Escape to Smalltown
rstites's BRP game set on Griffin Island.
Current Out of Character Thread
Player Characters
- Jahyris of Harrapa. Noble, artist, and master swordsman out to see Griffins. Played by t@nya. Jahyris' Companions
- Lysis of Phyle. Captain of the Promarian Palace Guard, companion of Flavius. Played by Naed Yar. Lysis' Companions
- Karam se Hazor of Megrab. Red Sands Horse Archer. Played by jarulf. Karam's Companions
Temporary Companions
- Charkak the Thumper Giant met and negotiated with on the path down from the Giant Mountains.
- Ogolorph Windshaper Previous Master Hunter and current primary scout for the group. Owns a pack of 7 dogs: 1 warhound and six high quality hunters.
- Adio Fleetfoot Companion and apprentice to Ogolorph Windshaper. Owns 3 dogs: 1 warhound and two hunters.
- Brodny Catvision Companion and apprentice to Ogolorph Windshaper. Owns 3 dogs: three hunters.
Party Logistics
Important Non-Player Characters
Important Deities on Griffin Island
Prominent Imported Gods
Prominent Local Gods
- Griffin Island Character Creation
- BRP Skills Advancement Checks
- BRP Skills Training and Research