Midnight: Southern XP Rewards: Difference between revisions
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* [[DURGAZ]]: '''14,202.05''' xp Total = '''5th Level''' | * [[DURGAZ]]: '''14,202.05''' xp Total = '''5th Level''' | ||
* [[ERANON]]: '''14,797.85''' xp Total = '''5th Level''' | * [[ERANON]]: '''14,797.85''' xp Total = '''5th Level''' | ||
* [[KYUAD]]: ''15,102.05 - 165 (magics)'' = '''14,937.05''' xp Total = '''5th Level''' | * [[Kyuad|KYUAD]]: ''15,102.05 - 165 (magics)'' = '''14,937.05''' xp Total = '''5th Level''' | ||
* [[ZAL'KAZZIR]]: '''14,058.35''' xp Total = '''5th Level''' | * [[ZAL'KAZZIR]]: '''14,058.35''' xp Total = '''5th Level''' | ||
Revision as of 19:48, 26 March 2007

* 1st Level: 0
* 2nd Level: 1,000
* 3rd Level: 3,000
* 4th Level: 6,000
* 5th Level: 10,000
* 6th Level: 15,000
* 7th Level: 21,000
* 8th Level: 28,000
* 9th Level: 36,000
* 10th Level: 45,000
* 11th Level: 55,000
* 12th Level: 66,000
* 13th Level: 78,000
* 14th Level: 91,000
* 15th Level: 105,000
* 16th Level: 120,000
* 17th Level: 136,000
* 18th Level: 153,000
* 19th Level: 171,000
* 20th Level: 190,000
Experience as of 03/26/07
Note: 15,000 XP needed for level 6
- DURGAZ: 14,202.05 xp Total = 5th Level
- ERANON: 14,797.85 xp Total = 5th Level
- KYUAD: 15,102.05 - 165 (magics) = 14,937.05 xp Total = 5th Level
- ZAL'KAZZIR: 14,058.35 xp Total = 5th Level
chapter # 10:1
XP TOTAL: 14,558.35 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 9.5:1
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad & Eranon talk about the Bog Hag disease that is slowly taking Eranon! [CR.5 x 1]: 47.9 xp per PC per bluebook article (Steve x3 (143.7), Bill x2 (95.8)) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 4th]. I'm making EVERY Bluebook post worth the equivalent of one Challenge Rating .5 defeat.
- TOTAL = 47.9 (x number of articles) [XP for this Chapter (Bluebooking session).]
chapter # 9:1
XP TOTAL: 11,792.35 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Wiki Gear Updates: 200 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam)
- Snake Pit battle! (Bill, Steve, Andrew - DMing and Jamming): 1,322 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [BATTLE: CR8 x 1, CR4 x 6 x .5 | 4PCs @ 5th]
- Escaping the Undead Worg & the Orc Armies & the Forced March Travel planning & work actions: 100 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 5th]
- Driving away the Undead Worg tracker: 94 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [BATTLE: CR3 x 1 x .5 | 4PCs @ 5th]
- Meeting Ossion and his Dragon Arrow rangers: 300 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 5th]
- Delivery of the Dragon into Elven hands: 750 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 5th]
- TOTAL = 2,766 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Bill - for DMing: 300 xp
- Bill - for making cool scroll prop: 100 xp
chapter # 8:1
XP TOTAL: 10,388.35 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Investigations & Planning to destroy the mirror: 25 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- Scouting the Orc Army: 40 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- Investigations & Planning of the Demong rituals: 40 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- Saving the Dire Tortouses: 150 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- Dirty Deal with Snakerates: 365 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- Tasks: ready mirror, make sled, investigate demon, deal with snakes [CR3]: 75 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- the Grey Speckled Horse: 132 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [BATTLE: CR2 x 1 | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- the getaway from mirror: 50 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- Breaking the,natural, Black Mirror of Gator Swamp [CR6]: 527 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 5th, 1PC @ 4th]
- SPECIAL NOTE: All PCs delete all current taint points. Recover from any Wisdom/Willpower drained. Gain a special "mirror breaker" +1 Wisdom modifier (until further notice)
- TOTAL = 1,404 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 7.5:1
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad, Eranon & Durgaz talk about plans and traitors! [CR.5 x 1]: 47.9 xp per PC per bluebook article (Andrew x3, Steve x2, Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 4th]. I'm making EVERY Bluebook post worth the equivalent of one Challenge Rating .5 defeat.
