Xia: Burning Eyes of The Demon
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Heart Secrets -> Xia: Burning Eyes of The Demon
"Pah! I spit on your Taoist Techniques! There is greater power in my soul, channeled from the domain of Feng Tu itself. Look into my eyes, and know fear!"
This page is a Lore Sheet for the Burning Eyes of The Demon, a set of Heart Secrets that draw out your inner demon.
Note that for you to gain any benefit from this Lore Sheet, you should buy Demon Eyes Posture as your first secret.
These techniques can only be used for social conflict, for social attacks and social defences.
Its worth noting that you can always deliberately start a social conflict while a physical conflict is ongoing - this is particularly relevant to this Lore Sheet, as there are secrets here which make a socially skilled Xia deal considerably more dangerous in physical combat!
Disharmony Prerequisites
This Lore Sheet introduces a new concept - Disharmony Prerequisites.
Before you acquire a kung fu secret with a Disharmony Prerequisite you must first achieve a certain level of Disharmony. How you go about this is detailed on the page Xia: Disharmony and Righteousness.
Once you have acquired the technique, you must maintain that level of Disharmony to continue to be able to use the secret. If your Disharmony ever drops below this level, then the secret is temporarily unavailable to you. Restoring your Disharmony will of course restore the Secret to you!
Note that using this Lore Sheet is not in itself a Disharmonious act.
Demon Eyes Posture
Green flames light up behind the Xia's eyes, and none can doubt that he burns with the power of Feng Tu.
Disharmony Prerequisite: Disharmony 1 or greater.
Cost: 3 Yang Chi and 3 Yin Chi to adopt this posture.
Keywords: Posture; Social;
Effect: While in this posture you may not use any kung fu secrets from any Lore Sheet except this one. However, you may still channel Trigrams as normal.
Maintain: The stance can only be maintained for as long as you maintain behaviour that is appropriate - i.e. intimidation, subversion, coercion, etc. If you start acting in a friendly or seductive way, for example, the stance ends. Note that making physical attacks does not end the posture.
Your Soul Withers Before Me
Caught under the gaze of the eyes of hell, defiance withers away.
Disharmony Prerequisite: Disharmony 10 or Greater.
Cost: None.
Keywords: Modifier; Social; Attack;
Effect: When making attacks in your Demon Eyes Posture, you can channel offensive Trigrams at no cost.
Predator's Gaze
Like a prey animal caught before the gleaming eyes of a predator, a victim is stunned into inaction.
Disharmony Prerequisite: Disharmony 20 or Greater.
Cost: None.
Keywords: Modifier; Social; Attack;
Effect: When making attacks in your Demon Eyes Posture, your target must pay double chi cost to channel Defensive Trigrams.
Bleed At My Command
Such as the force of the Xia's infernal fury that the target haemorrhages internally from his will.
Disharmony Prerequisite: Disharmony 40 or Greater.
Cost: None.
Keywords: Modifier; Social; Attack; Aftertouch;
Effect: If you are in the Demon Eyes Posture when you defeat a target in social conflict you can activate this power to deal 1 point of Physical Resilience damage to the target. The target then continues to take 1 point of Physical Resilience damage at the start of each of your turns. This effect can only be ended if you are taken out of the social conflict, or otherwise removed from the target's vicinity. The damage cannot be avoided, reduced or mitigated in any way, and cannot be magically regenerated by any means for as long as you are maintaining the effect.
Rendered Helpless by Hell's Fury
The Xia need only exert his demonic mastery, and the target is paralysed with fear.
Disharmony Prerequisite: Disharmony 60 or Greater.
Cost: None.
Keywords: Modifier; Social; Attack; Aftertouch;
Effect: If you are in the Demon Eyes Posture when you defeat a target in social conflict you can activate this power to paralyse the target. The target cannot move a muscle, and is entirely helpless to act or defend himself. This effect can only be ended if you are taken out of the conflict, or otherwise removed from the target's vicinity.
Consumed by Fire
The Xia draws energy from the destruction he wreaks, and gains power from the fall of others.
Disharmony Prerequisite: Disharmony 80 or Greater.
Cost: None.
Keywords: Modifier; Social; Attack; Aftertouch;
Effect: If you are in the Demon Eyes Posture when you defeat a target in social conflict you immediately regain all lost mental and social resilience. Also, if you are in the Demon Eyes Posture when you defeat a target in physical conflict then you immediately regain all lost Physical Resilience.
King of Hell
You are not just channelling the demon within - you are the demon. Like the greatest emperors of hell, you are undeniable in your power.
Disharmony Prerequisite: Disharmony 100.
Cost: None.
Keywords: Social; Continuous;
Effect: When you are in the Demon Eyes Posture you regain all lost Social Resilience at the end of your turn.
This page created by Asklepios.