Arnino Storm Picks (Tobyverse)
Ok, I'll be going for a middle-eastern team. In the early days of Islam, prophet Muhammad said that even Djinns or monsters could enter Paradise if they lived well and followed God's commandments. This message touched some of the strange creatures who lived in the middle-east, who banded together to protect the weak and fight evil, as a way to perhaps earn Paradise. Over the centuries, there were many incarnations of this team, and t transformed into a team of strange people using their powers for good rather than a specific group of "freaks and monsters". The last incarnation died in the 30s, but now it is needed more than ever. A group of people with special powers, of different nationality, religion and even origin of their powers are banding together to fight the good fight and help the people of the Middle-East and North Africa. Along the way they'll have to fight not only various super-powered villains, but also many of the local governments, who don't like much the idea of a super-powered team not under their control.