Dinner in the Green Room

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In attendance at the 70th Year anniversary of the King's reign, and the Dinner of Recognition. Jeweled Road and the War of Balance

Dworkin, Benedict, Corwin ,Caine,Fiona,Bleys,Llewella

Julian, Gerard , Delwin,Random ,Florimel,Dalt, Coral , Rinaldo

Truman,Rene, Merlin ,Duncan ,Galvar , Regulus ,Zachary ,Lark Harooon

Vance,Martin ,Warrick ,Arloxdra ,Despil, Jurt

Among the Recognized

Levcomagnus, Oso, Samuel, & Fisk

Also in attendance is Reach of Calrabon, the new Ambassador from Calrabon.

Those who sent regrets and their reasons:

Adrian. Busy running Mandalay

Cymnea. Couldn't be bothered.

Orsolla Refused her first invitation with no excuse despite having recently met with the King.

Borelak. Wouldn't want to break bread with people he intends to kill.

Sand. Eat dirt, Amberite.

Elfwine Its hummingbird migration season.

Banidoc Someone has to defend the realm while Benedict attends revels.

Doria Really Random? Stop inviting me to things. I have a lot to do to keep Amber safe. I know when shit is happening and if i have time i know how to find the fucking dining room.

Geryon: SQUIRREL!!!!

Houk: Busy running Mandalay.

Derek. If Arlo is going to be there i better not be. My regrets.

Zachary. Circus life is a busy life. I have Mimes to abuse.

Gilva. Next time. I promise.

Dara. Duty calls.

Court First

The gathering in the great hall of Amber was gaining size and tension. The colors of House and Realm mixed with representatives for Golden Circle Realms, Sway Realms and great realms across shadow. Though conversations were everywhere among the attendants, the massive hall did not echo. Notables and nobles glancing around the great hall noticed various gatherings, and often who they spoke with and stood near. The folding benches were slowly being filled. In a section near the front, in bright reds and white were the Nobles from out in Diega, looking particularly nervous. The cluster in Green and Gold is the great Thulusians. Brown and Blue in the shadowy side of the hall are the Dreaneans, including their King, Mark of Brolic.

In the center, oblivious, are the Begmans and the Kashfans, politely snarling at each other in diplomatic smiles. Near them in a cacophony of colors is the embassy of Chaos, Lord Despil chief amongst them. He calmly speaks with an envoy of Mandalay, though Mandalay does not maintain an embassy of its own.

Lord Allen, the king's herald enters near the throne and stands quietly beside it. The crowds know. They begin to take their seats, silence following them like fog.

From the back the great doors open.

Lord Allen announces, “All attend the Court of the King, Random of Amber, and his Queen, Vaile of Amber. “

The audience rises as the King enters with his wife on his arm. Behind him are Benedict and Gerard, then Florimel and Fiona. They walk behind him at pace, and move to take places behind the throne.

As they approach a small group of attendants take places behind the throne to attend the monarchs. With them are Melvin, the King’s scribe, Lord Tyler Smails, the King’s Cupbearer and keeper of the Privy Seal, Lord Harald Chantris, Lady Carmel Urien, the Queen’s companion, and the chief lady in waiting, Lucia Feldane and a few other ladies.

Random takes the dais, leading his lady, resplendent in sea green and pearls, to her throne, a small glowing red stone hanging from a live chain. Turning to face the crowd he speaks, His russet doublet topped by the Jewel of Judgment on its heavy chain. “May you live in Amber, forever. “

The crowd echoes, with the usual suspects remaining quiet.

“This celebration is the 70th year of my reign. I assume all bets are paid off on that account by now.” A small chuckle rumbles. “The Patternfall War was a catalyst of great change. Those of you who have heard this speech before are rolling your eyes. Yes, we are at peace with the major realms, but we must remain vigilant. Shadow is vast and there are realms of vast danger that we know nothing of that hold us in disdain and drink toasts to our deaths. So we remain Vigilant. I won’t talk long. I have a family dinner tonight and I assume some of you have parties to go to as well. First we do have business to conduct”

Sitting, he nods to Allen to begin.

