Forgotten Freedom:35

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(Somewhere in the dark fortress dimension belonging to Sa'vor; somthing is awakening)

(A huge cylinder filled with green liquid is surrounded by all manner of scientific equipment and a lightning rod. occult symbols are drawn around it and a large control panel covered with Mabran runes glows ominously. Sa'vor, wearing his black cloak and lab goggles, works furiously switching levers and pushing buttons on other keypads, A huge bolt of arcane energy strikes the tube. a black figure in the tube is illuminated. his feral and bulky appearance shows great strength and ferocity. Sa'vor runs over to the Mabran key pad and hits the "Life" rune. another bolt of arcane energy strikes the figure whom twitches. a third bolt strikes and the glass shatters, the green liquid drenches the room but doesn't affect any of the equipment. Sa'vor smiles from his platform as the black scaled half-dragon stands there)

Sa'vor: It's alive ! IT'S ALIVE! (maniacal laughter).

(The figure stands there, his claws flexing, Sa'vor hovers down to meet him)

Sa'vor: You are the first of a new generation! After my army was decimated I began to build them anew, and now, I have created you. The greatest of my servants. Capable of leading my forces in the name of the future emperor.

Half-dragon: What is my name, father?

Sa'vor: My child, you shall be named, Feal-thas

Feal-thas: As you wish, but what am I?

Sa'vor: In times of old, we, the half-dragons where created through acts of love or rape or even experiments. Our bloodlines would become weaker and weaker with each new generation. We were not a species.

Feal-thas: And now?

Sa'vor: My son, we are now our own species, no longer part of another species, no longer second class citizens. We are strong, we are true. We shall make our own civilisation alongside the illithids

Feal-thas: I see, are we stronger than the illithids?

Sa'vor: The illithids are our lords, we shall serve them and alongside them we shall grow strong and prosperous. We shall march and proclaim our lords' name.

Feal-thas: And we shall thrive!

Sa'vor: Yes my son, we shall thrive!

Feal-thas: Father, what should I do until then?

Sa'vor: Can you feel your magical powers?

Feal-thas: ( closes his eyes) They are there! I can feel them! They are already strong!

Sa'vor: Then you shall perfect your skill with magic and arms, you shall school your brothers and sisters, you shall school your children and your draconic kind.

Feal-Thas: But how can we thrive if our people are of the same bloodline?

Sa'vor: I have thought of that, there are multiple bloodlines, with each coupling there will be new bloodlines born. come, I shall show you your brothers and sisters. Of course, after you have dressed.

(In an hour Feal-thas folllows Sa'vor, he is dressed in black armour like ebony. Its exquisitly made and Mabran and arcane runes glow along it, Sa'vor leads them along a dark corridor to a balacony, below them is a huge pit. Along the sides of the pit thousands more of the tubes glow with an emerald light. Feal-thas gaspes)

Sa'vor: Yes my son, your brothers and sisters will need to be awakened. and you shall lead them.

Feal-thas: I shall perfect my skills for that day.

Sa'vor: Excellent, I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.

Jacob Hunter: Ah thank the Gods! I'm now peacefully at home back here amongst the Dark Lanterns. No longer am I on that ship. The therapy bills alone are going to eat at my pension for years but the worst part is explaining my way out of fifty counts of high treason.

(Starts on his immense amount of paperwork)

(Jarlot walks in)

Jarlot: I need your help.

Jacob Hunter: OH HELL NO!

Jarlot: I need you to arrest me.

Jacob Hunter: Get away from me man! I can't be seen with you anymore!

Jarlot: Listen, I need to get away from a girl. Lock me up, throw me in the deepest dungeon you can find if you have to...

Jacob Hunter: GUARDS!

Jarlot: Yes, guards, great idea! That'll make me being captured seem even easier.



Jacob Hunter: Oh Hell no!

Jarlot: Crap! She's found us!

Jacob Hunter: You've ruined my life... AGAIN!

(Grabs Jacob and starts in a run)

Marish is lying on Aerith's lap being petted

Marish: I wonder why Tifa doesn't take a hint....

Aerith: Well it has to do with a prophecy actually...

Marish: Oooooooo.

Aerith: Yes, the Chosen One will bring balance to the Force.

Marish: I think that one's already taken.

Aerith: Yes but no one believes a 9-year-old with superpowered bacteria who went on to be a psycho is the Chosen One, so they're looking for other candidates. Jarlot's whole "destiny" to rule everything also applies to his wife.

Marish: She's just a gold-digger?

