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SHARE DREAM (* to **)

Prerequisites: Oneiromancy

Effect: The character walks in the dream of their target, provided they make a successful activation roll.

While within the dream they are aware of everything the dreamer is aware of, including information that does not have a clear sensory source. This can be highly disorienting, especially if the dream is an emotional one. If the character is attempting to communicate with or glean information from the target the ST may require appropriate rolls and levi penalties dependent on the nature of the dream.

If the character has a reason to suspect that their target is asleep while outside the usual range of Oneiromancy, they may attempt to enter their dreams at a -5 to the activation roll. A dramatic failure on that roll may result in the Souless persistent condition, a breaking point, or whatever spiritual weirdness the ST feels is appropriate. Beyond that there is no limit to the range of this power. It may sometimes even contact individuals outside of the dimension the user is in. The ST may decide that being in even more exotic localities then a parallel dimension block the use of this power or not.

While in the dream, the character using this power appears as themselves, though cosmetic effects alter to match the context of the dream. The character cannot hide themselves in the dream.


Prerequisites: Share Dream

Effect: At a cost of 1 Verve per scene the character may send their spirit through the Astral Plane. While this power is active, the character enters a defenseless, dreamlike state, and her mind is projected to any location within range. She may observe events in the Astral, or peek in on our plane to spy on events there. She is limited to passive observation in the latter case, and cannot act on anything except through the use of other Oneiromancy techniques. She may return to her body at any time. Only characters with the Oneiromancy or Telepathy powers can see or hear her projection, using a normal activation roll.

What, if anything, or import is happening on the Astral plane is up to the ST.

This technique has a range of (Power Level + Oneiromancy) x 10 miles.


Prerequisites: Share Dream

Effect: At the cost of 1 Verve, while walking within a dream, the character may alter or create an entirely new dream, either 'clicking' into it or sliding it seamlessly into an existing one. The character rolls Manipulation + Empathy + Oneiromancy – a 1 to 5 penalty related to the emotional potency of the dream, as determined by the storyteller. If the dream is a replay of an actual memory, this penalty may be further added to, from 1 to 5. Failure allows the dream to be crafted as usual, but alerts the target to the fact that it is artificial. Dramatic failure can cause psychological harm to one or both parties, resulting in the Shaken or Broken Conditions, a breaking point, or some other related problem, at the STs discretion.

The Oneiromancer cannot totally hide their presence in the dream, but may cast themselves as any object or creature that could conceivably symbolize their real self. If the target knows the character, either from the waking world or the dreaming one, they may roll Wits + Empathy + Oneiromancy to recognize the character altering their dream.

FARTHING (* to *****)

Prerequisites: Oneiromancy, Power Level equal to merit

Effect: For each dot in this merit the range of this power is multiplied by 10.


Prerequisites: Share Dream, Fabricate Dream

Effect: This technique is identical in effect to the Domination power, except it only affects a dreaming target while the character is within their dream, and substitutes Oneiromancy for Domination in activation rolls.


Prerequisites: Sleep Walk, Farthing 3+

Effect. Rolls to use Sleepwalk may target all sleeping individuals in the range of the power. Use the individual with the best stats for resistance as the primary target.

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