Mutineers Season Three

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Revision as of 14:03, 20 January 2010 by Taimdala (talk | contribs)
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Things Fall Apart

It's a dark time for the crew of Summer's Gift. Cut to the bone in resources and options, we struggle to keep bodies and souls together to stay flying.

Episode #/Title
301. Hard Places ––– With no fuel or food, the crew gambles on a morally dubious opportunity to make a few credits and it backfires on them.
302. Turning on a Dime ––– In which the crew rescue themselves and other innocents and are recipients of a generous windfall.
303. Pericles Station ––– Arden gets injured during a tour of the medical facilities and acquires an unexpected admirer.
304. Episode: TBA
305. Episode: TBA
306. Episode: TBA
307. Episode: TBA
308. Episode: TBA
309. Episode: TBA
310. Episode: TBA
311. Episode: TBA
312. Episode: TBA
313. Episode: TBA
314. Episode: TBA
315. Episode: TBA
316. Episode: TBA
317. Episode: TBA
318. Episode: TBA
319. Episode: TBA
320. Episode: TBA

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Go back to Season Two: Hitting our Stride
Go to Timeline: Season One, May 2518 to Aug 2519
Go to Timeline: Season Two, Dec 2519 to Sep 2520
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