The Wasaliak Incident

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The Wasaliak Incident

There is a famous incident that occurred in Wasaliak, a world connected to the Tosian/York Realms through Mac's Bar. The Order of the Saints of battle were informed that the the WCA and LGA had been established in a capital city in Wasaliak and had been active for 40 years. They foght under the 10 Blood rule of Victory. Among the awards frequently given to Lord Gladiators and Lords of the Games was the gold Saint of Battle Insignia and a granting of the right to call themselves Saints of battle.

Suddenly 40 Saints of Battle arrived with entourage. Among the leaders of the expedition were King Alexandir Kos Korag, Duke Dolki Fairhand, Baron Zatonic the Large, Dame Geata Rockbreaker, Duke Jake whitetail, and Duke Kirgor the Red. Their herald was Thrice Crowned Bard Fortunadas Foxmate, a three time Saint of BAttle himself. Duke Fortunadas challenged any wearer of the Saint's sigil to single combat. He announced that to their knowledge 310 wearers of the Sigil were using it with out their permission, including 40 of their Lords of the Games and they had come to do combat. He suggested the symbol be replaced with another one not in conflict with their order. The Association responded that their use of the symbol was in their own realm and of no connection to their Order. There was some harsh words spoken and only the great strength of Zatonic the Large kept King Alexandir from open bloodshed.

The entourage left the Grand Arena and the Wasaliak believed they had settled the matter.

The next day, the opening day of scheduling for Warrior Licensing and Scheduling, 123 Tosian/Yorkist applied for Warrior Status. Among them were all 40 Saints of Battle. Of the other 83 non-Saints were Gesheka LGA members none of whom were lower then Rank Gladiator in the Gesheka/New Wall Associations. All of them were warriors of legendary skill and war experience in the Tosa/York worlds.

While authorities tried to stop it they had no reason to deny licensing to the Tosians. As might be guessed the Warrior Code members were in fear of their lives when entering the field with them. However the Tosians uniformly made the fights merciful, and tried their best not to embarrass their opponents.

The Tosians set up elaborate homes in various regions and climbed the rankings quickly, most skipping one or two, if not all the Warrior Code rankings. They allowed local participants to visit and attend parties, training sessions and practicums. They provided supplemental care for fighter dependents. They worked with them on armor design. They established small Clubs in the homes and began running fights. Guiding young warriors up the ranks.

Within the years all 40 had progressed to the Gladiator ranks. By the next year all 40 had reached Lord Gladiator status. Then all 40 challenged sitting lords wearing the Saint emblem and defeated them in short order. After two years all but 10 designed their lordships and left the realm forever.

The Wasaliak Association now respects the Order of the Saints of Battle accolade.

3200 members of the Wasaliak Association eventually went to the Tosa/York realms as members of various Lord's entourages. Many eventually returned as warriors of bloody experience. Some rose to the Lord Gladiator and Lords of the Games in their own right.