Warlock Thievish Skills

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Warlock Thievish skills adapted for Amber Diceless RPG for the Jeweled Amber game.


Each pip, unless specified differently, is worth 15 Thievish skills.

Thief Skills by Level a work in progress First Level Skills

finished sets

  • 9 pips: Hibbit[[1]]
  • 8 pips: Damian[[2]]
  • 6 pips: Giatha[[
  • 5 pips: Vek[[
  • 4 pips: [[
  • 2 Pips: Miles ” Bronze” McKinney[[

Thievish Skills Table

Thks table is really messed up and duplicated. Fix it, Mike

How are Thievish skills meant to be used in ADRPG? As advice about how good someone is with a certain talent.

If you imaging going up in levels as sort of like getting older and learning skills. Someone with a little experience Would only have one or two pips in it.

So you consider a skill and what it might imply. Dagger +1 mean the person know how to use a dagger and is unlikely to fumble it. Dagger +5 Means the person has trained a lot with dagger. Dagger +5 Critical would means he is probably an expert with a dagger and how to stick it in crucial place.

There is no hard rule fore what any skill means PR does. These are just suggestions.

The table's caption. One Pip per Level Shown. Each Level represents 10 levels as a thief.
Skill Level One Level Two Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
Alchemy Duplicate Bartender Mixologist Chemist Alchemy Minor Duplicate Common Alchemy Alchemy Difficult Duplicate Poisons x
Bow Accuracy X+ 5% + 10%x x+ 15% x + 20% xCritical x Critical + x x Critical ±x x
Brawling X+1 x +2 x+3 Tricksx x x x x x x
Acrobatics & Parkour X Basic Advanced Beginning Parkour Parkour Parkour Difficult Advance Parkour x x
Buckler Defense +1 +2 +3 VS Thrown vs. VS Arrows x x x x
Bypass Traps 50% 75% x 90% 90%+10 90%+20 90%+30 x x
Camouflage Device 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Camouflage Self X x 25% 50%x 75%x x x x x
Cheat at Game of Skill X x +15% +30% +45% +60% x x x
Climbing (Walls, Obstacles, etc.)

Parkour is a skill taken separately.

