Xia: Eight Lessons of Rightful Mind
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Shen Secrets -> Xia: Eight Lessons of Rightful Mind
This page is a Lore Sheet for the Eight Lessons of Rightful Mind, a set of eight Shen Secrets that maximise the power of Chi and the mind.
These techniques can only be used for mental conflict, for menta attacks and mental defences.
Incisive Solution
Inspiration comes not from within, but above. When heaven sees the solution to your problems, you cannot fail.
Cost: 3 Yang Chi.
Keywords: Attack; Modifier; Mental;
Effect: Your accuracy increases by twice your Heaven Trigram for this attack.
Merciless Instinct
Every action you take is inherently devastating.
Cost: 2 Yang Chi.
Keywords: Attack; Modifier; Mental;
Effect: Double the Power of your attack, after all other modifiers..
Principle of Efficiency
What seems like one thoughtstream is actually many. Quickness of mind comes from efficiency.
Cost: 3 Yang Chi.
Keywords: Attack; Modifier; Aftertouch; Multi-attack; Mental;
Effect: Make an additional attack after this one.
Active Preparation
Thinking ahead is the mark of the true strategist.
Cost: 0 Yang Chi.
Keywords: Attack; Modifier; Mental;
Effect: For each dice that hits on this attack, gain 1 Yang Chi. The maximum amount of Yang Chi you can gain in a single turn from this technique is equal to your Wind Trigram.
Flawless Defences
Your plans are hard to disrupt, just because you are so careful in your defences. Liek a flawless diamond, your mind is without weakness.
You accept the attacks, and somehow they all miss you.
Cost: 3 Yin Chi.
Keywords: Defence; Modifier; Mental;
Absorb Ideas
Admit that your opponent has strong strategy, and you can take those strategies for yourself.
Cost: None.
Keywords: Defence; Modifier; Concentration; Mental;
Effect: Gain Yin Chi equal to the Yang Chi the enemy expended this on this attack.
Stubborn Resistance
It doesn’t matter what they throw at you, you are unmoved.
Cost: 3 Yin Chi.
Keywords: Defence; Modifier; Mental;
Effect: Increase your Absorption for this attack by two times your Mountain trigram. Also, your Absorption can reduce Power to zero for this attack.
Protection of Layered Deception
If your enemy is confused as to what your thoughts are, it is not possible for him to formulate plans to attack you.
Cost: 5 Yin Chi.
Keywords: Defence; Reaction; Concentration; Mental;
Effect: The attack misses.
This page created by Asklepios.