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Concept: young God-blooded grizzly bear


To protect and help Dhiren



PHYSICAL: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
SOCIAL: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
MENTAL: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4


Favored Abilities

Martial Arts 5

Unfavored Abilities

Archery 5
Athletics 2
Awareness 3 (+1 Join Battle) (4xp)
Dodge 5
Integrity 4 (6xp)
Investigation 2
Linguistics 0 (Forest-tongue)
Presence 3
Resistance 3
Stealth 2
Survival 3


Inheritance 3

Inheritance 2: You receive 12 (extra) bonus points at character creation and may take up to 15 points in negative mutations. This is a free, automatic background.

  • This background increased to 3 in play, granting 30 experience points in addition to the Inheritance 2 benefit above, and the ability to take up to 30 points in negative mutations.


Essence: 2 (20xp)
Personal: 35/35




Compassion: 2
Conviction: 3
Temperance: 2
Valor: 2


Join Battle: 6

Spd 4/Acc +6/Dmg +8L/Rate 1

Spd 5/Acc +5/Dmg +7L/Rate 2

Dodge DV: 5
Natural Soak: 6B/3L

Dodge MDV: 5
Parry MDV: 3

Health Levels

-0 [ ] -1 [ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ] -4 [ ] In [ ]


Beast Form (-4)

Mahon is a bear. Scroll of Heroes, p. 138

Bear Claws (1)

Spd 5/Acc +5/Dmg +7L/Rate 2

Bear Fangs (1)

Spd 4/Acc +6/Dmg +8L/Rate 1

Exalted Healing (2)

Mahon heals as if he was an Exalt. COCD2: Wyld, p. 146

Inexhaustible (2)

Mahon cannot become fatigued. COCD2: Wyld, pp. 146-147

Fur (1)

Mahon has thick fur, which adds +1B/+1L to his natural soak. Exalted, p. 288

Essence Attack (6), Limited Manifestation (-3xp)

For 6m, Mahon can shoot beams of green Wood Essence from his eyes (Spd 6, Dv -1) that cover an area 10 yards long and 2 yards wide. This attack has an attack pool of (Essence + Dexterity + Archery) and deals (Essence + Stamina) dice of lethal damage. This attack cannot be blocked without the use of Charms or spells, but it can be dodged.

Too Human (-12xp)

Charms and powers that require mote expenditures require an additional 2m to use (figured into Mahon's Essence Attack and Natural Immunity already). Scroll of Heroes, p. 139

Oathsworn (-6xp)

Mahon cannot make false oaths or promises. He can lie or casually deceive but he cannot give a solemn oath then go back on it. If he does break such an oath, he suffers the same effects as if she had broken a contract sanctified by an Eclipse Caste Exalt (see Exalted, p. 100). Scroll of Heroes, p. 138

Twisted Sense (-3xp)

Mahon sees everything in shades of green and brown. Scroll of Heroes, pp. 137-138

Essence Abundance (6xp)

Mahon has an Essence pool 6m larger than normal.

Natural Immunity to Fear (18xp)

Mahon is immune to mundane attempts to instill fear. Against supernatural means of creating fear, he receives 3 bonus dice to his MDVs or other relevant defenses. For 8m, he can perfectly defend against a supernatural fear attack.