One To Redeem Them

Player Characters
Lunamaria Haarlock nee Loche, Holder of the Haarlock Warrant
Titanya Sinos-Spartan, Presumptive heir to the Sinos Warrant, former Soroirtas Voidmistress
Daedalus, former Enginseer Prime of the Spear of Destiny and Curator of Gabriel Chase
Lilith, Quirky Savage/Student of German Philsophy
Okay so everyone make a page for a character sheet. Make it pretty and you'll earn 200 xp.
I think we have enough PCs, so once we're finished making characters we can begin.
The Spear of Destiny
Dauntless-class light cruiser
Speed: 7 Manoever: +15 Detection: +26 HI: 66 Armour: 20 (21 front) TR: 1 Space: 60/60 Power 69/70
Machine Spirit: Resentful Slave (+20 to Perils of the Warp, Armour +1, HI +6. It hates it's master and wishes them harm, but clings ever tighter to it's own existence out of burning spite.) Past History: The Hand of Haarlock (as per Haunted, plus -30 to repair it because it's a mishmash of Imperial, Xenos and Archeotech)
Weapons Prow: "13th Hour" Eclipse-pattern Star-Flare Lance (12/6) Thirteen dark runes line this archeotech lance weapon in a pattern as intricate as clockwork, hidden in the decorative filigree except when the weapon firing causes them to smolder black. Port: Eldar Starcannon Cluster Battery (6/4) Starboard: Eldar Starcannon Cluster Battery (6/4)
Essential Components Modified Jovian Pattern Class 3 drive (60g/8) Strelov 2 Warp Engine (12/12) Standard Gellear Field (1/0) Castellan Shield (5/1) Bridge of Antiquity (2/1) Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer (5/3) Pressed-crew Quarters (2/3) M-201.b Auger Array (5/0)
Supplimental Components Reinforced Prow (0/3) Empyrean Mantle (5/0) Cargo Hold and Lighter Bay (1/2) Runecaster (0/1) Crew Reclamation Facility (1/1) Murder-Servitors (1/1) Librarium Vault (1/1) Dungeon (1/1) Manufactorum (2/1) Trophy Room (1/1) Auxiliary Plasma Banks (10g/6)
The New Haarlock Dynasty
PF: 30