Blank Slate Team2

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Blank Slate 5e

This is for keeping track of characters as they develop throughout the game as well as setting elements.


These will grow with time.



HP 137 = (48 (Con Mod * 12) + 12 (1st level) + 77 (7*11 for barbarian hit die) AC 14

Stats Strength 17 (14 +1 Racial + 2 Attribute) Dex 10 Con 18 (15 +2 Racial +1 Attribute) Int 14 (13 +1 Attribute) Wis 12 Cha 8

Proficiency Armor: Light, Medium, Shields, Simple Weapons, and Martial Weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution Skills: History, Investigation, Survival, Animal Handling

Racial Abilities: Horns- 1d6 Damage with Unarmed strike and advantage on using the Push action. Opponents have advantage on attacks against you if you use your horns to attack. Ancestral Knowledge- Gain the History Skill. Ancestral Recall- You can gain advantage on an Intelligence or Wisdom ability checks. You can use this ability two times. Regain all uses of this ability on a short or long rest.

2nd: Augury 3rd: Speak with dead.

Class Abilities (Barbarian) Rage Unarmored Defense Reckless Attack Danger Sense Primal Path- Ancestral Shaman Extra Attack Fast Movement Feral Instinct Brutal Critical Relentless Rage

Ancestral Shaman: You have a deep connection to your ancestors and can call on them for assistance.

At 3rd Level: Spellcasting, you gain cantrips and spell slots like you were an eldritch knight. (3 Cantrips and 7 spells known. 4- 1st level spells, 3- 2nd level spells) Intelligence is your casting stat.

Choose your cantrips from the Cleric spell list, (one is Light) and two others.

Spells are chosen from this list (you’ve got Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, and Silence, so pick 5 others)

1st: Bless, Bane, Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Protection from Good and Evil, False Life

2nd: Aid, Augury, Calm Emotions, Lesser Restoration, Silence, Gentle Repose, Warding Bond, Prayer of Healing

At 6th Level: Ancestral Shield- When a creature within 30 ft of you (including yourself) takes Necrotic, Psychic, or Radiant damage, you can use your reaction to give them resistance to the damage.

At 10th Level: Ancestral Guidance- You contact an ancestor and they guide your actions. Gain proficiency in one skill for one minute. You can do this once. You regain all uses of this ability after a short or long rest.

Equipment: 2 Kukris (Shortswords) Sheath of Bloodbinding Other basic gear



Lannax's Character Sheet


Name: Ebankh

Ebankh's Character Sheet (retired)

Szuna's Character Sheet


Ruri'Thali's Character Sheet


(combined with the other game)
