Xia: The Way of the Inner Perfection
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Inner Masteries -> Xia: The Way of the Inner Perfection
"I have broken through the gates of Feng Tu to defeat the horse-headed demon kings. I have walked through the gardens of Peng Lai, and won the secrets of the ultimate heart techniques of the celestial realm. I defeated the Emperor himself in a game of chess, and he - the favoured Son of Heaven - conceded to me the ultimate secrets of righteous Shen. What makes you think that you can challenge me?"
This page is a Lore Sheet for the The Way of the Inner Perfection, a set of Inner Masteries that reflect growing power and mastery. Without doubt every Xia is going to want to work towards these in the course of a campaign.
Perfection of Mind
"My Shen is fortress, a sharp blade and an unfolding lotus."
Prerequisites: At least 8 kung fu secrets with the mental keyword. Also, for each Secret you learn from this Lore Sheet you must have at least 1 Trigram with a value of 7 or greater (i.e. 2 for the second, 3 for the third, 4 for the fourth.).
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Permanently add +1 to your Mental Trait.
Perfection of Body
"I am hardened, yet I am adapatable. I am strong, but I understand weakness. My physical mastery is complete."
Prerequisites: At least 8 kung fu secrets with the physical keyword. Also, for each Secret you learn from this Lore Sheet you must have at least 1 Trigram with a value of 7 or greater (i.e. 2 for the second, 3 for the third, 4 for the fourth.).
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Permanently add +1 to your Physical Trait.
Perfection of Soul
"My Soul shines with the light of heaven, and burns with the passion of hell. None can deny me."
Prerequisites: At least 8 kung fu secrets with the social keyword. Also, for each Secret you learn from this Lore Sheet you must have at least 1 Trigram with a value of 7 or greater (i.e. 2 for the second, 3 for the third, 4 for the fourth.).
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Permanently add +1 to your Social Trait.
Perfection of Chi
"My Chi is the World of Elements - the raging river, the burning inferno, the ummoving mountain and the dancing lightning."
Prerequisites: At least 64 kung fu secrets. Also, for each Secret you learn from this Lore Sheet you must have at least 1 Trigram with a value of 7 or greater (i.e. 2 for the second, 3 for the third, 4 for the fourth.).
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Permanently double your Yang Chi and Yin Chi. Apply this bonus after all other calculations and additions.
This page created by Asklepios.