WoA Xallijk
- Human Wonderworker 5
- XP: 30811/50000
- 20000 (start)
- 202 (OOC 243), +10 (5% xp bonus)
- 72 (OOC 400) + 4 (5% xp bonus)
- 104 (OOC 644) + 5 (5% xp bonus)
- 128 (OOC 894) + 6 (5% xp bonus)
- 402 (OOC 1063) + 21 (5% xp bonus)
- 18 (OOC 1147) + 1 (5% xp bonus)
- 1742 (OOC 1241) + 87 (5% xp bonus)
- 118 (OOC 1803) + 10 (5% xp bonus)
- 100 (OOC2 11) + 10 (5% xp bonus)
- 90 (OOC2 13) + 5 (5% xp bonus)
- 142 (OOC2 427) + 7 (5% xp bonus)
- 3073 (OOC2 499) + 154 (5% xp bonus)
- 274 (OOC2 779) + 13 (5% xp bonus)
- 100 (OOC2 798) + 5 (5% xp bonus)
- 200 (OOC2 969) + 10 (5% xp bonus)
- 320 (OOC2 981) + 16 (5% xp bonus)
- 120 (OOC2 993) + 6 (5% xp bonus)
- 457 (OOC2 1134) + 23 (5% xp bonus)
- 1,818 (OOC2 1280) + 91 (5% xp bonus)
- 105 (OOC2 1387) + 5 (5% xp bonus)
- 267 (OOC2 1571) + 13 (5% xp bonus)
- 435 (OOC2 1663) + 22 (5% xp bonus)
- Alignment: Lawful
- Age: 58
- A player character under the control of Vektunaxa
- He has built roads, bridges, shrines, and town halls -- but always for someone else. It's time to build his own sanctum.
- STR 16 (+2)
- INT 16 (+2)
- WIS 15 (+1)
- DEX 11 (+0)
- CON 14 (+1)
- CHA 12 (+0)
- Languages
- Common
- Undertongue
- Draconic
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Theology
- Leadership
- Land Surveying
- Engineering
- Class Proficiencies
- Magical Engineering
+2 all saves, ageless w/ lifespan 3x normal men, divine health grants immunity to all diseases including magical, lay on hands 2 x level 1/day, +1 henchman and all are +1 morale; L5 unlock to research spells, scribe scrolls, and brew potions;
- AC 0
- HP 21
- Movement Rate 120'/40'
- Initiative Modifier +0
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
- Staff 8+ (1d6+2)
- Dagger 7+ (1d4+3)
- Darts 10+ (1d4)
- Saves: (+1 to save vs magic from spells or magic items)
- Petrification & Paralysis 12+
- Poison & Death 12+
- Blast & Breath 14+
- Staves & Wands 10+
- Spells 11+
- First Level Arcane: 2+0 / 2+1 per day
- Burning Hands
- Light
- Magic Missile
- Magic Rope
- Second Level Arcane: 2 / 2 per day
- Glitterdust
- Gust of Wind
- Inaudibility
- Invisibility
- Third Level Arcane: 1/1 per day
- Fireball
- First Level Divine, 2 / 2 per day
- Command Word
- Cure Light Wounds
- Detect Evil
- Detect Magic
- Light
- Protection from Evil
- Purify Food and Water
- Remove Fear
- Resist Cold
- Sanctuary
- Second Level Divine, 2 / 2 per day
- Augury
- Bless
- Delay Poison
- Find Traps
- Hold Person
- Resist Fire
- Silence 15' Radius
- Snake Charm
- Speak with Animals
- Spiritual Weapon
- 16000 gp
- 10000 wagered on magic items
- 3125 to boost henchman xp
- 321 gp, 1 sp spent to equip henchman
- 963 gp. 4 sp spent on equipment
- 1500 gp contributed to general fund
- =90 gp 5 sp remaining, going into the coinpurse
- 16000 gp
- 29 gp
- 15 sp
- 3 20 gp gems
Equipment organized by purpose
- Weapons (4 items)
- Dagger +1
- Goblin Staff +1 of Extra Spells (holder gains one extra 1st level repertoire slot)
- 10 darts
- Travel Gear (28 gp, 36 sp) (10 items, 1 heavy item)
- Backpack (holds 4 stone)
- Blanket (wool, thick)
- Pouch/Purse (holds 1/2 stone)
- Rope (50' length)
- Sack (small, holds 2 stone)
- Sack (large, holds 6 stone)
- Stakes (4) and Mallet
- Tent
- Tinder Box (flint & steel)
- 2 Water/Wine Skin
- Coinpurse (0 encumbrance if it holds less than 50 coins)
- Clothing (65 gp, 24 sp)
- Leather belt
- High leather boots
- Low leather boots
- Fur-lined winter cloak
- Long hooded cloak
- Tunic and Pants (Armiger)
- Tunic and Pants (Armiger)
- Robe
- Gloves
- Hat
- Class Equipment (157 gp, 30 sp) (9 items)
- 4 oz Ink (1 oz.)