- TOTAL = 47.9 (x number of articles) [XP for this Chapter (Bluebooking session).]
chapter # 7:1
XP TOTAL: 6,564 [This is the TOTAL XP available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- the Battle in the Bog, the hag and her bog orc: 1181.2 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [BATTLE: CR5 x 1, CR2 x5 | 4PCs @ 4th]
- the Battle in the Bog, the Splinter Steed and the bog orc: 1200 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [BATTLE: CR4 x 1, CR2 x14 | 4PCs @ 4th]
- The Pact with the Dire Reptilians: Aligators [CR6 x 5 /4]: 793.15 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 4th]
- Laying down with the beasts; conversations, politics and deals made: Serpents & Tortouses [CR3 x 12 /4]: 650 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 4th]
- TOTAL = 3,824.35 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 6:1
XP TOTAL: 3,500 [This is the TOTAL XP available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Dealing with Frostbitten Taint on "Satan Rock".: 250 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- Deep Heart to Heart Talks on "Satan Rock".: 250 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- The meeting of IVILOSE.: 125 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- The Cratering of an Undead Wyvern!: 337.5 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [BATTLE: CR6 x 1 /2 | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- Fast Thinking, Saving Nisse.: 50 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- Losing Minds, Durgaz and Kyuad taken by "the Spying Eye".: 325 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- Crossing the Shadow's Highway.: 300 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- Redirection/Defeating FORK and the Sniffers on Dung Patrol.: 1200 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [BATTLE: CR2 x 20 /2 | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- The Destruction of NEEGA, or Just Another Crow.: 76.5 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [BATTLE: CR1/3 x 3 | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- The Importance of Survival: Scouting, Trail Masking, Travel Planning - Well Done.: 100 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- Leaving SHADOWWALL in good/safe conditions.: 50 xp per PC (Andrew, Steve, Bill, Adam[playing Thorton]) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 3rd]
- TOTAL = 3,064 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 5:1
XP TOTAL: 3,000 [This is the TOTAL XP available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Toil & Trouble, Work & Rest at Walden Mikhail's SHADOWWALL: 50 xp per PC (Steve, Bill, Jason) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 3rd]
- Encumberance Encalculations, the time and trouble: 275 xp per PC (Steve, Bill, Jason) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 3rd]
- Disection & Diagnosis of the Aranasil beast, Crowbeast Feathers & such: 125 xp per PC (Steve, Bill, Jason) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 3rd]
- Determining the wyrmling's Destiny, the Elves will have him!: 50 xp per PC (Steve, Bill, Jason) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 3rd]
- TOTAL = 500 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 4:1
XP TOTAL: 3,000 [This is the TOTAL XP available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- 3rd Level is gained. (GM Fiat)
chapter # 3:1
XP TOTAL: 1,000 [This is the TOTAL XP available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- 2nd Level.
chapter # 2:1
XP TOTAL: 1,000 [This is the TOTAL XP available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- 2nd Level is gained. (GM Fiat)
chapter # 1:1
XP TOTAL: 0 [This is the TOTAL XP available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- 1st Level.
XP Awards Explained
Awarding Experience Points in D&D is a combination of exact numbers (for monster kills/defeats) and GM Fiat based awards (for Non-Combat Encounters, Role-Play, etc...). For combat encounters I use The Encounter Calculator (Difficulty based Individual XP column). Non-Combat encounters are based on player creativity and situational danger/potential. Bluebook post are each worth the equivalent of one Challenge Rating .5 defeat, if a player writes/replies 3 times to Bluebooking articles that PC will recive the xp total x3.
Since many of the encounters ARE NOT built on a "Challenge Rating" scale, some are meant to NOT be defeated in combat. While that is an option (if PCs get lucky) the method of reward is usually the Combat Award Value of the Combat divided by 2 (give or take) for "defeating" the situation in another way. This can result in a LARGE Experience Point reward in many higher Challenge Rating Encounters, well worth the effort of overcoming the obsticle in a Non-Combat way.
Players recieve the XP awards based on their attendance of the games, unless special circumstances are noted.
If you have questions regarding XP Totals please ask.