Character:Darin Feathershard
Game: Once More, With Feeling!.
Darin Feathershard
Full Moon Caste, Lunar Exalt
Concept: Mercenary Leader, Gentleman, Noble.

To restore the River Provinces to their former glory.
- Ripe as Summer Fruit Waiting to be Plucked
- City-State of Aegis
Anima Appearance
A spirit-eagle surmounting his physical form in shadows of blue, silver and white.
Spirit Beast
Haast's Eagle (4.7 ft long, 10 ft wingspan, 35 lbs.)
Physical Attributes
- Strength 5 (Athletics, +3)
- Dexterity 5 (Melee, +3) (Dodge, +3)
- Stamina 5 (Soak, +3)
Social Attributes
- Charisma 5 (Leadership, +3)
- Manipulation 5 (Leadership, +3)
- Appearance 3
Mental Attributes
- Perception 5
- Intelligence 4
- Wits 5 (Initiative, +3)
Caste Attributes
- Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
Favored Attributes
- Charisma, Wits
Favored Abilities
Melee 5 (Daiklaive, +3) (Lighting Whip, +3)
War 5 (Personal Followers, +3)
Survival 4
Unfavored Abilities
Integrity 5 (Lunars, +3) (Dragon-Blooded, +3) (Fair Folk, +3)
Performance 3
Presence 3
Resistance 4
Investigation 2
Lore 2
Occult 3 (Spirits & Elementals of the East, +3)
Athletics 4
Awareness 5
Dodge 5 (Armored, +3)
Stealth 3
Bureaucracy 2
Linguistics 4 (River Speak (Native), Forest Tongue, Claw Speak, Various Tribal Tongues, Old Realm)
Socialize 2
Ally 1
- Ripe as Summer Fruit Waiting to be Plucked
- Solar Bond 5 (Eternal Vow) (True Love)
Ally 3
- Ul-Anan, City Mother of the Aegis City-State, residing within the Hundred Kingdoms.
Arsenal 5
- Equipment and Resources of his Mercenaries from Aegis.
- Under the provisional control and operation of the mercenaries themselves. Supported and replaced by the city-state itself.
Artifact 5
- Thrashing Storm, Grand Daiklaive of Lightning
- Speed 4, Accuracy +7, Damage +16L/3, Defense +7, Rate 5
- Two-Handed, Disarming, Overwhelming, Piercing, Reach
- Lightning Whip Mode (Scene Length) (8 mote Activation) (Ranged, Damage +8A)
- Attunement – 10 motes.
Artifact 2
- Skin-Mounted Amulet
Contacts 4
- Lookshy Terrestrials
- Nexus Merchants
- Scavenger Land's Mercenaries
- Lunars of the Silver Pact
Cult 3
- The City-State of Aegis, of The Hundred Kingdoms within the Scavenger Lands.
Followers 4
- Mercenaries from the City-State of Aegis, under the command and training of Diran Feathershard. Utterly loyal.
Influence 2
- Powerful Mercenary Captain, Titled Guardian of the Aegis City-State.
Manse 5
- Hearthstone: Willstone of the Strategos (Earth Aspect, Rank 4)
- Manse: Sheltering Aegis of the Strategos. Details to be determined as needed during play. (Earth Aspect, Rank 5 Demense, Rank 5 Manse)
Reputation 3
- Known as an undefeated warrior, his protection of the Aegis City-State and his vocal disapproval of the Silver Pact itself.
Resources 4
- Money, money, money.
