere - like poaching. Feralyn works to stem the flow, I cut off its source.

Lisa: And they disagreed with this?

Terra: Not really. There are times when I wonder if they might have come with me if they could have. But they had their paths to follow, and I had mine. It just happened that they would take us in different directions.

Lisa: *sigh* There you go again, brooding on the past. *grabs her arm* Come on. I have something I want to try with you.

Terra: *being dragged along* What?

Lisa: You'll see. ;)

On the way to the guest rooms.

Lily - Well?

Feralyn - She really seems happy for the first time in a long while, and I have no reservations about Lisa, but her friend...

Lily - I didn't think you had a problem with Volrath?

Feralyn - No, Satnak, what did you think of her, what did your magic say?

Lily - My spells told me she wasn't there.

Feralyn - An Illusion?

Lily - No, she just didn't register under any of my detection spells. I'm willing to bet even my best divinations simply wont show her. She seems completely out of sync with the normal flow of energy in Eberron.

Feralyn - I couldn't detect any ill intent, whether she is simply as adept a deciever as Terra claims she is a magus, or simply uninterested in harming us i cannot say.

Lily - I would like to talk to Terra about her, she scares me, but according to Terra her senses are very acute so I couldn't say anything at the time.

Feralyn - Do you believe her claims of this woman's power then?

Lily - I think that Terra speaks the truth. You have felt the world shuddering as well.

Feralyn - Its been doing that since the Forgotten Freedom began its rain of madness.

Lily - True, but still... I can't shake this feeling of impending doom.

Inside their private pocket dimension, Lisa sits on a throne holding a chain. On the end of it is Terra, dressed in the slave girl outfit from Jedi.

Terra: I think I like this idea. :devil:

Lisa: You are not to speak unless spoken to, slave! ;)

Terra: Yes, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress. :bow: *begins dancing*

There is a knock on Lily and Feralyn's guest door.

Lily: Yes?

13: Mail.

Lily and Feralyn: :confused:

13 enters. He plops a bunch of envelopes and one small package on the table.

13: You've got mail. Mostly bills and soul-charging adds, but one or two letters from family.

Lily: How? I mean we just got here.…I don't even have a permanent address.

Feralyn: :eek: This letter is from during the Last War! This guy was killed when Aundairian soldiers took the town.

13: Yeah. Do to the chaos inherant in this ship and my own time-traveling powers we get all the dead mail—dead as in it got destroyed.

Feralyn: Well, this letter does look a bit burnt.

Lily: So you're the rogue time-traveler? You don't look all that dangerous.

13: Don't let the fox form fool you. I'm really a progenitor dragon. Nowadays I time-travel just to play pranks on people. Well, I've got to go, Igor needs me to deliver some special-order thread.

13 hands over the package of thread to a tiny grey feline.

Terra and Lisa are examining Igor's work on the wedding clothes.

Lisa: Kind of surprises me that someone who wears such pachwork as yours, Igor, knows so much about sewing.

Igor: When you work for ath many mathterth ath I have, you quickly learn that they rarely know how to fixth their own clotheth. That, pluth the varying body thructure, how often they get wounded from their own exthperimentth, and patching minionth back together giveth one a marvelouth educathion in the fine art of cloth-craft.

Terra: Igor designed all my more splendid outfits for appearances as a crime lord.

Greyfeline: :D (hands over the package)

Terra: Who's this?

Igor: Hith nameth greyfeline, mith. He advertitheth in the paperth ath thomething called a "thpecthialitht", with particular thkill in creathion.

Greyfeline goes over to a pile of fabric, and in no time has created a security tux complete with maching sunglasses, all sized and cut for one of the half-dragons

Greyfeline: :mage:

Terra and Lisa: :blink:

Terra: Well, I'd better go see how the furnishings are coming along.

Lisa: I'll go and check on Erk's progress.

Terra: You just want to sample some more of those minicakes.

Lisa: :embarrass

Terra walks in to Roosevelt's workshop to find him and Allen pouring over the altar designs.

Terra: How are things coming?

Roosevelt: Well, after we tied up Ketler so he couldn't design a Jaela trap, we had to go out and find some of that darkwood you wanted……

As Roosevelt is giving her the status report Terra can't help but notice the grey feline tail sticking out from under one of the ornately carved pews.

