Guerrilla Radio - WSAR

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Thank you so much for this! I havent been this thlerlid by a blog for a LONG time! Youve got it, whatever that means in blogging. HaHa. Youre definitely someone that has something to say that people need to hear. Keep up the great work. Keep on inspiring the people!


Good pitons all around. Truly appreciated.


Freedom City, 04/28/06, EST. 19:13:32

Where FC gets it's news.
1240 WSAR
It's top of the hour, I'm Troy Watkins and this is what's happening.

Hot off WSAR Guerilla Satelite, we continue to gather details this evening on the incident reported when last we aired - regarding the insurgent rebel cell calling themselves 'the Band of Steel'. At this time we DO have confirmation of a large contingent of Grue Armament that has been redirected to the site of the MAG-LEV tubes bisecting the Rockies entering near 'Helena National Forest' and continuing beneath the 'Big Belt Mountatin Range'.
Best information shows a formerly classified prison transfer train to be the cause of this incident. This reporter can only guess the nature of the alarm to speculate that this is ALSO the cause of Warlord Grypon's flag-ship - 'Doom on Freedom City', to have shifted their alignment to synchronis orbit. As many listeners know, 'Doom on Freedom City' is the lead vessel in the 3 ship battlegroup of 'the Righteous Fist of Heaven' Class Deep Stand-off Attack (DSA) Cruisers in the Star-Khan's Khanate Star Armada.
Based on satelite and broadband signal - super villain criminals, with power able to challenge our long lost Freedom League, may take their freedom due. Known theifs such as the Maestro and Doc Cartridge may be of little concern but what may come should world-class-threats including Gamma and Baron Samedi or serial killers such as Death, Taxes and Gepetto escape their cells and the incoming alien corral??
IS IT wise to allow such dangers to roam a heroless world? Or will even these madmen look to retake the world from alien influence? Possibly to supplant their own? We can only watch and hold hope.

In other news Lady Lunar supreme ruler of the Faresider city has agreed to terms with the Stellar Khanate. A press release issued by the Earth/Zultas United Worlds Assembly (UWA) has recognized Luna as an independant sovergn world to be governed by the Faresider Royal line. Terms were negociated in what appears to be an unusal act of judition by the Star-Khan, leaving Fareside City void of Grue and Khan troop. Footage (available on Guerilla Vid-Cast) witnesses Lady Lunar welcoming the Star-Khan to the hospitality of the fabled city on the dark side of Earth's moon. The remainder of the royal family were present with very little show of the damage taken by over 9 months of Khanate bombardment.

Segwaying from bombardments - Humanity's history continues to be cut away by 'Grue Devastator' ships. In what appears to be a layered sweep up each continent the Grue's last decimaton has hit Guatemala. Tikal, the largest of the ancient ruined cities of the Mayan Empire located in El Petén, once the major cultural and population center of the Maya civilization has been wiped from the face of the Earth. Now little more than a crater, the site presented hundreds of significant ancient buildings, only a fraction of which have been excavated in the decades of archeological work. The ancient city had the remains of royal palaces, six very large step pyramids supporting temples on their tops, in addition to a number of smaller pyramids, palaces, residences, and inscribed stone monuments.
Mayan, Incan, Aztec, Egyptian the aliens show little care what cultures they desicrate as they continue up through Central American and North Africa. It is presumed that following the months of erradication on the major metropolitan sites, the aliens have shifted focusing on cultural landmarks... Will small town America and villages across the world be next??

WSAR and this reporter offers our best wishes and prayers to those taking up the cause of rebellion in what is quickly becoming the immortal words of a new rebel to the cause...
‘Nicolis has a bowl hair cut. Nicolis has a bowl hair cut.’
‘The clock strikes 2 after 4, The clock strikes 2 after 4.’

Just let them TRY to stop the signal, and that's the news from Freedom City's news station WSAR,
I'm Troy Watkins.“