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Stairway to the Heavens

Character Sheet Template (by drearyArchon)

Player Characters

Aaron Windsor (drearyArchon)

Colleen Fitzcollin (Stormraven)

Alexander Stueart (t@nya)

Jeremy Espinosa (Leliel)

Jerocho Polis (Funkadelic)

Vincent Nguyen (Muskrat)

Maya Ikeda (Jolinaxas)

Animeros (insertname)


Momentum Pool: 0/16

A resource shared by all Players. Each time a player fails a roll, they add 1 Momentum to the pool. If the failed roll used a Specialty, add +1 Momentum. If the failed roll resulted in a Botch, add +2 Momentum to the pool.

A player can spend 1 Momentum per die to add a single die to a dice pool, before it is rolled. This dice pool can belong to any player, or even a Storyguide character. This is with the agreement of the table; if a player wants to spend Momentum, they must share their idea with the table. If every player agrees, the Momentum is spent.

A player can spend 3 Momentum to add another interval to a complex action, giving the characters more time in which to work.

If a player has a Knack that requires spending Momentum, they may spend it. They don’t need another player’s say-so.

If the players spend more than half the Momentum pool in a single scene, all players gain 1 Experience.



Tension Pool A SG resource that functions like Momentum but for the SG.


Combat Tracker


OOC Thread

Orokos - To roll a dicepool of X, use [Xd10h8!]. If Y-again is involved use [Xd10oYh8!].

IC Thread