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Age (Gender): 25 (Male)
Homeland: The Baracha Isles
Caste (Trait): Corsair (Calculating)
Corsair Story:
Archetype: Pirate
Nature/Education: Scheming/Outlawed on the Shore
Pirate Story: Left to Vengeance
Social Standing: 1
Appearance: A bit taller than most, wih swarthy skin, dark hair, sharp features and oddly-light blue eyes. A man who's sailed with the corsairs, to those that know the look.
Languages: Kushite, Pirate Code, Argossean
Fortune Points: 3
Bonus Damage: Ranged +1 | Melee +2 | Presence +0
- Weapon 1 Name: Range or Reach X, Grip X, Size X, Damage X, Qualities (X, Y), Loads X
- Weapon 2 Name: Range or Reach X, Grip X, Size X, Damage X, Qualities (X, Y), Loads X
Stress & Harm
Vigor: X/Y | Wounds:
Resolve: X/Y | Trauma:
Courage Soak: X
Armor Soak (Armor Type): Head X, Right Arm X, Left Arm X, Torso X, Right Leg X, Left Leg X
Armor Qualities:
Agility: X
- Acrobatics: E/F if possessed, or leave blank
- Melee:
- Stealth:
Awareness: X
- Insight:
- Observation:
- Survival:
- Thievery:
Brawn: X
- Athletics:
- Resistance:
Coordination: X
- Parry:
- Ranged Weapons:
- Sailing:
Intelligence: X
- Alchemy:
- Craft:
- Healing:
- Linguistics:
- Lore:
- Warfare:
Personality: X
- Animal Handling:
- Command
- Counsel:
- Persuade:
- Society:
Willpower: X
- Discipline:
- Sorcery:
- Name of Talent (Homeland): please include a written summary of each
- Name of Talent (Caste):
- Name of Talent (Caste):
- Name of Talent (Skill Tree, Rank X): [from Education]
- Name of Talent (Skill Tree, Rank X): [from Nature]
- Name of Talent (Skill Tree, Rank X): [from Archetype]
Spells & Formulae
Gold: X | Upkeep: X