Alexander Bishop

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Alexander Bishop

Template: True Believer
Powers: Bless This House (–1), Guide My Hand (–1), Marked by Power (–1), The Sight (–1), Soulgaze (0), Wizard's Constitution (0), Item of Power: Warden's Sword (–2)
Stunts: Linguist (Scholarship) (–1)
Adjusted Refresh: 1


High Concept: "Former White Council Warden Turned Man of Faith"
Trouble: "Left Out in the Cold"
Background: "Company Man"
Rising Conflict: "Even Steel Breaks"
First Adventure: "Man on a Mission"
Guest Starring: "Love Conquers All!"
Guest Starring Redux: "Scars Are Memories"


Superb (+5): Weapons
Great (+4): Conviction
Good (+3): Athletics, Endurance, Lore
Fair (+2): Discipline, Fists, Guns, Resources
Average (+1): Alertness, Contacts, Intimidation, Scholarship, Stealth


English (native), Latin, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin


Fate Points: 1


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Bishop was born into the bosom of the White Council. His father was a Warden of note and his mother was a rising star and a favorite of the Merlin. His early life was steeped in the training and traditions of the White Council. Almost from day one Bishop knew his destiny, he would follow in his father's footsteps. He would become a Warden and defend the Council and the Laws of Magic.

In the first days of the war with the Red Court, Bishop was part of a Warden strike force, hoping to use the Ways and strike deep into Red Court territory, to cut off the head of the Red Court and hopefully end the war before it had even really begun. The Red Court was ready for them and the surgical strike turned into a massacre. Bishop held the rear while the rest of the Wardens retreated into the Ways. The White Council believed him dead, one of the earliest casualties of the war, and mourned his passing. Bishop managed to survive however, though in the battle he overused his magics and found himself gravely wounded, alone and powerless somewhere deep in the South American jungle. Half dead he stumbled through the jungle until he was found by the priest of a poor Catholic church located deep in the jungle. The Priest nursed Bishop back to health, helping heal his body. His magic, however, never returned, leaving only an empty void in his soul.

Left for dead, without his magic for the first time in his adult life, Bishop was lost. Even after recovering from his wounds, feeling he had nothing to offer the White Council, he stayed, assisting the priest wherever he could, working to repay his debt. Bishop lived like this for years, a quiet, pious life. He eventually found a peace, a serenity, even a joy he had never felt before. He realized he was happier than he had ever been in his life, and where once his magics had been, now his Faith filled him, supported him. His quiet existence was shattered, however, when the Red Court entered his life once more. They attacked in the dead of night, using human followers to raid the church where the foul creatures dared not enter. Bishop survived, though he had been forced to take up his sword once again and kill. The priest lay dying, and with his last breath gave Bishop a mission. The Red Court had taken the Cross of Saint Ignatius, a holy relic on par with the Swords of the Cross. The dying priest charged Bishop with the task of finding the Cross and removing it from the hands of evil. Bishop tracked the Red Court and the Cross to Hong Kong. He only hoped his new-found faith was enough to see him through.

Arriving in Hong Kong, Bishop found himself drawn, not to the Red Court or the Cross, but to a young sorcerer named Damion Gyllenband. At first Bishop believed he was drawn to Gyllenband because he was violating the Laws of Magic; however he soon realized that Gyllenband was caught in a battle between a local sorcerer and a White Court Vampire, all for the sake of love. Bishop decided to stand beside the young sorcerer, offering his Faith, his sword, and perhaps even his friendship.

The streets of Hong Kong are dark, mysterious, and filled with danger and intrigue, and Bishop found the same could be said for its inhabitants as well. He knew of the Jade Court's treaty and was surprised to find a war raging in the back streets of the city. The spirits of the city were running scared; something was hunting them, and rumor had it they were rallying behind the scion of an ancient power. Despite his promise to the dying priest, Bishop felt himself drawn into the conflict. However, those he sought to help didn't know who to trust, especially if that someone smelled like a Warden of the White Council. One night, attempting to help a fleeing elemental, Bishop found himself alone and outnumbered. He would have died if the young scion of a Celestial Dragon had not arrived in time to save him. The young man rescued Bishop and took him to safety. His name was Tien Lung, and Bishop owed him his life.

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