Force and Destiny: Blinded By the Light: Difference between revisions

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*[[Tyra Szdanor]], (Ace, Pilot). Strain: 0/12. Wounds: 0/14. Soak: 3. Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
*[[Tyra Szdanor]], (Ace, Pilot). Strain: 0/12. Wounds: 0/14. Soak: 3. Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
*[[Kortana Vaal]], (Sentinel, Artisan). Strain: 0/13. Wounds: 0/12. Soak: 2 (3). Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
*[[Kortana Vaal]], (Sentinel, Artisan). Strain: 0/13. Wounds: 0/12. Soak: 2 (3). Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
*[[Davran Paca]]
*[[FADBBTB Blank Character Sheet]]
*[[FADBBTB Blank Character Sheet]]

Revision as of 19:10, 25 February 2016

A Play-By-Post game run by The Wyzard.

Player Characters

  • Sarasa Cheman, (Ace, Gunner). Strain: 0/12. Wounds: 0/14. Soak: 3. Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
  • Anton Hazard, (Guardian, Peacekeeper). Strain: 0/13. Wounds: 0/15. Soak: 4. Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
  • Riina Sherrik, (Mystic, Advisor/Seer). Strain: 0/14. Wounds: 0/14. Soak: 3. Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
  • Tyra Szdanor, (Ace, Pilot). Strain: 0/12. Wounds: 0/14. Soak: 3. Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
  • Kortana Vaal, (Sentinel, Artisan). Strain: 0/13. Wounds: 0/12. Soak: 2 (3). Defense: Ranged 0|Melee 0.
  • Davran Paca
  • FADBBTB Blank Character Sheet


  • SD-R2 is a standard Astromech droid. Statistics as per Edge of the Empire.

XP Awards

  • 50 Special Bonus XP at creation, spendable on attributes.
  • 50 XP (Chapter 1)
  • 50 XP (Chapter 2)

Loot and Lucre

Slush Fund: 1392 credits

Undistributed Loot

Duty, Morality, & Motivation

Sarasa Cheman

  • Duty: Support (5)
  • Morality: 50
    • Emotional Strength: Bravery
    • Emotional Weakness: Obsession
  • Motivation: Keep my Promises

Anton Hazard

  • Duty: Recruiting (5)
  • Morality: 50
    • Emotional Strength: Pride
    • Emotional Weakness: Recklessness
  • Motivation: Riches

Riina Sherrik

  • Duty: Sabotage (5)
  • Morality: 50
    • Emotional Strength: Justice
    • Emotional Weakness: Cruelty
  • Motivation: Justice
  • Motivation: Learn about the Jedi

Tyra Szdanor

  • Duty: Personnel (5)
  • Morality: 50
    • Emotional Strength: Enthusiasm (Always ready to try something new)
    • Emotional Weakness: Greed ("Those who strive for worldly pleasures, whether power, wealth, or personal comforts...")
  • Motivation: Freedom: "All sentient beings must have the opportunity to make their own decisions [...] The character seeks freedom for the enslaved and oppressed..."

Kortana Vaal

  • Duty: Tech Procurement (5)
  • Morality: 50
    • Emotional Strength: Discipline
    • Emotional Weakness: Obstinance
  • Motivation: Faith (Rebellion)

Duty Chart

  • Sarasa: 1-5
  • Anton: 6-10
  • Riina 11-15
  • Tyra 16-20
  • Kortana 21-25

The White-Winged Dove

Statistics & Mods

  • Corellian Engineering Corporation G9 "Rigger" Light Freighter
  • Silhouette 4
  • Speed 2
  • Handling -2
  • Defense: Forward 1 | Aft 1
  • Armor 2
  • Hull 0/25
  • Strain 0/15
  • Systems
  • Class 3 Hyperdrive
  • Navicomputer
  • Sensor Range: Medium
  • Life Support: 8 Persons
  • Consumables: 1 Month
  • Hardpoints: 4/4
  • Weapons
  • Dorsal Auto-Blasters. Fire Arc Forward. Damage 3, Crit 5, Close Range, Auto-Fire. Slaved to Pilot Station.
  • Ventral Light Blaster Cannon. Fire Arc Forward. Damage 4, Crit 4, Close Range. Slaved to Copilot Station.
  • Outrigger Light Blaster Turret. Fire Arc Forward, Starboard, Aft. Damage 4, Crit 4, Close Range. Slaved to Gunnery Station.
  • House Rules
  • The G9 is a model of simple and cheap construction. Repair costs are halved.
  • While it doesn't have the most cargo capacity, the cargo bay door is enormous. The G9 is capable of carrying the smallest of snub fighters, speeders, or ground vehicles at Referee discretion.


  • Cargo Capacity is 80. Note that in my opinion, one largeish crate of cargo is equal to 5 ship encumbrance. Therefore, the Dove is capable of carrying 16 units of cargo, less any other nonsense you put in the cargo hold.

G9 Rigger Cutaway

G9 Rigger Cockpit


Friendly Contacts

  • Godon: A young and inexperienced Rodian bounty hunter who owes you a great debt.
  • Zukata: An elegant Rodian woman who works for a cartographic software company.
  • Drunberg the Hutt: The PCs successfully returned a bounty to him. He doesn't owe them any favors, but he considers them credible operators.

The Empire

At the top of the Empire, there sits the Emperor. Of course, he has mostly retreated to his palace-planet, and is little-seen in these days. Rumor is that he's like a spider at the center of his web, watching and seeing all, and issuing shadowed orders. That may or may not be true, but his rule is unquestionably now carried out by proxies. There are a nigh-infinite number of layers and divisions of Imperial bureaucracy and governance, but these are some of the major ones.


The Territorial Authority Board divides the Empire up into regions, plans colonies and expansion, appoints Planetary Governors, and liaises between them and other branches of the Empire.


The Rapid Economic Advancement Plan is an umbrella mandate for building up the Empire's military and productive capacity, and anticipating economic needs generally. The Emperor feels that racially homogeneous societies are the most efficient, and so where the clash in values and needs between different alien species affects Imperial interest, the RElocation APparatus can assist in moving the inefficient elements to new homes where they can be happier and more productive.


Essentially the Imperial police force. Their mission supposedly focuses on interplanetary crime, but in fact they often have units in larger urban areas that "supplement" local policing.


Social Control monitors communication, identifies dangerous or treasonous elements, and provides high quality 2d, holonet, and cultural programming for Imperial citizens. They operate re-education centers throughout the Empire.


Bureau of Ships and Services.

Imperial Army

Imperial Navy

Storm Troopers


Scan of Hutt Space from The Essential Atlas

Lore, Rumors, Quests

House Rules

Important Posts

Important Links


Star Wars RPG Dice Symbols

Spending Advantage and Triumph in Combat

Aurebesh Table