Forgotten Freedom:Random Entities from Beyond Non-Existance

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These Entities hail from a realm that is even further removed from existence than the one inhabited by Silver, Bunny, and 13. As the name implies, they appear and act randomly, often times creating PLOT DEVICES to advance the story in some way. Most of the crew know of their existence, and take any and all activities by them in stride.

At least some of the crew realize that these Entities are, in fact, their creators. The Fourth Wall is now thoroughly broken, and the Entities interact with their creations/playthings on a regular basis.

Recently, one cause for concern for the Entites has been a gun created by Kanatash, aptly entitled the "DM Breaker 1.0". When fired, the sheer amount of awesomeness that issues forth has the power to overwhelm the unfortunate target Entity's brain, causing them to black out.

Kanatash has since made more versions of the DM Breaker, including a version that can store some of the power it runs on, allowing anyone to use it, and the "DM Maker," which reverses the energy flow of the original version, allowing Kanatash to become, temporarily, an Entity himself.

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