Into the Wild Woods:Itzalaryn
- Human Bodyguard (Assassin) L7
- XP: 65,000/120,000
- Alignment: Neutral
- Full PC
- STR 13 (+1)
- INT 14 (+1)
- WIS 14 (+1)
- DEX 14 (+1)
- CON 13 (+1)
- CHA 10 (--)
- Languages
- Common
- (Alabaster Principality - his homeland)
- (Is there a Wild Woods region dominate language?)
- General Skills
- Alchemy (proficient)(INT) 15+
- Athletics (b)
- Acrobatics (skilled) (DEX) 10+
- Jumping (skilled) (STR) 10+
- Deception (b)
- Escape Artist (skilled) (DEX) 10+
- Intimidation (skilled) (STR) 10+
- Defensive Stance (skilled) (INT) 10+
- If successful, grants +2 to AC
- Open Doors on a 3 in 6
- Riding (taken twice) (skilled) (???) 10+
- cast spells, attack, do tricks on horseback
- Survival (b)
- Navigation (skilled) (INT) 10+
- Wilderness Survival (skilled) (WIS) 10+
- Thief Abilities
- Climb (9+)
- Disable (8+)
- Hear Noise (9+)
- Read Languages (14+)
- Sleight of Hand (14+)
- Sneak (8+)
- Spot (8+)
- Class Abilities
- Bonus damage when attacking w/ surprise (+2D6)
- Thief Abilities (All via Rogue Knack at lvl 1)
- Wear any armor, use any weapons. (heavier than leather disables thief abilities)
- Successful attacks deal minimum 1D6 damage (lvl 6)
- Start with 2 skills (+1 for INT, +1 at lvl 3, lvl 5, lvl 7)
- Start with 1 knack (+1 at lvl 4, lvl 7)
- Start Proficient with Alchemy (lvl 1)
- Combat Maneuver - Defensive Stance (Proficient) (lvl 2)
- Cleave as a Fighter (up to 7 times)
- Combat Styles:
- Sword & Shield (lvl 1) (+1 AC for adjacent ally, or 2 allies immediately behind)
- Ranged (lvl 6) (+1 to hit, fire freely into melee)
- Knacks
- Rogue (lvl 1) (has all thief skills, 4 points per lvl to improve)
- Tough (lvl 4) (HD becomes D8)
- Divine Champion (lvl 7) (cast as 2nd lvl Cleric, 2 lvl 1 spells)
- AC
- HP (just list the max here, list current HP on the front page.)
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
- Primary Melee Attack: (List the attack throw with all magical, ability, etc., modifiers, like 5+ or whatever), (Damage.)
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack:
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis
- Poison & Death
- Blast & Breath
- Staves & Wands
- Spells
- First Level: Spells Per Day
- A first level spell in your repertoire
- Another first-level spell in your repertoire
- Etc
- Second Level: Spells Per Day
- One
- Two
- You-know-what-to-do
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character.
- Then list
- Those things
- Individually