- Mirror (hand-sized, steel)
- Spell Book (blank)
- Holy Symbol
- Holy Water (3 pints)
- Candle (wax, 5lb)
- Consumables (36 gp 73 sp 110 cp)
- 16 lbs wheat bread
- 24 lbs coarse bread
- 20 lbs cheese
- 1 lb pepper
- 3 lbs sugar
- 5 lbs dried fruit
- 2 dozen eggs
- 20 pints good wine
- 6 pints rare wine
- 4 water skins
- 6 week iron rations
- Consumable Magic (4 items)
- Scroll of Burning Hands
- Potion of Treasure Finding
- Potion of Sweet Water
- Wand of Detecting Traps (18 charges)
- Mounts (555 gp)
- Light Warhorse
- Medium Riding Horse
- 6 medium draft horses
- 6 draft saddles
- war saddle
- 26 saddlebags
- Trade Goods (100 gp)
- 2 loads (100 gp) of Geegaws
Equipment organized by location
Carried by Xallijk (5 stone -- 24 items, 1 heavy item)
- Dagger +1
- Goblin Staff +1 of Extra Spells (holder gains one extra 1st level repertoire slot)
- 10 darts
- Pouch/Purse (holds 1/2 stone)
- Coinpurse (0 encumbrance if it holds less than 50 coins)
- Holy Symbol
- Backpack (holds 4 stone) (8 items)
- Blanket (wool, thick)
- Rope (50' length)
- Sack (small, holds 2 stone)
- Sack (large, holds 6 stone)
- Stakes (4) and Mallet
- Tinder Box (flint & steel)
- 2 Water/Wine Skin
- Long hooded cloak
- Mirror (hand-sized, steel)
- Holy Water (3 pints)
- Scroll of Burning Hands
- Potion of Treasure Finding
- Potion of Sweet Water
- Wand of Detecting Traps (18 charges)
- 1 week iron rations
Worn by Xallijk (0 stone)
- Leather belt
- High leather boots
- Tunic and Pants (Armiger)
- Gloves
- Hat
Light Warhorse (4 stone -- 14 items + 2 heavy items)
- War saddle
- 2 saddlebags
- Tent
- Low leather boots
- Fur-lined winter cloak
- Tunic and Pants (Armiger)
- Robe
- 4 oz Ink (1 oz.)
- Spell Book (blank)
- Candle (wax, 5lb)
- 5 weeks iron rations
Medium Riding Horse (0 stone)
Medium draft horse (5 stone -- 16 items + 2 heavy items)
- Draft saddle
- 4 saddlebags
- 8 lbs wheat bread
- 5 lbs cheese
- 1 lb pepper
- 1 lb dried fruit
- 1 dozen eggs
- 1 water skin
- 3 pints rare wine
Medium draft horse (5 stone -- 17 items + 2 heavy items)
- Draft saddle
- 4 saddlebags
- 8 lbs wheat bread
- 5 lbs cheese
- 1 lbs sugar
- 2 lbs dried fruit
- 1 dozen eggs
- 1 water skin
- 3 pints rare wine
Medium draft horse (5 stone -- 18 items + 2 heavy items)
- Draft saddle
- 4 saddlebags
- 12 lbs coarse bread
- 5 lbs cheese
- 1 lbs sugar
- 1 lb dried fruit
- 1 water skin
- 6 pints good wine
Medium draft horse (5 stone -- 18 items + 2 heavy items)
- Draft saddle
- 4 saddlebags
- 12 lbs coarse bread
- 5 lbs cheese
- 1 lbs sugar
- 1 lb dried fruit
- 1 water skin
- 6 pints good wine
Medium draft horse (2 stone -- 8 items + 1 heavy item)
- Draft saddle
- 4 saddlebags
- 4 pints good wine
Medium draft horse (2 stone -- 8 items + 1 heavy item)
- Draft saddle
- 4 saddlebags
- 4 pints good wine