Tellorian Frange
Tellorian "Telly" Frange
-Main Page The Lost City
- Class: Wizard
- Level: 2
- Experience Points: 2501/ 5000 (+10%)
- Total Hit Points: 12 (Heal 1hp/hour)
- Armor Class: 8
- Movement: 40/120"
- Fray Die: d4, 1" range
- Strength 8 -1 melee, open doors, damage with thrown wpn
- Intelligence 16 +2 Languages: Common, Fae, High Tongue
- Wisdom 12
- Dexterity 14 +1 missiles and armor class, +1 individual initiative
- Constitution 13 +1 hp per HD
- Charisma 8 -1 reaction rolls, maximum 3 retainers with base 6 morale
- Cantrips(7) Note Magic Script, Sense Magic, Noise, Charming, Holdthere (memorized), Snooze (memorized)
- Level 1: (2)Read Magic, Detect Magic, Ventriloquism, Charm Person, Floating Disc(memorized), Sleep (memorized)
Effort: 2
- Unquenchable Vitality: Your maximum hit points increase by 2 for each level you have. You regain 1 lost hit point every hour.
- Conjured Ephemera: Commit Effort; you may conjure forth objects up to 500 lbs in weight, albeit not those of special value or precious matter. If the Effort remains committed for 24 hours, the objects are permanent; otherwise they vanish when the Effort is reclaimed. Commit Effort to gain 1 Influence when material goods help.
- Magical Artificer: You can instantly recognize magic items and magical effects and can identify their function or specifics. You are impervious to cursed items and can commit Effort to resist any particular effect created by a magic item or permanent magical effect. The Effort returns after a night’s rest.
- Valuables/Money:
- CP:
- SP: 1
- EP:
- GP:
- PP: 27
- Clothing
- Belt Pouch
- Weapon: Dagger+1
- Spell Book
- 5 oil flasks
- 6 torches
- 1 week unpreserved rations
- 1 week preserved rations
- 2 wineskins
- 3 Quill Pens
- Flint and Steel
- 10 sheets Paper
- Encumbrance: 39.5
Tellorian (Telly to his friends) was born in the little thorp of Janos' Mill. It was determined by the village to sent him to the Collegia in Rhygia. Telly spent several years apprenticing to one of the Collegia's masters, his master decided that he was ready to begin his career. He traveled a while with a caravan and heard about a great mage by the name of Tizun Thane. Maybe Telly could apprentice himself Tizun and become a great mage, so he journeyed to the area that Tizun was said to reside.