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There are four Social Classes in the Victorian England of the Kerberos Club. These are:
There are four Social Classes in the Victorian England of the Kerberos Club. These are:

*Under Class - +1 Burglary, -1 Physique, -2 Resources
*Under Class: +1 Burglary, -1 Physique, -2 Resources
*Working Class +1 Fight, +1 Physique,, -1 Lore, -1 Resources
*Working Class: +1 Fight, +1 Physique,, -1 Lore, -1 Resources
*Middle Class  +1 Lore
*Middle Class: +1 Lore
*Upper Class - +1 Resources, -1 Burglary, -1 Stealth
*Upper Class: +1 Resources, -1 Burglary, -1 Stealth

Social class exerts a massive number of specific and non-specific benefits and penalties on a character. Generally, each level of difference in Social Class between the characters and their targets confers a -1 penalty to any use of Empathy, Provoke or Rapport. However, this can vary at the GM's discretion, e.g. an Upper Class swell being more Provoking to a street urchin
Social class exerts a massive number of specific and non-specific benefits and penalties on a character. Generally, each level of difference in Social Class between the characters and their targets confers a -1 penalty to any use of Empathy, Provoke or Rapport. However, this can vary at the GM's discretion, e.g. an Upper Class swell being more Provoking to a street urchin

Revision as of 14:25, 11 January 2020

Setting Overview

Welcome to the other 1870s, where a motley crew of Victoria's most unusual subjects battle to defend the Realm against threats unnatural and uncanny.

Helpful Resources

Mechanical Game Information

Character Creation

Choose your character's High Concept (Archetype + descriptor), their Curse, three other aspects (one including their social class). Divide 30 Skill points among the Basic Skills, with +4 maximum for any one skill, and no level of skills containing more than the one below. Choose 3 Stunts or Mega-stunts (based on Archetype/High Concept), + 1 per sacrificed Fate Point Refresh.


The Archetype forms the High Concept for the character, together with another descriptor

  • Adept
  • Alien
  • Anachronist
  • Artificial
  • Faerie
  • Godling
  • Changed
  • Human Oddity
  • Magus
  • Mutant
  • Super-Normal

Basic Skills

  • Athletics
  • Burglary
  • Contacts
  • Crafts
  • Deceive
  • Drive
  • Empathy
  • Fight
  • Investigate
  • Lore
  • Notice
  • Physique
  • Provoke
  • Rapport
  • Resources
  • Shoot
  • Stealth
  • Will


These are stunts that exceed the bounds of normal skills and stunts - and normal human possibility. They can confer superhuman abilities, like extraordinary strength, enhanced sensory perception, or incredible toughness.

Moreover, unlike stunts, a single mega-stunt can provide more than one benefit.

However, you can’t take a mega-stunt unless unless you have permission. To have permission, your character needs an appropriate High Concept aspect, as mediated by their archetype. Both High Concept and Archetype must suggest the sorts of benefits that mega-stunts can provide. In turn, your character’s mega-stunts must be logical extensions of the high concept and archetype.

Each Mega-Stunt takes up one stunt slot, regardless of how many benefits that Mega-Stunt provides.

Mega-Stunt Construction and Costs

Each Mega-Stunt must be individually worked out with the GM, based on the permission above. Also, each Mega-Stunt comes with a related Weakness or Cost. For a Weakness, for instance, the Fiery Adept can project bolts of fire, but takes damage from attacks with water. For a Cost, use of the Mega-Stunt comes "at a cost" - an immediate minor cost that can be determined by the GM, or simply take the form of a free compel from the GM on the character's Archetype or Curse.

Mega-Stunts typically consist of combat superiority (+2 attack or +1 armour); automatic success (in a specific Overcome action or an opposed roll against an opponent without a matching Mega-Stunt); immunity (to a particular attack or skill effect); or enhancement (to a normal stunt). However, other types can be worked up in discussion with the GM.

Social Class

There are four Social Classes in the Victorian England of the Kerberos Club. These are:

  • Under Class: +1 Burglary, -1 Physique, -2 Resources
  • Working Class: +1 Fight, +1 Physique,, -1 Lore, -1 Resources
  • Middle Class: +1 Lore
  • Upper Class: +1 Resources, -1 Burglary, -1 Stealth

Social class exerts a massive number of specific and non-specific benefits and penalties on a character. Generally, each level of difference in Social Class between the characters and their targets confers a -1 penalty to any use of Empathy, Provoke or Rapport. However, this can vary at the GM's discretion, e.g. an Upper Class swell being more Provoking to a street urchin

Important People

  • Kam Limmer, heir to the Third Board Seat of the House of Ororo Transportation, rich feckless playboy.
  • Arlo Vann (deceased), smuggler and petty criminal, your former patron.
  • Gombar Bitt, hard-bitten, grizzled old surface miner with a cranky, clanky crawler.

Story Episodes, Leads

  • Buswhacked in the Ring: Arlo Vann's light freighter the Easy Money is ambushed as you attempt to retrieve a mysterious cargo from a derelict space yacht in the Ring of Jibal II. Evading your pursuers, you take refuge among the Ring's derelicts.
  • It Dread inna Dreadnaught: Escaping to a vast wrecked Republican-era dreadnaught in the Ring, you find yourselves the guests of the Dreadnaughters, a motley tribe of indigenes and castaways. Your mysterious booty turns out to be a suspension pod containing Kam Limmer, heir to the Third Board Seat of the House of Ororo Transportation, a rich feckless playboy. The Dreadnaughters are only too ready to accept you as the embodiment of their ancient prophecies.
  • Move the Mountain, Mash the Monster: Your best chance of survival and escape appears to be to move the vast derelict and destroy the gigantic Verminoth patrolling this Ring segment. As you prepare for your heroic task, you encounter BRN-626 (Bernie), an unusually capable and occasionally truculent droid.
  • The Bubble Cities. Afloat above the clouds of Jibal II, oases above a hell-world.
  • Pressure Cooked. At the bottom of the baking, crushing atmosphere of Jibal II, you're crawling like bugs on a griddle to find the lost wreck of an escape pod belonging to your betrayers.
  • Palace Panic. Welcomed at the magnificent floating palace of House Limmer, you're treated to the spectacle of it plunging to its doom, as your patroness perishes amid the wreck of her family fortunes - or is it? Time to high-tail it out of the system in your new ship and evade this relentless, merciless pursuit.
  • "Time is short and the list of people who want to kill us is long." Racing against the clock, you've got to pick up your stash of loot from the dreadnaught and exit Jibalian space before your pursuers can catch up with you. Shame about that tracker beacon in the engine room...
Player Character Race Core Concept Refresh Stress Notes
llayne Baviander Markee Bimm Flamboyant Bimm Entrepreneur 2/3 Physical [][]; Mental [][][]
doombuggy23339 Secles Sluissi Ex-Military Combat Engineer 3 Physical [][][]; Mental [][][]
Timon BRN 626 Droid Unecessarily menacing hulking MedDroid 4/3 Physical [][][][]; Mental [][][]
Arandil Rujat Vel Mandalorian Vagabond Mandalorian Scout 2/3 Physical [][][]; Mental [][][]