Aerith: Well there's also the fact that me and Tifa have known each other since childhood and she tends to try and take whatever I have...

Five year old Aerith, wearing a miniature version of her clothes in the present day complete with flower basket is playing with her Barbie

Minature Tifa in similiar attire descends downwards


Marish: The other cats in my litter were like that too.

Aerith: Plus there's one OTHER fact...

Marish: What's that?

Aerith: Well Tifa gets a little rough during sex... Jarlot's the only one to ever survive.

(Marish BLINKS)

Aerith: At all.

Kithle: My word, Sa'vor, they're bloody brilliant.

Feal-thaes: Ummmmmm?

Sa'vor: Gah I wasn't ready for you yet, but thanks?

Kithle: Though I do wish we had a species worthy of commanding them. Honestly, Sa'vor, you know as well as I the Illithids have already failed. We need rulers who will build a new empire, not merely re-enact a failed experiment. I severely doubt this illithid empire you wish to bring about will be ruled by actual illithids. More than likely it will be run by my descendants and the descendants of those who aid my rise to power, and frankly I'm only half-flayer, and the rest of the flayers are arrogant, jumped-up worms.

Sa'vor: what are you saying?

Kithle: I'm saying this illithid empire you want so bad may only have one illithid bloodline amongst the ruling class. Mine. Though technically you might call that an Illithid Empire. Anyway I trust they are not limited to arcane energies, therre must be a few here with psionic potential or shadow magic capabilities. Ah yes those 3 and that tube on the end, very nice work. I trust your going to let me in on their training I need to make sure they know what kind of hellion I am as a commander. (sneaky eye gleam)

Sa'vor: If you must. Wait a minute, I know that gleam. you're about to be a total bastard.

Volrath dreams in his cocoon.

??? : The time is drawing near. Even now you are evolving to your next form. Soon you will join your numorous cousins.

Volrath : But father, I still care for things of this plane.

??? : Let go of these feelings. They are not for you. Only by letting go of these things can you achieve your birthright.

Volrath : But I truly love these things.

??? : Just as I loved your mother. Your presence only causes misery for those around you.

Volrath : All of the suffering has been caused by Thrane, not me. If they were to be destroyed, our kind would be the cause of no more suffering.

??? : Believe as you wish, but eventually you will lose hope as well.

Volrath slips into a deeper sleep. This one filled with dreams of his past suffering.

Norbaz scoffed as he pushed the cart through the halls of the Forgotten Freedom... someone would pay for this. He was a cooky, a chef, a master of the kitchen. Yeah he dished food out in the mess hall but this was inexcusable as far as he was concerned.

New Rule # ????: If a crew member has not shown up for meals in two weeks or has not been seen in five days, the responsibility to have meals brought to those crew members rooms falls to whoever at the time is subordinate under the Cooky for KP duty, if no one is assigned to KP duty, the responsibility falls upon the Cooky.

Pholly hadn't shown up for KP in three days, and Volrath, a ton of redshirts, and V had been missing longer. Now Norbaz found himself in the position of handing out Meals on wheels to all of them. As he knocked on Volrath's door, frost crackled across his knuckles and tore at his skin.

Norbaz: ARGH! What in Khyber?

Chucking a bowl of fresh chili at the frozen door, the wood splinters, cracks, and steams before falling away. Inside is the crystal coccon filling most of the room. Norbaz stands there a moment, mouth agape at this sight. Realizing that this was beyond his scope to deal with, he went off in search of those who might know... or in this case, one who might know.

Terra sat in her lab, going over the practically accidental concoction that had now consumed much of her time as she realized and plotted its as yet known application. There is a loud knock at the door. Quickly she hides her work before answering.

Terra: Yes, oh, Norbaz. Any new reports on my last batch of test drugs?

Norbaz: Yeah, I finished them up this morning, gonna drop them off later. Listen, I was delivering some things by the new orders -

Terra: The captains meals on wheels plan for infirmed or missing crew?

Norbaz: Yes, actually. Well, on the list today was Volrath... and, well. You've known him a long time, and I think you need to take a look at this.

Shortly, Norbaz has brought Terra to Volrath's room. Due to the open door, many curious Redshirts got too close for too long, and are now shattered or semi-shattered piles of crystal.

Norbaz: Argh... I'm probably gonna get stuck with cleaning this mess.

Terra: Quite... this is... quite fascinating... and very important. I think it would be wise to start gathering the casters still onboard.

Norbaz: Even the ones you aren't on good terms with?

Terra: Everyone... this is important, and we'll need everyone we can to ensure Volrath survives as we knew him... and if we cannot, ensure that we are able to walk away from this alive.

