a.k.a. Jonathan Stahl.
M&M2e Stats
PL: 10 (150 pp)
The Collected Speeches
- Welcome Monologue (Given on the occasion of the original jailbreak from the federal facility where Doctor Steel, Madame Shade, Warcry, Boneyard, Noise, and Carnivore were held.)"'
- PEOPLE OF EARTH, UNITE! (Transcript of a pirate broadcast given shortly after the initial prison break of the Band of Steel.)
- CALLING THE BAND OF STEEL! (Given on the eve of the Band of Steel first mission — to recover a defecting alien scientist.)
- Interrupted Transmission (Given on the occasion of the initial breakthrough at the alien base.)
- Unauthorized Broadcast (Given as part of a pirate broadcast following the Band of Steel's first successful mission.)
Doctor Steel has a typical 'kid's show host' personality - manic, zany, and slightly crazy. Particularly when on camera he is prone to extravagant speeches and extravagant actions. His dress is also flamboyant.
When off camera John Stahl tends to be quiet and down to earth - more of a doer than a talker. He is generally optimistic and has a rather dry wit that sneaks out at unexpected times. He enjoys going out for a beer or to hear live music, and is particularly fond of ska (he had a large collection at one point, but the aliens blew it up - the bastards).
Physical Appearance
John Stahl is 5'11", 170 lbs with brown hair and brown eyes. He has an easy smile and a confident walk.
Since adopting the Dr. Steel persona he has begun to shave his head and has grown a goatee, which he dyes black. He dresses as a flambouyant mad-scientist type. He can usually be found dressed in protective eye goggles, lab coat, insulated gloves, protective pants, and rubber boots. Occasionally, for more formal appearances, he will dress in a top hat and cape and carry a walking stick. The only piece of jewelry he wears is a plain gold wedding ring.
Villainous Motivations
Dr. Steel's driving motivation is to free earth from the tyranny of its alien oppressors. He hates the aliens for the pain and suffering they have caused, particularly to children, and intends to rid the earth of them (the aliens, not the children).
At the same time, Dr. Steel realizes that when he achieves his goal, it is going to leave quite a power vacuum on earth, and he intends to use that fact, and his fame, to his advantage. Dr. Steel wants to make the world a better place for children - a place where children can be safer, happier, healthier, and better treated. Once the alien threat is eliminated, he fully intends to turn his efforts into making earth a better place.
(who do you believe in or are you loyal to)
History & HeroicVillainous Origin
Battle Tactics
Dr. Steel's great intellect allows him to plan for every contingency. He prefers to plan out the course of battle in advance and outthink his enemy rather than outfighting him. If it comes down to a rough and tumble, however, Dr. Steel isn't afraid to get in the middle of things, using his rocket boots and zap gun. Whenever possible, he prefers to make up weapons to use against his enemies weaknesses on the spot, both because it is very effective and because it shows off how smart he is. Failing tha, however, he just makes it all up as he goes!
3x3 NPCs
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- DARK STEEL - in a parallel universe there exists another earth, and on that earth is another Dr. Steel. This Doctor, however, is a twisted mockery of the original (and still the best) Dr. Steel. Instead of working for the betterment of the human race and happiness for the children, this alternate Dr. Steel has traveled down the dark and twisting path of gothic rock music. Now, a bitter and angst filled shadow calling himself "Dark Steel", he manufactures sinister and emaciated toys for goth children while secretly working to bring gothic youth subculture to the fore and dominate the world in the name of clove cigarettes, skull shaped jewelry, and thrift store lace!
- PORNCHAI NIRATPATTANASAI - Head of the Thai mafia prior to the alien invasion. Among his many criminal activities was the operation of a massive child slavery/prostitution network throughout asia. Much of the money raised by the original Dr. Steel show was used by Save the Children Foundation to attempt to shut some of his operations down. It is unknown whether he survived the alien invasion.
- ALAN HASSENFIELD - CEO of HadSys Toys. Sued Stahl Toys in the wake of Dr. Steel's original crime spree, claiming theft of intellectual property on some of Stahl Toys designs. The charges were untrue, but the financial might of HadSys Toys was well on its way to grinding Stahl Toys into the ground when the aliens showed up and pretty much rendered the argument moot. Nevertheless Dr. Steel has not forgotten the pain and suffering that Hassenfield put his parents through (its likely that Hassenfield hasn't forgotten that Steel blew up several of his toy factories either).
- STAHL TOYS OF FREEDOM CITY - prior to the alien invasion Stahl Toys owned small facilities all over the United States. As far as Dr. Steel knows the only one to survive is Stahl Toys of Freedom City. Like all Stahl Toys facilities, this one employs only around a dozen highly skilled workers who hand make individual and unique toys.
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