Rina's Russian Glossary

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Why? Because.

A great site is Google Translator for the Cyrillic and Romanization. An added bonus: it's not too polite to translate swear words. If Google Translator can't come through for you, try working here (in shiny blue!): English Online Translator and TTS.

The syllable in bold italic is the syllable stressed.

Season One: Foundations

  • Da svidaniya, Kapitan
    1. До свидания, Капитан = Goodbye, Captain = Da s'vidahnya, Kapitahn or Da svidaniya Kapitan (my spelling, using my own version of transliteration.)
    2. пойдите с Богом = Go with God = Poydeetyeh s' bohgum or Poidityeh s’bohgum (my spelling)
  • Paths Not Taken
    1. (Sorry, I don't have the Cyrillic) = Holy Fuck; Fuck (in) the mouth = Yehbanee v' roht or Yebani v'rot (my spelling) Oh, the joys of http://www.insultmonger.com NSFW!!! You have been warned! This site is truly filthy and unfortunately does not offer the Cyrillic, making it hard to backcheck the transliterations. Yebani v'rot!.
  • Coming Clean
    1. только немного = Just a little = tolkah nyeemnogah or tolka nyimnoga (my spelling)
  • Witness
    1. Бог, быть с Вами = God be with you = Bohk beets vahmeeyah or Bokh bit s'vamieh (my spelling)
  • Broken
    1. (Sorry, I don't have the Cyrillic) = Fuck head = Yebanat (another one from http://www.insultmonger.com NSFW!!! You have been warned!) For more on this lovely little word and its variants, go here: http://www.russki-mat.net/e/Russian.htm and click on the word ебать in the paragraph for the variations of "mat' ", below the abbreviations key. (russki-mat.net pages SFW)
  • Devil His Due
    1. дерьмо = Shit = Dyermah or (as I like to spell it) "Dierma"

Season Two: Hitting Our Stride

  • Naissance
    1. вверните Вас = Screw you! = Vyerneetyeh vahs! or Viernityeh vas! (my spelling)
    2. конечно = certainly = Kohnyeshna
    3. Говорим по-русски? = speak Russian? = Gavarim pah-Roosski? (Shortened to just: pah-Russki?)
    4. Немного = A little = Nyeemnogah, or "Nyimnoga" (my spelling)
    5. только минута = just a minute = tolkah minoottah or tolka minuta (my spelling)
    6. Вы серьезный? = you serious? = v’seriozni?
    7. Серьезно! = seriously! = seriozna
    8. Не за что = Don't mention it! = Nee zah shtoh or Ni za'shto (my spelling and it's actually lit. tr. = There is nothing.)
  • Baklava
    1. (N/A) = Little slut = shlee-yoosh-kah or shliushka (not my spelling but from our favorite Cyrillic-ommiting NSFW!!! website, www.insultmonger.com. What can I say? It's got a great selection of kick-ass zingers--Maer)

Season Three: Things Fall Apart

  • Shadowboxing - 28 Sep 2520 (with Joshua)
    1. Говнюк = Shithead = guhv-nyook = govniuk
  • A Judicious Application of Heat - 01 Oct 2520 (with Joshua)
    1. Отличная работа, Ирина = Excellent work, Irina = Ot-lich-n'ya ra-bo-ta, Ee-ree-na = Ohtlichn'ya rabohta, Ihreena
    2. Не сейчас. Пожалуйста = Not now. Please = Nee see-chas. Po-zhal-usta = Ni'seechyas. Pazhalusta.
    3. Вы можете доверять мне = You can trust me = V'-mohzh-et-uh da-veer-yatʹ m'nyeh = Vy mozhete doverat' mne
    4. Не здесь. Не теперь. = Not here. Not now. = Nee zdees. Nee teh-peer Ni zdis, ni tepir.
  • Backstop - 01 Oct 2520 (with Joshua)
    1. Я сожалею = I'm sorry. = Yah soh-zhal-ee-yoo = Ya solzhaliu
    2. Не ваша ошибка = Not your fault = Nee vah-sha ob-shib-kah = Ni vasha oshibka
    3. Да = Yes = Dah
  • In Vino Patefacio - 21 Oct 2520 (with Joshua)
    1. сука = Bitch = soo-kah = suka
  • Rightful Share - 29 Jan 2521 (with Joshua)
    1. Вы серьезно = [You] be serious = V'sehr-ee-ohz-nuh = V'seriozna
  • He Was Not A Robot - 17 Feb 2521 (with everyone)
    1. Чертовски правда = Damn true (lit. tr. devilishly true) = cher-tov-ski prahv-duh =
    2. здоровья = (A toast) To (your) health = z'd-roh-vee-yah
  • Self Defense - 07 Apr 2521 (with Joshua)
    1. Мальчик мой = Boy of Mine/My boy = mal-chick moy = malchik moi
    2. исправить, черт возьми! = Fix, damn you! = is-prah-vit, chiert voz-mi! = ispravit, chiert voz'mi!
    3. дерьмо! = Shit! = Dyer-mah = dierma Note: the consonant 'o' is softened and pronounced 'ah' when it occurs at the end of a word.

Season Four: Trials and Errors

  • The Man In-Between - 24 May 2521 (with Joshua)
    1. Пожалуйста = Please = pah-zhahl-oo-stuh = Pazhalusta
    2. спасибо = Thank you = spah-see-bah = spasiba (The "o" softens to "ah" when at the end of a word)
  • Flirting With The Deep End
    1. Что за черт? = What the hell? = shtoh zah chert? = Shto (or Chto) za chert?
  • On Knife's Edge - 20 Jun 2521 (with Joshua and Ezekiel)
    1. Вы серьезно = (lit. tr.) (you) seriously = v'sehr-ee-ohz-nah = V'seriozni
    2. абсолютно = Absolutely = ahb-so-loot-nah = Absolutna
    3. до встречи = (loose tr.) Until we meet again = dov-stryeech-yeh = Do v'strichieh
  • Taking It All Down - 04 Jul 2521 (with Joshua)
    1. дерьмо = Shit = dyehr-mah = Dierma
  • Cooking Chemistry - 09 Jul 2521 (with Joshua)
    1. это в порядке = (loose tr.) It's okay; everything's all right = Eh-tov por-yahd-keh = Eto v'poryadkeh
    2. извините = Sorry; excuse me = eez-vin-ee-tyeh = Izvinityeh
  • Lyubovniki - 23 Sep 2521 (with Joshua)
    1. любовники = lovers = lyoo-bohv-nee-kee = lybovniki
    2. Пожалуйста = You're welcome = pah-zhahl-oo-stuh = Pazhalusta (Yes, it's the same as "Please".)
    3. милочка = the darling = mee-lo-chka = milochka
    4. моя = of mine/mine = moya = moya

Season Five: Realignment

Now with sound clips!

Season Six: Franc-tireurs

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