Igor is standing in on the balcony of the pit overlooking Sa'vor's half-dragon army.

Sa'vor (he seems a little giddy): Well, what do you think? I mean, you've served under practically every evil genius since Khyber.

Igor: Have you thaid "It'th alive, alive" or thome variathion of that at leatht onthe?

Sa'vor: Yes.

Igor: Have you monologued a thpeech about your viewth on half-dragonth that thounds like you had way too much time to come up with it?

Sa'vor: I can do it again, if you like.

Igor: Are you planning on addrething you army in front of a huge hanging banner reprethenting the empire you are therving?

Sa'vor: I'll make a note of it.

Igor nods approvingly.

Igor: It'th tho nithe to thee tradithion maintained.

Jarlot : What is Love?

A throbbing backbeat emanates from below the decks of the Forgotten Freedom.

Jarlot : Baby, don't hurt me,

Jarlot : No more, no more...

Jarlot : WHAT IS LOVE?

Volrath : What in Khyber is going on up there?

Klaz : Sounds like a swordtooth getting frisky, mate! Reminds me of this time out in the Talenta plains... I was huntin' around for a swordtooth with a stunning Sheila and...

Volrath : If you finish that statement in any other way than what's going on here and now, on the Forgotten Freedom, I will make sure that you never have to worry about finding dinosaurs, by making you one.

Klaz: errr... The Captain thinks he's Elvis.

Volrath blinks.

Klaz : Look, I don't know who Elvis is either, mate, but apparently he's some poorly dressed bard with no ability to carry a tune.

Volrath : I see. Please stop calling me "mate", unless you really want to come over to my room at 9:00 tonight.

Klaz : You ain't scaly enough for me, bud.

Volrath : That can be fixed.

Klaz walks away very, very fast. Terra looks on with a interested curve in her eyebrow.

Volrath : Look, It got him to stop calling me "mate" and got him out of where he doesn't belong, so let's go see what "Elvis" wants, alright...

Jarlot : OH YEAH!!!!!! Thang you, Thang you vureh much...

Ketler : Alright Elvis, two more for the money.

Jarlot : Who's the king, baby?

Ketler : You are, sir.

Jarlot : Thass right, I'm the king, baby! Uh HUH!

Volrath and Terra have been joined by Kanatash, Kithle, Silence, Sa'vor, and Slip, and they all just walked around the corner.

Volrath : Uh, Ketler? Can I talk to you for a second?

Ketler : Yeah, sure. Take five, king.


Volrath drags Ketler behind the cabin and Silence gives him the PIMP SLAP O' DOOM!™


Silence : That singing, like, totally ruined my day. I am so going to have to read some of Devon's poetry to cheer myself up. OMG, why does the captain have to do it today? I mean, it's like totally the three week anniversery of finding out my adolescent crush that I've stalked for 12 years was, like, a multiple personality. Is Jarlot, like, heartless or something?

Sa'vor : If he is, it's not my fault. It's Kithle's if Jarlot's brainless, though.

Kithle : I have more self respect than that.

Terra : Or is it the drugs I've been pumping into him with every meal?

Ketler : No,no, it's much simpler. This is a ploy to get his ex to divorce him. He's feigning insanity to get back into the "Happy Place for Overenthusiastic People", thus getting rid of Tifa.

Kanatash : I'm going to have to assume that there's a reason for you doing this. Possibly because of our deal...

Ketler : Nah, I just thought about the raw destructive force of Jarlot's singing, and I was experimenting with maximizing Ghost Sound at the time, so I had the brilliant idea of combining the two. You see, Maximizing Ghost Sound and using Jarlot singing as the base sound... well basically it's a lot like combining shatter, earthquake, and insanity into one convenient package. And it's only a fourth level spell. I wonder what happens when I empower it too... hmm...

Terra, Kanatash, Volrath, Silence, Sa'vor, Kithle : Oh, okay. Carry on.

Terra sits near Volrath as Norbaz summons the others. She attempts to speak with him telepathically, careful not to make total contact. She knew full well the danger of such folly.

Terra: Volrath, I know you can hear me.

Volrath: ...

Terra: I must apologize. I hadn't realized how hard you were taking my affection for Lisa. If it means anything to you, I never intended to leave you alone.

Volrath: ...

Terra: I know how much you hate Thrane. I spent twenty years trying to undo the damage they did to your mother.

Volrath: ...

