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Roseque hosts frequent art showings as well as selling a few pieces in their storefronts.
A Roseque Gallery showing is built around art showings but also present other products for sale such as jewelry.
Exotic food stuffs and other rare goods are offered at gallery shows and arrangements for sale can be made.
==='''Food Stuffs'''===
==='''Food Stuffs'''===
==='''New & Unknown'''===
==='''New & Unknown'''===

Revision as of 14:08, 11 March 2024

There is a need for many things in Amber. Budgeting for luxuries in Amber is an ancient tradition. House Roseque has prospered in times of peace and war by serving the needs for luxuries.


House Roseque arrived in Amber with Queen Dybele, the mother of Florimel. They come from her home world, Ositrios, but like many of Dybele's people they refused to speak of her home world. The original Duke was Suraza, an expert in perfumes. Dybele was a woman who was often sick but recovered spectacularly.

Over the centuries the House made its way into shadow and came back to Amber in great abundance with luxury items. In time of war the House Roseque could be depended on tl acquire items unable to be found. They developed certain lines of trade and profited greatly.

Roseque was known for great parties of excess. They made allies of individuals and houses. Being luxury merchant they made friends with the royals as well.

Current House

Curently there are 4 ruling lines of House Roseque. These are based on the 4 children of Duke Rasaia, born 3800. These are Duke Gasean, Baroness Sastea, Baron Fuosia, & Baron Euquie.

In over 1200 years the number of people leading these lines has varied. The life span of people from () is around 130 years. The aging in Amber effect has given the () long life.

The line of Duke Gasean has had 5 generations leading the House. The current Duke is Foutera, the grandson of Gasean.

The baroness of the line of Baron Sastea is led by Baroness Sastea herself. She has had two childre. Pne died.

The line of Baron Fuosia has had four generations. The current Baron is Baron Feriota.

The line of Baron Euquie has had 2 children. One of the children passed away. The current baron is Baron Diousa.


House Rosque has developed 8 basic lines of supplies it is famous for. They do not operate store fronts themselves except for on one of its fiefs south of Amber. Generally they self to merchants in Amber for resale.


There are a number of main lines of perfumes that are perrenial favorite. From common scents to exotit


House Roseque is the main source of exotic fabrics and clothing. They run outlets in most major cities. They provide high end fabrics for furniture. Every noble house wants fine fabrics and while some other providers it is the House Roseque they go to.

They also import exotic fabric from other shadows into Amber. Diaga right weave furs.

House Rose sue also is one of the few sources for the many Pocai furs. Dozens of the various fur types are brought to Amber.


Smoking Materials


Uralas is illegal in many realm but common in others. Roseque Deals in many forms of Ural but does not bring it to shadows were its illegal.

  • Roseque deals in fine Dreanan and Trasdean Ural in 100 Leaf single stick as well as Mixx single stick.
  • Bulk leaf is always available.
  • Cured flowers
  • Powdered Urala.


Tobacco from many realm are available in many forms.

  • Leaf in many preperation. Pipe leafs.
  • Rolled cigars
  • Cured for chew.
  • Dried and toasted cigarettes.
    • Roseque storefronts do not deal in packed cigarettes. They do important vast quantities of them for other merchants.

Gems & Jewelry

Roseque has storefronts as well as personal representatives dealing in Gems & Jewelry. The value of the merchandise can vary wildly.


Roseque supplies most well-known loose gems. They frequently have fire stone as well as,other magical quality stones


Many Roseque storefronts are known for exotic jewelry. They deal in street traffic as well as personal representation showings.


Roseque hosts frequent art showings as well as selling a few pieces in their storefronts.

A Roseque Gallery showing is built around art showings but also present other products for sale such as jewelry.

Exotic food stuffs and other rare goods are offered at gallery shows and arrangements for sale can be made.

Food Stuffs

New & Unknown


The House Roseque has 15 fiefs spread across Amber. It owns several to several


Currently there are 4 ruling lines of House Roseque. These are based on the 4 children of Duke Rasaia, born 3800. These are Duke Gasean, Baroness Sastea, Baron Fuosia, & Baron Euquie.

Line of Duke Gasean

  • Duke Foutera.
  • Lord Buhjia. Baron of the Court
  • Lady Youhio.Baron of the Court

Line of Baroness Seatea

  • Baroness Seatea
  • Lord Terias.

Line of Baron Fuosia

  • Baron Feriota
  • Lord Gioty. Baron of the Court
  • Lord Termna. Baron of the Court
  • Lady Edeoui.
  • Lord Efogi.Baron of the Court
  • Lady Diousa. Baron of the Court

Line of Baron Euquie

  • Baron Diousa
  • Lord Foinia. Baron of the Court