Allen’s soothing voice begins and conducts business of the court; Recognitions of promotions in the military, Recognition of advancement of the arts, Ladies in waiting and King’s Life Guardsman rotating in and out. The usual things for a court of such prominence, minutiae, but all things that must be done publically and well. For some a minor award from the King of Amber might be the highlight of their careers, something they speak of once they return to the shadows of their origins.

Random recognizes embassies from various realms throughout Shadow, mainly of important ones, lastly ones from Golden Circle Kingdoms. In time the court ends, and the crowd disperses. The royals retreat into family quarters.

Dworkin, sitting in his high seat, tucked up in the rafters chuckles briefly as an eagle flies by an open window, then flies fast into the west and the setting sun.

Then Dinner

The green room was filling with golden light from candles and glow globes.

The room had been decorated in russet and gold, for Random. The sideboard was filled to over flowing with finger foods, pickled delights and sweet treats. The flower arrangements shaded the treats beneath. Servants replenish the trays and trade out ones that have lingered too long. The family rarely meets in such numbers but as each decade passes, and more of the Blood of Amber are Recognized, the table get longer, and the gathering moves from room to room

Benedict and Flora speak over a nibbly tray. Gerard and a fine looking woman with dark skin speak off to one side.

Julian, in white linen with the green embroidered unicorn over his breast speaks to Delwin, who glances about for some direction of escape.

The family members and close friends of the court wander about speaking to each other, glancing over those that they do not know.

Some things stand out.

Delwin ignores Vance, though Vance, in his gray and green Star Fleet Uniform with the newly confirmed rank of Admiral, ought to draw some comment from his distant father. Vance himself is seen to be chatting with one of the Recognized, Fisk, a man with a bright blue beard denoting his origin in Dreana, though the rumors are that he has no love for the Brolics.

Llewella looks uncomfortable above the waters, though her attire is gorgeous as she is in sea greens in blue. Her son, to be recognized soon, stands near her. The rumor of his name, Levcomagnus, filters about the room.

Rumor circles amongst the room that the woman with Gerard is his daughter, named Osa, raised in the shadows of Rebma. Her stylish pose hints at deep waters in this Recognized of the waters.

Waiters refill drinks as they wander about.

A stir occurs when the door opens and Corwin enters. With him is a pair of fine looking men, though they both look either nervous or defiant. One is Warrick, Corwin’s heir in Avalon. The other must be Barret, who is to be Recognized this evening...

The new Ambassador from Calrabon, Reach of Calro-Eskon leans against the wall, glancing about with confidence, but confidence not quite earned yet.

In the shadows of the room, though not unseen, Caine watches the room carefully with his to be Recognized son Samuel beside him. The man has a slight sense of the black and white, though he was certainly in color.

Bleys and his son Regulus chat calmly over drinks near a window. Regulus is a rare sight in Amber, though his own Recognition is now 10 years old itself.

The door at the back opens and Random and Vaile enter unannounced. This is not a formal affair despite its size.

He walks among the diners, speaking softly, sharing a joke here and there, and casual under the scrutiny of all eyes as he shakes no hands except those to be Recognized this evening. This has become the custom. Till he takes his first drink, no hand touches his except his wife, and those he recognizes as family. It’s a strange custom but in a family so guarded, it’s a friendly one.

Each person is greeted briefly, as if in passing, a few words exchanged. He lightly kisses the hand of Osa, Gerard standing by her side.

Moving on he stops by Llewella and grasps the ship worn hard grip of Levcomagnus. Rebma is well represented tonight as Llewella, Levcomagnus and Osa all hail from the realm of the sea. Rene is somewhere in the gathering as well though he shys from speaking to the king this evening. Martin is already seated and looks distinctly unhappy to have made the scene.

A few steps further he stops with Corwin, laughing as he shakes hands with Barret as if they share some secret joke between them.

