Reverence of the Palace Commons
Venki Fairhand, God of the Wind, Gd of Song. Thrice Crowned Bard.
The Pantheon of the Palace Common
Alexandir Kos Korag. God of War, 12 time Saint of Battle. Emperor of Greater Tosa. Emperor of York
- (2% increased Vigor & Prowess in Battle. A prayer often said in unison before battle)
Tolknor Scripter . The boss. Writing, languages, time, destiny, Hope, Healing, Singing. Wisdom. Creator of Plymouth. Creator of York
Deblico; God of Street Thieves. Twice Crowned Bard. God of Riddles
- (2% for a good cast or cut or race run, as needed on the occasion)
- Hibbit the Boggie. High Priest of Deblico
- (2% To Hibbit for an opponent to have a bad cast or cut, etc. Can't be used at the same time as a cast under Deblico)
Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand: God of War Magic. Considered by some the God of Evil.
- (2% successful ritual)
Venki Fairhand: God of the Wind, God of Music. God of Tomes. Thrice Crown Bard. Nature God. Garden God. Son of Jeremy Lock pick Fair hand
- (2% for a good growing garden. If successful the garden will grow thick and plentiful in the same place for 20 years. During the 20 years it grows bigger and bigger. Afterwards it grows normally but still rich and well. If the garden had been intended to help a smoking herb garden the produce will be exceptionally good)
- Fortunadas Enright, High Priest of Venki
(1% :If on Gardening, it creates a fine producing garden for 20 years. If called for reading, the devote will memorize all the books in the room forever. if for cooking: the meal will be excellent and all the table ware will endlessly produce.) Dolki Fairhand: Soldiery, Farming. Heavy on Gardening. Any garden, of any size, with a Dolki Totem will be plentiful(Origin of yard gnomes)
- (*2%: Over a farm and everything in the farm will grow plentifully for 20 years.)
Beor of Paradox, God and ruler of Paradox. Thrice Crowned Bard.
- (2% Area Sleep or obsessive reading)
Gorbash; God of Neutrality. God of Nature and the weather.
- (2% Call for favorable weather. 8% call for terrible weather.)
Conf of Shadows Dancer in the Dusk. God of Games and Shadow
- (2%: Learn to Shadowjack)
Caland Kos Kavarendinde: God of Gambling. God of Alcohol and intoxicants. God of Restfullness. Patron of Healing. Son of Alexandir Kos Korag
- (2%:Good or bad outcome of a gambling cast.)
Grog: God of Dwarves
- (2%;find favorable site of riches. 2% : Heal from sickness, pain, or injury)
Mikon: God of Fire
- (2%: Stop or Start major fire)
Mitcholt Kandif: God of Archery. Master of Lust, passion, and adoration. God of Seduction. A woman's first and a woman's last. Not a love god.
Zatonic- God of Strength. God of Games.
Geata Rockbreaker: Goddess of Motherhood. Great Patron of Women warriors. Savior of those fallen in battle. Wife of Zatonic.
Merceno-God of Assassins & Poisoners. God of Dungeons and Prisoners. Good of Cooking
Harriet-Godess of Healing. Patroness of those wounded or in pain. (2% Healing Call)
Digan-God of Rubys and all Gems. Patron of Entertaining. God of Wine
Vomil-God of Brutes and Berserk
Livonia: Goddess of Leprechauns. Goddess of Madness. Goddess of Hatred of the Old Ones.
Maharashtra: God of Cats. The Tomcat. Terror of thee Old Ones. God of Song. Crowned Bard
Rascal== The Pantheon of the Palace Common== Alexandir Kos Korag. God of War, 12 time Saint of Battle. Emperor of Greater Tosca Emperor of York
- (2% increased Vigor & Prowess in Battle. A prayer often said in unison before battle)
Tolknor Scripted . The boss. Writing, languages, time, destiny, Hope, Healing, Singing. Wisdom. Creator of Plymouth. Creator of York
Deblico; God of Street Thieves. Twice Crowned Bard. God of Riddles
- (2% for a good cast or cut or race run, as needed on the occasion)
- Hibbit the Boggie. High Priest of Deblico
- (To Hibbit for an opponent to have a bad cast or cut, etc. Can't be used at the same time as a cast unnder Deblico)
Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand: God of War Magic. Considered by some the God of Evil.
