ShadowCreek:Main Page

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Shadow Creek

Shadow Creek is a weekly/once every two weeks Buffy:RPG game played at 7:00pm US Central Time-zone, Tuesday nights, irc channel #shadowcreek on magicstar server, usually for two hours. Viewers are welcome as long as they are not disruptive.

  • Note: Game started in October of 2003. GM - BethDragon


Nelson Rosamond - played by Random Nerd

  • Motto - "Flirting...for great justice!"

Billy Roundtree - played by Dan Davenport

Ella Channing - version 1.0 and 2.0, played by Jason P.

Dr. Caine - played by BillChuck

Former PCs

Donovan Scott - Watcher with a secret. Now deceased. (Again.)

Erika Kirkpatrick - fellow weird magnet, thrower of sharp things and maybe Nelson's girlfriend..friend who is a girl?

Kate - Shadow Creek girl with body time-sharing with hyena demon (Murphy).

Violet - Slayer, not a Slayer, now really not a Slayer? Plays the violin.

Regular NPCs

Allison - Billy's girlfriend.

Bear - Billy's Totem

Kare' - NPC picked up on the road trip and brought home. Currently living with Ella. See Season 2 for more details.

Nell - Ella's grandmother. Writer. Witch.

Alexandar Crawford - He Who Runs the Magic Company. Ella's dealer, in Buffy-show terms.

Easy Episode Guide Links

Places Seen and Heard of

Villains, Victims and Who Was That Dude Again?