Moving on he stops by Vance and Fisk, shaking his hand and grasping his elbow. Fisk is heard claiming not to know the whereabouts of his father. Random turns to Vance and hands him a bundle Vaile had been holding. Vance unwraps the gift and sees that it is a fire arm. Eyes widen as the meaning of this gesture escapes few of the elders. Having been presented the weapon means Vance is now included in the extremely small circle of those allowed to know the secret of gunpowder in Amber. Benedict, Gerard, Caine, Julian, and Dalt all look less then pleased.

He makes a short detour, for some reason, and breaks with tradition to greet the Ambassador from Calrabon, Senator Reach. They speak awkwardly before the king moves on. The handshake must have been a formality.

Passing by Caine, the king shakes the hand of his son Samuel before moving on to the table.

He stands at the head of the table as the gathering moves to the seats assigned to them. Reaching to pick up his crystal glass, the shimmering red drink glows slightly in the light of the Jewel of Judgment.

Coming in late, and unexpected is Gerard’s son Truman, arrives to a flurry of snickers. He takes his seat quickly, first leaning a guitar against the wall.

All in attendance now, Random raises his glass high, “May you live in Amber, Forever”

The assembly echoes the toast and drink. Seating, the servers enter and the meal begins…


Dinner progresses and conversation rises and falls as the small quartet play softly in the corner. Waiters mingle and refill beverages. The fine red Bayles flows as does the amber ales Gerard fancies and slightly luminous blue drink Vance supplies. Good food and good drink loosens tongues.

Random stands, a snar snake kabob in his hand. “So we have a few bits of business to tend to tonight. First off its time to do some cleaning around the castle. The Elites tell me that the dungeons have some kind of infestation of rats or hamsters or bugbears or such and they would like some help clearing them out. Frankly I’m not concerned since the creatures seem to come in from the ocean and the entrances change frequently. But once they start breeding in the dark places they migrate up top. Arlo walked the pattern last week and said he had to kill two rats of unusual size before getting the door open. Sergeant Robert Duncan is in charge of the lower levels these days. Make your arrangements though him. So, pack a lunch, have a picnic, make a day of it. “ Benedict shakes his head slightly in irritation.

“Secondly, Room assignments for the Recognized will go through Tyler this week since Dame Margot is traveling. Or you can always ask Flora, right, sis?” Flora smiles a smile any kid brother should be used to seeing. “Try not to use the decorator that redid the Dreanan suites. They were... not helpful” Bleys snickers, seeing the king in his cups.

Picking up a handful of grapes as he saunters about the room, he continues, “ Third, There have been some killings in the city. Pretty brutal stuff even for here. Since we cast shadows I disapprove of them. If you know anything about them, see Caine or Samuel. Yes... Samuel has been given the office of Chief of Detectives. He will be heading up the investigation. I know he would have preferred I not mention it but if anyone in this room is involved I want you to have time to flee into shadow and never return. “ Caine scowls but knows a lost cause when he hears it.

“Fourth and by far the least important; As most of you know Vance has bored us with his baseball stories for years and has managed to convince enough people to start a league. Teams will start in Amber, Garn, Ober, and Diega. Another team is comprised of Elites, mostly ones who spent time at Neal’s or Lou’s. Another couple are from Vulsar Base. Usually I wouldn’t have mentioned this but since only Vance, Ben, Gerard and I have guns in this room, I thought it prudent. “

Dark looks aim toward the monarch and many a worn dark thought crosses jaded old minds.

“Hey! I have one too!” shouts Vaile from her seat. This gathers several shocked glances and a few laughs. Just what Amber needs; a blind woman shooting high caliber fire arms.

“Lastly.. There is a pair of realms in shadow. Regor and Azcala. If you run across anyone from these realms let me know immediately. Tell Ben, Gerard, Fiona, Vance, Caine or Dalt if you can’t reach me and tell them after you speak to me. Both have old grudges and both are not above a little mayhem.”

Random wanders back to his seat and settles down. Picking up a fetry wing, he nibbles, listening to Vaile. Conversations slowly resume their regular pace. Truman and Vance move over toward the quartet, Truman reclaiming his guitar, as Vance takes a place behind the waiting hammer dulcimer.

Others stand as dinner is done and the evening progresses. Family may argue, but once a decade, they also have dinner.
