Sword of Khyber

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CE Swordsage 6, Blackguard 10

Infamous and unknown to all but the most knowledgeable scholars, stalwart paladins and vile cultists. The Sword of Khyber was at one time the most feared name in all the continent of Khorvaire. Responsible for the deaths of a hundred or so heroes, politicians and other important figures and normal commoners across Khorvaire. His signature weapons were the famous Dragon Slayer which he stole and was later recovered from him by Ethan Rhefeldt and his right arm which was deformed into a massive and powerful demonic arm.

The sword of Khyber disappeared around the same time Genai d'Deneith wandered into the Demon Waests. Making several allegations as to whether or not Genai was the man to kill the dreaded warrior. The truth may never be known however. Since Genai has taken no credit for the Sword of Khyber's disappearance or his apparent rise to the Dragon Below's favor with him gone.

Thousands of guesses exist as to what happened to the Sword of Khyber. Some say he has gone to Argonessen to defeat the Light of Siberys. Others believe he is dead by Genai's hand or that he killed himself out of madness. One dark theory suggests that he fought the demon Raja of war and defeated him, taking his place as the new Dark Lord of War. His sudden disappearance from the face of the earth is one of the greatest mysteries facing the people of Eberron. With only the most powerful outsiders and demons of Khyber knowing the strange truth.

Roleplaying Tips

The Sword of Khyber is, by all accounts, dead and gone and should not be brought into the RP on a whim. If you wish to introduce him into a character back story then keep a few things in mind.

- He was around before Genai d'Deneith or the Twelve Deadly Gods.

- Nearly no one knew that he even existed, just as the Lords of Dust are mostly "myths".

- He should be as heartless, cold blooded and dispassionate as you can imagine. He's not one to laugh maniacally or spout out crazed words like a mad man. But he will do anything in the service of the Dragon Below and has killed quite a few people. Women, children, elderly none are spared when he strikes.

Shadows over Cyre