Strength Charms
- Wind-Wings Carry Technique
- Agitation of the Swarm Technique
- Ferocious Biting Tooth
- Lightning Stroke Attack
- Impressions of Strength (Ogre’s Loving Caress, Rock-to-Pebbles Attitude, Undeniable Might, Birth of Flight, Mighty Ram Practice)
- Shell-Crushing Atemi
- Unstoppable Lunar Wound
- Burrowing Devil Strike
- Consumptive Worm Hungers
- Tearing Claw Atemi
- Lightning Flash Might Methodology
- Yeddim’s-Back Method
Dexterity Charms
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Light-Footed Mountain Goat
- Cat-Falling Attitude
- Clay-Wetting Practice
- Lunar Blade Reconfiguration
- Secure Cat Stepping
- Golden Tiger Stance
- Wary Swallow Method
- Wind-Dancing Method
- Flowing Body Evasion
- Instinct-Driven Beast Movement
- Furious Hound Pursuit
- Flight of the Sparrow
- Pack and Flock Guidance
- Diligent Hive Irritation
- Wasp Sting Blur
- Twin-Fang Technique
- Octopus and Spider Barrage
- Lightning Stroke Attack
Stamina Charms
- Ox-Body Technique (x5)
- Steadfast Yeddim Meditation
- Unstoppable Juggernaut Incarnation
- Luna's Fortitude
- Might-Bolstering Blow
- Silver Lunar Resolution (x4)
- Bruise-Relief Method
- Halting the Scarlet Flow
- Hide-Toughening Essence
- Frenzied Bear Fortification
Stamina Charms, Custom
- Quicksilver Skin Concentration
3 motes, Reflexive Action (Step 7), Combo-Ok, Obvious, Instant Duration
Perquisites -- Stamina 4, Essence 3, Any Stamina Excellency
As per the Solar Charm, Iron Skin Concentration. - Moonsilver Skin Technique
5 motes, Reflexive Action (Step 7), Combo-Ok, Obvious, Instant Duration
Perquisites -- Stamina 5, Essence 4, Frenzied Bear Fortification, Quicksilver Skin Concentration
As per the Solar Charm, Adamant Skin Technique. - Essence-Gathering Temper
2 motes, Reflexive Action (Step 7), Combo-OK, Instant Duration
Perquisites -- Stamina 3, Essence 3, Might-Bolstering Blow
As per the Solar Charm, Essence-Gathering Temper; modified to operate in Step 7 of the combat procedure. - Willpower-Enhancing Spirit
6 motes, Reflexive Action (Step 7), Combo-OK, Instant Duration
Perquisites -- Stamina 4, Essence 3, Essence-Gathering Temper
As per the Solar Charm, Willpower-Enhancing Spirit; modified to operate in Step 7 of the combat procedure
Charisma Charms
- Dog-Tongue Method
- Nature-Reinforcing Allocation
- Sharing the Gifts of Luna
- Wolf Pack Training Technique
- Lesson of the Winter Wolf
- Hard-Nosed Denial Style
- Face of the Moon Concealment
- Maintaining the Pack
- Moonlight Curtain Drawn
- Herd Reinforcement Stance
- Forsaking the Blood Posture
- Culling the Pride
- Topiary Culture Meditation
- Herd-Strengthening Invocation
Manipulation Charms
- Mask of White Jade
- Cat-Face Presentation
- Labyrinth of the Beast
- Commanded to Fly
- School Becomes Shark Formation
- School in the Reeds Technique
- Creating the Wolf Attitude
- Feeding the Bear Progression
Appearance Charms
- Hide of the Cunning Hunter
Perception Charms
- Flaw-Finding Examination
- Eye of the Cat
- God-Cutting Essence
- Spirit-Maiming Essence Attack
- Diving Hawk Inspiration
- Bird Falls from Flock Targeting
- Wolf Eye Advantage
- Riding the Secret Wind
Intelligence Charms
- Form-Fixing Method
- Righteous Lion Defense
- Intimacy of the Hunter and the Prey
- True-to-the-Pack Dedication
Wits Charms
- The Spider's Trap Door
- Rats in the Basement Style
- Meerkat Alertness Practice
- Furious Unhappy Recourse
- Hungry Eagle Method
- Wasp Sting Blur
- Many-Armed Monkey Style
- Lodestone Reckoning Manner
To Be Determined During Play
Essence: 4
Personal: 22 motes
Peripheral: 26 motes (of 54 motes). +40 motes (Silver Lunar Resolution). +16 motes (Skin-Mount Amulet)
Committed: 28 Peripheral
Committed Charms: Instinctive Dexterity Unity (8 motes)
Compassion: 2
Conviction: 4
Temperance: 4
Valor: 5
Limit Break
Virtue Flaw, "The Curse of the Lone Wolf"
Combat Values
Parry DV: 12 (12)
Dodge DV: 11 (11)
Parry MDV: 7 (6.5)
Dodge MDV: 9+ (9+)
Soak, Natural: 8 Bashing, 4 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
Soak, Armored: 28 Bashing, 24 Lethal, 20 Aggravated
Hardness: 10 Bashing, 10 Lethal, 10 Aggravated
Health Levels
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
-2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2
Dying, Dying, Dying, Dying, Dying
Thrashing Storm
- Speed 4, Accuracy 24, Damage 21L /3, Rate 5
Merits and Flaws
- Tactical Instincts, 3-point Merit
- Unusual Appearance, 2-point Flaw
- Secret (Lunar Anathema), 2-point Flaw