Smoke Songprawati

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Samorn "Smoke" Songprawati

The Tainted (Wild)

  • female, Black Asian, expensive clothing
  • corporate demeanor


Blood 1, Heart 2, Mind -1, Spirit 0

Mortality 1, Night -1, Power 1, Wild 1

Corruption 1


House/apartment, car, iPhone 6s

  • Smoke's car is a private car service summoned on her phone, which always delivers a sleek black sedan within a minute of her request. The driver is never seen behind its tinted windows.
  • Smoke's apartment is a modern condo in the section of town where late-twenties and early-thirties bankers and lawyers upgrade to the dwelling they'll stay in until it's time to move to the suburbs and raise a family. Her rooms are a mix of modern and authentic Thai in their decoration.


  • Thai ceremonial sword (3-harm hand messy)


  • The Devil Inside: When you assume your demon form, roll with Blood. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a miss, choose 1 and you owe your patron a Debt. If you’re working a job for your patron, choose 1 more. If you mark corruption, choose 1 more. [Gain armor+1, Heal 2-harm, Inflict +1 harm, +demonic weapon (3-harm hand or 2-harm close), +demonic movement (flight, flaming motorcycle, etc.)]
  • Don't Look at Me: When you mislead someone, roll with Heart instead of Mind.
  • Invocation: You may Cash in a Debt with someone to appear in their presence. Others may Cash in a Debt with you to have you appear as well.

Demon Form and Demonic Jobs

  • Flaming shadows: fiery hands, chitinous skin, eyes of smoke
  • I broker demonic contracts and track down rogue demons


  • Gordon Fifteen was always suffering trying to save me. I owed him two Debts. Now Tetch holds them.
  • Grinning Malor is my demon patron. I owe him three debts.
  • Jacob Chen knows my sister. He doesn't know it, but I kept some dark things off of him back in his hey-day, and I collected two Debts he owed to others as payment. Been saving them up for when a client might need them.
  • Smoke's sister fell in with a vampire coterie just under two years ago. Smoke doesn't usually have much to do with the Night, but she had to ask for some favors back then. Most of that Debt's been paid, but some of it made it's way into Luke's hands. Smoke owes Luke 1 Debt.
  • Smoke now owns Debt owed by Darkest Samuel. Smoke doesn't know what Skinny Phrete had on the mage turned soul-collector, but the chit is hers now along with the admonition that she'd want to use it before everything goes sideways.

Rumor: The parlors of Toronto are abuzz about conflict in the mage-o-sphere, but few realize there's a demonic element involved. It's unclear if it's a power-play, debt, or rogue agent, but there's sulphur involved.

Questions and Answers

Who are you?
I'm Smoke, your fixer this compromised morning.
How long have you been in the city?
I'm in and out. I was away for a bit there, but I'm back now. Just in time, looks like.
Who would you die for?
My sister, Pensri. She's the reason I got into all this.
What is your daily release?
I ride around the city, watching it, scheming my way out. To classical music.
What do you desperately need?
There's an obsidian amulet, engraved in Sanskrit, that will give me hold over my patron. Last I heard, a mage possessed it. You've seen it, haven't you?

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