Those Who Stare In The Black: Traveler's Guide to the 'Verse

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A highly informal record of places we've been, people we've seen, and other subjective points of interest.


SEASON ONE Season One Page to be installed soon. Stay tuned!

Game 02: Kaleidoscope Scuffle

  • Native Gunner

Game 03 Breadcrumb Trails

  • Jonathan Masters: Headman, Independent Settlement; Kaleidoscope

Game 04: Gathering Elements

  • Alliance Customs Inspector Radcliff: Greenleaf
  • Alliance Customs Inspector (No-Name Mackin'): Greenleaf
  • "Patches": Captain, Redemption; (Appearance by mention only)
  • Malcolm Reynolds: Captain, Serenity; Greenleaf
  • Zoe Washburn: XO, Serenity; Greenleaf
  • Kay Leewinnet Frye: Engineer, Serenity; Greenleaf
  • Jayne Cobb: Gunhand, Serenity; Greenleaf
  • Simon Tam: Doctor, Serenity; Greenleaf
  • River Tam: Copilot, Serenity; Greenleaf

Game 05: Diversions

  • Niska: Russian Mob Boss; (Appearance by mention only)
  • Dead Eye Jack: Captain, El Dorado; (Appearance by mention only)

Game 08: New Melbourne Interlude

  • Guild Sergeant John Sheppard: Head of the Merchant's Guild; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne

Game 09: Tea and Ninjas

  • Robert Gates: Business Magnate; Old Money trading family from New Melbourne's founding; significant ties to Sihnon; sower of wild oats; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
  • Lissa Gates-Mann: Robert Gates' socialite wife, enforcer, and habitual runaway; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
  • Dame Trudy Tudor: Celebrity, Title holder; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
  • Guild Master Ryan Harthell: Rotund and jovial Merchant's Guild Master; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
  • Violet Heath: Administrative Assistant to Guild Master Harthell; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
  • Bill Ramsay: Security Officer/SPO to Guild Master Harthell; Allyne Stone's contact inside the Guild; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
  • Cmdr. George Smith: Alliance Military, stationed at Alliance Garrison, New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne; known acquaintance of Guild Master Harthell
  • Lt. Captain Vance: Alliance Military, stationed at Alliance Garrison, New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
  • Sgt. Thurman: Alliance Military, stationed at Alliance Garrison, New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne

Game 11: New Waters

  • Past Acquaintance of Oksana's: New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne (Wave appearance only)

Game 12: Under Observation

  • Jacob Marley: Alliance Observation Officer; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
  • Jedidiah: Capt., Osprey Class ship; en route to Silverhold

Game 14: Covert Offers

  • Ebenezer Scrooge: Shadowy figure of some wealth and means; New Edinburgh, Aberdeen

Game 17: Méfiez-vous du Chien

  • Operative of the Parliament: Name unknown. A mild-mannered yet steely agent of the government who has taken us prisoner; Ghost, Kalidasa

Game 18: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

  • Captain Roberts: Another ship captain we contact at New Edinburgh Spaceport, Aberdeen

Game 20: The Start of Something New

  • Mr. Smith: Passenger. Alliance corporate man. A below average height, bald scarcrow who does all the talking.
  • Mr. Murphy: Passenger. Alliance corporate man. A tall and massive yet silent linebacker type who nevertheless comes across as intelligent and highly observant.


SEASON ONE Season One Page to be installed soon. Stay tuned!

Game 02: Kaleidoscope Scuffle

  • Supplies distribution point, back of beyond, Kaleidoscope

Game 03 Breadcrumb Trails

  • Independent Settlement, back of beyond, Kaleidoscope

Game 04: Gathering Elements

  • Unnamed Spaceport, Greenleaf

Game 06: Interrogations and Discoveries

  • Unnamed Spaceport, Harvest

Game 08: New Melbourne Interlude

  • New Sydney Spaceport 23, New Melbourne

Game 13: Swallow

  • Silverhold Port, Silverhold
  • New Edinburgh Spaceport; New Edinburgh, Aberdeen

Game 14: Covert Offers

  • Ebenezer Scrooge residence, outside New Edinburgh, Aberdeen

Game 18: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

  • Merchant Guild HQ; New Edinburgh, Aberdeen
  • Coffee Shop; across from Merchant Guild HQ

Game 19: Precipitation

  • Spaceport, Hera

Game 20: The Start of Something New

  • Spaceport, Harvest


SEASON ONE Season One Page to be installed soon. Stay tuned!

Game 04: Gathering Elements

  • Serenity; Capt. Malcolm Reynolds

Game 05: Diversions

  • Redemption; Capt. "Patches"(Surname: Unknown)
  • El Dorado; Capt. Dead Eye Jack(Surname: Unknown)

Game 12: Under Observation

  • (No name given) Osprey Class; Capt. Jedidiah (Surname: Unknown)
  • (Unknown ship), inbound Silverhold, Silverhold

Game 17: Méfiez-vous du Chien

Alliance Patrol Boat, Longbow Class

Game 20: The Start of Something New

  • IAV Shiroi Sakura (Tr. "White Cherry") Tohoku Class; Capt. (N/A)
IAV Shiroi Sakura


SEASON ONE Season One Page to be installed soon. Stay tuned!


Game 17:
Wuo de mah = Wuh duh mah = Mother of God (Lit. tr. My ma) Sound clip (With thanks to for pointing me in the right direction.)
Game 18:
Mèi mei =妹妹= May may = Sister, younger sister Sound clip
gǒu shǐ = 狗屎 = gow shih = dog shit Sound clip
fèihuà = 廢話 = fee-hwah = bullshit, nonsense, rubbish, blah, bunk, guff Sound clip
Game 19:
Mèi mei =妹妹= May may = Sister, younger sister Sound clip


Game 19:
Minutochku = = Min-uh-toch-koo = Wait a minute Sound clip
Kohnyeshna = конечно = kohn-yesh-nah = (interjection) Of course!, Certainly! Sure!, I should say so!, Surely!, You bet! Sound clip


Méfiez-vous du Chien = Mef-fyay-voo doo sh'yahn = Beware of the Dog Sound clip


SEASON ONE Season One Page to be installed soon. Stay tuned!
Being the landing spot for all the other details of the 'Verse we come across.


Game 17:
The Hokey Pokey in English.
The Hokey Pokey in Chinese.
The Mexican Chicken Dance
That Tony Bennett Song.
Bad Boys Song (In English)
Mal's song in the TDU: "Two Tigers" Liang Zhi Lao Hu 儿歌-两只老虎_动画

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