Purchase Prices of Goods

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- Main Page; Soldier Port

Metal Items
Item Cost Available ENC ea.
Axehead 30 6
Hammerhead 20 9
Hatchethead 10 3
Hoehead 10 1
Knife 40 8
Spade 40 9
Nails (50) 10 3
Arrowhead 5 33
Javelinhead 5 120
Spearhead 5 9
Shortsword 100 4
Helm 120 4

Bulk Fish
Item Cost Available ENC ea.
Fresh 0.2 - 1
Pickled 0.4 18 1
Fancy Pickled 1 - 1
Salted 0.5 18 1
Smoked 0.2 44 1

Large Animals
Item Cost Available
Mule 500 3
Horse 800 -
Pig 50 24
Ox 750 -
Cow 750 -
Steer 1050 -
Breeding Bull 1200 -

- Main Page; Soldier Port