Byzantium: Nightmares Undreamed Of
Recruitment | Re-Recruitment | OOC | IC
Player Characters
- Ilknur Bryennios, Scholar, Spells 4/4*, Init +0, Speed 7, AC X, Disposition 6/6, Psychic Armor 4/4, weapon 1 attack +X, weapon 2 attack +X, Imbuement of Heightened Precision
- Tomás the Red-Handed Bastard, Fighter, Init +1, Speed 8, AC 13, Disposition 8/8, Saber attack +3, Sling attack +3, Aura of Intimidation
- Qaar ben Jachin, Assassin, Init +1, Speed 7, AC 12, Disposition 8/8, Bastard Sword Attack ?, Bow Attack ?, Imbuement: ?
Sample Byzantium Character Sheet
Name | Align | Profession | Hit Die | Cha | Dex | Fer | Hlth | Int | Will | Social Class | Motivation | Background | Defining Aspect | Secret |
Ilknur Bryennios | Neutral | Scholar | d4 | 17 | 11 | 06 | 10 | 16 | 07 | 11 | clear the name of my master | The Court is my Family, These Halls, my Home | Mistress of Myriad Tongues | Caught in a Honeyed Trap |
Tomás the Red-Handed Bastard | Neutral | Fighter | d8 | 04 | 13 | 15 | 13 | 07 | 11 | 10 | get free of this curse | Bourgeois Bastard Born of Ambition | I Work Oddjobs in This Mad City I Love | Help, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Out! |
Rumors and Leads
Notable Posts
- On the Subject of Chaos in Society, including setting information for the game
- On the Subject of Culture in Byzantium
- What Is Byzantium?
House Rules
- Players who lack any 13s or better in the starting attribute array for their character may either swap one set of attributes (per normal) or advance one of their Primary Attributes to 13.
You each start play with a number of Contacts = 1 + CHA modifier (negative modifiers result in bonus Contacts automatically beginning on the lower end of the Reaction table). You can declare your unused Contacts at any time during play. You will have the opportunity to make additional Contacts in play, and can make a Between Adventures move in some extended downtime situations to generate more open Contacts if your current open Contacts are exhausted. When you activate a Contact, I'll roll against the Reaction and Seeing a Man About a Dog tables (TNU 137-138) to determine their current opinion of you and their ability to render the aid you desire. (With the exception that free Contacts generated by negative CHA will at best have a neutral Reaction).
Variations are a new feature in The Nameless Grimoire. I'll be treating Variations as a variation on the spell that can be cast spontaneously, if the spell is mastered and memorized.
Imbuements: You may select one spell you have mastered, and receive a narrative effect for possessing mastery in it that we negotiate. So, for instance, selecting Open as your Imbuement might mean that your character can always open small, unlocked containers within 10' of them with the motion of a finger. Selecting Perfect Orientation might mean that your character can always orient to true north and the direction 'up'. Characters will have the opportunity to acquire additional Imbuements, both as a result of attaining new specific levels and through narrative devices.