User:Bill/Magocracy of Dholavira

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Because I like multilayer stories with frequently recurring non-player characters, I've decided this will be an urban campaign. I've had great success in the past with these sorts of games, though I am forced to admit that D&D doesn't lend itself well to this style of play and the gamers who are fond of the rules may not adapt to it easily. I'm hoping that everyone will give it a shot at least. In an effort to reduce the value and importance of combat encounters, experience will be awarded at a rate of 300pts per session plus an additional 100pts per session to be awarded by group consensus to the most valuable player and 100pts per session awarded to any player for any reason by the GM.



Dohlavira is a very large city, approximate population of one million, situated between two storm-water channels, the Mansar to the north and Manhar to the south, in a warm to temperate plain. During the summer months, the monsoon season, these channels flood the plain with run-off; effectively turning Dohlavira into an island surrounded by enormous salt marshes. During the winter months the marshes dry, leaving huge deposits of salt that the inhabitants collect for export. Dohlavira's primary purpose and source of wealth is acting as a trade center.

The city is heavily fortified and exceptionally well planned. It is divided into three main districts; the citidel, the middle town, and the lower town. The citidel and bailey house the eldrich council, their families, servants and retainers as well as laboratories where the council members continue to expand their mystical power. The middle town is a lavishly appointed district combining temples, the homes of the wealthy, and two stadiums as well as a number of smaller parks. The lower town houses farmers, laborers, and herdsmen, their families and the markets. Lodging for travelers is most common in the lower town, but wealthy traders are frequently hosted by partners residing in the middle town, and dignitaries from foreign lands are customarily given rooms in the citidel. A prominant feature of Dohlavira are its many reservoirs and citywide irrigation system; which purifies and stores the water from the Mansar and Manhar, supplies fresh water to the entire population, and carries sewage away from the city. Contained within pipes and ducts, some as tall as a man, water ways and sewers criss-cross the whole of Dohlavira.


Currently ruled by a council of magi, elected from the ranks of the Majestic Order of the Eldrich College, Dohlivira is actually a form of democracy. Anyone that apprentices under a Master of the College until judged ready may attain the rank of Apprentice of the College, which entitles he or she to vote in the triennial elections for the seven seats on the council and sexennial election of the High Magus. Apprenticeship is customarily three years and very expensive, so franchise in the city's government continues to be limited. After the Eldrich College came to power there was a significant movement by many residents of the city to study magic and gain the right to choose their leaders, but few were able to endure the rigors of Arcane training or bear the expense. However, as a consequence of this movement, the practice of cantrips has become quite common in Dohlavira.

This odd system of governance came into being when the soveriegn Qingu, last ruler of the Gibil dynasty, bequeathed the city to the stuardship of the Eldrich College, thirty years ago. Qingu had no heir, though rumors of bastards have surfaced several times and Qingu's more distant relatives have accused the college of usurpation, claiming that they are the legitimate rulers of Dohlavira. The Eldrich College's charter has always placed the leadership of their organization on a body of seven Grand Masters that advise the High Magus; all of whom are elected by the members of the college. At the time of Qingu's death it was decided that this would not change, in spite of the college's new responsibilities.The system has persisted since then, but not without challenges.


Dire rats infest the underground portions of the city. The eldrich council has enacted a bounty of a half silver for every carcass.

Every year at midwinter, the Gnoll tribes that stalk the salt marshes and barren plains surrounding Dohlavira invest the city for one phase of the moon; testing the resolve of her defenders and offering the gift of carnage to their twisted god.

Immigrants are a common sight in Dolavira. Many people of many races come to the great city seeking fortune and fame. Some come seeking power. The charter of the Eldrich College permits anyone, regardless of race, gender, country of birth, to attain membership. This attracts creatures with dark ambitions to seek apprenticeship. Fortunately most Masters of the College are scrupulous enough to deny these monsters their desire. Sadly, not all are immune to the lure of power that some of these creatures offer and others are down on their luck.

Mohenjo-daro, a Yuan-ti city to the north of Dholavira, attempted an invasion of the city twenty years ago. While their representatives are now welcome to trade in the markets of Dholavira, the relationship is not yet amicable. The serpent people are not trusted by those who remember the war and their adoration of Merrshaulk fills many with dread.

Poverty amongst the residents of the lower town drives many to crime and the worship of evil beings. The eldrich council attempts to stamp out criminal syndicates and destructive cults with haste, but locating them can be a challenge and for every group put down by the secret police and their allies another two seem to appear.

Shambling mounds, large crocodiles, and will-o-wisps flourish in the marshes during monsoon season.

Summoned Outsiders do not always go home. Either due to poorly worded contracts or the being's desire to remain on the material plane the city has become home to many entities that simply do not belong to this world. The eldrich council turns a blind eye to those it percieves to be beneficial and those that maintain a low profile, but occasionally must rouse itself to banish the more destructive and disruptive outsiders. Officially, summoning is forbidden within the city itself due to the carnage caused by animals and other entities that may run amok.

Undead stalk the streets of the lower town. Reports of ghouls attacking lone travelers in the night have spurred paranoia among the population and few dare move about without a companion. Those suspected of having been bitten by one of the monsters have been beaten to death.

Wraiths menace the trade routes. Seldom killing more than a person per night, wraiths are a common threat to traders moving to or from Dholavira. Frequently they will attack a sleeper and carry away her soul before any alarm can be raised.


The way I've written the background, anything would work. What sort of characters and group structure, if any, the players want will have to be discussed. My personal preference would be for the group to create low level (ECL1-4) characters and play this game as a sandbox. Each player would then be free to explore the portion of the setting that interests he or she most while his or her character develops. That would provide me with time to get to know the group as well.

Sandbox style games can present problems in terms of group cohesion, but I have some experience overcoming these issues. The key, in my opinion, is almost always creating characters that have some form of common background tying them together. In D&D, the easiest way to do that is make all of the characters blood relatives. This immediately eliminates racial conflicts and dramatically reduces incidents of ingroup betrayal. It's just out of character for most folks to murder their siblings, especially heroes. Other options that have worked for me to varying degrees in the past include creating a shared narrative, basically describing one or more adventures that the characters have previously accompanied each other on, and creating a shared antagonist, capitalizing on the enemy of my enemy effect. How ever the group wants to handle it is fine with me except of course, "we met in a tavern." That is completely unacceptable in my opinion.

Additional Notes

As I indicate above, I am attempting to de-emphasize combat encounters. To put it another way, this game will frequently be biased towards social conflict rather than physical. Keep that in mind when deciding how your character should be built and what races will be best. Just a hint, anything huge and brutish is going to have a hard time dealing with people that can't be threatened with violence. You may also benefit from taking a couple sub-optimal feats that grant your character social advantages.

While any race would be acceptable, with few exceptions only humans are native to Dholavira. Any native of Dholavira may take the Magical Training feat at first level.



I've already said that this game is for D&D 3.5. I could easily adapt the work I've already done to another rule set though.