Terra (pointing): Who's that?

Roosevelt: Eh? Oh, that's Greyfeline. Since we needed someone extra after Ketler proved to be a moron I hired him out of the paper. Says he's a "specialist" and in particular is good at creation. He's done all the carving you see on everything.

Terra looks around at the intricate scenes on everything. Many of them are of her and Lisa, and the detail is to die for.

Terra: But…he's with Igor… :confused:

Allen: Was there anything else?

Terra: Ah……well yes……we need some place for animals……

Lisa stops in at Tony's kitchen (Tony the Tiger is the bar's cook) and stares at the large cloud of flour swirling around the big cake.

Erk: Oh, you're here. Just stay out of Greyfeline's way, and no more sampling.

Lisa: Wow, he's fast.

Erk: I'll say. I just hired him recently, and already he's managed to interpret Terra's plans into a menu. But I guess a specialist in creation is good at that.

Tony the Tiger: It's GRRRRRRRRREAT work!

Lisa: No, I meant I just saw him in Igor's workshop…

P/Y/R: Wow that was a hell of a party!

[COLOR=DarkRed]Demogorgon [Head 1]:[/COLOR] Surely My dear you mean it was an Abyss of a party. * Take a sip of his martini *

[COLOR=DarkRed]Demogorgon [Head 2]:[/COLOR] * takes his head out of the Keg and gives loud bleach. * I case your wondering that’s high brow humor.

[COLOR=DarkRed]Demogorgon [Head 1]: [/COLOR] Well Excuse me for a having a more refined since of humor, then Fart and Stoner jokes!

  • * *

[COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] Well this was a gas! We will have to do it again some time.

Beryl: Sure, may be next time I’ll invite the Demon lords from This plane too… or may be even the Lords of the nine, we could challenge them to some party games. Next Time a Roast a couple of dragons.

[COLOR=DarkRed]Zuggtmoy:[/COLOR] Speaking of Invites, I’m shocked Graz'zt and Lloth didn’t show up nor didn’t you invite them?

Beryl: Oh I invited them, I just up the wrong address on there invites… because I don’t like them.

  • * *

Meanwheile in the 7th Heaven

[COLOR=DarkRed]Lloth:[/COLOR] I think we have been had!

[COLOR=DarkRed]Graz'zt: [/COLOR] * give a sad blow on a party favor as he takes off a jester hat. *

Random Archon: What [COLOR=Yellow]ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE! [/COLOR]

OoChrys: Oh I'm think of make the othe Demon lords 'red shirts' [Insted of the Chibis ] anyone have a problem with that?

Satnak is trying to stave off depression by looking through the forbidden techniques list:

Satnak - Designed it, Ungraded it, survived it, seen it, used it, designed it, what do have here? :schemes:

Terra and Lisa have just finished their explaination of what has happened since she left. Lilly and Feralyn look dazed.

Lilly: That's quite a lot to take in...

Feralyn: Demon Lords, Quori, C''s more than a little overwhelming.

Terra: Tell me about it. I lived it, and even I have trouble believing I'm still alive.

Lilly: Still, news of your heritage confirms my suspicions about you.

Lisa: What do you mean?

Lilly: Terra was never easy to read, even as a child. She was unpredictable, extremely gifted, kind, and possessed an ambition rarely seen in elves. But, I could also see a darkness in her aura. A black cloud hovering about her, threatening to consume her should it truly manifest.

Terra: Really? Why didn't you tell me?

Lilly: What could I tell you? I had no idea what it meant, or what you could do about it.

Feralyn: Your reaction to the creatures from the deep woods always gave me pause. Things that would make most children recoil in fear, and many adults for that matter, you were facinated with.

Lisa: Could it have been because Theronas altered her genetic structure?

Lilly: That's how I see it. Unnatural things are more familiar from a latent genetic memory. She doesn't have true Demonic heratige, but she has gained the effects of such.

Terra: And have embraced them. I'm not about to let such power go to waste, regardless of where it came from.

Feralyn: That part of you hasn't changed either. Always looking for a potential advantage.

Lisa: But without sacrificing who you are. One of the things I love about you so much.

Terra: :blush: :D

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