- (2% successful ritual)
Venki Fairhand: God of the Wind, God of Music. God of Tomes. Thrice Crown Bard. Nature God. Garden God. Son of Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand
- (2% for a good growing garden. If successful the garden will grow thick and plentiful in the same place for 20 years. During the 20 years it grows bigger and bigger. Afterwards it grows normally but still rich and well. If the garden had been intended to help a smoking herb garden the produce will be exceptionally good)
- Fortunadas Enright, High Priest of Venki
(1% :If on Gardening, it creates a fine producing garden for 20 years. If called for reading, the devote will memorize all the books in the room forever. if for cooking: the meal will be excellent and all the table ware will endlessly produce.) Dolki Fairhand: Soldiery, Farming. Heavy on Gardening. Any garden, of any size, with a Dolki Totem will be plentiful(Origin of yard gnomes)
- (*2%: Over a farm and everything in the farm will grow plentifully for 20 years.)
Beor of Paradox, God and ruler of Paradox. Thrice Crowned Bard.
- (2% Area Sleep or obsessive reading)
Gorbash; God of Neutrality. God of Nature and the weather.
- (2% Call for favorable weather. 8% call for terrible weather.)
Conf of Shadows Dancer in the Dusk. God of Games and Shadow
- (2%: Learn to Shadowjack)
Caland Kos Kavarendinde: God of Gambling. God of Alcohol and intoxicants. God of Restfullness. Patron of Healing. Son of Alexandir Kos Korag
- (2%:Good or bad outcome of a gambling cast.)
Grog: God of Dwarves
- (2%;find favorable site of riches. 2% : Heal from sickness, pain, or injury)
Mikon: God of Fire
- (2%: Stop or Start major fire)
Mitcholt Kandif: God of Archery. Master of Lust, passion, and adoration. God of Seduction. A woman's first and a woman's last. Not a love god.
Zatonic- God of Strength. God of Games.
Geata Rockbreaker: Goddess of Motherhood. Great Patron of Women warriors. Savior of those fallen in battle. Wife of Zatonic.
Merceno-God of Assasins & Poisoners. God of Dungeons and Prisoners. Good of Cooking
Harriet-Goddess of Healing. Patroness of those wounded or in pain. (2% Healing Call)
Digan-God of Ruby's and all Gems. Patron of Entertaining. God of Wine
Vomil-God of Brutes and Beserkers.
Vonnilia: Goddess of Leprechauns. Goddess of Madness. Goddess of Hatred of the Old Ones.
Shaharazad: God of Cats. The Tomcat. Terror of thee Old Ones. God of Song. Crowned Bard
Rascul: God of Horses. Venki's Horse. A known user of smoking herbs: God of Horses. Venki's Horse. A known user of smoking herbs
The World Stone is a round, smooth blue diamond 30 cm in diameters. It has images in it of the creatures and lifeforms feeding it.
Other Theories
While the belief that it creates Gods is the vast commonly accepted belief, many in the magical community consider it to be a power focus. they claim it gains its power by channeling a tiny bit of the life force of all living thing in the Tosian Sway of millions of worlds. From algae and fungus, to trees and grasses to fish, animals and sentient races, they all give a tiny bit of their life force to the Stone and in return they gain a beief that anyone having touched the stone is somehow an object of veneration.
The Passage of the Stone
The stone occasionally goes into a form of hibernation. The reasons are unclear though Jeremy has claimed it is because the veneration given the possessors and those in the current power conduit lose the attraction of the people, causing them to subtly stop supplying life force to the stone till it reaches a point it must regenerate it powers. At this time those in the power system of the stone are phased out the deeper the stone goes into it hibernation, till it is awoken again, as it was when he and his traveling companions found it in the depths of Eldimior. Then those who touch it become the new gods.
Cold Foe
there are some who believe that a degree of complacency and tiredness of those empowered by the stone causes it to go into hibernation. Then, those of the old pantheon are slowly forgotten and whil the stone recharge the old pantheon loes its powers, some returning to less then they were before they touched the stone. Thee failed gods often become bitter, and are often seen as foes or demons by future generations of the stone.
World Stone in the Current Multiverse
- The stone was unsealed by Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand and his companion.
- It was briefly held by Nur al Din El musifar.
- It is widely believed the stone is in the possession of Conf of Shadows
Commentary on the World Stone
The World Stone is the principle magical item in the Tosian Sway of the Tosa/York Multiverse. it is believed to be a shadow of the Jewel of Judgment.
In practice and popular mythology, the World Stone grants Godhood to individual who touches it. This s how the Tosian world religion has generated for eons with the possession of the stone transferring the pantheon's membership. Known cycles of the World Stone have included the Old Gods (Natural forces gods), the Single Bringer, The Orukarin (and orcish religion), and the Elders of Eldomire. The Pantheon of the Elders of Eldomire included the Old Gods of Nature as well as a dozen different named deities. It was supplanted when the World Stone was claimed by Jeremy LockPick Fairhand.