+40% +60% +80% +90% x x x x x
Code & Cipher Making Basic +I% +2I% +3I% +4I% +5I%x x x x
Code & Cipher Breaking X Basic +I% +2I% +3I% +4I% x x x x
Con Game X x Basic x+5 to IDC +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +50
Counterfeit Coins X x x 75% x 90% x 95% x x
Counterfeit Magic Items X x x x 50% x x 75% 90% 95%
Dagger Attack X x x +2 level +3 Levels +4 Extra Blow Dagger Quickdraw x x x x
Dagger Range Extension X x Extension x2 x x x3 x x x4 x5
Detect Clerical Item X x 75% x 90% x x x x x
Detect Evil or Good 75% x 90% x x x x x x x
Dagger Defense +1 +2 +3 +4 Tricks x x x x x
Dagger Sure Strike X x X3 x4 x x5 x x6 x x7
Dagger Throwing Accuracy +5% +10% +15% x +20% Critical Critical + x Critical +/- x x
Detect Clerical Item X x x 75% x x 90% x x x
Detect Illusion I% x 2I% x 3I% x 4I% x x x
Detect Magic Item X 75% x 90% x x x x x x
Detect Noise +15% +30% +45% +60% +75% +90% x x x x
Detect Shifting Walls X +20% +40% +60% +80% x x x x x
Detect Sloping Floors X x +20% +40% +60% +80% x x x x
Dice Manipulation X x x 75% x 90% x x x x
Direction Finding & Accuracy X x North 50% Bump 75% Bump 90% Bump x x x x x
Disguise Basic X +30% x +60% x Doppelgang x x x x
Dodge Missiles X x +5% vs.T x +10% All x +15% all x x x
Double Dagger Attack X -3 x -2 x -1 x +0 x x
Double Dagger Draw X Basic x x Quickdraw x x x x x
Double Dagger Throw X x -20% x -10% x +0 x x x
Double Short Sword Attack X x -3 -2 -1 +0 x x x x
Echo Walk X x x 50% x 75% x 90% x x
Entertaining X x +C +2C% +3C% +4C% +5C% x x x
Escape From Restraints X Basic +DA% +2DA% +3DA% x x x x x
Estimate Range X x±10% x ±5%x x x±1% x x x x
Estimate Volume X x x ±20% x±10% ±5%x x x x x x
Evaluate Treasure X x x x ±25% x x ±10% x x
Extra Arrow X x x -20% x-15% -10% x x -5% x x +0x x
Extra Blow Dagger X x x 10% 20%x 30%x x x x x x
Fast Talking X x +IC% x +2IC%x x +3IC%x x x x x
Fist Attack X+2 x x+3 x +4x x x x x x
Defense X+1 x+2 x +3 x+4 x x x x x x
Forgery X x x x x80% x x x 90% x x
Game of Skill X x+15% x x +30% x x+45% x x+60% x
Grappling Hook X x 30% x x50% x x70% x x90% x x
Heist From Packs & Bundles X x x x50% x x75% x x90% x x
Horsemanship X x+APR% x x+2APR% x x+3APR% x x x x
Identify Clerical Item X x x20% x40% x60% x80% x x x x
Identify Magical Item X x x x20% x40% x60% x80% x x x
Identify Metals X x x x x75% x x x90% x x
Increased Memorization / / X x x x+I% x x+2I% x x+ 3I% x x
Jam Portals / / X x x50% x 75% x 90% x x x
Jewelry Smithing X x + 20% +40% x Cut Gems x x Cut+20% Cut+40%
Jimmy Portals 50% x x 75% x 90% x x x x x
Juggle Basic +30% +60% +80% +90% +95% 99% x x x
Jumping & Leaping APR% 2APR% x 3APR% x 4APR% x x x x
Lie Convincingly X x +25% x +50% x +75% x +90% x
Lip Reading X 50% x 75% x 90% x x x x
Locksmithing / Basic +10% +20% +30% +40% +50% +60% +70% x
Lore Mastery X x x x+I% x+2I% x+3I% x+4I% x +5I% x x
Manipulate Objects with Feet X x x50% x x75% x x 90% x x x
Map Making & Reading X x Basic x Make 50% x Make 75% x Make 90% x
Mimic Animal Sounds X x60% x 75% x 90% x x x x
Mimic Movement X x 75% x 90% x 95% x x x
Mimic voices X x x75% x 90% x x 95% x x
Misdirection X x x +IDC%x x +2IDC%x x+3IDC% x x+4IDC% x +5IDC%
Move Silently X+20% x x+40% x +60%x x +80% x x x +90% x
Note Poisoned Mechanisms X x x x75% x x90% x x x x
Outdoor Knowledge (per terrain) X x+10% x +20% +30% x+40% x+ 50% x x x x
Parry Bonus & Extension Bonus Dagger Ex . X x x x 2nd Wpn x x x x x
Pick Locks X x60% x 75% x x90% x 95% x x 99% x
Pick Pockets X x60% x75% x90% x95% x x 99% x x x
Play Dead X50% x x x75% x x x90% x x x
Poison use & Manufacture Safe use X x x Traps x x Making Antidotes x x x
Quarterstaff Attack X x x+2 x+3 x +4 x Extra Blow x x x x
Quarterstaff Defense X x x +1 x+2 x+3 x+4 x Tricksx x x
Quarterstaff Gripping * X x x x x x x x x x
Read Extra Language * X x x Language x x x x x x
Sap X 50% KO x x 75% KO x x 90% KO x x x x
Short Sword Draw X x x Basic x x xQuickdraw x x x x
Short Sword Throw X x +5% x+10% x x+ 15% x x+20% x x
Skulking X x50% x x75% x x90% x x Freezex x
Sleep Drugs X x x x x Safe use x x x x x
Sap Sure Strike * X x x x x x x x x x
Secret Panel Building X x xBasic x +20% x +40% x x x
See In Dark X x x x x+50% x x x x x
Set False Trails X x Basic x x+20% x +40% x x +60%x x
Set Traps X xBasic x +10% x+20% x+30% x+40% x +50% +60% x
Short Sword Attack X x+2 x +3 x+4 xExtra Blow x x x x x
Short Sword Defense +1 x+2 x +3 x +4 Tricks x x x x x
Sleight of Hand X x80% x 90% x95% x99% x x x x x
Sling Accuracy X x+10% x+15% x +20% x +Distance x xCritical x x
Spot Hidden Items & Beings X x x+15% x +30% x+45% x+60% x+75% x+90% x x
Spot Hidden Portals & Mech. X x x x+20% x+40% x+60% x +80% +90% x x x
Spot Thievish Activity X x x+25% x x+50% x x+90% x x x
Spot Traps in Mechanisms X x x60% x x 75% x x90% x x x
Spot Traps in Terrain X x x x60% 75% x x x90% x x x
Start Fires X 50% x90% xArson x x x x x x x
Tightrope Walk X x x75% x90% 95%x x x x x x
Tracking X x25% x50% x70% x80% 90%x 95% x x x x
Surprise Bonus + 15% +30% X x x x x x x x x x
Tangle Net Throwing +5% + 10% +15% +20% X x x x x x x x x x
Taste Analysis * X x x identify x x x x x x
Tell Truth Convincingly * X x+25% x +50%x x x+75% x x+90% x x
Tie up With Ropes + X Basic x % +SD% x x+2SDx x x+3SD% x x x
Start Fires X x50% x x90% x x xArsonist x x x
Tracking 25% 50% 70% 80% 90% 95% X x x x x x x x x x
Streetwise X x+20% x x+40% x x+60% x x+75% x x
Treasure Finding 50% 75% 90% X x x x x x x x x x
Treasure Hiding +40% +60% +85% X x x+10% x+25% x x x x x x
Ventriloquism 60% 80% 90% 95% 99% X x x x x x x x x x
Weapon Attack (Other Thievish) +2 +3 +4 Extra Blow X x x x x x x x x x
Weapon Draw Basic Quickdraw X x x x x x x x x x
Weapon Defense +1 +2 +3 +4 Tricks X x x x x x x x x x
Weapon Throw (if applicable) X x + 5% +10% + 15% +20% x x x x

First Level Skills