Morturi: Factions

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Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Factions

A Faction is a set of Gladiator types, bound together by theme and their unique rules.

Using Factions in Pick-Up Games

In a Pick Up Game it is recommended that a School use Gladiators from no more than ONE faction. That school may include any number of Gladiators from that faction however, and any number of non-Faction Gladiators.

Using Factions in Pick Up Games is generally done with the consent and agreement of your opponent, as the addition of Factions changes the tone of the game.

Using Factions in Campaigns

In Campaigns, Gladiators from factions are offered at auction like any other. Unlike in Pick-Up Games, Gladiators of different factions may join a single School. A few additional notes are worth bearing in mind though:

  • Servus gladiators may not graduate to become Faction Gladiators. A Servus Gladiator that makes it to Novicius always becomes a non-faction gladiator.
  • Gladiators of a given Faction are usually presented to auction all at once, with one Faction at a given auction. For example, a single Campaign Month may see a whole group of Orc Gladiators being presented for auction at once, either in batches of a few gladiators, or individually.
  • The use of certain factions will alter the tone and setting of the game, so include them with care. For example, including Orcs or Elves shifts the game into classic fantasy and away from historical Rome.

Non-humans and Factions

Many of the factions are clearly non-human, and this can have a knock on effect elsewhere in the game, in particular with regards to Bestiarius gladiators, who gain a damage bonus against non-human targets.

Imperators have two options in dealing with this.

First, he can choose to treat Gladiators as being "non-humanoid" or "humanoid". In this case, the Bestiarius remains powerful against animals, but gains no special advantage against, say, elves and orcs. This is considered to be the "default" option and is recommended for pick-up games.

Second, he can choose to lump all non-human gladiators in the same category as beasts. That is to say, the Bestiarius gains his damage bonus against orcs, elves and any other non-human races. This option increases the value of the Bestiarius, but is recommended for Campaign games, as it allows an otherwise the otherwise over-specialised Bestiarius to remain important and useful in the presence of multiple factions.

Sample Factions

These factions take the game into the realm of the magical and fantastic.

  • Arcane - The Arcane are wizards and sorcerers able to cast powerful spells, so long as they have enough magical power!
  • Dwarves - Slow-footed but extremely sturdy, the Dwarves may take their time closing the gap on their opponents, but are masters of surviving toe-to-toe combat.
  • Elves - Light-footed and prenaturally skilled, the Elves are a faction that emphasises finesse and mobility.
  • Orcs - Feral and war-like, the physically powerful Orcs are hard-hitting but undisciplined warriors.

These factions represent gladiators of non-Roman ethnic and geographic origin.

  • Celts - Heroic, proud and courageous, the Celts fight best when they are outnumbered and dealing with overwhelming odds
  • Orient - The martial warriors of the orient are both inventive and acrobatic, with tricks and combat styles vastly different from the gladiators of Rome.

These factions represent different power groups in Ancient Rome. Because of their nature, they are normally best added to Campaign games only as Auctoritatii.

  • The Legions - These professional soldiers know that teamwork and co-ordinated action is the key to success in any battle.
  • The Temple - Servants of the Roman divinities, these fanatics take to the Arena to honour the Flamens of the Temple.
  • Cult of Mithras - The Mithraic Cult of Mysteries are unknowable and strange, masters of secrets and of occult influence.


This page created by Asklepios.