- Warrior: 1
- (0) / (500)
- Hits: (1/1)
- Combat Pool: (1)
- AC 6 with a shield, 5 without
- Modifiers: (+1 from Agile to AC and ranged attacks, initiative, parry and dodge, as well as abilities or saving throws involving speed, manual dexterity, athleticism)
- Morale: (+0)
- Reaction: (+0/-2 depending on whether the NPC qualifies as upright citizen)
- Initiative: (+1)
- Movement: (16)
- Gifts & Curses: (Give their names and a brief description of what they do in the blanks below.)
- Cad (The character has low moral fiber and ungentlemanly conduct. Any time he is presented with an opportunity to misbehave (a free night in a new city, for example), or in a social situation where proper behavior is expected, he must make a standard saving throw (modified by gifts or abilities relevant to self control, which are currently... none, or -1 for Coward) or pursue a debauched plan or embarrass himself. -2 to reaction rolls from upright citizens who are aware of the character’s leanings).
- Coward. Simply -1 to morale.
- Abilities: (Same as for G&C)
- Agile. Increase Armor Class by 1. +1 bonus to missile attacks (including thrown weapons), parry and dodge attempts, initiative, and ability or saving rolls involving manual dexterity, speed or athleticism.
- Survival: The character is skilled at hunting, foraging, finding water and shelter, orienteering in natural environments, recognizing natural animals and their properties, and other skills of woodcraft.
- Armour: (Enter information and stats on armor and shield in the space below)
- Leather armour AC4 red 0 pen-4 painted green
- Shield AC+1, red 0, pen 0 painted brownish-red, with green diagonal stripes
- Weaponry: (Same)
- Flail skirmish+0, damage+1, attack in duel +1, parry N/A reach 0
- Dagger skirmish-1, damage-1, attack in duel +0, parry -1 Reach -1
- Longbow skirmish+1, damage+0, attack in duel +1, reach 40
- Shield skirmish N/A, damage-2, attack in duel -1, parry +1, reach -1
- Gear: (All other relevant items of equipment. I recommend listing more than one item per line, for reasons of space.)
- bottle of spirits
- backpack
- flint and tinder
- hunting horn
- waterskin
- 6 torches
- pouch
- 6 spikes
- 10 meters of rope
- hard tack (3 days)
- a kestrel named Rasho
- Treasure
- Marks:
- Crowns:
- Shillings: 1
- Pennies: 9
- Farthings:
- Gems, Jewelry, and so forth: In His Dreams.