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== Important Links ==
== Important Links ==
*[ Recruitment Thread].
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*[ First crew roster]

== Reference ==
== Reference ==

Revision as of 03:28, 21 March 2017

Riding the fringes of the galactic Empire with Atlictoatl, Angwa, Baeraad, Lysus, and Nick the Lemming.

Player Characters

  • Juna Kast, Mandalorian Smuggler Scoundrel | Technician Modder, Strain: 0/12, Wounds: 2/13, Soak: 4 (energy) / 3 (other), Defense: Ranged 0 | Melee 0
  • Sikka Jerass, Mirialan Sentinel Artisan | Guardian Armorer, Strain: 0/13, Wounds: 0/13, Soak: 4, Defense: Ranged 1 | Melee 1
  • Kirr Brenna, Human Colonist Scholar | Smuggler Thief, Strain: 5/12, Wounds: 1/12, Soak: 1, Defense: Ranged 1 | Melee 1
  • Jube Laago, Neimoidian Diplomat Ambassador | Explorer Trader, Strain: 0/10, Wounds: 0/12, Soak: 1, Defense: Ranged 0 | Melee 0

XP Awards

Party Treasure

EBD Blank Character Sheet



Lore, Rumors, Quests

Important Posts


Important Links


Dice Symbols

Star Wars RPG Dice Symbols

Spending Advantage and Triumph in Combat

Spending Advantage and Triumph in Combat

Social Skill Interactions

Additional Starship and Vehicle Actions


  • Baeraad's character background

My character's family used to be wealthy merchants, but the war reparations hit them hard and they never recovered. He was brought up in what was left of the family business, which had come to be more about petty hustling than grand affairs. Some of the shady connections he made there eventually led him to the rebellion, which he saw as an opportunity to reverse the family fortunes. He now lends his negotiation skills and knack for figuring out every man's price to getting corporations and fringe groups to join up with the Alliance.

  • Nick's character background

ex-Corporate Operator, having previously worked for the corp that Angwa's character was heir to? I could then have worked for them as a not-always-legit "researcher" - mostly into competitors, industrial espionage, background research on various employees (low as well as high level, so you can blackmail a security guard to look the other way, etc). He then found out that something was going down internally, and warned Angwa's character, that's how she managed to escape. By alerting her, he also left his own footprints on the scene, and had to run too.