Terra: But you must understand. If you hate every citizen of Thrane and every worshipper of the Silver Flame simply because of what they are, not what they have done, you commit the same sin for which you hold them in such contempt.

Volrath: ...

Terra: I don't want you to leave. I can feel that you don't want to either. I can only do so much, and the final decision is up to you.

Aerith: *sigh*

Cool Cthultu: Aerith?

Aerith: Oh my GAWDS. Isn't he just like the KEWLEST!?

Cool Cthultu: Say what?

Aerith: Jarlot! He's like so totally awesome with that music! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Cool Cthultu: And just when it couldn't get any weirder.

Norbaz, Ketler, and the Old Dwarven Lady enter Volrath's room.

Norbaz: Okay, I'm back. Kanatash, Slip, Hoybee, Mickey, Jam, Smig, Andrea, Allen, and Silence are coming.

Ketler: Ready to go, what's the situation.

Ketler begins unpacking a bag of scrolls and gadgets.

Old Dwarven Lady: I've brought the dearie a sweater.

Terra: What's she doing here?

Norbaz: Honestly I don't remember when she started following us.

Silence: Shouldn't the Uber-***** be here in case things get freaky.

Norbaz: Um yeah about that there was a pot of chili being warmed in the kitchen. She ate the whole batch and fell asleep on the burner. She keeps mumbling about being cold.

Terra: Did Kithle screw with her sensory imput when he grafted the arm?

Norbaz: No she just belongs on this ship.

Terra: Somehow that's even worse.

Norbaz: Tell me about it, I haven't had a decent night sleep since she got here. Always wants more chili. I think she's addicted.


Kithle and Sa'vor are training Feal-theas and the first generartion of 1/2-dragons.

Kithle: First thing, No one is infallible, Mistakes will be made, Good followers know when their leader is being an idiot. I myself am not above mortal fallacy, anyone who claims to be perfect or supreme is merely deluded.

Sa'vor: You know this isn't what I had in mind. I was hoping for mor of a I am your master approach.

Kithle: Feck that, that's the kind of outdated thinking that gets the Daelkyr, the Quori, and the Churches messed up. If we want them to be truly powerful they have to understand that they have a responsibility to decide for themselves what must be done.

Feal-Theas: Um Kithle, something is lurking on the edge of perception.

Kithle: O dear I forgot about Volrath again. See mortal fallacy right there, thanks Feal. Bye

(Rushes to scene of Volrath's cacoon)

(telepathy) Satnak, Get up here things are gonna get messy

Satnak: Uhh (face heals burn as head lifts) wha? Im up

Kithle: Just hurry to the mess outside Volrath's quarters. (end telepathy) I swear she is addicted to that stuff, and its not even Terra's happy juice variants.

Silence: What's up, eyeballs?

Kithle: Can't believe I wasn't invited.

Norbaz: You looked busy

Old dwarf lady: Oh here deary I finished your new sweater now it doesn't block your nice eyes.

Kithle: Um. Thanks.

Old dwarf lady: Oh almost forgot it comes with tendril warmers.

Kithle: (muffled) Mumone fwill mufuffer bor wis.

Old dwarf lady: No need to thank me, also don't worry about that nice Sa'vor's little ones. I'll have their baby booties finished by tonight, and a big pot of chicken soup for that poor little orange one with a cold.

Kithle: (in utter shock and awe) I haff dweeply mundemestimated fwoo. (thinks about the mental image for a second) Hahahahahaha.

Old dwarf lady: Yes, it's quite the occasion. I just wish I could meet their mother.

Jarlot: Okay Bruce, what are you here for?

Bruce: Ummm, it's about the Illithids onboard.

Jarlot: What about them? They eat their fill on missions, carry their weight in battle, and only have to be allowed to act eccentric every now and then.

Bruce: Well all of the survivors have defected... well nearly all of them... to A.R.C.H.N.E.M.E.S.I.S.

Jarlot: May I ask why?

Bruce: Listen, I'm from Sarlona. Squid is considered a delicacy there...

Jarlot: Oh hell...

Bruce: It wouldn't have been so bad if not for the fact I shared the recipe with my relatives.

Jarlot: Bruce, I know about your family. You've got like ten thousand relatives.

Bruce: And thus the great Illithid Empire goes down with kung fu, iron chef sword chopping, and chopsticks.

Jarlot: Well bring me some. It's got to be better than Norbaz's chili.

Bruce: That's not a problem. We've got at least one Illithid left and a Ring of Regeneration.

Jarlot: Aren't you lawful good?

Bruce: I'd feel more bad about it if they weren't so gosh darn, I mean evil.

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